Showing posts with label eCommerce Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eCommerce Marketing. Show all posts

AdSense for Video

AdSense for Video

AdSense for Video is the newest addition
 to the video family for AdSense. So
new, in fact, that it’s still in beta testing,
 and is only available to a certain number
of participants. To be selected, you also
 have to meet certain restrictions:
You must have a Flash 7 player that you
can control.

You must have 1,000,000 or more monthly
streams — that’s a million times a month that
 your video is viewed by site visitors. Don’t let the
number scare you. It’s not all that uncommon for a popular YouTube
video to get a million or more views in a month’s time.
You must be a U.S.-based Web site owner who publishes AdSense ads on
your site and you must have a primarily U.S. viewership.
If you meet these requirements and want to display AdSense for Video ads.

While the ad is showing, the video that should be playing in the player is
paused. Then, when the ad is finished, the area in which it is displayed
shrinks back but still displays a link to the advertiser. The video that you
have set to play should then begin on its own.

Text overlay ads don’t contain any actual video. They are simple text ads
that overlay the lower one-third of the player. Your video plays as usual but
the link remains available throughout the whole video.
There is no inherent advantage to one type of ad over the other — InVideo or
Text Overlay. It’s mostly a personal choice that should be governed by what
you and your visitors prefer.

Putting AdSense video capabilities into place on your Web site differs a little
with each different type of video capability AdSense offers. The simplest path
to take involves using click-to-play video ads, whereas AdSense for Video is
definitely a bit trickier.

Implementing click-to-play video ads is as simple as choosing the right format
(large rectangle, square, wide skyscraper, and so on) and enabling graphic
ad displays. Choosing the right format for video ads

Google AdSense-Enabling earn revenue

Google AdSense

You might be saying to yourself , this is truly
 fascinating stuff, but where does AdSense fit in to all this?”
 Wonder no longer. AdSense in its infinite
wisdom, is working on software that would place
AdSense ads directly into the RSS feeds that are
 pushed out to subscribers. The idea here is that even
though you have content that’s pushed out to readers,
 you can still monetize that content with ads.

 This is an especially valuable concept for Web site
owners out there who provide complete content in feeds.
Often, a Web site or blog owner will only syndicate a
small portion of his content, specifically because doing
 so forces the readers to come to the Web site
to finish reading the content, which increases the chances
 that those readers will click any ads that are shown
 on the site. Pushing your ads out with your
content gives you one more opportunity to get ads
 in front of readers.

Create dynamiccontent — content that changes frequently.
Have that content pushed out to your readers.

Place ads within the content that remain intact,
 even if the reader doesn’t visit your Web site.

It’s a grand idea, but the program is still in
 beta testing. And the beta testing is closed
 to new users — at least for a little while longer.
 So, even though the AdSense Web site advertises
 AdSense for RSS, you can’t access it.

Creating an account in FeedBurner is easy enough. All you have to do is
1.  Point your Web browser to
 Feedburner’s home page loads on your computer screen.
2.  Click the Register link in the upper-right corner of the page.
 The Create an Account page appears.
3.  Enter the requested information in the Create an Account page and
then click Sign In.
4.  Enter the URL of your blog, podcast, or news feed into the text field
and then click Next.
 A new page appears, giving you some information about your feed.
5.  Read through the information, and then if you want, you can change
the feed title or the feed address. When you’re ready, click Activate

Earning with Feed Ads

AdSense for Feeds doesn’t currently have a designation on the AdSense Web
site. In fact, if you’re not specifically searching for the topic, you won’t ever
find it. And it’s not just the information that’s hard to locate. Anything related
to your earnings or the performance of the ads is also non-existent.
At least for now, feed ads are tracked through AdSense for Content. I assume
that will change when the program is finally released for general consumption. At that time, it’s most likely that — like other AdSense programs — feed
ads will have their own sections.
Until then, assigning a channel that’s specific to your feed ads is the best way
to track them. Since the numbers for your ads will be lumped in with AdSense
for Content data, without a designated channel you’ll never know what’s
coming from your Web site or blog and what’s coming from your feed.

Google AdSense offers the same type of service. The difference is that
AdSense offers the ability to refer other programs or Web sites, rather than
just offer the products that you like. For example, I use the Firefox Web
browser, which is a personal preference, but I love it and think everyone who
tries it will love it too. I include an AdSense referral button for Firefox where
space allows on my Web sites.

How ta Starting a Blog-Make Your Blog Work For You

Making money and driving traffic to your blog

To begin, you will create a new Blogger blog;
review and navigate the Dashboard;
 and learn how to create, edit, delete,
and schedule posts. Posts are the
substance of a blog and should be regularly
published, not only to keep your readers
 interestedin following your blog but to
help improve your online ranking.
 Use labels to categorize blog content with adsence
 and allow visitors to quickly find
 what they are looking for.

A Google Search Box can also be added
 to assist visitors in searching your site.
Once your blog is setup, add a personal
 touch by adding a theme, adjusting fonts and colors, and
adding desired gadgets sidebar items,
 as well as learn how to install a custom banner adsense for mobile.

You may customize your blog’s settings Ads placement, such
 as inputting your e-mail address to review comments,
modifying the Blog Description, adding HTML
to put your signature at the end of each new post, or
setting up a custom domain.

It is important to design your blog with your
 audience and purpose in mind, and then incorporate
that into the blog layout, color scheme, and overall functionality.

Furthermore, you’ll learn how to make money
with your blog. One of the most popular methods is
by using Google AdSense. Blogger has a
“Monetize” area of the Dashboard specifically to work with
Google AdSense. Many bloggers also add affiliate
 links to their sidebars where you can make money
from referring others to a service or product you
personally use, like, and recommend.

When you insert images into your Blogger
 blog, they are automatically stored to a
Picasa Web Album.

You may also create and link to additional
 albums. However, when adding an image
 to separate your blog posts, a custom
 banner or background, you may not
 want them added to your gallery and included
with other graphics posted to your blog.
 Instead, we’ll review how to use
Google Sites to store, manage,
and use images.

