Links broad categories-make your own links

1.Organic links: These are links to your site that are voluntarily given by
others. Organic links are normally a by-product of excellent content that
people want to share.

2. Solicited links: Links obtained by reaching out to another site and
requesting a link. This would include links you purchase, reciprocal links,
and other similar schemes.

3. Self-created links: Links that you create by posting content on other sites.
This category includes article submissions, press releases, forum posts,
comments, and proactive social sharing.

Finding quality link partners begins with a search for relevant sites.
The goal is to identify sites that will return the highest value in exchange for the
amount of effort you have to invest to obtain the link.

1.Add allintitle: keyword to find pages where your keywords appear in the
page title.
2.Add allinurl: keyword to restrict the search results to only those pages
where the keywords are part of the URL.
3. Add allinanchor: keyword to find links where the keywords appear in the
anchor text for links.
4. Add allintext: keyword to find pages that have the highest relevance for
your keywords in the content of the page.

 Make your own links

# Article exchanges
# Video sharing sites
# Document sharing sites
# Comments
# Forum posts
# Content aggregators
# Submit your site opportunities
# Press release distribution