The context object drawing functionality HTML5

arc(): The arc command draws an arc (portion of a circle) as part of a
path. The arc is defined like a circle, with a center and radius, but also with
beginning and ending angles. If the angles describe a full circle (0 to 2 × pi
radians), the arc command will draw a full circle. See the preceding example
for a custom circle function created from the arc command.

beginPath(): This command begins the definition of a path. Normally a
path is defined by a single moveTo command, followed by a series of
lineTo commands, and finished by a stroke, closePath, or fill.

closePath(): This command connects the last point of a path (drawn
with moveTo and lineTo commands) to the first, creating a closed shape
that can be filled.

drawImage(): The drawImage command allows you to draw an image (from
an external image file) on the canvas. Many implementations allow pixel-level
manipulation, allowing you to apply custom filters and transformations to
your images, which allows far more control than the typical <img> tag.

 fill(): The fill command (and its variants — like fillRect) allows you to
apply the current fill style to elements drawn on the screen.

 fillRect(): This command builds a rectangle of a specified size and
position, filled in with the current fill style.

fillStyle(): Allows you to specify the fill style. This can be a standard
color value, or a predefined gradient.

 lineTo(): This command (along with the moveTo command) allows you
to build a path on the screen. The lineTo command takes a point as input
and draws from a previously defined point to the current point. Note that
the path is not displayed until the application of the stroke function.

lineWidth(): This defines the width of the line being drawn by a stroke

 moveTo: Used in path definition, the moveTo command is used to indicate
the starting point of a path.

stroke(): This command draws the currently defined path. Note that
paths are not immediately drawn; the stroke command actually draws the
path on the screen.