Creating a Blog

The first step in creating a blog is to create a name.
 Although Blogger allows you to change your blog’s
address once it is setup, it is important to take time
to think about a name before getting started. The
name of your blog should be related to the purpose
 of your blog, whether it’s a personal blog about
yourself in general, goals you have accomplished,
a journey you are on, or a professional blog about a
service or product you provide. If you were blogging
about yourself, you may use your name as the blog
name and therefore part of your blog address.
open, visit

Earning with AdSense for Mobile

Earning with AdSense for Mobile

The AdSense way of doing things is pretty
 much the same across all ad formats
 visitor clicks ad, you get money.
 Mobile ads do have onewrinkle
that you haven’t seen in other types
of ads, though, and that’s the Click
to Call link. This link allows visitors
 to click the link and place a call to the
advertiser. It’s a cool feature, but one that
 might leave you wondering how
you’ll get paid for that.

Truth is that this link works just like any other link in an ad. You get paid for
mobile ads whenever your site visitors click the ad links. That includes the
Click to Call link. Like other types of AdSense ads, the amount of payment
is determined by the payments that advertisers make when their ads are
displayed. It’s a formula that Google keeps closely guarded, but it works the
same as AdSense for Content and other types of AdSense. Advertisers bid for
the right to have their ads shown. Then, each time the ad is shown, Google
gets paid whatever that winning bid amount is. In turn, Google then gives
a percentage of what it is paid to you, the Web site owner who publishes
the ad. But how much is the exact percentage? Google is pretty tight-lipped
about it.

You can track your AdSense for Mobile earnings on the Reports page, which
is the first page you encounter when you sign in to your AdSense account.
Included here is a category for AdSense for Mobile Content that shows page
impressions, clicks, click-through-rates, effective cost-per-thousand impressions,
 and earnings. Like other reports, you can show these numbers by day,
week, month, or all the time.

•  Creating a new blog and publishing posts
•  Designing a blog, changing its layout, and installing gadgets
•  Making money and driving traffic to your blog
•  Incorporating social networking tools and search engine optimization tips
•  Using a domain instead of the default “BlogSpot” address
•  Creating a gallery and knowing how and where to store images online
•  Using advanced blog design techniques HTML and CSS and customization
•  Developing an online store using Blogger pages
•  Finding additional help and troubleshooting the most common mistakes 

Mobile Web sites, and by extension mobile ads, aren’t for everyone. You may
not have a Web site that’s appropriate for (or is even of interest to) mobile
surfers. That’s a call you have to make.
If your site does lend itself to the mobile lifestyle, however, consider AdSense
for Mobile. It’s one way to monetize your mobile efforts — and although the
revenues that you generate for mobile ads might not be enough to pay the
mortgage or the payment on that shiny new car you rushed out and bought
when you were approved to display AdSense ads, it might add a little to the
revenue streams that you’re building. In my book, every little bit helps.

As the popularity of blogs grew, so did the popularity of another technology,
called a feedor RSS feed.Both of these terms refer to the same thing. Feeds
are content that is pushed out to registered users who have signed up to
receive them. The content that’s pushed out can be short teasers about blog
posts, news, or podcasts or it can be a complete blog post, news item, or

Adsense-Placing mobile ads to increase earnings

Adsense-Placing mobile ads to increase earnings

Placement is one problem that you’ll likely
encounter with mobile ads. The format of a
mobile Web site is already so small, so how do
you place ads that catch the attention of mobile
My suggestion is to place them near the top of
the page. For example, if you’re setting up your
mobile Web site so that a small logo appears
and then content and links for your page immediately
 display, ads appear between the logo
and the content.

This gets the ads right in front of the mobile
Web site users as quickly as possible to ensure
they don’t navigate away from the page before
your ads are seen.

Another alternative might be to put your ads
at the top of a list of links that appear on your

obile Web page. This integrates the ads into
the links, making them feel a little more natural
on the site. But again, they’re still above the links
so that users have the chance to actually see the
ads before they navigate away from the page.
Ultimately, the perfect placement of your ads
may take some trial-and-error. With any form
of AdSense, don’t take my word — or anyone
else’s for that matter — as gospel. Instead,
begin with my suggestions and test your ads
over a period of time to see where they earn
the most click-throughs for your site. Only thorough
 testing can you really determine what
works and what doesn’t on your specific pages.

AdSense-Social Media Marketing

AdSense-Social Media Marketing

Social marketing is a relatively new concept
 that’s based on a phenomenon that’s grown
 despite the fact that no marketing experts
saw it coming, and it’s all based on social
networks, such as those brought into being by
MySpace and Facebook.

The idea with social networks is that you
 have an online community where
you can connect and share with people
 who have the same interests that you
do. For some, that might be an interest in
 specific people or hobbies. For others,
the interest could surround employment
 or education.

What’s important is that a social network lets
you create a circle of like-minded friends and
acquaintances — also called a community.

For example, with MySpace, the concept is to
 build a home page where you and your friends
 can connect.

You can also connect with others who are potential friends because they can
view your MySpace page and learn about you and your interests.
If you’re marketing with social networking, create your network, and as you have
something to market, share it with that group of friends in your community.
They then share it with their friends, and before you know it, a network that’s
far beyond the group you could reach on your own knows what you’re doing.
Here’s the catch with social media marketing though: If you develop a social
network specifically to sell something to the people in that network, you’ll fall
right on your face. Really. Social networks are created by people who have
something to share with other people who think like them. If you barge into the
network with a sales pitch and nothing more, you’ll be completely ostracized.
To be truly effective, you have to actually participate in the communities that
you join. That means interacting with people and offering up something that
others can use most of the time without expecting anything in return.
If you really want to see how social media marketing works, check out some
of the organizations that have successful sites on MySpace or Facebook —
Christian bands like Three Days Grace, for example. To get to the point
where a social media marketing strategy is successful requires a lot of effort
and attention, but the results can be very much worth the time you put into
developing your place on the network

AdSense Basics-Potential of AdSense-Ad code blog post

AdSense Basics-Potential of AdSense-Ad code blog post

AdSense is an advertising program that
 anyone who publishes a Web site can
use to generate income for  Web site.

 But there’s one small condition 
Google must approve your site before
 ads are shown on your site.
How to make money with google adsense.
Google Adsense Learn how Adsense tips and get tips
 and strategies to  generating more money through Adsense.

