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PHP-Array Functions -list(),each(), and count().

list() is sort of an operator, forming an lvalue (a value that can be used on the left side of an expression) out of a set of variables, which represents itself as a new entity similar to an element of a multidimensional array. As arguments, it takes a list of variables. When something is being assigned to it (a list of variables or an array element), the list of variables given as arguments to the list() operator is parsed from left to right. These arguments are then assigned a corresponding value from the rvalue (a value that's used on the right side of an expression). This is best explained using a code example:

$result = mysql_db_query($mysql_handle, $mysql_db,
                         "SELECT car_type, car_color, car_speed
                          FROM cars WHERE car_id=$car_id);

list($car_type, $car_color, $car_speed) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
Note: This code is used here strictly for example. It's not a good idea to implement code like this in real-life programs, as it relies on the fields remaining in the same order. If you change the field ordering, you have to change the variable ordering in the list() statement as well. Using associative arrays and manual value extraction imposes an overhead in programming but results in better code stability. Code as shown above should only be implemented for optimization purposes.

$my_array = array("Element 1", "Element 2", "Element 3");

while(list($key, $value) = each($my_array))
    print("Key: $key, Value: $value<br>");
You can also use each() to show the elements that each() itself returns:

$my_array = array("Element 1", "Element 2", "Element 3");

while($four_element_array = each($my_array))
   while(list($key, $value) = each($four_element_array))
       print("Key $key, Value $value<br>");
Using a simple for() loop is not enough for arrays of this kind; it accesses indices that don't have a value assigned. If PHP provides a stricter environment, this would result in an exception and immediate termination of the script. Therefore, whenever you're unsure about the contents and consistency of arrays, you're doomed to using each().

my array = array(0 => "Landon", 3 => "Graeme", 4 => "Tobias", 10 => "Till"); 
 for($i = 0; $i < count($my_array); $i++) 
print("Element $i: $my_array[$i]<br>");

PHP-HTTP and Sessions-Maintaining State

HTTP has no mechanism to maintain state; thus HTTP is a context-free or stateless protocol. Individual requests aren't related to each other. The Web server and thus PHP can't easily distinguish between single users and doesn't know about user sessions. Therefore, we need to find our own way to identify a user and associate session data that is, all the data you want to store for a user with that user. We use the term session for an instance of a user visiting a site where one or more pages are viewed. For example, a typical online shopping session might include putting an item into the shopping cart, going to the checkout page, entering address and credit card data, submitting the order, and closing the browser window.
At first, the typical PHP programmer tries to ignore the problem and find a workaround for it. The obvious workaround is to store all data on the client instead of on the server. This leads to forms with a lot of hidden fields or very long URLs. It becomes impractical with more than two files and more than one variable to save. An only slightly more intelligent method is to use cookies to store all information on the client side.

  • You lose control over the data—as long as the user doesn't return to your site, you can't access the data. And worse, that data may be manipulated when you get it back. Ninety percent of all Web site defacing and breakings come from applications accepting tampered data from the client side and trusting that data. Do not keep data on the client. Do not trust data from the client.
  • If you use GET/POST, the storage isn't persistent across sessions.
  • If you rely exclusively on cookies, you have a problem because some users won't accept cookies—they simply disable cookies in their browsers.
  • The data is hard to maintain because you need to save all data on every page. Each variable needs to be URL-encoded, added to a form as a hidden field or added to the URL, or saved as a cookie. This is difficult for a single variable such as the session ID, let alone dozens of variables!
Thus, the data needs to be stored on the server. Where exactly you store it isn't all that important; it can be in a relational database management system RDBMS, plaintext file, dBASE file, etc. Because a Web application generally already uses a relational database such as MySQL, this should be the preferred storage medium.

The typical PHP programmer tries to ignore the problem and find a workaround for it. The obvious workaround is to store all data on the client instead of on the server. This leads to forms with a lot of hidden fields or very long URLs. It becomes impractical with more than two files and more than one variable to save. An only slightly more intelligent method is to use cookies to store all information on the client side.

PHP has a built-in uniqid() function, but because it's based on the system time, it's not secure enough to be used for a session ID. However, you can combine it with a hash function and rand() to
 construct a truly 

srand((double)microtime()*1000000); // Seed the random number generator
$session_id = md5(uniqid(rand())); // Construct the session ID
By the way, md5(uniqid())—the same construct from above without a 
rand() call—would not be sufficiently random; because uniqid() 
is based on the system time, it can be guessed if the hacker learns the local 
system time of the server.  

