Using mysql_fetch_array fanc

we accessed attributes in order using the foreach loop statement. In many cases, you'll also want to access the attributes in another way, and this is usually best achieved by using the attribute names themselves. It's much easier to remember that you want to show the user the vintage year, the wine's name, the varieties, and the price, than to remember you want to show attributes four, two, six, and one from the SELECT statement. It's also a much better programming methodology because your code will be independent of the structure of the SQL statement and it'll be more readable. What's more, it's faster to access only the values you need.

$result = mysql_query("SELECT winery_name, phone, fax FROM winery");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


   print "The {$row["winery_name"]} winery's fax is {$row["fax"]}". 

   print "Their phone is {$row["phone"]}.\n";