A longer explanation is that AdSense is
 an ad-placement program that utilizes
Google’s proprietary search capabilities
 to determine the best placement for
ads that are purchased through the
Google AdWords program.

AdSense is contextual advertising,or ads
 that appear in the context of surrounding
 content. What this means for you is that
 AdSense ads are related to the content
 of the pages on which those ads appear.

The bottom line is that with AdSense,
 you can place ads on your Website that
are targeted to the content of your site.

while creating income is the most likely reason
 that publishers use AdSense, it’s not the only one.
 Some publishers use AdSense as a means of
making their Web site more valuable to site visitors.

Anyone who displays an AdSense ad is considered
a publisher,whereas anyone who purchases
 the ads that are displayed through AdSense is an

Unique visits:A visitor is considered uniquewhen she visits your Web
site the first time during a given period of time. Depending on the
metric— the measurement used to track visitors on your Web site
that’s used, a visitor might be considered unique the first time he visits
your site in a 24-hour period, the first time in a week, or the first time
in an hour. For AdSense, the unique visits measurement is used to help
determine the click-thru rate for ads.

With those hypothetical numbers in place, you can
use this equation to estimate how much you might
 make from your AdSense ads earn on a given day:

unique visits x average CTR x average CPC = potential revenue
1,000 x .02x$.25 = $5.00

Using that equation and the hypothetical numbers,you could
estimate that you’d make $5.00 per day, or $150.00 per month.

In some rare cases, you may have heard of AdSense
publishers making $20,000 or more each month.
 Those are rare cases, but it’s possible to build
a decent revenue stream with AdSense if you
manage the use of the ads carefully on sites that
are very well designed.

What is likely is that you might be able to make
enough to cover your Web site hosting or even
 enough to cover your mortgage. AdSense definitely has
the potential. How you manage the program combined
 with how well your site is designed and the amount
of traffic that your site receives determine how
 much you make.

If you’re going to use AdSense, you most definitely want to have some kind of
Web site analytics program. A Web site analytics program tracks the number
of visitors to your site and some of their behaviors while they’re on your site.
You can use a program like AWStats or ClickTracks, but those programs are
nowhere near as easy to use as Google Analytics.

• Your Web site URL:Google will check the site to
 ensure it’s appropriate for ads to be displayed.
• Your Web site language:To ensure that AdSense is available to your
site visitors and that any ads placed are properly targeted to the
main language of your site.
• Type of account:Use this drop-down menu to select whether you’re
creating a personal account or a business account. If the account
is for you, it’s personal, and if you plan to use it as part of a business
 that you own, it’s a business account.
• Country or territory:You do know where you live, don’t you?
• The payee name: This is the name under which you want your
payments issued. If you’re creating a personal account, it should
be your personal name. If you’re creating a business account, it’s
best to use the business name, but you can also use your personal
name if you prefer.
Payments are made electronically or by check, but you set that
information up after you’ve created your AdSense account, so for
now all you need to know is to whom and where payments should
be sent.
• Address and telephone number:Use the address where you would
like to have your payments sent, and be sure to include a working
telephone number in case the good people at AdSense need to
contact you concerning payments.

Instead, AdSense has a testing capability — the AdSense preview tool.It’s a
small application you have to download and add to your computer’s registry,
which allows you to see what the ads look like and how they behave without
having to click your own ads.

Download the preview tool from the
AdSense Help Center at
In the Help Center, search for preview
tool. You should be taken to a search
results page where the top result is a
link to the page from which you can download
the preview tool. The directions
on the page walk you through downloading and
 installing the preview tool.

Site content
Here’s where the program policies begin to get interesting. Okay, not really.
There is rarely anything interesting about program policies. But a lot of meat
is in this section of the program policies, and you should pay close attention
to what’s here.
Google’s requirements for site content are basic: no violent content, no adult
content, nothing related to gambling, and nothing associated with any type of
illegal activities. But that’s not all. Google also frowns on Web sites that are
related to anything that could be construed as controversial.

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines tell you everything you need to know about
what the company expects from the design of a Web site. The document is
pretty complicated, but it can be summed up in one word: simplicity.

Consistency is also a very important factor in improving the traffic to your
Web site. Every day you should be plugging away at your marketing efforts,
in whatever form works best for your site. Web site marketing does require
constant attention, however. Pushing for a short period of time to improve
your traffic but then letting the efforts fall by the wayside does no good.

Everyone seems to be seeking the key to more
 Web site content. In today’s information-driven
society, great, dynamic content is the key. People
 are usually online because they’re looking for
 something — relationships, information,
products, or services. Content is the way
 they find what they’re looking for.

AdSense for Search for revenues

AdSense search box for your Web site

If yours is a site that’s hundreds of pages deep, such a
 search capability forboth the site and the Web is essential.
Even if you have a smaller site though,search is an important
 element. Users may come to your site and find only
part of what they’re looking for.

AdSense for Search gives you the search capabilities
you need, but you haveto use it well. You have to work
through a few things, including figuring out how your revenues
 will be made and what kind of search options will be best
for the visitors who come to your site. You also have to think
 about whetherit’s worth customizing your search box.

When it comes to searches that really turn up results, Google
 is the King of the Hill. A dozen or so other search engines
 are out there, and some of themeven offer search capabilities
 for Web sites and enterprises; but none of them
match the power of Google and none of them have gained
 the confidenceof users like Google has. Google’s known
 for results, and that’s why usingAdSense for Search
 makes so much sense.

If you’ve had a Web site for any amount of time, you’ve
 probably already  discovered that you must have search
capabilities on your site. Whether thosesearch capabilities
 are only for your Web site or are for the entire Web is a
decision that’s best based on the amount of content you
have on your site,but it’s probably no secret to you that
users want search capabilities. In fact,you may have already
 added Google Search to your Web site, using either
Google’s free search capabilities or the Google Custom
Search Engine.

A visitor to your site types a search query into your
AdSense-enabled Google search box in hopes of finding
 something either on the Web as a whole or just on your
Web site. You don’t get paid just because the visitor used
 the search box on your Web site. Instead, you get paid if that
visitor clicks one of the ads in the search results that are
 shown from thesearch box that you put on your page.
It’s a secondary-click revenue stream,which means that,
 with AdSense for Search, the revenues are admittedly a
little harder to get to. Visitors must first use the search box
 and then clickthrough an ad for you to get paid.

