video element of HTML5.

The video element is one of the more anticipated features of HTML5. With this
tag, developers will be able to embed videos into a Web page without requiring
a plugin like Flash.

<video src = “bigBuck.ogv” controls>
Your browser does not support embedded video
through HTML5.

The <video> tag itself is pretty simple to understand, but the actual implementation
is somewhat complex. HTML5 indicates a video tag, but it doesn’t specify
what format the browser will support. It will not surprise you that all the
browser manufacturers have a different opinion about which format will be supported.
At the moment, there are three main video formats in contention.

If you want to incorporate HTML5 video, use the <source> tag to include all the
major formats. (You can use the free FFmpeg tool available for all major software
platforms to convert your videos.) As a final fallback, use the <embed> tag inside
your <video> tag to load the video with a Flash player.
You can use JavaScript to control the video element in the same way you control
audio. See the “audio” section earlier in this part for more information
about controlling your media elements through JavaScript code.