Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WordPress. Show all posts

WordPress Content Management System

Blogging systems have their roots in simple content
 management operations: Create a post, persist
it in stable storage such as a filesystem or database,
and display the formatted output based on some
set of temporal or keyword criteria. As the richness
and types of content presented in blog pages
expanded, and the requirements for sorting,
searching, selecting, and presenting content grew to
include metadata and content taxonomies, the line
 between vanilla, single-user–targeted blogging
software and enterprise-grade content management
 systems blurred.

A robust CMS is measured by the utility
 of its content. Even the richest content types
 and most wellmanaged processes are of low
 return if nobody actually consumes the outputs.
 It’s not sufficient to install blogging software,
write a few posts, and hope the world shows
 up on your virtual doorstep

Installing WordPress Files
If you download the WordPress code from, you’ll get a zip or tarball archive that
expands into a directory called wordpress.
The first part of a WordPress installation is to get the
code into your web server’s directory structure;
ensuring you have it in the right place is a critical
step. Gloss over this part and you’ll find your
website ends up with a URL like
wordpressand you’ll either have to start over or
 e-mail ugly URLs to your friends and family. If
that’s what you want — to distinguish your
WordPress site from other content on your
website or to isolate multiple sections — choosing
the filesystem layout is equally important.

Special Post Type Functions WordPress

WordPress features many different post type
specific functions to make working with custom post
types that much easier. In this section, you will review some of the more common functions you
might use when building your websites.
To return a list of all registered post types in WordPress, you’ll use the get_post_types()function.
<?php get_post_types( $args, $output, $operator ); ?>
This function accepts three optional parameters:
1.  $args— An array of arguments to match against the post type.
2.  $output— The type of output to return, either namesor objects. Defaults to names.
3.  $operator— Operator to use with multiple $args. Defaults to and.
Using the get_post_types()function, use the following to return a list of all custom post types
registered in WordPress:
$args = array(
'public' => true,
'_builtin' => false
$post_types = get_post_types( $args, 'names', 'and' );
foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) {
echo '<p>'. $post_type. '</p>';
As shown in the preceding code, you’ll set two arguments in the $argsarray: publicand _
builtin. The publicargument will only return custom post types that are set to be publicly
viewable. The _builtinargument is set to false, which will not return default post types like posts
and pages. You also set the $outputargument to return just the post type name, and the $operator
argument to use “and” for the multiple $argsyou passed to the function.
To determine what post type a piece of content is, you’ll use the get_post_type()function:

WordPress is a popular piece of blog software

WordPress is a popular piece of blog software.
It comes in two flavors.
is the home of the WordPress publishing platform
 itself, where you can download installation files,
search the forums for help, and learn about different
 plug-ins that extend the system’s functionality.
It is a CMS that is heavily biased toward blogs., by contrast, is the hostedversion of the software. It operates along the
lines of Blogger—users create an online account, name their blog, and start publishing
almost immediately with a very intuitive interface and dozens of design templates to
choose from, which can be changed instantly. It contains almost all of the tools of the traditional WordPress software, but without the need for a local installation.

While offers writers tremendous flexibility in publishing options, the system itself can be harder to customize than Blogger. The template is fragmented into categories like CSS, Sidebar Widgets, Custom Image Header, and more, rather than being
condensed into a flat template.

For businesses looking to get up and running quickly with a locally installed blogging solution, WordPress is the ideal candidate. For those looking for a richer, more extensible CMS
with far greater functionality.

how to Debugging Errors Wordpress

Debugging errors in WordPress can be made easier using the
 WP_DEBUGoption. Enabling WP_DEBUG
displays WordPress errors on the screen, rather than suppressing
those errors with a white screen.

To enable WP_DEBUG, just set the option value to true:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

New installations of WordPress will have this option defined
 in wp-configas false. If this option is not defined, it defaults to
 falseand error messages are not displayed. Remember to disable
or remove this option when you are done debugging because
error messages might help hackers find vulnerabilities in your
website. It’s best to always keep WP_DEBUG enabled when
developing in WordPress to address any warnings or errors
that might be displayed.

You can set additional advanced options in your wp-configfile.
These options are not in the wp-configfile by default so you
will need to manually add them to the file.