Just because it’s not a direct click doesn’t mean you
should ignore thepotential of this AdSense approach.
 The fact is that every site has visitors that won’t find exactly
 what they’re looking for. If they found your site with
a search engine, they’ll likely go back to that search engine
 and refine theirsearch term. If they found your site directly
 and it doesn’t contain what theywant, they’ll probably surf
 away to search for what they want.

Also, if you already have search capabilities on your site,
 visitors who use those capabilities are already seeing the
 ads that are shown in the search results. You’re just not
 getting paid for them. If you have the capability
anyway, you should at least be able to collect revenue
 from increasingGoogle’s confidence level.

AdSense has been particularly important for delivering advertising revenue to small websites that do not have the resources for developing advertising sales programs and sales people to generate revenue with. AdSense for video allows publishers with video content to generate revenue using ad placements from Google's extensive advertising network including popular. Learn how to link Google Analytics with your AdSense accountin our Help Center and start identifying revenue opportunities. Google AdSense is a program in which enterprises can display Google advertisements on Web sites and earn revenue from hits that generate traffic for the Google search engines. How to Adsense guide We have already shared many article related to How adsense works, How to trick adsense and how to increase adsense revenue. Adsense Revealed Revenue share between Publishers and Advertisers. Google Adsence is the best revenue sharing ads policy but, the only fear using Google Adsense is that it can unapprove you any time. Google AdSense tips that will increase your revenue with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. Google AdSense is a pay-per-click PPC program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. Here you will find some simple and effective AdSense tips that will increase your revenue. AdSense also gives you the opportunity to maximise your revenue by simply giving your readers that little impetus to click on the ad. The recently introduced features of Conversion Bonus and Revenue Generating Toolbar have added some extra zing to the working of Bidvertiser and its worthiness as a Google AdSense alternative. Use Google AdSense generate revenue by including relevant ads on your website. Revenue from Google Adsense stilldeposits thousands of dollars into my bank account each WEEK and itcould be doing the same for you right now!. Google AdSense is an ad-serving program run by Google which offers a primarily PPC Pay Per Click revenue model, meaning that every time an ad gets clicked, you or HubPages and Google make money. When a website visitor clicks the ad, the site owner receives revenue from the AdSense program, which Google receives from the advertiser. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google, and they can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Tweet If you want to grow your website and your ad revenue, you need to understand your audience. Grow revenue: Make changes based on how earnings are affected by aspects of user behaviour such as visit frequency and page depth. Google advertisements on Web sites and earn revenue from hits that generate traffic for the Google search engine s. The Google algorithm s are designed to interpret context in such a way that irrelevant results are discarded and only those most likely to produce revenue are delivered. Google com earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search results pages. Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earning for each ad that is clicked from your site, you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of revenue you've generated that day, week, month, year, etc. You can mix it it with other ad network to increase your blog revenue. Harsh, can I use Superlinks and Adversal both at the same time on my blog to generate revenue ?. Could you give me more info about your revenue here. I would specially like to know how much impression you have given Page views and how much revenue you generated out of it. You have the opportunity to generate revenue for Google advertisements that you display on your website or individual Web pages that you publish to or at least have partial rights to. Gold level ad program in order to see surge in terms of revenue. Whenever your visitors use the Revenue Generating Toolbar for searching anything, you earn money! The toolbar itself is open to a lot of customizations such as addition of home page links and different logos. By placing ads on websites, people can earn a percentage of the revenue that Google makes for sponsoring the ads. I had the content and the traffic, but not the revenue. After implementing your suggestions in a methodical manner, complete with the daily journal , my daily revenue has exploded.

Google AdSense tips that will increase your revenue with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. Here you will find some simple and effective AdSense tips that will increase your revenue. The following AdSense tips you have probably heard before but they are worth repeating

How to Adsense guide We have already shared many article related to How adsense works, How to trick adsense and how to increase adsense revenue.

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AdSense and Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is a lot

like trying to catch the steam that you
breathe on a cold winter day. You can see it. You know it exists, but there’s
no way to actually contain and quantify the steam. You can see the results
of SEO and you can figure out how best to achieve it, but it’s still possible to
do everything right and not achieve the ultimate goal — landing the very first
listing on a search engine results page, or SERP.
Good news though, you don’t necessarily want to be the very top listing on a
SERP. Think about this — how often do you click the first search result and
not go any farther? Even if you find exactly what you’re looking for on the
first page you jump to, you still click through some of the other results just
to make sure the first page isn’t lying to you.
As a general rule, I go through the listings of about ten results pages, just to
make sure I’m getting the best info. Admittedly, I may be a little more patient
than your average searcher. Most people don’t go much deeper than the
second page of results. Because you should probably be targeting your Web
site to normal folks rather than obsessive-compulsive types like me, you want
your Web site to fall somewhere on the first or second page of results. If it
does, you’re fine — you can count your search marketing efforts a success,
even if your site isn’t at the very tippy-top of the first SERP.

The crawler uses a very lengthy and complicated algorithm as its search
formula. The algorithm compares the number of times a keyword is used to
indicators that tell it if that keyword is important on the Web site. Like color
coding, that algorithm makes it possible to define a Web site in terms of how
it relates to a specific topic.
Algorithmsin general are computer programs that systematically solve problems
 such as determining how many times a keyword is used on a Web site.
They’re complicated creatures, highly technical in nature, and they are a
search engine’s lifeblood — which is why they’re so jealously guarded. Just
try to pry Google’s secret algorithm from their tightly clenched fist and see
where that gets you.
The crawler takes a stab at what your Web site’s all about by registering the
site’s keywords. The crawler then takes another look at the site, this time
considering those keywords in the context of the Web site

Getting the number-one keyword down is like
shooting fish in a barrel, but you can’t stop there. You need a larger pool of
keywords to get you started. If you keep brainstorming additional words,
you’ll probably come up with the following keywords:
Search engine
Linking strategy
Alt tags
Social media
That’s just the short list. If you really put some time into brainstorming the
SEO topic, you could come up with a couple hundred words. And don’t forget
phrases, too — up to three words. They’re more useful and help you target
better than just single words.

The CPC,or cost-per-click,is the amount that it costs an advertiser every
time one of their ads based on that keyword is clicked. That amount is
paid to Google, which then distributes portions of the money to AdSense
publishers that allow those ads to be shown on their Web sites. Of
course, Google keeps a fair chunk of it to line its own pockets, too.

Top 10 AdSense Secrets-Getting Started with AdSense

You can tap into that desire for information and use
 AdSense to generate a decent income, but only if you have the
content that draws visitors to your site in the first place.
Your site visitors care about content

You probably already have a Web site to which you want to add AdSense
and that’s a good move. Honestly, any site that’s well designed can probably
benefit from AdSense tips. If you’re just building your site for the first time, you
can do a number of things to optimize your site so that you get the most from
your AdSense investment.

Ease of advertising sales:You could find out which advertisers are
putting their ads on your site and go straight to them to cut a deal for
advertising that would cut Google right out of the picture. But would you
know who to contact? And would you know how to go about convincing
the advertiser to put his ads on your site.
You created your account, waited, and were approved. Now AdSense is
active. Now you can fill that blank space on your Web site with money-
generating ads. But first you have to set up your ads.

Log in to your new AdSense account by using the username and password
that you set up during the registration process. The page that appears at
login is the Reports tab AdSense always opens to this, which features
a quick overview of your earnings and the reports that are available for
AdSense. Because you don’t have any data to be reported.

First and foremost, keep in mind that the layout of your site will dramatically
affect how your AdSense ads perform

Smart site design
After you come up with a name for your site and figure out where it’ll be
hosted, it’s time to begin actually designing your Web site. You can deploy a
few strategies that will make it easier to optimize your Web site for AdSense purposes.

 Make your site easy to navigate by creating a consistent navigation
structure across your site and by making that navigational structure
obvious to visitors.Nothing’s worse than getting stuck on a Web page
without a link to the home page or another way off the page without
using your back button or closing your browser completely.
Include relevant links to other Web sites.

Use a site map-a text document that links to every page on the site
and submit it to Google.To submit your site map, you have to be a
member of Google’s Webmaster Central, but signing up for that is as
easy as signing up for any other Google account. After you sign up,
submit your site map by using the form. (You can find links to the forms
as well as other pertinent info at

Include clear, relevant content.
Make sure the HTML that makes up your site is written correctly.
Repair broken links as soon as they’re noticed.

Allow crawlers access to your Web site by including a robots.txt file in
the design of your site.The robots.txtfile has two lines:

User agent: *
Disallow: /
Create the file with a text editor, such as Notepad, save it using robots.
txt, and then when you upload your Web site to a server, be sure to
also upload this file.The file tells Web site crawlers that they’re
welcome to look at all the pages on your Web site.

Design your pages for users, not for search engines.Users come to your
site because they need something. Design your site so that the visitors
you’re targeting get exactly what they need — information and products
that they’re searching for. By designing your site with your visitors in
mind, you’ll automatically hit most of the requirements that search engines
have for ranking you in search results. A good rule of thumb is the more
useful your site is to real people, the better crawlers will rank the site.

Avoid any kind of underhanded Web site design, such as using hidden
pages or hidden text that’s only meant to be seen by Web crawlers.

Believe it or not, crawlers recognize this kind of sneaky design, and
you’ll be penalized in search rankings for it.

1.  If you haven’t already done so, log in to your AdSense account.

2.  Click the AdSense Setup tab, immediately to the right of the
Reports tab.

3.On this page, select the type of ad block you want to set up.
 For this example, go ahead and select AdSense for Content.
 The page that appears is the first step in the Ad Wizard, which walks
 you through setting up your ad.
  If you prefer a single-page form instead of using the wizard, click
 the  wizard’s Single Page link. The information you’re asked to enter is the
same, but on the single-page form, you just scroll down the page instead
of clicking a Continue button.

With the ad placement basics out of the way, it’s time to figure out how to
convince the good folks at Google AdSense to place ads on your Web site
that have meaning to your site visitors. Your ultimate goal by implementing
AdSense is to entice visitors to click or view the ads that appear on your
page. That only happens, though, if the ads are appealing to visitors. Having
the right content is the key to having the right ads.

4.Choose your ad type and click Continue.
 Your choices here are
• Ad Units: A graphical text box  inside of which linked ads are displayed.
• Link Units:A set of linked keywords that
lead to advertisers’ pages.
 Just to keep it simple for now, select Ad Unit.

5.In the new page that appears, choose the size of ad you want to have
appear on your Web site.

 Google offers a variety of different shapes, sizes, and types of ad formats.
The format that works best for you depends on the space you
have available, the content of your Web site, and the design of the page
on which the ad appears. For now, select 234 x 60 Half Banner from the
Format drop-down menu.

6.On the same page, choose a color scheme for your ad.
 Google has several pre-made color schemes available in the drop-down
list to the right, or you have the option to specify border, title, background,
text, and URL colors by hexadecimal number.
This is useful if you know the exact hexadecimal numbers of your
Web page design and want to match them.
 For your purposes, select Seaside from the drop-down list.

7.Still on the same page, choose Slightly Rounded Corners from the
Corner Styles drop-down list.

 The other options available here are Squared Corners or Very Rounded
Corners. Visually, each has a different appeal to people in different situations
 and on different Web sites.

8.For the last option on the page, choose Show Public Service Ads from
the drop-down list and click Continue.

 What’s this about public service ads? Well, Google shows public service
ads when your site is so new that it can’t be properly populated with
paid ads and when your site content doesn’t match ad content. You can
choose to have these ads displayed, to have ads from another service
displayed, or to have a solid color displayed as a placeholder if either of
these situations applies.

9.In the new page that appears, click Continue.
 This page of the wizard gives you the option to assign the ad to a channel,
but you have not yet set up channels.channels aren’t an aspect of AdSense
that you need to worry about. They’re for tracking your ads, but before
you can track them you need to know how to create them and get the
highest percentage of clicks possible.

