Web Directories For SEO

  • Is it ranking in the SERPs? - If a site ranks well in the search engines it stands a good chance to be trusted by them. Plus even if those links do not count to help boost your ranking they still can drive direct traffic. I frequently see directories like Business.com and JoeAnt ranking in the search results.
  • Do they sell direct links? - Direct links are more likely to be taken as editorial votes of quality. Some redirected links may still count, but many of them will not.
  • How frequently is their site crawled? - You need to check and see if the category pages are being cached in Google, and how frequently they are cached. If their pages are not getting cached or have not been cached for 6 months then the odds are pretty low of that link carrying much weight.
  • What is the quality ratio? - Does it list anyone who pays? Or do they hold sites to some quality standards? Do they categorize sites properly? Or do they sell links to anyone in any category, even if it is the wrong one? Does each page have unique content? Are most pages empty - adding nothing but clutter to search indexes? If they do not help engines categorize the web (ie: no editorial value) then eventually the engines are not going to trust their votes.
  • What is the ad ratio? - Are all the listings paid? Or will they list some useful sites without payment? Does the site look like it aims to serve end users? Or does it look like it exists just to get AdSense ads or affiliate ads indexed?
  • Do they sell outbound sitewide links? - Prettymuch the equivalent of selling out - when a directory puts sitewide outbound links on their site (especially if those links are to junky sites) the odds are pretty good that the links are not going to count much.
  • Is it decrepit? - Directories which have 50% of their links broken or pointing at URLs that have been purchased by spammers or domainers are not going to pack as much punch as sites which have few broken links. I recently bought a 25 page directory that has not been updated in a couple years, and it had about 400 broken links in it. Not good!
  • Does it have unique content? - Is it a DMOZ clone? Are its listings manually compiled and unique from what is offered at other directories?
  • Is it relevant to my site? - Many small niche directories can drive decent value due to offering decent co-citation data and having exceptionally relevant traffic streams.
Bob Mutch recently rated 40 top directories based on their age, how many edu and gov links they have and whether or not they are listed in DMOZ and Yahoo!. I would contest that WhatUSeek isn't a real directory, ISEDB is a directory of search engines and directories, and that Vlib.org should be counted as a directory, but other than those minor points this is a pretty cool study.
1 www.dmoz.org 128,000 761 1999
2 dir.yahoo.com 111,000 2,060 1995
3 www.lii.org 10,400 110 1998
4 www.business.com 2,420 73 1998
5 sbd.bcentral.com 955 23 1999
6 www.whatuseek.com 273 2 1996
7 www.cannylink.com 204 1 1997
8 www.123world.com 123 2 1999
9 www.americasbest.com 99 13 1998
10 www.joeant.com 106 1 2000
11 www.chiff.com 105 1 1998
12 www.mavicanet.com 64 1 1999
13 www.botw.org 50 1 1996
14 www.elib.org 43 0 2003
15 www.isedb.com 33 0 2002
16 www.rlrouse.com 27 0 2002
17 www.gimpsy.com 23 0 2001
18 www.goguides.org 22 0 2001
19 www.uncoverthenet.com 18 2 2004
20 www.qango.com 19 1 1998
I think the inbound link profile is a good starting point for rating (when you add it to the other criteria I mentioned above), but what I think is even more interesting is how quickly they fall off in the quantity of quality links.

Link Building Activities

Link Baiting: Create compelling content for advertising and increase visitor interaction on your website. Visitors that click on this content land on your website to take a look at the irresistible offer.

Social Bookmarking: Social bookmarking of your website is a good way to get increased amount of traffic drawn to your website.

Link wheel: A link wheel is the process of creating 12 or more new blogs on a particular topic. On each of those sites, you write 200 words of unique content, and include 1 link to your targeted site and 1 link to one of your other blogs.

Reverse SEO: It is a process by which you can improve the ranking of your website and decrease the ranking of your competitor’s website. And the method used is – heavily spam the competitor’s website with a lot of irrelevant links.

Link farms: If your site has lots and lots of links linking to you and all these links are low in quality, built for the sole purpose of increasing inbound links, Google looks at these as “Link Farms”. Link Farms are deliberately created with a whole bunch of low quality links.

