Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts

JavaScript getElementById

getElementById() is a method of document object, it gets the tag element with the value "id" in its ID attribute.

To reference in a JS script to a HTML tag through its ID, use the following syntax:


So even though the Internet Explorer JavaScript engine uses a mark-and-sweep
implementation, any COM objects that are accessed in JavaScript still use reference counting,
meaning circular references are still a problem when COM objects are involved. The following
simple example demonstrates a circular reference with a COM object:

var element = document.getElementById(“some_element”);
var myObject = new Object();
myObject.element = element;
element.someObject = myObject;

This example sets up a circular reference between a DOM element (element) and a native JavaScript
object (myObject). The myObject variable has a property called element that points to element,
and the element variable has a property called someObject that points back to myObject. Because
of this circular reference, the memory for the DOM element will never be reclaimed even if it is
removed from the page.

<script type="text/javascript">
function testEmpty(){
 var myTextField = document.getElementById('myTxt');
 if(myTxtField.value != "")
  alert("entered: " + myTxtField.value)
  alert("please enter some text?")  
<input type='text' id='myTxt' />
<input type='button' onclick='testEmpty()' value='Checked' />

The argument that getElementById requires is the id of the HTML element you wish to utilize.

JavaScript Objects

Each Object instance has the following properties and methods:
constructor — The function that was used to create the object. In the previous example,
the constructor is the Object() function.

hasOwnProperty(propertyName) — Indicates if the given property exists on the object
instance (not on the prototype). The property name must be specifi ed as a string (for
example, dataObj.hasOwnProperty(“name”)).

isPrototypeOf(object) — Determines if the object is a prototype of another object.

propertyIsEnumerable(propertyName) — Indicates if the given property can be
enumerated using the for-in statement . As with
hasOwnProperty(), the property name must be a string.

toLocaleString() — Returns a string representation of the object that is appropriate for
the locale of execution environment.

toString() — Returns a string representation of the object.

valueOf() — Returns a string, number, or Boolean equivalent of the object. It often
returns the same value as toString().

A new instance of an object:

dataObj=new Object();


JavaScript and HTML DOM


In many cases, working with the DOM is fairly straightforward, making it easy to re-create with
JavaScript what normally would be created using HTML code.

Dynamic Scripts
The <script> element is used to insert JavaScript code into the page, either using by the src attribute
to include an external fi le or by including text inside the element itself. Dynamic scripts are those
that don’t exist when the page is loaded but are included later by using the DOM. As with the
HTML element, there are two ways to do this: pulling in an external fi le or inserting text directly.
Dynamically loading an external JavaScript fi le works as you would expect. Consider the following
<script> element:

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”client.js”></script>
This <script> element includes the text for the Chapter 9 client-detection script. The DOM code to
create this node is as follows:
var script = document.createElement(“script”);
script.type = “text/javascript”;
script.src = “client.js”;

JavaScript values, variables

If you try to declare a variable that already exists, JavaScript will treat it as a simple assignment statement and assign any new value in the declaration statement to the variable. If the duplicate declaration has no assignment, then nothing happens. If you try to assign a value to a non-existent variable, JavaScript will create the variable for you.

<script type="text/javascript">
//Commented lines starting with the double

//First we will declare a few variables
//and assign values to them

myTxt = "Do IT";
mynum =13;
//Note that myTxt is a string and mynum is numeric.

//Next we will display these to the user.


//To concatenate strings in JavaScript, use the '+' operator 
document.write("My favourite number is "+ mynum);

Include Inline JavaScript code

To include inline JavaScript code, place JavaScript code inside the <script> element directly, as
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function sayHi(){

When using inline JavaScript code, keep in mind that you cannot have the string “</script>” anywhere
in your code. For example, the following code causes an error when loaded into a browser:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function sayScript(){

Because of the way that inline scripts are parsed, the browser sees the string “</script>” as if it
were the closing </script> tag. This problem can be avoided easily by escaping the “/” character,
as in this example:
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function sayScript(){

What Is JavaScript

What Is JavaScript? — Explains the origins of JavaScript: where it came from, how it
evolved, and what it is today. Concepts introduced include the relationship between
JavaScript and ECMAScript, the Document Object Model (DOM), and the Browser
Object Model (BOM). A discussion of the relevant standards from the European Computer
Manufacturer’s Association (ECMA) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is also

Considered the JavaScript expert by many people in the development community, author Douglas Crockford identifies the abundance of good ideas that make JavaScript an outstanding object-oriented programming language-ideas such as functions, loose typing, dynamic objects, and an expressive object literal notation. Unfortunately, these good ideas are mixed in with bad and downright awful ideas, like a programming model based on global variables.