what is CodeIgniter Helpers?

Helpers, as their name implies, help you with specific tasks. Unlike libraries, helpers are not object -oriented but procedural in nature. Each helper contains one or more functions, each focusing on a
specific task, with zero dependence on other functions.

Helpers can either be loaded locally or autoloaded in /system/application/config/autoload.php.

CodeIgniter's  helpers:

Array —  The   Array helpercontains functions that help you work with arrays. For example, the
random_element()function takes an array as input and returns a random element from it.

Cookie —  The   Cookie helpercontains functions that help you set, read, and delete cookie data.

Date —  The   Date helpercontains functions that help you work with dates. For example, the
now function returns the current time as a UNIX time stamp.

Directory —  The   Directory helpercontains a single function that helps you work with directories.
For example, the directory_mapfunction reads a specified directory path and builds an array
of it that contains all of its files and subdirectories.

Download —  The   Download helpercontains a single function that helps you download data
easily. The force_download()function generates server headers that force data to be
downloaded instead of viewed in a browser.

File —  The   File helpercontains functions that help you read, write, and delete files.

Form —  The   Form helpercontains functions that help you build forms. It is probably one of the
most used helpers in the CodeIgniter toolbox.

HTML —  The   HTML helpercontains functions that help you create HTML blocks quickly and
easily. For example, the ul()function can turn an array of items into a bulleted list.

Inflector —  The   Inflector helpercontains functions that help you to turn words into plural or
singular form, to apply camel case, or to turn words separated by spaces into an underscored

Security —  The   Security helpercontains security - related functions like xss_clean(),  which
filters out any code that may be used in a cross site scripting hack.

Smiley —  The   Smiley helpercontains functions that help you manage emoticons. The functions
in this helper might seem superfluous, but become invaluable if you are coding a bulletin board
or chat application.

String —  The   String helpercontains functions that help you work with strings, like the random_
string  function, which as its name implies, creates random strings based on type and length

Text —  The   Text helpercontains functions that help you work with text. For example, the word_
limiter function can limit a string to a certain number of words, which is useful if you ’ re
trying to limit user input on a form.

Typography —  The   Typography helpercontains a single function that helps you format text in
appropriate ways. For example, the auto_typography()function wraps paragraphs with < p >
and < /p > , converts line breaks to < br/ > , and converts quotes, dashes, and ellipses properly.

PHP, you can use the substr()function instead of the word_limiter or character_limiter
made available by the Text helper. Certainly, you ’ re not forced to use helpers, but they ’ re made available
to you, and they do a fine job of saving time and effort.