Different types of SEO

This guide covers all major aspects of SEO, including:

• content SEO
• analytical SEO
• performance SEO
• Technical/HTML SEO
• Image SEO
• Off-site SEO

Where possible I will demonstrate techniques (or refer to other articles) with verifiable SEO
examples that you can look at on Google.

Content SEO

Content SEO refers to the techniques you can use to help content appear higher in the SERPs
(Search Engine Results Pages).
How to implement content SEO: Content SEO requires you to know which SEO keywords and
phrases you want to target. This in turn means you need to do some SEO keyword research before
sitting down to write.

The following articles tell you everything you need to know about content SEO:

• Anatomy of a blog post: How to get more traffic and s ocial engagement from your content
• Killer SEO tip: How to make the long tail pay

What's new in content SEO: Google's Panda and Penguin algorithm updates hit a lot of sites. Not
all of the updates affected content SEO - Penguin focused on spammy backlinks, for example.
However, almost all of Google's updates are designed to improve the quality of the content returned
by their search. Quality! That's the new buzzword. Good content SEO starts with high quality
content that is useful, engaging, valuable or entertaining.

Analytical SEO

Analytical SEO makes use of traffic analysis through an analytics service like Google analytics. By
analyzing the sources, demographics, browsing patterns and conversions of organic search traffic, it
is possible to improve your SEO strategy.