HTML-language of the web

The HTML code tag is used for indicating a piece of code. The code tag surrounds the code being marked up.For example, the title element represents the title of the document..There are multiple kinds of HTML elements: void elements, raw text elements, and normal elements.

    a start tag (<tag>) marking the beginning of an element, which may incorporate any number of attributes;
    some amount of text content, but no elements (all tags, apart from the applicable end tag, will be interpreted as content);
    an end tag, in which the element name is prepended with a forward slash: </tag>. In some versions of HTML, the end tag is optional for some elements. The end tag is required in XHTML.[examples needed]

Normal elements usually have both a start tag and an end tag, although for some elements the end tag, or both tags, can be omitted. It is constructed in a similar way:

    a start tag (<tag>) marking the beginning of an element, which may incorporate any number of attributes;
    some amount of content, including text and other elements;
    an end tag, in which the element name is prepended with a forward slash: </tag>.

Learn HTML with this free HTML tutorial - build tables, forms, fonts, color, images, hyperlinks and more.