Back Up Your Email-Google

To back up all your Gmail emails—just in case!—you can install the free email client Mozilla Thunderbird (or another similar program), download all your messages, and then back up the file that contains all your email. You can then burn this file onto a CD, DVD, or copy it to a hard drive—anywhere where you can keep it safe. Then you can restore it at any time, even if you've deleted the messages in Gmail, or even if you no longer have the Gmail account. Here are the steps involved:

1. Activate POP in Gmail
For this hack to work, you need to activate POP in your Gmail. POP is short for Post Office Protocol, and it's a standard way to retrieve messages from an email server. Go to Gmail and click Settings
Forwarding and POP. 

Check the "Enable POP for all mail" box and save your changes. You are now ready to access your Gmail messages with a desktop client, such as Thunderbird.

2. Install and run Thunderbird
To install Mozilla Thunderbird, point your browser to and click the Download Thunderbird button. You will be asked to save an executable file on your disk. Run the installer and complete the setup.

Now start the Thunderbird program. During launch, you will be guided through an account wizard where you provide your Gmail credentials. Just choose Google Mail or Gmail from the list of selections and enter your name and email address in the dialog

Google Talk gadget

You can create your own gadget to add to the Google home page or share with friends, in a matter of seconds.
There are two basic ways to create your own iGoogle gadgets. The easiest and quickest way is to use Google's wizard, described in this hack. For advanced customization, you can also create the XML for the gadget from scratch .

different gadget types:
  1. A photo or series of photos
  2. A GoogleGram, which is a gadget you can share with friends or family, and which displays a different message and illustration every day
  3. The "Daily Me" gadget showing others what you are up to at the moment
  4. A free-form gadget to showcase any kind of text and image combination
  5. A gadget to display a YouTube video channel for friends
  6. Your personal top ten list
  7. A custom countdown ticker gadget

    Suppose that you want to create a Daily Me gadget. Pick Get started and fill out the form in the dialog that follows .

    You can add a photo of you from any public address on the web or upload an image from your computer, or choose a photo from one of your Picasa albums. Press the "Create Gadget" button when you're finished with the form, and enter a list of recipients to send this gadget to. You can then decide to make this gadget public or not—if this is just for friends, there is no need to publish it within the Google gadget directory

website page tools

1)  Strong Anchor Text Distribution Is A Must
2)  Utilize Authorship Markup
3)  Backlink Variation is Uber important.
4)  Social Signals Are Vital
5)  On-Site Optimization + Content Content Content

So my advice to you is to take these 5 key points and adapt them to how you currently do your
SEO. Or perhaps these are so different from what you currently do you will want to change
completely to something closer to this. The choice is ultimately up to you, but take this
knowledge to make the best possible choice you can.

most people in the SEO industry learned somewhere along the way
that the anchor text of a backlink tells Google what the site is about. So in order to get a
site ranked well in Google for a specific anchor text keyword, it only made sense to use
that same anchor text for every single one of our backlinks.

However, using the idea of LSI alone is not enough. One of the biggest things Google is
looking at now is natural looking SEO. So to look as natural as possible, you want to mix
in some anchor texts that aren’t so keyword targeted that a normal person might use.

The benefit of using authorship markup is that if done right, your site may start showing
up in the search results with your Google+ profile picture next to it. This adds a lot of
credibility to your result in the searchers eyes. Using authorship markup is also a huge
plus in Google’s eyes as it shows them that you are creating unique and original content
and helps keep people from stealing your content since you have told Google you are
the original author.

seo tricks for a website

Today, getting traffic online is very easy to do. The most important part about being successful online
is getting your website noticed. You should be spending most of your days promoting your site over
anything else in order to make money off of it.

I was once clueless about how to even create traffic online let alone even knowing what traffic meant.
Well, it has been about a year since I have been inthis online marketing business and has really
become my second nature.

Here I would like to share with you the simplest ways in which you can drive traffic to your site
immediately. Just remember the more things that youdo on the list below the better results you will
have with the traffic to your website. Hopefully after you are done reading threw this article you can
get busy on the promotion of your website.

Here are the few best ways to get traffic to your landing pages:

- Forum Participation
Article Marketing
Social Bookmarking
Press Releases
Classified Ads
Viral Marketing

All of these forms of traffic combined can explode your sites traffic within days. When choosing the
proper sites in which you want to work with to create your traffic, make sure you choose the ones that
are highly ranked within Google. That way you can easily get first page results for your website. I ama
firm believer of article marketing myself. You don̢۪t necessarily have to use that form of traffic if
you don̢۪t want to but it will help you out in thelong run for creating many back links to your site.

Just always remember that consistency is always to best attitude to have when you have your own
business online. You have to stay devoted and on task when you are promoting your sites. Promotion is
the most important part about making money online. You can have the nicest website in the world but
it will never see the time of day if you never get the word out there that you are in business.
If you feel like you don̢۪t really have a startingpoint or you̢۪re not to sure on how to do the
above traffic generation techniques or if you wouldlike a guide on how to master in Internet Marketing
feel free to check out more of my articles.

