var_dump and print_r -PHP-standard

Functions like var_dump and print_r are also invaluable when debugging


var_dump functions displays information about variables in a simple, readable 
format. This function is very useful when debugging—providing a simple
 and easy way to display the current contents of one or more variables.

For simple scalar variables such as booleans, integers, strings, and doubles,
 the type of the variable is printed, followed by an opening bracket, the value
 contained in the variable, and a closing bracket.

Arrays are printed as a list of keys and values, and have their type array
 printed at the top of the list.


print_r displays information about a variable in a format meant to
 be easily understandable by humans. It is often used for debugging—
providing a simple and easy way to display the current contents of a variable.
 However, var_dump provides more complete information and allows
 for the use of multiple arguments.
For simple scalar variables, such as booleans, integers, strings, 
and doubles, the value contained in the variable is printed.

If print_r is used on a data structure that is a reference to itself, 
the function enters a recursive loop—generating the same information
 repeatedly until the script times out or the user cancels the script.