difference between print and echo - php

print( ) is a function, echo is a language construct.
 This means that print( ) returns a value, while echo doesn't.
You can include print( ) but not echo in larger expressions.

echo is  run very fast than  print.

print "<h2>PHP tips</h2>";
print "how to learn PHP";

echo "test";
echo $_REQUEST['zipcode']) ;

Writing to standard output via a file handle instead of simply with print( ) or echo is useful if you need
 to abstract where your output goes, or if you need to print to standard output at the
same time as writing to a file.

SQL inherently

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is not really a language. It does not follow all the rules of the typical
 computer programming language. There are no constructs in SQL to allow decision branches.
You can't go to a specific piece of code or execute that code if a decision has been made.

On the other hand, SQL is ideal for getting data out of a database using complicated rules.
If you team SQL with other languages such as PHP or C/C++, the combination is very powerful.
 With this kind of combination, you can accomplish any programming task.

SQL is inherently simple. The most commonly used commands in SQL are CREATE, DROP, GRANT, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE. The modifiers for most of these commands are WHERE, AND, OR, LIKE, GROUP BY, or ORDER BY.
A few helper functions such as, but not limited to, COUNT(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), and SUM() also exist.

After you have mastered this list of commands, you are ready to use SQL for most tasks. In almost all cases,
 by using some thought, complex statements can be boiled down to simpler statements. Very rarely do you require some of the more complex constructs.

MySQL Implements a Subset of SQL
Not all ANSI SQL features are implemented in MySQL. As of the 3.22 version of MySQL, the following
features are left out:

In VARCHAR columns, trailing spaces are removed when stored in the database.

In some cases CHAR columns are changed to VARCHAR columns without notification.

Privileges stay after a table is deleted. They must be explicitly revoked using the REVOKE command.
 This is because privileges are stored in the mysql database tables.

NULL and FALSE both evaluate to NULL.

MySQL 3.22 doesn't support transactions. However, it does do its work using "atomic operations."
 The authors of MySQL believe this provides "equal or better integrity," with better performance.
 MySQL version 3.23 is having transactions added to it.

You can simulate COMMIT and ROLLBACK. A COMMIT on an operation is a way of saying all the conditions are
 good, store the data. To do this in a multiuser environment, you LOCK the tables to prevent any other user
 from changing them. You then make your changes and test all the conditions.

The MySQL server version 3.22 and below is under the MySQL Free Public license, which is applicable
 to non-Microsoft platforms, and is included at the end of this book. It is a very liberal license,
 requiring payment under limited circumstances.

Some parts of the MySQL tools are under the GNU public license. Some parts of the MySQL tools are
 in the public domain. The MySQL server itself is not under the GNU license or in the public domain.
 On Microsoft platforms, the license for version 3.22 and below is a different license and requires
payment after a trial period. Check their Web site for details concerning the Microsoft licensing details.

MySQL server version 3.23 is now released under the GPL license. Version 3.23 is still in alpha as of
this writing, but should be released soon. It is in your best interest to upgrade to version 3.23 as
soon as it is stable because the GPL license is less restrictive than the MySQL license.

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php Sessions page

Php Sessions are used to help maintain the values of variables across multiple web pages.
 This is done by creating a unique session ID that is sent to the client browser.
The browser then sends the unique ID back on each page request and PHP uses the ID to fetch the
values of all the variables associated with this session.

The session ID is sent back and forth in a cookie or in the URL. By default, PHP tries to use cookies,
 but if the browser has disabled cookies, PHP falls back to putting the ID in the URL.
The php.ini directives that affect this are:

When on, PHP will try to use cookies

When on, PHP will add the ID to URLs if cookies are not used

The trans_sid code in PHP is rather interesting. It actually parses the entire HTML file
and modifies/mangles every link and form to add the session ID. The url_rewriter.tags php.ini
directive can change how the various elements are mangled.

Writing an application that uses sessions is not hard. You start a session using session_start( ),
 then register the variables you wish to associate with that session. For example:

  session_start( );

  $test = "Hello";
  $test1 = "World";
If you put the previous example in a file named page1.php and load it in your browser, it sends you a cookie and stores the values of $foo and $bar on the server. If you then load this page2.php page:

  session_start( );
  echo "test = $_SESSION[test]<br />";
  echo "test1 = $_SESSION[test1]<br />";
You should see the values of $foo and $bar set in page1.php. Note the use of the $_SESSION superglobal.
 If you have register_globals on, you would be able to access these as $foo and $bar directly.