 SEO engineers developed alternative techniques that replace nofollowed tags with obfuscated. White hat versus black hat techniques SEO techniques can be classified into two broad categories: techniques that search engines recommend as part of good design, and those techniques of which search engines do not approve.

What is SEO?

 SEO Search Engine Optimization is a process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines. Daniel A Carter Search Engine Optimization is abbreviated as SEO. Richard Taputoro Another important factor to keep your website live and fruitful is to use SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. 

Organic search results for clients. SEO is strategies, techniques and tactics to increase the number of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in search results.

seo optimization-seo how to

1. Write and submit articles to the article directories.
2. Leave comments on other people’s blogs with a backlink to your site.
3. Answer people’s questions on www dot answers
4. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.
5. Write a press release and submit it to www dot PRWeb dot com.
6. Advertise your website in the appropriate category on www dot CraigsList dot com.
7. Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that you have used in exchange for a backlink to
your site.
8. Start a blog and submit it to the 100’s of free blog directories.
9. Manually submit your website to the major searchengines.
10. Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.
11. Add a link in your email signature to your website. It’s a free and easy way to get a little more
12. Make a custom 404 error page for your website redirecting people to your home page.
13. Use PPC search engine advertising.
14. Add a bookmark this site link to your webpages.
15. Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.
16. Send articles to ezine publishers that includesa link to your website.
17. Hold a crazy content and make it go viral.
18. Give away a freebie (ebook, report, e-course) to keep people coming back to your site.
19. Add an RSS feed to your blog.
20. Submit your site to any related niche directories on the net.
21. Participate in a banner or link exchange program.
22. Create a software program and give it away for free.
23. Purchase the misspellings or variations of yourdomain name, or those of your competitors.
24. Buy a domain name related to your niche that isalready receiving traffic and forward it to your site.
25. Pass out business cards with your domain on them everywhere you go.
26. Start and affiliate program and let your affiliates send you visitors.
27. Start a page on social bookmarking sites such as www dot MySpace dot com.
28. Submit a viral video to www dot YouTube dot com
29. Conduct and publish surveys to your website.
30. Find joint venture partners that will send you traffic.
31. Start your own newsletter or ezine.
32. Use a autoresponder or email campaign to keep people coming back to your site.
33. Purchase ads on other sites.
34. Send a free copy of your product to other site owners in exchange for a product review.
35. Sell or place classified ads on www dot eBay dot com with a link to your site.
36. Post free classified ads on any of the sites that allow them with a link to your site.
37. Exchange reciprocal links with other related websites.
38. Network with other people at seminars or other live events.
39. Purchase advertising in popular newsletters or ezines.
40. Advertise on other product’s thank you pages.
41. Create a free ebook and list in on the free ebook sites.
42. Buy and use a memorable domain name.
43. Do something controversial.
44. Create an Amazon profile and submit reviews forbooks and other products that you have read.
45. Start a lens on www dot Squidoo dot com.
The amount of traffic that your internet marketing website generates has a direct impact on how much
success your business will have. Without traffic, you have no business and certainly no income coming
in. Despite what many believe, there are several ways that you can generate traffic to your website
without spending a penny.
There are a number of ways that you can use contentto persuade people to come to your site. All
across the internet there is repetitive content that is simply reworded to trick you. Far too many sites
have the exact same concept, just different wording. Therefore, people are always looking for fresh and
enticing copy.

If you can provide fresh and enticing content, people will flock to your site to see what else you have to
say. The ways you go about getting your content seen on the internet is through article writing, posting
in forums, and posting on a blog. Forums and article directories are filled with interested viewers
looking for worthy content. From there, you reel them in to your site with your words and thoughts.
Aside from your content, finding the right target audience is essential too. If you can find out who your
target audience is, you can begin optimizing the keywords that you use on your site. By using certain
keywords all throughout your site and in your articles, these keywords will allow you to climb higher
on the search engines. As you climb higher and higher, eventually your site will be on the first page
where it is easily accessible for internet searchers.

Although link trading has been around for awhile, it continues to be a strong method to reel in free
internet marketing website traffic. Link trading involves you placing a link of someone else's site on
yours in exchange for your link being placed on their site. After thousands of link exchanges, the link
to your site will be on thousands of people's sites. The more chances people have to see your site, the
more traffic you will generate.

Top Level Domains List

.com :-Utilized by all entities, as its rules of ownership are now unrestricted. The most popular and one of the oldestTLDs, .com was intended for commercial use only.

.net:- Intended for computers running at network providers. Today it is used in an unrestricted fashion, and many times becomes the second-choice TLD if .comis not available.

.org :-Intended for nonprofit organizations. Used by commercial and noncommercial sites.
.edu :-Used almost exclusively by post-secondary institutions in the United States.
.gov:- Used by federal, state, and local government departments within the United States.
.int :-Used only by international treaty-based organizations.
.mil :-Used by the U.S. Department of Defense.
.biz:- Intended for commercial business entities. Was created to allow for an additional domain name pool due to thesaturated .comnamespace.

