Four Money-Making SEO Tips for Small Business

Write unique content

Unique content is important too. You need to provide content that has different information than what is on other sites and other Web pages.

Add new content all the time (HIGH PRIORITY)

Sites that have new content added on a regular basis are seen as more reliable than sites that rarely do. This also helps you to increase the amount of relevant content on your site, which also improves your rankings.

Use the keyword phrase in your title tag

The title tag is one of the most important tags on your Web page. And placing your keyword phrase in the title tag, preferably at the beginning, is very important to get that phrase into the search engines. Plus, that puts your keyword phrase as the link in the search engine index.

Get a domain with your keyword phrase

Putting your keyword phrase in your domain name is a great way to optimize for that phrase.

Simple ways to improve your Web site's search rankings and get more traffic.

Keywords in URLs and File Names

Keywords in URLs and File Names

The domain name and the whole URL of a site tell a lot about it. The presumption is that if your site is about dogs, you will have “dog”, “dogs”, or “puppy” as part of your domain name. For instance, if your site is mainly about adopting dogs, it is much better to name your dog site “” than “”, for example, because in the first case you have two major keywords in the URL, while in the second one you have no more than one potential minor keyword.
When hunting for keyword rich domain names, don't get greedy. While from a SEO point of view it is better to have 5 keywords in the URL, just imagine how long and difficult to memorize the URL will be. So you need to strike a balance between the keywords in the URL and site usability, which says that more than 3 words in the URL is a way too much.
Probably you will not be able to come on your own with tons of good suggestions. Additionally, even if you manage to think of a couple of good domain names, they might be already taken. In such cases tools like the Tool below can come very handy.

Link Building Guide

Link building is considered to be as a base of Optimization process and when it comes to do follow links even Google considers such inbound links as a vote to a website. Such back links can help you to increase the page rank of the website and by the time improve creditability of the website from Google point of view. Hope each SEO and Online marketers are well aware about the fact so they are looking for varied ways to generate do follow back links for the website or any particular web page. Though it was a time when do follow links was easily available by placing links in any of the website, but this has induced spamming activity and Google had to roll out No follow attribute to get rid of link spamming. So now if you are able to place a link in a website but such links are no follow than Google will not consider it provided if such link are from high Page rank and niche website.

Robots.txt Optimization

The purpose of these file is to tell the search engine robots or crawler that they are allowed to access my website. At this moment many of you might think that why should they insert the robots.txt file on the root directory of their site. When they want spiders to crawl their website completely and it is their normal duty. Than wait! I have a reply for you, when spiders look for a particular page on your website where that is not available than the normal result is error 404 and these is a known fact. Here comes a robots.txt file in action, it is a well known name for search engine spiders and they will look it to the file to check if any barrier is set on the site for them. If no robots.txt file created it will end to an error 404 page. The error will appear to spiders and they may report it as a broken link.

1) Here's a basic "robots.txt":

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

This is interesting- here we declare that crawlers in general should not crawl any parts of our site, EXCEPT for Google, which is allowed to crawl the entire site apart from /cgi-bin/ and /privatedir/. So the rules of specificity apply, not inheritance.

Time consuming process in seo

 Web site Analysis

    Keyword Analysis – It includes identifying the key search terms on the basis of inventory, relevance, and competition, through which people search for your products or services. Keywords can potentially drive traffic to your site. We help you with:
      1  Keyword Competition Analysis
      2  Keyword Density Analysis
      3  and Keyword Prominence Analysis

    Page Ranking Analysis –  each of your web page to see how it fares on Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN etc. and also let you know how it has performed in the recent past. The page rank depends a lot on the number of back or inbound links connected to a site and the reputation of those back links.

    Meta Tags, HTML Codes and Broken Links – Meta tags, proper HTML codes and well-connected links are vital for a positive conversion ratio to a site.

    It is a must to have keyword-rich and most relevant meta tags for a website. On the other hand nothing is more repulsive than badly displayed webpages and broken links. As major search engines don’t properly index/catalog sites with errors in HTML codes, our SEO experts quickly identify such mistakes and ensure that your site is listed on search engines.

    Evaluation of Website Content: Having good and relevant content on a website ensures decent ranking on search engines. We conduct:
        Content and Description Analysis
        Content Relevancy Analysis
        and Content-Keyword Density Analysis

    Audit URLs and provide recommendations for the same: A short and the most obvious URLs is the best URL. If a user is able to identify the content of a page with its URL then you’ve done a great job! It is always beneficial to have keyword-rich URLs.

Our teams will regularly monitor the ranks and performance of your site and suggest changes in case there’s a fall in page rank.

    Title & Anchor Optimization Title tags identify the company and its business. Hence, we provide the most relevant title tags, short and descriptive enough to identify and rank your business for a certain keywords. An ideal title tag shouldn't’t range beyond 60-65 characters.

    Description Meta Tags Optimization A site’s meta description contains brief description about the areas the site is focussing on. Keeping it slightly keyword-rich and USP-oriented helps in getting some advantage in Google algorithms, however, too much keyword stuffing is also not recommended. Meta tags shouldn't’t range beyond 250 characters.

    Graphic or Image Optimization Image optimization is very crucial for people dealing in eCommerce or having elaborate product catalogs. It is important to have appropriate ALT tags for a web crawler to identify the images.

    Optimizing Site Directory Structure and Navigation - help you develop effective strategies for building effective site structure. Home page of every domain receives more weigtage than the internal pages, hence, it is very important to include a list of practice areas on the home page.
         Create site map and link the same with appropriate pages
        Help you choose better navigation schemes

    Optimize the existing content as in a way that it is suitable to search engines as well as your readers. This includes moderately populating the content with good keywords and modifying the language to make it more readable.

