google pagerank secrets

Google uses the PageRank algorithm to order the results returned by specific search queries.
 As such, understanding PageRank is crucial to core SEO efforts to improve natural search results.

Depending on who you ask, PageRank is named after its inventor, Lawrence Page, Google's co-founderor because it is a mechanism for ranking pages.

When a user enters a query, also called a search, into Google, the results are returned
in the order of their PageRank.

Originally fairly simple in concept, PageRank now reportedly processes more than 100 variables.
 Since the exact nature of this "secret sauce" is, well, secret, the best thing you can do
from an SEO perspective is more or less stick to the original concept.

The underlying idea behind PageRank is an old one that has been used by librarians in the pre-Web past
 to provide an objective method of scoring the relative importance of scholarly documents. The more citations other documents make to a particular document, the more "important" the document is, the higher its rank in the system, and the more likely it is to be retrieved first.

The placerank secret behind google's local search rankings page rank is a link analysis algorithm which is used by search engines to determine relative importance of your link within their database here i ll tell you how. Google most local business marketers focus solely upon their company s web presence and don't realize  that if they shifted a portion of their promotional efforts outward. The placerank secret behind google's local search rankings search results.

Each web page is assigned a number depending upon the number of other pages that link to the page.

Google pagerank secrets page rank is a link analysis algorithm which is used by search engines to determine  relative importance of your link within their database.

The crucial element that makes PageRank work is the nature of the Web itself, which depends almost
 solely on the use of hyperlinking between pages and sites. In the system that makes Google's PageRank
 algorithm work, links are a web popularity contest: Webmaster A thinks Webmaster B's site has good
information (or is cool, or looks good, or is funny), so Webmaster X may decide to add a
link to Webmaster Y's site. In turn, Webmaster Y might return the favor.

The more inbound links a page has (references from other sites), the more likely it is to have a higher
 PageRank. However, not all inbound links are of equal weight when it comes to how they contribute
 to PageRanknor should they be. A web page gets a higher PageRank if another significant source
 (by significant source I mean a source that also receives a lot of inbound links.

Test page rank with PR checker is a completely free tool to check google pr, page rank of your web site easily and possibly display your google pagerank on your web pages.

The importance of google pagerank: a guide for small business the technology behind google's great results as a google user, you re familiar with the speed and accuracy of a google search.
and thus has a higher PageRank) links to it than if a trivial site without traffic provides the inbound link.

 PageRank is essentially a recursive algorithm; a given page's PageRank is the sum of the PageRanks
 of the pages that link to it (weighted by the total number of links, of course). In this scheme,
a link from a high PageRank page clearly counts for more than a link from a low-ranking page.

The more sophisticated version of the PageRank algorithm currently used by Google involves more than simply crunching the number of links to a page and the PageRank of each page that provides an
inbound link. While Google's exact method of calculating PageRank is shrouded in proprietary mystery,
 PageRank does try to exclude links from so-called link farms, pages that contain only links,
and mutual linking (which are individual two-way links put up for the sole purpose of boosting PageRanks).

The PageRank for a specific web page can clearly be calculated by going through all the inbound links to a  page, calculating the PageRanks of all these pages, backing up to calculate the inbound links in turn to
the new set of pages, and so on, all the way back until there are no more inbound links.

A little more technically, a web page's PageRank can be calculated by iterating recursively through all  of its inbound linked pages.