Php get_meta_tags-Extracts all meta tag content attributes

get_meta_tagsExtracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array

<?php// Assuming the above tags are at$tags get_meta_tags('');
// Notice how the keys are all lowercase now, and
// how . was replaced by _ in the key.
echo $tags['author'];       // nameecho $tags['keywords'];     // php documentationecho $tags['description'];  // a php manualecho $tags['geo_position']; // 49.33;-86.59?>

PHP Redirect - Redirect Script?

PHP Redirect Function

header('Location:  destination.php');
ou need the Location: part so the browser knows what header it's 
receiving. Also, don't forget to 
do an exit() or die() right after the redirect. 


Finding the Position of a Value in an Array

Use array_search( ) . It returns the key of the found value. If the value is not in the array, it returns false:
$position = array_search($value, $array);
if ($position !== false) {
    // the element in position 
//$position has $value as its 
//value in array $array
Use in_array( ) to find if an array contains a value; use array_search( ) to discover where that value is located. However, because array_search( ) gracefully handles searches in which the value isn't found, it's better to use array_search( ) instead of in_array( ). The speed difference is minute, and the extra information is potentially useful:

$favorite_foods = array(1 => 'artichokes', 'bread', 'cauliflower', 'deviled eggs');
 $food = 'cauliflower'; $position = array_search($food, $favorite_foods);
 if ($position !== false)
echo "My #$position favorite food is $food";
 else {
 echo "Blech! I hate $food!";

Use the !== check against false because if your string is found in the array at position 0, the if evaluates to a logical false, which isn't what is meant or wanted.
If a value is in the array multiple times, array_search( ) is only guaranteed to return one of the instances, not the first instance.

Turning an Array into a String

convert it into a  formatted string.
Use join( ):
// make a comma delimited list
$string = join(',', $array);

Or loop yourself:
$string = '';

foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    $string .= ",$value";

$string = substr($string, 1); // remove leading ","
If you can use join( ), do; it's faster than any PHP-based loop. However, join( ) isn't very flexible. First, it places a delimiter only between elements, not around them. To wrap elements inside HTML bold tags and separate them with commas, do this:
$left = '<b>'; $right = '</b>'; $html = $left . join("$right,$left", $html) . $right;
Second, join( ) doesn't allow you to discriminate against values. If you want to include a subset of entries, you need to loop yourself:
$string = ''; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { // don't include password if ('password' != $key) { $string .= ",<b>$value</b>"; } } $string = substr($string, 1); // remove leading ","

Setting Environment Variables

Setting environment variables in your server configuration
on a host-by-host basis allows you to configure virtual hosts differently.

putenv('ORACLE_SID=ORACLE'); // configure oci extension

Adjusting behavior based on an environment variable

$version = $_SERVER['SITE_VERSION'];

// redirect to, 
//if user fails to sign in correctly
if ('members' == $version) {
    if (!authenticate_user($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
include_once "${version}_header"; // load custom header; information on setting environment 
variables in Apache at 

Extracting Substrings

You want to extract part of a string, starting at a particular place in the string. For example, you want the first eight characters of a username entered into a form.

 Extracting a substring with substr( )

$substring = substr($string,$start,$length);
$username = substr($_GET['username'],0,8);
If $start and $length are positive, substr( ) returns 
$length characters in the string, starting at $start.
If $start is bigger than the length of the string, substr( ) returns false..

Setting Default Values for Function Parameters

Assign the default value to the parameters inside the function prototype:

function wrap_html_tag($string, $tag = 'b') {
    return "<$tag>$string</$tag>";
The example in the Solution sets the default tag value to b, for bold. For example:
$string = 'I am some HTML'; wrap_html_tag($string);
<b>I am some HTML</b>
This example:
wrap_html_tag($string, 'i');
<i>I am some HTML</i>

There are two important things to remember when assigning default values. First, all parameters with default values must appear after parameters without defaults. Otherwise, PHP can't tell which parameters are omitted and should take the default value and which arguments are overriding the default. So wrap_html_tag( ) can't be defined as:
function wrap_html_tag($tag = 'i', $string)

If you do this and pass wrap_html_tag( ) only a single argument, PHP assigns the value to $tag and issues a warning complaining of a missing second argument.
Second, the assigned value must be a constant, such as a string or a number. It can't be a variable. Again, 
using wrap_html_tag( ), such as our example, you can't do this:
$my_favorite_html_tag = 'i'; function wrap_html_tag($string, $tag = $my_favorite_html_tag) { ... }
If you want to assign a default of nothing, one solution is to assign the empty string to your parameter:
function wrap_html_tag($string, $tag = '') { if (empty($tag)) return $string; return "<$tag>$string</$tag>"; }
This function returns the original string, if no value is passed in for the $tag. Or if a (nonempty) tag is passed in, it returns the string wrapped inside of tags.

Depending on circumstances, another option for the $tag default value is either 0 or NULL. In wrap_html_tag( ), you don't want to allow an empty-valued tag. However, in some cases, the empty string can be an acceptable option. For instance, join( ) is often called on the empty string, after calling file( ), to place a file into a string. Also, as the following code shows, you can use a default message if no argument is provided but an empty message if the empty string is passed:
function pc_log_db_error($message = NULL) { if (is_null($message)) { $message = 'Couldn't connect to DB'; } error_log("[DB] [$message]"); }

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Staying Private on the Facebook

Facebook is a personal vault that can contain photos of your firstborn, plans to bring down your government and, occasionally, a record of your indiscretions.

Facebook insists it is up to you to decide how much you want others to see. And that is true, to some extent. But you cannot entirely opt out of Facebook searches. Facebook, however, does let you fine-tune who can see your “likes” and pictures, and, to a lesser extent, how much of yourself to expose to marketers.
The latest of its frequent changes to the site’s privacy settings was made in December. Facebook is nudging each of its billion subscribers to review them.