Network Topologies - Basic

In the seemingly never-ending competition to maximize the
amount of data that can be pushed through a piece of wire, numerous network
 topologies have been tried and tested. Initially,
companies offered wholesale solutions for customers wanting to
utilize various software packages. The problem was that these solutions
typically required certain network protocols and certain
hardware be in place before anything would work. This was often
referred to as “monolithic” networking because these solutions
were rarely interoperable with other applications or hardware.

After a company committed to a particular type of network, they
were stuck with that network, and it was just too bad if a really
useful application was released for a different network architecture.
 Accommodating a brand new application or suite of applications sometimes
 required removing the old network and installing another one.
 Administrators therefore wanted to make sure they were planning for the
longest term possible. In an effort to sell administrators on the benefits
 of a particular networking package,companies developed network
configurations for maximizing network performance.

Performance was typically rated by how well a network architecture
maximized available bandwidth. The strategies and implementation details for
achieving these goals could be broken down into three general configurations.
 These evolved into the Bus, Ring, and Star configurations. It is helpful to
understand how each of these developed.

The Bus Configuration
The bus configuration has its roots with coaxial cable in simple
networks where desktop machines are simply connected together
so that they can share information with each other. Traffic, here
defined as voltage applied to the wire by any machine that needs
to communicate.

Network topologies the definition of network topology defined and explained in
 simple language. Network topologies in this illustrated tutorial we look at
 the different networking topologies and their benefits includes overviews of
the bus, mesh, ring and star topologies. Different network topologies - hubpages
 topology is of two types - physical topology and logical topology physical topology
 is the architecture of a network it describes how the computers are arranged in.
Different network topologies - hubpages network topologies the topology of a network
 describes the logical layout of the network.

Network topology definition networking the shape of a network, how the nodes are
connected to each other common topologies are bus network , star network and ring.
Network topology - the computer technology documentation project topology is of two
 types - physical topology and logical topology physical topology is the architecture
of a network it describes how the computers are arranged in.

Network topologies what is ring topology many different types of network topologies
exist, and they are usually named after the shape the network appears to take on a
 layout diagram.