To set your WordPress address and blog address, use the
 following two options:
define( 'WP_SITEURL', '' );
define( 'WP_HOME', '' );
The WP_SITEURLoption allows you to temporarily change
 the WordPress site URL. This does not alter the database option
 value for siteurl, but instead temporarily changes the value.
 If this option is removed, WordPress reverts back to using the
 siteurldatabase setting. The WP_HOMEoption works the exact
same way, letting you temporarily change the home value for WordPress.
Some essential wordpress plugins

Abstract data type

In programming, a data set defined by the programmer in terms
 of the information it can contain and the operations that can be performed
 with it. An abstract data type is more generalized than a data type
constrained by the properties of the objects it contains—for example,
the data type “pet” is more generalized than the data types.

 The standard example used in illustrating an abstract data type is the
stack, a small portion of memory used to store information, generally on
 a temporary basis. As an abstract data type, the stack is simply a
structure onto which values can be pushed added and from which they
can be popped removed. The type of value, such as integer, is irrelevant
 to the definition.The way in which the program performs operations on
abstract data types is encapsulated, or hidden, from the rest of the program.
 Encapsulation enables the programmer to change the definition of the data
 type or its operations without introducing errors to the existing code
that uses the abstract data type. Abstract data types represent an intermediate
step between traditional programming and object-oriented programming.

The use of specialized software, such as an application programming interface
API, as a means of shielding software from device dependencies or the
complexities of underlying software. For instance, hardware abstraction
enables programs to focus on a task, such as communications, instead of on
individual differences between communications devices.

In object-oriented programming, the process of reducing an object to its
 essence so that only the necessary elements are represented.

Abstraction defines an object in terms of its properties attributes,
behaviors functionality, and interface means of communicating
with other objects.

WordPress’s SEO advantages

Using WordPress for your blogging platform or content management system,
comes with some advantages, including that WordPress was designed to
function well with search engines. Search engines can crawl the source code
of a WordPress site pretty easily, which eliminates issues that a lot of Web
programmers face when optimizing a site.

WordPress’s SEO advantages:
 Permalinks: URLs where your content is permanently housed. While
your blog grows and you add more posts, the items on your front page
get pushed off the front page of your blog and are replaced by recent
content. Visitors can easily bookmark and share permalinks so that they
can return to that specific post on your blog.

Theme construction: SEO, social media, and design all go hand in hand.
You can push a ton of people to your Web page by using proper SEO and
robust social-media profiles, but if your blog has a confusing or poorly
done design, visitors aren’t going to stay. Likewise, a poorly designed
site prevents a lot of search engines from reading your content.

seo tips for wordpress

1>Add a WordPress SEO plugins and  then Choose a SEO-friendly WordPress theme or create
WordPress theme that  contains all the HTML and CSS code your site.

2>search engines  likes all that great content.

3>Add XML sitemaps for faster indexing of our blog contents in search engines.

4>Add SEO friendly titles, URL’s, Meta keywords and meta descriptions mentioned for your blog posts.

5>Page Speed was one of key factors that Google included in its search algorithm.

6>Google Analytics is important  add this.

7>Image SEO is an  easiest ways to optimize the content of a page is to present on the images.
add important keywords in the alt-description.

Essential WordPress Plugins

One of the great things about WordPress is that you can extend it with all kinds of
functionality with WordPress Plug-ins. There are hundreds of plugins that you can use,
but here I’d like to list a few of the essential ones.
In WordPress 2.7 and above you can search for and install new plug-ins from within the
WordPress Admin UI. In the past, you had to find them in the Plug-in directory,
download them, and then upload them to your WordPress installation. WordPress 2.7+
simplifies this process a lot!
Here are a few of the essential plug-ins that you’ll want to install on your new website.
Another powerful feature of the Thesis WordPress theme is the ability to add “hooks” to
customize where things appear on your site.
You can add something just before your header, or just after. Just before your sidebar
content, or just after your footer. You get the idea.
To do this, you need to know a little bit about coding PHP. There is an excellent tutorial
that Sugarrae made called Thesis Hooks for Dummies.

WP-DB Backup
You should install this plugin, because you can use it to instantly back up your
WordPress database to a ZIP file and download it.
Even better, you can tell it to back up your WordPress database on a schedule - once per
week for example - and email it to you. It’s a great way to back things up automatically.
To get this plugin, just go to your Plugins menu and select Add New, just like you did
before, and search for WP-DB-Backup.