10.In the new and final page that appears, enter a name for your ad unit
in the appropriate field and then click the Save and Get Code button.
 When the page appears, a default name is already filled into the Name
text box.

11.Copy the code provided by AdSense and paste it into the HTML code
of your Web site.

 How you access your HTML code depends on how you got your code in
the first place. If you’re using an HTML Editor/Web Page Creation program
to design your Web site, you may need to dig around the menus to find out
how to get the raw HTML code on-screen. If you’re writing your code from
scratch, though, all you need to do is pull up the Web site code and paste
the ad code into the spot on which you want AdSense ads to appear.

AdSense Basics Tips Lasting

AdSense for your maximum CPC

 With link units, they either work really well or they bomb completely. The
only way to know is to test link units on your site and see how they perform
for you. Try different configurations and locations. If they’re going to work,
you’ll find your sweet spot. All you have to do is watch the change adding up.

All buttons of various sizes

When you’re setting up your referral button ads, you can select up
to 15 different ads to rotate through the referral button. So, if you choose to use a
125x125 square referral button, you can have referrals from up to 15 different

That doesn’t mean you have to choose 15 companies to refer
visitors to. You can select just 1, 5, or 12 if you like — whatever works best
for your site.

 As an added bonus, with referral button ads, you get to choose exactly the
companies that you want to show referrals for. You’re not surprised by an ad
from a competitor or a company you’re not willing to endorse.

Themed ads
Themed units are basically text ads that have a specific theme. Google offers
these around holiday times, and they just appear in your ad structure. You
don’t have to do anything special to use themed units — they’re
 automatically enabled in your ads when you set up your AdSense account.

The AdSense way of doing things is pretty much the same across all ad
formats — visitor clicks ad, you get money. Mobile ads do have onewrinkle
that you haven’t seen in other types of ads, though, and that’s the Click
to Call link. This link allows visitors to click the link and place a call to the
advertiser. It’s a cool feature.

Truth is that this link works just like any other link in an ad. You get paid for
mobile ads whenever your site visitors click the ad links. That includes the
Click to Call link. Like other types of AdSense ads, the amount of payment
is determined by the payments that advertisers make when their ads are
displayed. It’s a formula that Google keeps closely guarded, but it works the
same as AdSense for Content and other types of AdSense

Graphical ads, including button ads, are better
suited for the outer edges of your pages, such
as on the sides, top, or bottom of your site.
Remember that ads on the top right, above the
fold, tend to work best, but with referral ads, you
can move them down the page and even to the
bottom of the page. Referral ads appear more
natural than other types of ads in those locations, so you don’t lose
 as much performance as you might with a different type of ad.

Optimizing Your Site for Search Engines
Search engine optimization is a lot like trying to catch the steam that you
breathe on a cold winter day. You can see it. You know it exists, but there’s
no way to actually contain and quantify the steam. You can see the results
of SEO and you can figure out how best to achieve it, but it’s still possible to
do everything right and not achieve the ultimate goal — landing the very first
listing on a search engine results page, or SERP.

The CPC,or cost-per-click,is the amount that it costs an advertiser every
time one of their ads based on that keyword is clicked. That amount is
paid to Google, which then distributes portions of the money to AdSense
publishers that allow those ads to be shown on their Web sites.

What’s considered a good CTR is a hard figure
to nail down. It’s against Google’s policies for
publishers to publicly discuss the results they
have with the AdSense program. So, despite
the fact that you may have seen discussions
about it on the Internet, you should avoid following suit.
Still, it helps to have a general idea of what you can expect .

Keep in mind that whatever keywords you choose should be used intelligently
on your Web page. If you include the keywords but don’t use them properly,
you’ll do yourself more harm than good by causing inappropriate ads to
appear or by causing Google to disqualify your site from the AdSense program
for not following proper Web design practices.

Several different sizes of vertical link units make it easier to
 integrate them into the sidebars on your Web site. When
you tweak colors with the color pallets provided by Google,
you can make them appear as if they’re an intentional part
of your site design.

Select the channel you want to use to track your ad and then click
Continue. Remember that channels are categories that you create
 so you can keep up with how specific ads perform.

Tools Beyond AdSense for Tracking

Tools Beyond AdSense for Tracking

 It’s nice to have independent verification
of Google’s numbers and also better analysis tools
 of visitor behavior than the AdSense
reports provide. You now have the option of linking
 your account to Google Analytics.

your performance so you can make changes to make
 more money is a very important part of successfully
 working with AdSense.

An ad impressionis recorded each time an AdSense ad
 unit is displayed. A  page impressionis recorded each time a
 web page containing an AdSense ad unit is displayed. A single
 display of a web page containing three ad units would produce
one page impression and three ad impressions.

A visitor’s click on an ad on a publisher’s page. Public service ad clicks are not
included in this statistic.

Effective CPM eCPM; cost per thousand impressions is calculated by dividing
the total earnings by the number of impressions in thousands. For example, if a
publisher earned $100 from 20,000 impressions, the eCPM would equal $100/20,
or $5. The point of this metric is to provide a way to compare AdSense’s CPC
revenue with the money you might make from other forms of advertising.

On Alexa, click the Traffic Rankings tab. Enter your site domain in the box and
click Get Traffic Details. The Related Info page for your site will open. Next, in the
Explore this Site box, click the Traffic Details link.

You can use the Alexa metrics as a reality check in terms of whether
 it agrees with Google that your page views are going up or down over time,
 but you cannot use Alexa as an absolute measure of anything because of how
 the Alexa statistics are compiled.  Alexa’s  page-view  metrics  are  based  on
  information  uploaded  from  a  small toolbar, mostly installed by business users.

 This information is notoriously flawed for consumer sites, particularly
ones without high traffic.

Depending on  your  web host, you should have access to a number of tools used to
generate usable information from your web logs files. Web log analysis is the first and
best place to look for data in addition to that supplied by Google.

Web Log Analysis Programs
There are many good web log analysis programs available with much
 the same functionality as Webalizer, the one shown in this section. Popular offerings include Access
Watch, Piwik, ModLogAn, NetTracker, and WebTrends.

