PHP provides four primitive data types: integers, floating
point numbers, strings, and booleans. In addition, there are two compound data
types: arrays and objects.
Integers are whole numbers. The range of integers in PHP is
equivalent to the range of the long data type in C. On 32-bit
platforms, integer values range from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. PHP
automatically converts larger values to floating point numbers if you happen to
overflow the range. An integer can be expressed in decimal (base-10),
hexadecimal (base-16), or octal (base-8). For example:
$decimal=16; $hex=0x10; $octal=020;
Floating Point Numbers
Floating point numbers represent decimal values. The range of
floating point numbers in PHP is equivalent to the range of the double
type in C. On most platforms, a double can be between 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308. A
double may be expressed either as a regular number with a decimal point or in
scientific notation. For example:
$var=0.017; $var=17.0E-3
PHP also has two sets of functions that let you manipulate
numbers with arbitrary precision. These two sets are known as the BC and the GMP
functions. See and for more
A string is a sequence of characters. A string can be delimited
by single quotes or double quotes:
'PHP is cool' "Hello, World!"
Double-quoted strings are subject to variable substitution and
escape sequence handling, while single quotes are not. For example:
$a="World"; echo "Hello\t$a\n";
This displays "Hello" followed by a tab and then "World"
followed by a newline. In other words, variable substitution is performed on the
variable $a and the escape sequences are converted to their
corresponding characters. Contrast that with:
echo 'Hello\t$a\n';
In this case, the output is exactly "Hello\t$a\n". There is no
variable substitution or handling of escape sequences.
Another way to assign a string is to use what is known as the
heredoc syntax. The advantage with this approach is that you do not need
to escape quotes. It looks like this:
$foo = <<<EOD This is a "multiline" string assigned using the 'heredoc' syntax. EOD;
The following table shows the escape sequences understood by
PHP inside double-quoted strings.
Escape sequence
Linefeed (LF or 0x0A (10) in ASCII)
Carriage return (CR or 0x0D (13) in ASCII)
Horizontal tab (HT or 0x09 (9) in ASCII)
Dollar sign
Double quote
Octal notation representation of a character
Hexadecimal notation representation of a
The boolean type only has two states: true and
false. For example:
$flag = true;
Boolean values are most commonly used when the == or ===
operators perform a comparison and return the result.
An array is a compound data type that can contain multiple data
values, indexed either numerically or with strings. For example, an array of
strings can be written like this:
$var[0]="Hello"; $var[1]="World";
Note that when you assign array elements like this, you do not
have to use consecutive numbers to index the elements.