Javascript For Loops

JavaScript offers another type of loop, called a for loop, that’s a little more compact
(and a little more confusing). For loops are usually used for repeating a series of
steps a certain number of times, so they often involve some kind of counter variable,
a conditional test, and a way of changing the counter variable. In many cases,
a for loop can achieve the same thing as a while loop, with fewer lines of code. For

for (var num=1; num<=100; num++) {
document.write('Number ' + num + '<br>');

var days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday','Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'];
for (var i=0; i<days.length; i++) {
document.write(days[i] + ', ');

Since for loops provide an easy way to repeat a series of steps a set number of times,
they work really well for working through the elements of an array. The while loop
in Figure 3-5, which writes each item in an array to the page, can be rewritten using
a for loop,