Maximizing Ad Placement-Bid price for those keywords

As an advertiser, it’s important that you pick the most effective
 keywords for your PPC ads. Pick keywords that no one is
 interested in, and your ad won’t appear anywhere; pick more
 popular keywords, and your ad will appear more
often—and, hopefully, generate more traffic back to your
site and more sales.

The problem, then, is that the best keywords are also the
 most popular ones.That is, lots of advertisers will be
 interested in the same keywords. Because ad
networks set their rates by having advertisers bid
 on keywords, the most popular keywords will cost
you more than less-popular ones will.

This competition for keywords among advertisers becomes,
 essentially, an online auction. Those advertisers who bid the
 highest amounts for keywords will “win” more and better
 ad placements. If you don’t bid high enough on a popular
 keyword, your ad simply won’t appear as often. In fact,
 if you bid way too low, your ad may not appear at all.
The temptation, then, is to bid high on the most popular
 keywords in an attempt to get more ads displayed and
 drive more traffic to your website. Be careful what you wish
 for, however, as this approach can result in very high
advertising bills.

How to start Affiliate Marketing-through affiliate networks

How to start Affiliate Marketing-through affiliate networks

A quick detour is now in order, to discuss affiliate marketing. This is when you
pay another website for sales that result from their customer referrals.
Affiliate marketing is typically done through affiliate networks, such as the
Google Affiliate Network and
Commission Junction In addition, some online retailers, such
as, run their own affiliate
The way it works is simple. A website signs up for the program and then displays ads for participating merchants. When a customer clicks the ad and
then proceeds to purchase an item from the merchant, the host website
receives a commission—typically a percentage of the final sale. No fees are
paid for placement or for clicks; a purchase has to be made for the commission to be earned.

AdSense for Domains- parked domains-Google’s directions

AdSense for Domains is a program for parked domains, meaning domains that are not
in active use. There are many reasons someone might want to park a domain, including
the intention of speculating in domain names and protecting existing related domain
names from falling into the hands of competitors.
In the AdSense for Domains program, you redirect the site to Google’s servers and
Google supplies content and advertising based on the domain name, the keywords you
supply, and the visual scheme you choose.
To get started with AdSense for Domains, from the AdSense Setup page, click AdSense
for Domains.
The next step is to follow Google’s directions to modify the DNS Domain Name Server
records at your domain registrar. This allows Google access to your parked site to add
the content.
If your domain registrar is not on this list, you’ll have to figure out how to make these
changes on your own. It’s not as daunting as it may sound, but it’s not possible at all
domain registrars—in which case your best option is to transfer the domain to a registrar  that  allows  you  to  modify  the  records  and  is  on  Google’s  list  with  detailed

Once you’ve modified the records, and Google has verified and approved your parked
domains included in the program, you can customize each domain.
To  change  the  settings  for  a  parked  domain,  select  the  domain  in  the  AdSense  for
Domains window. Then choose Edit from the Actions drop-down menu.

AdSense Programs-AdSense for Content-AdSense for Domains

AdSense Programs-AdSense for Content-AdSense for Domains

< Google AdSense provides a number of different programs for monetizing content, each
of which works in a somewhat different way, as I’ll discuss in detail later in this chapter.
You can deploy each of these different programs by clicking the AdSense Setup tab,
which opens the Get Ads page.
The programs are:
• AdSense for Content
• AdSense for Search
• AdSense for Feeds
• AdSense for Domains
• Video units
AdSense for Content is by far the most important program, with AdSense for Search a
distant second. These two programs are similar in the sense that they are both utilized
by website owners with content and traffic. In contrast, each of the other programs
involves  either  specialized  content  feeds,  video,  or  mobile  content  or  a  parked
domain—so each of the other programs can be thought of as noncore, although they
can present good opportunities for making money.

While the AdSense for Content and AdSense for Search are generally aimed at the same
kind of web content, there are differences in the way the programs work. AdSense for
Content places ads on your web pages.

To display contextually relevant advertisements on a website,
 webmasters place a brief Javascript code on the websites' pages.

The AdSense search box displays Google search results when a user enters a query.
These search results show relevant ads. You receive a portion of the revenue generated
when a visitor uses your search box and then clicks on an ad from the search results

Once your AdSense account has been approved, you’ll likely want to get started by
adding the code that will place Google’s ads on your site. To get started with AdSense
for Content, log in to Google AdSense and click the Ad Settings tab.

Some webmasters create websites tailored to lure searchers from
Google and other engines onto their AdSense website to make money
 from clicks. AdSense .

The Google AdSense Management API is intended for individual
 developers who want to get reports on AdSense earnings and
manage AdSense inventory.

Adsense techniques , Adsense tips , Internet marketing 

Google AdSense tips that will increase your revenue with a
 minimal investment in time and no additional resources. Here
you will find some simple and effective AdSense tips that will
 increase your revenue. How do you make money from the
Google Adsense Program?

Find Out What It Takes to Build Your AdSense Profits.
 Tags: adsense profits , earn more cash with google adsense ,.
 Google Adsense , google adsense profits , google adsense program .

AdSense for video allows publishers with video content to generate
 revenue using ad placements from Google's extensive advertising
 network including popular. Nevertheless, AdSense still works just
as well as it did back when I created this video. Google AdSense
 Google AdSense allows publishers of websites to serve automatic
text, image, video, and rich media adverts that are targeted to site
 content and audience. Start Today! Google AdSense allows publishers
 of websites to serve automatic text, image, video, and rich media
adverts that are targeted to site content and audience.

 AdSense also supplies image and video ads through AdWords.
 Google AdSense is a program run by Google Inc that allows
 publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve
 automatic text, image, video, and rich media adverts that are
 targeted to site content and audience. Now Promoted Videos
are slated to get much wider exposure around the web: in
AdSense ad units. Because so many web publishers make use
 of AdSense, Promoted Videos now stand to reach a much
wider audience.

Where to Place AdSense Ads on Your Pages

Where to Place AdSense Ads on Your Pages

Publishers may well wonder where they should place AdSense
 ads on their pages for the best results. There’s a great deal of
speculation about AdSense ad placement in
webmaster circles, but not much hard data.

It is clear that ads placed above the fold—meaning in the top
 third of the page where they will be seen on any computer
 monitor without scrolling down—do better than
ads placed lower on a page.

