Top Google AdSense Tips website
People who publish AdSense ads on theirWeb sites are always working to
find new ways to increase their earnings
from AdSense ads. Usually, that
means creating new Web sites and blogs
and then populating them with content.
Not everyone has time to keep up with
all that, so some people who publish
AdSense ads on their Web sites have
come up with an innovative way to
show AdSense ads without investing
so much time and effort.
Make your site easy to navigate by
creating a consistent navigational
structure across your site and by making
that navigational structure
obvious to visitors.Nothing’s worse
than getting stuck on a Web page
without a link to the home page or
another way off the page without
using your back button or closing
your browser completely.
Include relevant links to other Web sites.
Use a site mapa text document that
links to every page on the site
and submit it to Google.To submit your
site map, you have to be a
member of Google’s Webmaster
Central, but signing up for that is as
easy as signing up for any other Google account.
Google AdSense - earn revenue from online content
Include clear, relevant content.
Make sure the HTML that makes
up your site is written correctly.
Repair broken links as soon as
they’re noticed.
Allow crawlers access to your Web site
by including a robots.txt file in
the design of your site.The robots.txtfile
has two lines:
User agent: *
Disallow: /
Create the file with a text editor, such as
Notepad, save it using robots.
txt, and then when you upload your
Web site to a server, be sure to
also upload this file.The file tells
Web site crawlers that they’re
welcome to look at all the pages
on your Web site.
Design your pages for users, not for
search engines.Users come to your
site because they need something.
Design your site so that the visitors
you’re targeting get exactly what
they need — information and products
that they’re searching for. By designing
your site with your visitors in
mind, you’ll automatically hit most
of the requirements that search engines
have for ranking you in search results.
Choosing the right keywords
Choosing the right keywords is a bit of a science
but it’s also a bit of old fashioned luck.
No keyword guide is out there for the
perplexed that cantell you whether the
keyword is perfect for this or that subject.
Instead, thewords that apply to your
subject are what they are. So, the best
place to startlooking for the right keywords
for your topic is to brainstorm all the words
that are most prevalent when the topic is in discussion.
Use the Color Picker to the right of each
ad element Border, Title,
Background, Text, and URL to choose
a new color for an element.
a color palette opens from which you can
choose other colors.
Note that after you make the change, the
sample ad in the lower-left
corner of the wizard screen changes to
reflect the new color.
Play with your Color Picker just a little
so you can get a feel for how wild
you can make your ads. I don’t recommend
making them wild for actual
use, though. My strong advice to you will
always be the simpler, the
Select the channel you want to use to track
your ad and then click
Continue. Remember that channels are
categories that
you create so you can keep
up with how specific ads perform.
Using Multiple Ads
Having multiple ads means more chances
for site visitors to click your ads.
With that reasoning, many Web site owners
who add AdSense to their pages
automatically put as many ads as they
can on their Web site.
Using multiple ads — more than one ad
unit per page is usually a recommended
practice. Having multiples gives you the
opportunity to catch your
site visitors in more than one location.
It also allows you to include ads on
your site that may appeal to different audiences.
Getting in the zone
A zoneis an area of your Web site that draws
readers’ eyes. Most Web sites
have a header zone, a content zone, and a
sidebar zone. Visitors focus on
each of those areas for a different reason.
The content zoneis where visitors focus
most of their attention.
This is where the main content of your
site is found, and
that’s what your visitors are looking for.
Content is first,links are secondary.
Don’t get fooled, though. Links
may be secondary, but they’re still
an important part of the site.
Types of search
Conduct a site search
Conduct a Web search
Conduct a targeted search
See results returned on your Web site
See results returned on the Google site
Besides, if the visitor will leave your site anyway to
search for the information she’s looking for, why not
give her the option of searching from your site?
The visitor benefits in time saved, and you benefit in
the possible revenue stream. Plenty of options for the types
of search you can allow are available, too. Users can Conduct
a site search Conduct a Web search
Conduct a targeted search See results returned on your
Web site See results returned on the Google site It’s not
just plain vanilla search, in other words.
You can really punch up your search capabilities so
that your site visitors can search with style and find
what they’re looking for. You can even direct the
search so that users aren’t pulling information
from your competition.
There’s one small issue of which you might want
to be aware upfront. When
you’re creating a Google Gadget with the intent
of embedding Google AdSense
code into it, you first need permission from AdSense.
AdSense doesn’t usually have a problem with
granting that permission, but without it, your ad probably
won’t show up properly in the gadget.
To get permission, you have to e-mail Google AdSense with their support form
found at Enter
your contact information in the form, and then, in the text box provided for
questions or statements, write a brief request to use AdSense in your gadget.
If you already have an active gadget that is popular, be sure to include information about it. If you’re creating a new gadget, include that information too. And
don’t forget a description of your gadget. Google will make the determination
to allow you to use AdSense in your gadget on a case-by-case basis.
You may have to wait a few days to get a response from AdSense, so think a
little ahead of the game if you’re trying to meet a specific deadline.
Another issue to keep in mind when you’re creating your gadgets with
AdSense embedded in them is that the combination of the two isn’t something that Google came up with, so there are times when gadgets and
AdSense don’t play well together.
This can result in either the gadget that you’ve created not being shown or
the AdSense ad not being shown. There’s no known fix for this issue right
now. Google’s working on it, so you’ll see that your ads and gadgets display
well for a time and then they’ll crash.
If that disposable income is available, why wouldn’t you want to tap into it?
Most Web site owners do feel that urge, so they’ve created mobile-friendly
Web sites that allow cell phone-enabled Internet users to access their content whether those visitors are sitting on the bus or climbing the Rocky
Mountains. Of course, with mobile Web sites, Google will find a way to monetize these mobile-friendly sites.
Enter Google AdSense for Mobile,which is a program that allows you to put
ads on your Web site that can be displayed on mobile browsers. Visitors surfing your site with a mobile phone can see and click these ads, and you can
earn some bucks even in this smaller format.
Nearly half of all mobile Internet users use mobile Web sites only to find
tidbits of immediately useful information. Mobile surfers don’t usually surf
just for the fun of being on the Internet — they save major surfing for when
they can sit at a computer and see pages displayed more than a few words
at a time. In part, that’s because mobile Web sites are usually pretty poorly
designed still, despite the fact that the mobile Web has been around for
awhile now.
It’s hard to get the hang of how a Web site should appear on a cell phone
screen. Many Web site owners make the mistake of designing their Web site
for the computer screen and then enabling it for mobile phones without
changing site design. You can do that, but the results won’t be the most
useful site a mobile surfer comes across.
Enabling your site for mobile users is easy — for the most part. In most
cases, it requires a small switch in the encoding of your Web site from HTML
(HyperText Markup Language) to XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup
Language) or another mobile-enabled Web design language.
Some mobile applications, however, require PHP— hypertext processor(I
have no clue how the popular acronym gained the first P). PHP is a serverside processing language because scripts(or applications) are run from the
server rather than from the computer that the application appears on. This
makes it much easier to have rich programming on Web sites, which doesn’t
depend on the computer a visitor may be using.
Because of the way it works, PHP makes creating rich, detailed mobile Web
sites a much easier process. The cool part is that if you have a Web site written in HTML or XHTML, changing it to PHP is often as easy as changing the
extension of the files that make up the site from .htmto .php. Really.