Codeigniter count_all for pagination

work on count_all condition.. you can use below method to find out total number of rows..

public function count_all() {
    $this->db->select ( 'COUNT(*) AS `numrows`' );
    $this->db->where ( array (
            'type' => 'Original'
    ) );
    $query = $this->db->get ( 'story_tbl' );
    return $query->row ()->numrows;

ou could also use the built-in num_rows() function...
$query = $this->db->where('type', 'original')->get('story_tbl');
return $query->num_rows();

Matt Cutts Talks SEO for Google

The latest Google Webmaster video features Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts talking about what webmasters can expect to see in the next few months in terms of SEO for Google, particularly changes combating black hat web spam from many different angles in a variety of areas.
Here are nine search and SEO changes webmasters will likely see – although, as always, Cutts warns nothing is set in stone and it should be taken with a grain of salt.

1. Next Generation of Penguin – Penguin 2.0

This update is to try and target more black hat web spam. The new Penguin 2.0, which is the name Google uses internally for the next gen Penguin, will be much more comprehensive than Penguin 1.0 and it will go deeper and have a larger impact than the original.

2. Advertorials

Many advertorials (a.k.a., native advertising) violate Google's quality guidelines. More importantly, they should not flow PageRank.
Google is planning to be a lot stronger on their enforcement of these types of paid links and advertising, disguised as “advertorials”. Cutts did clarify there is nothing wrong with advertorials, simply that they don't want them to be abused for PageRank and linking reasons. If you use advertorials, Cutts suggested that they should be clearly marked and obvious that it is paid advertising.

3. “Payday Loans” in .co.uk

Cutts mentioned that this is a problematic search, and there are others like it, so they are tackling it a couple of different ways. For those that play in that space, however, you're out of luck since Cutts isn't revealing exactly how they are dealing with it, just that it will be happening.
He said that they are targeting specific areas (another example he included was porn queries) that have traditionally been more spammy.

4. Devaluing Upstream Linking

Again, Cutts isn't going into details about this, but they are working on making link buying less effective and have a couple ideas for detailed link analysis to tackle this issue.

5. Hacked Sites

They want to roll out a next generation of hacked detection, as well as being able to notify webmasters better. They would like to be able to point webmasters to more specific information, such as whether they are dealing with malware or a hacked site, and to hopefully clean it up.

6. Authority

If Google's algorithms believe you or your site is an authority in a particular area, they want to make sure those sites rank a little bit higher than other sites.

7. Panda

They are looking for some additional signals for sites that are in the "gray area" or "border zone", and looking for other signals that suggest the site truly is high quality, so it will help those sites who have been previously impacted by Panda.

8. Changes to Cluster of Results From the Same Site

If you're doing deep searches in Google, and going back 5, 6 or more results pages deep, you can see the same site popping up with a cluster of results on those deep pages.
Google is looking into a change where once you have seen a cluster of results from the same site, you will be less likely to see more and more from that same site as you go deeper. Cutts mentioned this as being something that came specifically from user feedback.

9. More Information for Webmasters

Cutts said they want to be able to keep giving webmasters more specific and detailed information via webmaster tools. He mentions specifically example URLs to help webmasters diagnose problems on their site.
He believes that the changes will really make a difference with the quality of the search results, as well as impact the amount of spam that is showing up.

Bottom Line

Cutts says if you are focused on high quality content, you don't have much to worry about. But if you're dabbling in the black hat arts, you might have a busy summer.

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  • How email strategy can help you meet your marketing objectives through lead generation, lead nurturing, direct sales, and customer retention.
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  • The benefits of direct sales emails and what you can do to successfully create high sales turnaround using calls to action and deep linking to appropriate pages.
  • The value of a quality email strategy that will help you retain customers and build relationships with your readers, keeping your brand at the top of their minds.

Most Popular Keywords

  • Google Trends: Allows you to tap into Google's database of searches, to determine which keywords are most popular. View the volume of search queries over time (since 2004) worldwide or by regions and subregions, by languages, categories, and in Google properties such as news, image, or product search. Compare multiple terms, as well. Offers a list of what is trending now in Hot Searches.
  • Google Autocomplete: Google's Autocomplete is a tool that can help round out your research by providing keywords as seen through the searchers experience. When a searcher begins to type into the search box on Google.com, additional keywords are offered for searches that could be similar to what is typed. Google's algorithm works to predict search queries in real-time based on indexed web pages, personalized search history, other users' search activity, and Google+ (for person's name). Since the results are personalized, you may wish for more control over the Autocomplete feature. This can be accomplished by logging out of Google, turning off customizations, deleting web history, and Google+ settings.
  • Yahoo Buzz Log: Shows top overall keyword searches by Yahoo users with rank, buzz score, and how the search volume has moved in rank. There are additional options to narrow the buzz log by categories such as actors, movies, music, etc.
  • AOL Search Trends: Lists the top 50 search trends both hourly and daily on AOL. Data in AOL contains web and image searches (powered by Google), video (powered by Blinkx), News, Shopping, Maps, and Yellow Pages (powered by various providers).
  • YouTube Trends: Provides insights into popular videos based on keywords and video views. Trending Topics are algorithmically-generated topics from keywords in the title, tags, and description of the video within sets of videos that are currently rising in popularity. Trending videos are based on embedded video views and views on YouTube.
  • Google AdWords Keyword Tool: Enter a term or terms, to see search volume and keyword competition. Advanced options and filters allow you to refine by locations and languages and by desktop or mobile. 
  • Fastest Falling Global Queries