The best performing AdSense ad format and position is
 Leaderboard also called a horizontal skyscraper close to the
 top of a page. The second-best format is one of the
several vertical skyscraper formats Skyscraper and Wide Skyscraper,
with the top ad very close to the top of the page, either along the
left or right side. If a vertical skyscraper is positioned along the
 right side of a page, then you need to take care to use a page
design with a total width of less than 800 pixels so the skyscraper
 along the righthand side will display without horizontal
 scrolling on all monitors.

Beyond this basic placement information, you might want to
consider whether it makes sense to put many ads on a single
page the Google limit is three ad units.
There’s something to be said for placing many ads on a page
the variety might produce good choices for more visitors.
 However, the “noise” of displaying many ads can detract from
your site and some publishers get better results with fewer ads.
The bottom line is that you should experiment with ad placement
 and the number of ads on your site. What works well for your
 site is not necessarily what works well for another site,
so there is no substitute for trial and error.

The Manage Ads page lets you modify ads you’ve already
 created.It’s a very nice feature that lets you change ads on
the fly without having to change the code in your web pages.
To change the settings for a specific ad, click the Edit Ad Settings link.

Using the Color Palettes page, you start with one of the built-in
 Google palettes. Next, you can modify each of the colored
 elements of the palette, either by specifying an RGB
hexadecimal color value or by choosing colors from a color picker.

AdSense Optimizing

AdSense Optimizing

 What’s considered a good CTR is a hard figure
to nail down. It’s against Google’s policies for
publishers to publicly discuss the results they
have with the AdSense program. So, despite
the fact that you may have seen discussions
about it on the Internet, you should avoid suit.
Still, it helps to have a general idea of what you
 can expect.

The thing to remember is that those numbers
are in no way official or accurate. They’re
whispers heard and accurate only to the specific cases
and circumstances in which they
actually happened. A wide variety of factors
can affect your CTR, from placement of the ads
and the amount of traffic on your Web site to
the mood of site visitors in a given day and the
colors of the ads themselves.

All these factors are variables that change
often. To further cloud the picture, fluctuations
in the popularity of certain keywords, changes
in the budgets of advertisers, and the ways in
which those advertisers choose to write their
ads have to be considered.

To some extent, your click-through-rate is
dependent upon the advertiser. If the advertiser
isn’t doing his homework and properly targeting his ads,
 your click-through-rates could be affected because the
 ads won’t appeal to your site visitors.

Keep in mind that whatever keywords you choose should
 be used intelligently on your Web page. If you include the
 keywords but don’t use them properly, you’ll do yourself
more harm than good by causing inappropriate ads to
appear or by causing Google to disqualify your site from the
AdSense program for not following proper Web design practices.

Video ads
Video ads are one of the newest additions to the AdSense family.
Technically, though, the ad is notthe video. Yes, videos are
streamed for advertising partners that have YouTube accounts,
 but the actual ads are displayed in the video player that’s
embedded in your content, not in the video itself.

AdSence-importance of keyword placement

AdSence-importance of keyword placement

  Just  Color Picker, use the Select Corner Style drop-down
menu to specify how you want the corners of your ads to look: square,
slightly rounded, or very rounded.

Select the channel you want to use to track your ad and then click

On the next page, enter a new name for your ad  and then
click the Submit and Get Code button to generate the code
for the ad.

Copy and paste the ad code generated into the HTML on your
 Web site.
These steps are okay for most situations, one little problem
with using the Color Picker to determine colors for your
 ad elements: Your color choices are somewhat limited.

The palette that Google makes available
to you shows only about 60 colors out of the hundreds
that a browser can display. You’re not limited to those 60,
 though. You can further customize your colors by entering
 the hexadecimal number for the color you want displayed.

After you finish researching your keywords and then
 selecting the most valuable — those worth most to your
pocketbook — and the most appropriate words for your
 Web site, you have to actually integrate them into your Web
site. Using those valuable and appropriate keywords in your
site’s content is good practice, and more information about
 how to use those words in your content.

Metatags where keywords should appear include the following:
Title metatags
Description metatags
Keyword metatags
Heading metatags
Alt text
Now, for those of you out there who are faint-of-heart when it comes to HTML
coding, be aware that you need to physically place these metatags (with the
exception of the alt text) in the top section of the HTML code of your Web
page, between the tags that indicate the head of your page.

Text ads are so appealing  and certainly the main
reason they perform so well when compared to the other
 types of ads that AdSense makes available  is because
 text ads can be made to blend well into your Web page.

start making money with AdSense-AdSense Fundamentals

AdSense Fundamentals

• Apply and get accepted by Google’s AdSense program
• File an IRS form W-9 (or other appropriate tax form) with Google
• Generate AdSense for Content ad and link unit code for your site
• Place the code in your pages
• If you have a mobile site, add AdSense for Mobile units to the mobile site
• Add AdSense search boxes to your site
• Create a custom search results page that echoes the look and feel of your site
• Create custom channels to track your ads and to offer targeted ad placements
• Create custom palettes to complement your web designs
• Add AdSense for Feeds to your syndication feeds
• Aggregate  your  feeds  from  a  single  source  such  as  a  WordPress
 blog  using FeedBurner
• Add any parked domains you have to the AdSense for
 Domains program
• Add video units to sites with appropriate content

Google Adsence Tips

The most important statistic for you to pay attention to is the CTR,
 or click-through rate. CTR measures the percentage of times visitors
 click, and can be broken down on the basis of what is being clicked
 into Page CTR -page percentage click-through rate,
Ad Unit CTR-ad unit percentage click-through rate, and Ad CTR -the
 percentage of times an individual ad is clicked. Page CTR tells you how
 effective your pages are as hosts for advertising, and Ad and Ad Unit
 CTR tell you how well specific ads and ad configurations work.

AdSense Impressions
An ad impressionis recorded each time an AdSense ad unit is displayed.
 A  page impressionis recorded each time a web page containing an
AdSense ad unit is displayed. A single display of a web page containing
 three ad units would produce one page impression and three ad impressions.

AdSense Clicks
A visitor’s click on an ad on a publisher’s page. Public service ad clicks
 are not included in this statistic.