Advanced Database Techniques

PEAR DB is the database primitives shown earlier; it provides several shortcut functions for fetching result rows, as well as a unique row ID system and separate prepare/execute steps that can improve the performance of repeated queries.

$result_set = $db->query(SQL, values);
 Pass the query( ) function SQL with 
 in place of specific values, and add a second parameter consisting of 
the array of values to insert into the SQL 

When issuing the same query repeatedly, it can be more efficient to compile the query once and then execute it multiple times, using the prepare( ) , execute( ), and executeMultiple( ) methods.

$com = $db->prepare(SQL);

This returns a com query object. The execute( ) method fills in any placeholders in the query.

PEAR DB gives a lot of methods that perform a query and fetch the results in one step:  
getOne( ) , getRow( ), getCol( ), getAssoc( ), and getAll( )

$value-set = $db->getOne(SQL [, values ]);