    Who lost the most traction in 2011? As Google Zeitgeist reveals the queries that fell fastest this year; see if you can spot the trend:
    1. MySpace 
    2. Hi5 
    3. Mebo (we believe they meant Meebo and not the misspelling) 
    4. Nasza Klasa (social network) 
    5. Netlog (social network) 
    6. Baidu 
    7. Wer Kennt Wen (social network) 
    8. Meinvz (social network) 
    9. Hotmail Correo 
    10. Delta Airlines

    Fastest Rising People Queries in the World

    Google has released their Zeitgeist 2011 data, complete with the top 10 search queries in sports, entertainment, news, and more for 48 countries. Zeitgeist’s lists allow you to compare results of any two queries on each list across various sliding time spans on an interactive graph, with hyperlinked icons indicating where news articles are available.
    Global data shows that Rebecca Black was the fastest rising query in the world, with searches for her name increasing more than 10,000 percent in 2011. Google+ and Ryan Dunn were the next fastest growing queries worldwide.
  • Download file using curl in php

    You would need to feed CURLOPT_URL the full URL to the file. Also if you want to download a file you might want to save it somewhere.

    Working example:
    $curl = curl_init();
    $file = fopen("ls-lR.gz", 'w');
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "ftp://ftp.sunet.se/ls-lR.gz"); #input
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $file); #output
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$_FTP[username]:$_FTP[password]");
    I used the ftp_* functions for ftp, in place of curl, because curl 
    tried to change directories, but its not allowed on this ftp server, so 
    the code i used is;
    $local_file = 'output.rar';
    $server_file = '/somedir/1/bar/foo/somearchive.rar';
    // set up basic connection
    $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
    // login with username and password
    $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
    /* uncomment if you need to change directories
    if (ftp_chdir($conn_id, "<directory>")) {
        echo "Current directory is now: " . ftp_pwd($conn_id) . "\n";
    } else { 
        echo "Couldn't change directory\n";
    // try to download $server_file and save to $local_file
    if (ftp_get($conn_id, $local_file, $server_file, FTP_BINARY)) {
        echo "Successfully written to $local_file\n";
    } else {
        echo "There was a problem\n";
    // close the connection
    It works !!

    PHP error: Cannot modify header information

    You cannot use header() once text has been output to the browser. As your header.php include presumably outputs HTML, header() cannot be used.
    You can solve this in a couple ways:
    • Move the if statement above the header include (this won't work, as you've indicated in comments that header.php sets the uid session and other vital stuff).
    • Call ob_start() at the top of the script to buffer the output.

    You can't issue HTTP headers after you have outputted content.

    unction Redirect($url) {
            flush(); // Flush the buffer
            header("Location: $url"); // Rewrite the header
    function Redirect($url) {
            flush(); // Flush the buffer
            header("Location: $url"); // Rewrite the header
    To ensure your error reporting level is the same across environments, you can set it in your application using error_reporting() and ini_set('display_errors', 1)
    Also check your .php files for any whitespace before the opening tag and after the closing tag.
    In addition to the points mentioned above, ensure you are not outputting anything before the headers are set, for example the following code would produce an error similar to the one you are receiving:
    echo 'Hello, World';
    header('Location: http://www.somesite.com');

    PHP Curl check for file existence

    a PHP program that downloads a pdf from a backend and save to a local drive.
    $url = "http://wedsite/test.pdf";
    $path = "C:\\test.pdf;"
    function downloadAndSave($urlS,$pathS)
            $fp = fopen($pathS, 'w');
            $ch = curl_init($urlS);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
            $data = curl_exec($ch);
            $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
            echo $httpCode;
            //If 404 is returned, then file is not found.
            if(strcmp($httpCode,"404") == 1)
                echo $httpCode;
                echo $urlS; 
    You can do this with a separate curl HEAD request:
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    When you actually want to download you can use set NOBODY to false.