web seo-tip-for image-Picasa Photo Feed

Your album page already has an Embed Slideshow feature in the navigation pane,
 allowing you to include a slideshow gadget into other web pages.
But on the bottom right side of the page, you will also find a link called RSS.
Right-click it, and copy the link to your clipboard using the menu that appears.

Now, install the Google Pack screensaver, which can render a photo feed into
something good-looking. Go to http://pack.google.com and in the software options,
uncheck everything but the box reading Google Photos Screensaver. Click Download
Google Pack, and accept the terms of service, if you agree with them. Google notifies
 you a program called Google Updater will be installed. Download and run the executable
that you are offered and wait for the installation to complete.

Now open your screensaver settings by right-clicking the desktop, selecting Properties and
 switching to the Screen Saver tab. Google Photos Screensaver should already be selected in the
selection box. Press the Settings button next to it, and in the dialog that opens, click the
Configure button to the side of the Photo feeds option.

Yahoo! News: Highlights—http://rss.news.yahoo.com/imgrss
Yahoo! News: World—http://rss.news.yahoo.com/imgrss
Yahoo! News: Most emailed—http://rss.news.yahoo.com/imgrss
Yahoo! Sports—http://sports.yahoo.com/top/photos/rss.xml
Yahoo! Sports: NBA—http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/photos/rss.xml
Yahoo! News: Entertainment—http://rss.news.yahoo.com/imgrss

Note that the Google Photo Screensaver also has an option specifically tailored to Picasa
web albums only. You will find it in the screensaver's settings dialog, and all you need
to do is provide your Google Account credentials, and then toggle whether you want unlisted
albums to appear in the slideshow as well. But the general photo feed option also lets you
use albums from other galleries—like the ones by photo community Flickr. To give this a try,
 search for a keyword of your choice.



    A page is very popular. Think about why that might be the case. Was your article especially well-written? Was your information hitting on a recent trend? Were you offering a great product? Knowing the reason for this might inspire some changes on the page, or give you ideas for new material elsewhere on your site.

    A specific search query results in a lot of people finding your site via Google. Take a look at the keywords people enter, and check out what page they land on when coming from Google—and think about the first impression you're making on them. As the saying goes, your visitors spend 99% of their time on sites other than yours. Maybe it's time to emphasize a link, or add an introductory blurb somewhere on the side.

    Your home page got heavy traffic yesterday. Check the referrer statistics to find out who linked to you, and track the source of the traffic to find commentary and feedback about your site. React to the feedback, if needed.

    Your home page got heavy traffic yesterday, but you don't see a spike from any specific referring site. Perhaps your home page address received a mention in a radio or TV show!

    People spend mere seconds on most pages, but a full minute on one other page. Compare the pages in question to find out why there's such a big time difference. Also, use your server log to trace the path they took through your site, retracing your visitors' steps.

    Your server was sluggish on Monday and you'd like to know why. Check your stats to look for a peak. Maybe there's a server script with suboptimal performance that needs rewriting?

    Many people filling out your order form suddenly leave at form page 2 out of 3. Maybe there's something on page 2 they didn't expect, so check it out and fix it if needed.

    What, traffic is dropping? Maybe it's time to take a break from checking stats, and get the word out again—by contacting webmasters, talking to readers or customers, getting involved with the community, or adding great content to your site and

     get some knowledge on  advanced-seo-tips-2013.

In other words, all of these data points are tools equipping you to do a good job, whether you consider yourself a webmaster, an e-merchant, a news blogger, a web artist, or anything else or in-between. On the following pages, you will find hacks that could improve your mastering of this tool—and thus, your site. Additionally, there are tips and tricks that can help you market your site.

Getting Started with Google Analytics

To log in to Google Analytics (http://www.google.com/analytics/), you need a Google Account

php-use the header() function-php

An HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) header is used to send information back and forth between the server and the client (the Web browser). Normally this information is in the form of HTML, which is why the address for Web pages begins with http://.

But HTTP headers are a complicated enough subject to warrant a little more attention. There are actually dozens upon dozens of uses for HTTP headers, all of which you can take advantage of using PHP's header() function.. Here I'll demonstrate the most frequently used purpose—redirecting the user from one page to another—although the World Wide Web consortium's specifications on the subject are vast (Php header).

To redirect the user's browser with PHP, you would code:

header("Location: page.php");

You can also use the header function to send cookies, which is a good backup to the setcookie() function which sometimes has inconsistent results from one browser to the next.

header ("Set-cookie: name=value;

The most important thing to understand about using header() is that it must be called before anything else is sent to the Web browser, just as you have to be careful when using the setcookie() function.

