Internal link architecture

Website linking architecture is important when it comes to SEO, especially when your
site has many pages or is continuously growing. To create a sound linking structure for
your site, you will likely need to partition your site into distinct subsections (or categories),
forming a uniform (inverted) treelike structure. Sometimes creating
subdomains can help in this regard. Other times, using XML Sitemaps can help showcase
your most important links.

Pagination problems
Bringing inner pages to the forefront is a challenge for many webmasters. Community
sites, blogs, forums, message boards, and other types of sites suffer from this “inner
page invisibility” syndrome. If it takes more than four clicks to get to a page, it is safe
to say that this page may not see the light of day in the SERPs. There are solutions to
pagination issues. These include pagination software reengineering, the use of Sitemaps,
and the use of the nofollow link attribute.