Alexa Rankings

Alexa Rankings attempt to rank all web sites globally
 by quantity of traffic. The traffic rankings use statistics
based on data gathered from the Alexa Toolbar and
other tools connected to the service. The service is
 provided by Alexa Internet, a subsidiary of Amazon Incorporated.
The statistics aren’t generally accepted as accurate, and many
speculate that the rankings are subject to manipulation and
skewing as a result of a limited dataset. In general, the
statistics are more accurate with higher ranking sites those
with lowernumerical rankings. Despite these caveats,
Alexa Rankings can be used to get a handle on increasing
 traffic trends, and they are generally fun to watch.

Brainstorming keywords that seem relevant to your web
 site may help to identify keywords to target in a search
engine marketing campaign. However, the actual keywords
 used by web searchers may be surprising more often
than not. Fortunately, tools are available that mine available
 search data and conveniently allow one to peruse both
related keywords as well as their respective query volumes.

URLs are more visible than many realize, and are a
contributing factor in CTR. They are often cited directly
 in copy, and they occupy approximately 20% of the real
 estate in a given search engine result page.

Creating search engine friendly URLs becomes challenging
 and requires more forethought when developing a dynamic
 web site. A dynamic web site with poorly architected URLs
 presents numerous problems for a search engine. On the
other hand, search engine friendly URLs containing relevant
 keywords may both increase search engine rankings,
as well as prompt a user to click them.