To demonstrate redirection, let's create a simple login script that sends a user to one page if they use the correct username and password or to another if they don't.


header ("Location: index.php");



Maximum Performance from MySQL

Optimization is a complicated task because it ultimately requires understanding of the whole
system. While it may be possible to do some local optimizations with small knowledge of
your system/application, the more optimal you want your system to become the more you
will have to know about it.
So this chapter will try to explain and give some examples of di erent ways to optimize
MySQL. But remember that there are always some (increasingly harder) additional ways
to make the system even faster.
 Optimization Overview
The most important part for getting a system fast is of course the basic design. You also
need to know what kinds of things your system will be doing, and what your bottlenecks
The most common bottlenecks are:
Disk seeks. It takes time for the disk to nd a piece of data. With modern disks in
1999, the mean time for this is usually lower than 10ms, so we can in theory do about
1000 seeks a second. This time improves slowly with new disks and is very hard to
optimize for a single table. The way to optimize this is to spread the data on more
than one disk.
Disk reading/writing. When the disk is at the correct position we need to read the
data. With modern disks in 1999, one disk delivers something like 10-20Mb/s. This is
easier to optimize than seeks because you can read in parallel from multiple disks.
CPU cycles. When we have the data in main memory (or if it already were there) we
need to process it to get to our result. Having small tables compared to the memory
is the most common limiting factor. But then, with small tables speed is usually not
the problem.
Memory bandwidth. When the CPU needs more data than can t in the CPU cache
the main memory bandwidth becomes a bottleneck. This is an uncommon bottleneck
for most systems, but one should be aware of it.

20 best websites to create free blogs

20 best websites to create free blogs

Blog is one of the most popular  platforms for Make Money.
that allows users to create free blog with very useful info,news,knowledge
of many things.You can post all kinds of info,articles,Link,data
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Connect People.


PHP-Renaming Files and Directories

Renaming  Files and Directories

There are a few useful file and directory functions built-in to PHP which I'll cover in brief here. They include renaming and deleting files as well as listing files located in a directory. I'll review the syntax for some of them first and then demonstrate how they function within the context of a very useful PHP script.
First, there is the rename() function, which works as you would expect it to:
rename ("filenameold", "filnamenew");
It can be used on either files or directories.

Renames a file from the old filename to the new filename. The user that PHP runs as must have sufficient permissions to rename the file.

Returns TRUE on success; 
FALSE on failure


$fileold = "oldfile"; 
$filenew = "newfile"; 

if(!rename($fileold, $filenew)) 
    echo ("Rename process failed"); 

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best top 20 php Open Source Content Management Systems

php-best top 20 Open Source Content Management Systems

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Php interview questions with answers

Drupal          http://www.drupal.org/
 Mambo                http://www.mamboserver.com/
 MODX                http://modx.com/
 WordPress           http://www.wordpress.org/
 ProcessWire         http://processwire.com/
 Xaraya                 http://uaweb.arizona.edu/xaraya_typo3
 Joomla                  http://www.joomla.org/
 Media Wiki           http://www.mediawiki.org/
 Symfony               http://symfony-cms.com/
 Pimcore                http://www.pimcore.org/
 eZ Publish             http://ez.no/
 Cotonti                 http://www.cotonti.com/
 Exponent CMS     http://www.exponentcms.org/
 Liferay                  http://www.liferay.com/
 TYPO3                http://www.typo3.com/
 Moodle                http://www.moodle.org/
 Dolphin                http://www.boonex.com/products/dolphin/
 XOOPS              http://www.xoops.org/
 Pligg                    http://www.pligg.com/
 Movable Type     http://movabletype.org

php urlencode - Make a strong GET Query String

 php urlencode

URL-encodes a string, converting spaces into plus (+ ) signs.

urlencode() makes a string safe to use as part of a URL. It does this by encoding every character within the string that may be misinterpreted by a transport agent (such as an email server) or interpreted as a URI delimiter—for example, the at sign (@), hash (#), and question mark (?) symbols.  

urlencode() encodes characters

$hass_url = urlencode ($acc_url);

This conversion is done so that the encoded string will be compliant with legacy applications.

Make a GET Query String

urlencode( ) prevents any special characters in the variable names or values from disrupting the constructed URL, you may have problems if your variable names begin with the names of HTML entities.

php implode array elements

php implode array elements

Join array elements with a string string.
implode(string, arraypieces)
Returns a string containing a string representation of all the array elements in the same order,
 string between each element.
 Example 1. Implode() example
$dash = implode ("-", $array);
  join(), andsplit().

 join(string, arraypieces)

The implode() function inserts a comma after every array element and returns a string with the inserted commas. We eliminate the last two characters of the string by using the substr() function because we do not need to print the trailing ', '. This is a very useful function for printing out entire arrays. In PHP, when you print $list; where $list is an array, PHP prints "array" instead of the elements of an array.

The array_unique() function will, given an array, strip the array of all its duplicate items and return a new array. The array_unique() function works on both associative and numerically indexed arrays.