.info:- Intended for informational sites unrestricted TLDs.
.name:- Intended for personal use only.
.pro:- Intended for professionals in various professions, including doctors and lawyers.

 Extension      Index size
.com               20,400,000,000
.org                 2,290,000,000
.net                 2,110,000,000
.edu                248,000,000
.gov                232,000,000
.info                227,000,000
.biz                 74,300,000
.cat                 35,800,000
.int                 8,230,000
.mil                8,130,000
.name            7,000,000
.travel           6,310,000
.coop           646,000
.aero            646,000
.pro             600,000
.museum      480,000
.tel               248,000


Millions of people use Yahoo! to find information, and having your site in Yahoo! Search or the Yahoo! Directory can mean more sales, more conversations with people you wouldn't have met otherwise, and more hits for your web site. However, letting Yahoo! know that your site exists can be a bit confusing. There's a distinction between Yahoo! Search and the Yahoo! Directory, and the process for submitting your site to each is a bit different.

If other sites on the Web link to your site, chances are good that Yahoo! has already added your site to its index. An index is simply another name for the total list of sites that Yahoo! is watching. Yahoo! Search relies on a crawler to find new sites and keep current sites up-to-date. If a site that's currently in Yahoo!'s index has linked to your site, the crawler has probably already visited your site and automatically added it to Yahoo!'s index.
You can see if Yahoo! is already indexing your site by searching for it with the
 url: meta keyword 

Browse to and enter a query like this:
 url:http://insert your site 
While Yahoo! Search tries to include as many sites as possible in its index, the Yahoo! Directory is more like an exclusive club, where sites have to be approved by Yahoo! Editors. Because Yahoo! wants to maintain a highly useful directory, the steps for inclusion are a bit more involved.
To see if your site is already listed in the Yahoo! Directory, browse to and search for the title of your site. If you don't see your site among the results, you can suggest your site to the Yahoo! Directory.

The first thing you need to determine about your site is whether it's commercial or noncommercial, because you'll need to pay $299 to submit a commercial site. According to Yahoo!, "If your site sells something, promote[s] goods and services, or represents a company that sells products and/or services," your site is commercial and should be listed somewhere in the Business and Economy category within the directory. If your site is purely personal, informational, or not-for-profit, your site is noncommercial. A banner ad or text ad on your site doesn't necessarily make your site commercial; if you have such an ad, it'll be up to the Yahoo! Editors to decide whether your site is commercial.

Yahoo RSS

The Publisher's Guide contains a wealth of information about RSS, tools for generating "Add to My Yahoo!" buttons, and a form for submitting your RSS feed for indexing by Yahoo!.
As you update your RSS feed, you can notify My Yahoo! that you've done so by pinging the service at this URL: your feed's URL

The Publisher's Guide contains a wealth of information about RSS, tools for generating "Add to My Yahoo!" buttons, and a form for submitting your RSS feed for indexing by Yahoo!.
As you update your RSS feed, you can notify My Yahoo! that you've done so by pinging the service at this URL: your feed's URL 
Imagine you have a directory on your server called /private and you'd like to keep any pages or files out of Yahoo! Search results. Apache includes many ways to set authentication, but a straightforward method involves setting a .htaccess file. The .htaccess file tells Apache how to configure a particular directory, 
and you can add a .htaccess file to the /private directory with the following information:

AuthName "Please enter you login info." AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /your/path/to/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null require user insert user name

Note that AuthUserFile points to a file that contains the username and password of the authenticated user, and you'll need to change /your/path/to/ to a real directory on your server that's not accessible via the Web. The next step is to create that password file with the htpasswd tool. Enter the following command from a command prompt:
htpasswd -c /your/path/to/.htpasswd insert user name
This creates the proper .htpasswd file for that user and puts in place all of the pieces for basic HTTP authentication.

robots.txt Exclusions

If server authentication seems like overkill and you'd rather make your directory or files available to everyone except Slurp, you can do so with a robots.txt file, which indicates how you'd like robots to behave at your site. Well-behaved bots (such as Slurp) check for robots.txt before indexing anything, to make sure they're acting as the site owner wants them to.
With robots.txt, you can tell Slurp that you'd like it to exclude certain directories or files from its crawl. For example, if you'd like Slurp to skip a directory called /private, save the following line to a file called robots.txt:

User-agent: Slurp
 Disallow: /private/

You can also tell Slurp to skip specific files:

   User-agent: Slurp
   Disallow: /Private.doc
   Disallow: /Private.html

Once you've listed all of the files and directories you'd like to hide, add robots.txt to the root directory of your web site, so it has a URL like this: