Creating custom website widgets

Everything starts with an idea. Creating custom widgets
can be as simple or as complex as required. You can create some website widgets by
simply creating custom HTML pages. Others you can create by utilizing Atom/RSS
feeds, Java applets, and Flash. In this section, we will create a sample HTML-based
widget to illustrate the concepts of link baiting and website widgets.
Let’s suppose you own a site that sells many different brands of alarm clocks. To promote
your site, you want to create your own link bait. Specifically, you want to create
a simple digital alarm clock widget (called Wake Up Service) that any site can link to
or use. When the widget is used on other sites, you specify the condition that your link
must be present to use the widget.
On your site, you also want to ensure that your link bait is highly visible (typically
placed at a strategic location for easy recognition).

Widget promotion and distribution.
You can proliferate your widgets in many ways. You can
do it from your site, you can use a third-party site, or you can employ both methods.
Make it easy for your visitors by offering simple cut-and-paste HTML code such as the
<a href=""
target="_new">Wake Up Service</a>
This sample code shows the link to our Wake Up Service widget, which will open in a
new window. For website widgets such as the one we created in this example, you could
also write a small article that will be syndicated along with all of your other articles.
People subscribing to your feeds will be able to read about it and propagate the information
if they find it interesting.