how to Debugging Errors Wordpress

Debugging errors in WordPress can be made easier using the
 WP_DEBUGoption. Enabling WP_DEBUG
displays WordPress errors on the screen, rather than suppressing
those errors with a white screen.

To enable WP_DEBUG, just set the option value to true:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

New installations of WordPress will have this option defined
 in wp-configas false. If this option is not defined, it defaults to
 falseand error messages are not displayed. Remember to disable
or remove this option when you are done debugging because
error messages might help hackers find vulnerabilities in your
website. It’s best to always keep WP_DEBUG enabled when
developing in WordPress to address any warnings or errors
that might be displayed.

You can set additional advanced options in your wp-configfile.
These options are not in the wp-configfile by default so you
will need to manually add them to the file.

To set your WordPress address and blog address, use the
 following two options:
define( 'WP_SITEURL', '' );
define( 'WP_HOME', '' );
The WP_SITEURLoption allows you to temporarily change
 the WordPress site URL. This does not alter the database option
 value for siteurl, but instead temporarily changes the value.
 If this option is removed, WordPress reverts back to using the
 siteurldatabase setting. The WP_HOMEoption works the exact
same way, letting you temporarily change the home value for WordPress.
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