    Incorporate XML Site maps Develop/suggest appropriate site maps for search engine spiders to gather information about the website.

    HTML Code Correction
    Broken Link Correction
    Internal Linking Structure Modification
    Apply Optimized Robots.txt
    Apply 301 Redirection
    Apply W3C validation on Website
    Create and Update Google and Yahoo Site Map

Semantic Markup for seo

HTML tags have meaning, semantic markup just means "adding meaning to your content with tags." For example, instead of formatting a headline with the <b> tag to make it bold, use a heading tag like <h2>, typically browsers and search engines can recognize headings <h1> through <h6>, and usually they expect them to appear in a logical order. Well you could look at the code of this article, and see that the first <H> tag I use is an <h2> and then I use a few <h3> tags and then go back to <h2> for my next major heading. What I'm doing here is telling a search engine "Hey! The stuff between these tags is important, give it more weight in searching." Web browsers will display each heading level differently, and since our site (and many)uses CSS, additional styling can be applied to further distinguish them which makes the content easier for a human to understand. Similarly, instead of using numbers or asterisks for lists, use and <ol> (ordered list, or numbered list) or <ul> (unordered or bulleted list) tags plus an <li>

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An important part of developing a successful web development strategy is deciding on how you're going to make money.

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If you're looking for a great opportunity to work at home and earn a substantial income, selecting affiliate programs that pay generous commissions for top quality products that are in high demand is key. However, locating quality affiliate programs can be very difficult.

HTML-language of the web

The HTML code tag is used for indicating a piece of code. The code tag surrounds the code being marked up.For example, the title element represents the title of the document..There are multiple kinds of HTML elements: void elements, raw text elements, and normal elements.

    a start tag (<tag>) marking the beginning of an element, which may incorporate any number of attributes;
    some amount of text content, but no elements (all tags, apart from the applicable end tag, will be interpreted as content);
    an end tag, in which the element name is prepended with a forward slash: </tag>. In some versions of HTML, the end tag is optional for some elements. The end tag is required in XHTML.[examples needed]

Normal elements usually have both a start tag and an end tag, although for some elements the end tag, or both tags, can be omitted. It is constructed in a similar way:

    a start tag (<tag>) marking the beginning of an element, which may incorporate any number of attributes;
    some amount of content, including text and other elements;
    an end tag, in which the element name is prepended with a forward slash: </tag>.

Learn HTML with this free HTML tutorial - build tables, forms, fonts, color, images, hyperlinks and more. 

Description Tags on Your Website

By making bold it does not differ the semantic meaning of the word, it just enhances the look and grabs the attention. Strong tag makes the word encapsulated in tags in bold. It reads louder and boldly when compared to bold tag.

Video Meta Tags: These are now extremely important if you use video on your site. These tags are very similar to standard META tags. The only difference is that the CONTENT portion of the tag itself also has the word “video:”.  Therefore, <META NAME=”Description” CONTENT=”Video: Your descriptive sentence or two goes here.“>. In the case of (54% of video traffic) the title of the video becomes the TITLE tag and the description becomes the META description tag.

<TITLE> Tag: This is THE most important aspect of a page in terms on on-site SEO. The other days I spoke to someone who claimed his site had already been optimized by another company and his <TITLE> tag was still his business name.

  1. You only have about 200 characters – use them all – and tell your reader what you want them to know.
  2. Good idea to place a good key-term in there because the major search engines bold that term.
  3. Use as few words as possible – longer words can be easier to read quickly.
  4. If you need phone calls – put your phone number in there.


Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML tells web browsers what should be displayed on a page or site. This computer programming language is not visible to web users, but it is an essential part of any web site construction. HTML coding can be viewed by users on most web browsers if they so desire, but it is not apparent to the casual viewer. HTML has various elements which are enclosed inside of angle brackets. 

HTML is an essential part of web design as well as SEO campaigns. But it’s not a magic potion that will immediately put your site(s) at the top of the SERPs. There was recently a move from HTML 4 to HTML 5 and many of the changes are very beneficial to an SEO campaign. Basically, the latest changes allow for more description in the markup tags like the article, footer and navigation. The changes also introduced a new element “Canvas” which can be used to render images or graphs dynamically without making browser plugins necessary. It also has a new and improved video element which now allows embedding of videos without needing a third-part plugin like Adobe Flash. HTML 5 reduces the amount of required coding needed to render a web page which means the page will load much faster which can actually have some minor input on the page’s rank.

There are some aspects of HTML tags that will affect SEO experts. Search engines are trying to look at websites more from a human-like perspective so that the rankings are more what would be expected if a human were able to index millions of sites. To the SEO specialist this means making a site easily indexed by search engines and appealing to both search engines and human visitors. HTML brings sort of a balance into the ranking spectrum.

The Head tag will include title tags, a Meta description and the rel= or canonical tag. These will be housed between the <head> and </head> tags. The title tag will be just inside <head> tags and it will be used by search engines to determine the basic topic of the page. It is important to not try to stuff a lot of keywords in the title tag. Simply reflect the content of the page. The title tag is also important to users as its contents are usually seen as a clickable headline when displayed in the SERPs.

The Meta tag is retrieved by search engines and will display the site’s basic description in the SERPs. These should not be longer than 160 characters. Google will not use the Meta tag’s content to determine a site’s ranking, but usable keywords can attract more traffic because it is seen by users. Just be descriptive as well as honest when writing the Meta description.