You can add complex variables such as arrays and objects to sessions as well. The one caveat with
putting an object in a session is that you must load the class definition for that
object before you call session_start( ).

A common error people make when using sessions is that they tend to use it as a replacement for
 authentication -- or sometimes as an add-on to authentication. Authenticating a user once as he first
 enters your site and then using a session ID to identify that user throughout the rest of
the site without further authentication can lead to a lot of problems if another person is somehow
able to get the session ID.

There are a number of ways to get the session ID:

If you are not using SSL, session IDs may be sniffed

If you don't have proper entropy in your session IDs, they may be guessed

If you are using URL-based session IDs, they may end up in proxy logs

If you are using URL-based session IDs, they may end up bookmarked on publicly-accessible computers

Forcing HTTP Authentication on each page over SSL is the most secure way to avoid this problem, but it tends to be a bit inconvenient. Just keep the above points in mind when building a web application that uses sessions to store users' personal details.

google pagerank secrets

Google uses the PageRank algorithm to order the results returned by specific search queries.
 As such, understanding PageRank is crucial to core SEO efforts to improve natural search results.

Depending on who you ask, PageRank is named after its inventor, Lawrence Page, Google's co-founderor because it is a mechanism for ranking pages.

When a user enters a query, also called a search, into Google, the results are returned
in the order of their PageRank.

Originally fairly simple in concept, PageRank now reportedly processes more than 100 variables.
 Since the exact nature of this "secret sauce" is, well, secret, the best thing you can do
from an SEO perspective is more or less stick to the original concept.

The underlying idea behind PageRank is an old one that has been used by librarians in the pre-Web past
 to provide an objective method of scoring the relative importance of scholarly documents. The more citations other documents make to a particular document, the more "important" the document is, the higher its rank in the system, and the more likely it is to be retrieved first.

The placerank secret behind google's local search rankings page rank is a link analysis algorithm which is used by search engines to determine relative importance of your link within their database here i ll tell you how. Google most local business marketers focus solely upon their company s web presence and don't realize  that if they shifted a portion of their promotional efforts outward. The placerank secret behind google's local search rankings search results.

Each web page is assigned a number depending upon the number of other pages that link to the page.

Google pagerank secrets page rank is a link analysis algorithm which is used by search engines to determine  relative importance of your link within their database.

The crucial element that makes PageRank work is the nature of the Web itself, which depends almost
 solely on the use of hyperlinking between pages and sites. In the system that makes Google's PageRank
 algorithm work, links are a web popularity contest: Webmaster A thinks Webmaster B's site has good
information (or is cool, or looks good, or is funny), so Webmaster X may decide to add a
link to Webmaster Y's site. In turn, Webmaster Y might return the favor.

The more inbound links a page has (references from other sites), the more likely it is to have a higher
 PageRank. However, not all inbound links are of equal weight when it comes to how they contribute
 to PageRanknor should they be. A web page gets a higher PageRank if another significant source
 (by significant source I mean a source that also receives a lot of inbound links.

Test page rank with PR checker is a completely free tool to check google pr, page rank of your web site easily and possibly display your google pagerank on your web pages.

The importance of google pagerank: a guide for small business the technology behind google's great results as a google user, you re familiar with the speed and accuracy of a google search.
and thus has a higher PageRank) links to it than if a trivial site without traffic provides the inbound link.

 PageRank is essentially a recursive algorithm; a given page's PageRank is the sum of the PageRanks
 of the pages that link to it (weighted by the total number of links, of course). In this scheme,
a link from a high PageRank page clearly counts for more than a link from a low-ranking page.

The more sophisticated version of the PageRank algorithm currently used by Google involves more than simply crunching the number of links to a page and the PageRank of each page that provides an
inbound link. While Google's exact method of calculating PageRank is shrouded in proprietary mystery,
 PageRank does try to exclude links from so-called link farms, pages that contain only links,
and mutual linking (which are individual two-way links put up for the sole purpose of boosting PageRanks).

The PageRank for a specific web page can clearly be calculated by going through all the inbound links to a  page, calculating the PageRanks of all these pages, backing up to calculate the inbound links in turn to
the new set of pages, and so on, all the way back until there are no more inbound links.

A little more technically, a web page's PageRank can be calculated by iterating recursively through all  of its inbound linked pages.

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