The most important players for Web multimedia

important players for Web multimedia

Real Networks RealPlayer:RealPlayer is a plug-in for
real-time playback of audio and video files that works
 pretty darn well. The user of a RealAudioenhanced
Web site typically clicks a link to get an audio or a video clip.
Areasonably brief pause ensues while an initial part of the
 file downloads,and then sound or a video clip starts playing.
The file isstreamedin realtime, meaning that no big file is stored
 on the user’s hard disk.

Windows Media Player:Microsoft is trying to take back
the multimedia player lead from Real with its own, similar
 offering. Windows MediaPlayer supports most of the
 same formats as RealPlayer and comes bundled with
 just about every PC. However, RealPlayer is now
 moving ahead with deals with Apple for QuickTime
 interoperability, so Windows Media Player may
 still be playing catch-up for awhile.

Apple QuickTime:QuickTime is Apple’s multimedia
technology that hasbecome the industry standard for
 video editing and high-quality video playback on computers.
 QuickTime VR is an offshoot of QuickTime that
creates high-resolution virtual reality panoramas and objects.
 MostQuickTime content is not streamed; users have
 to wait until some or the entire file downloads before
 it will play back. Although this reduces immediacy,
it allows improved quality and greater flexibility for the user.

Macromedia ShockWave/Flash:The ShockWave plug-in
 allows presentations and experiences created in Macromedia
Director to be played back over the Web. Figuring out
Director is no mean feat, but luckily you don’tneed to understand
 Director in order to use the powerful ShockWave
tool, which delivers multimedia experiences over the Web.
Flash is asimple format for delivering animations in your
Web page and is rapidly
becoming popular.