Backing Up and Restoring Data MySQL

Even the best maintained databases occasionally develop problems. Hardware failures, in particular, can really throw a monkey wrench into your web pages. Now that you're using a database, just backing up the files (HTML, PHP, and images) on your web server isn't enough. There's nothing worse than informing your web users that they have to reenter information, such as their accounts, or have to recreate your catalog items. Having a complete backup can make the difference between an hour of down time and having to recreate the wheel. There are a couple of tactics that we'll discuss for backing up your database data.

Copying Database Files

You can also do a simple file backup of your MySQL database's datafiles, in the same way that you can back up your HTML and PHP files. If you can back up files, you can back up the MySQL database files.
We don't recommend this tactic for moving a database from one machine to another server, since different versions of MySQL may expect these files to be in a different format. MySQL stores its datafiles in a special data directory that is usually located in C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\data\[database_name] on Windows and in /var/lib/mysql on Unix variants such as Linux and Mac OS X.
To fully back up and restore a MySQL database using your current datafiles, all the files must be replaced in the same directory from which they were backed up. Then, the database must be restarted.

The mysqldump Command

It's better to use the MySQL command-line tool for making complete database backups. The same tools you'll use to back up and restore can also be used to change platforms or move your database from one server to another; mysqldump creates a text file containing the SQL statements required to rebuild the database objects and insert the data. The mysqldump command is accessible from the command line and takes parameters for backing up a single table, a single database, or everything. The command's syntax is:
mysqldump -u user -p objects_to_backup

The default mode for mysqldump is to export to backup and then to standard output, which is usually the screen.

Backing up
We're going to show you the commands to back up a database called test from the shell prompt.
mysqldump -u root -p test > my_backup.sql

This tells mysqldump to log into the database as the root user with a password of barney, and to back up the test database. The output of the command is saved to a file called my_backup.sql with the help of the redirect character also known as the greater-than symbol >.

To back up only a single table from a database, simply add the table name after the database name. For example, the command below illustrates how to back up only the authors table:
$ mysqldump -u root -p test authors > authors.sql

Most of the time, you'll just want to back up everything in the database. To do this, use the --all-databases command-line switch. The resulting database backup file will contain the commands necessary to create the databases and users, making a complete database restore a snap. Here's how to use this parameter:
$ mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > my_backup.sql

To create an empty copy of your databasejust the structurefor testing, use the --no-data switch:
$ mysqldump -u root -p --no-data test > structure.sql

You can also do the opposite and just back up the data with the --no-create-info switch like this:
$ mysqldump -u root -p --no-create-info test > data.sql

Of course, having a backup of your database doesn't do you much good if you don't know how to restore the database from it.

Depending on how critical your data is and how often it changes, you can determine how often to back it up. As a rule, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly are the most common schedules. If your business is completely dependent on your database, you should do a weekly backup schedule, if not backing up daily. Also, keeping a copy of the data in a separate location is a good idea in the event of large scale disasters, such as a fire. A client of ours keeps bi-monthly backups in a fire safe at the office, whereas another client sends the data to a backup service. A backup service can use physical hard drives, tapes, or CDs, or can log into your server and perform the backup electronically.

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