The control of data from acquisition and input through
processing, output, and storage. In microcomputers, hardware manages data by
gathering it, moving it, and following instructions to process it. The operating
system manages the hardware and ensures that the parts of the system work in
harmony so that data is stored safely and accurately. Application programs
manage data by receiving and processing input according to the user’s commands,
and sending results to an output device or to disk storage. The user also is
responsible for data management by acquiring data, labeling and organizing
disks, backing up data, archiving files, and removing unneeded material from the
hard disk.
HTTP status codes
Three-digit codes sent by an HTTP server that indicate
the results of a request for data. Codes beginning with 1 respond to requests
that the client may not have finished sending; with 2, successful requests; with
3, further action that the client must take; with 4, requests that failed
because of client error; and with 5, requests that failed because of server
400, 401, 402, 403, 404, HTTP
400, 401, 402, 403, 404, HTTP
.NET Framework
A platform for building, deploying, and running XML Web
services and applications. It provides a highly productive, standards-based,
multilanguage environment for integrating existing investments with next
generation applications and services, as well as the agility to solve the
challenges of deployment and operation of Internet-scale applications. The .NET
Framework consists of three main parts: the common language runtime, a
hierarchical set of unified class libraries, and a componentized version of ASP
called ASP.NET. See
also ASP.NET, common language
runtime, .NET Framework class library.
NET Framework class library
A Common Language Specification (CLS)–compliant library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built.
NET Framework class library
A Common Language Specification (CLS)–compliant library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built.
.NET Framework data provider :- A component of ADO.NET that provides
access to data from a relational data source. A .NET Framework data provider
contains classes to connect to a data source, execute commands at the data
source, and return query results from the data source, including the ability to
execute commands within transactions. A .NET Framework data provider also
contains classes to populate a DataSet with results from a data source and
propagate changes in a DataSet back to the data source.
What is GPS receiver?
A device that includes an antenna, a radio receiver, and
a processor for use with the worldwide GPS -Global Positioning System. A GPS
receiver uses position and time information from four GPS satellites to
calculate precise information about its current location, its speed of travel,
and the current time. A portable GPS receiver may be a stand-alone device or a
plug-in unit for use with a portable computer. GPS receivers are used for
scientific work, such as surveying, mapping, and studies of volcanoes, as well
as for land, sea, and air navigation. On the consumer front, they are used in
outdoor activities such as hiking and sailing and in cars to provide location,
destination, and traffic information.
What is ini file?
ini file:-Short for initialization
file, a text file containing information about the
initial configuration of Windows and Windows-based applications, such as default
settings for fonts, margins, and line spacing. Two ini files, win.ini and
system.ini, are required to run the Windows operating system through version
3.1. In later versions of Windows, ini files are replaced by a database known as
the registry. In addition to Windows itself, many older applications create
their own ini files. Because they are composed only of text, ini files can be
edited in any text editor or word processor to change information about the
application or user preferences. All initialization files bear the extension
MS-DOS and Windows 3.x, the file extension that identifies an initialization file, which contains user preferences and startup information about an application program
MS-DOS and Windows 3.x, the file extension that identifies an initialization file, which contains user preferences and startup information about an application program
what is three-tier client/server?
A client/server architecture in which software systems
are structured into three tiers or layers: the user interface layer, the
business logic layer, and the database layer. Layers may have one or more
components. For example, there can be one or more user interfaces in the top
tier, each user interface may communicate with more than one application in the
middle tier at the same time, and the applications in the middle tier may use
more than one database at a time. Components in a tier may run on a computer
that is separate from the other tiers, communicating with the other components
over a network.
Whst is Password Authentication Protocol
Acronym for Password Authentication Protocol. A
method for verifying the identity of a user attempting to log on to a
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) server. PAP is used if a more rigorous method,
such as the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), is not available
or if the user name and password that the user submitted to PAP must be sent to
another program without encryption. 2. Acronym for Printer Access Protocol. The protocol
in AppleTalk networks that governs communication between computers and printers.
Javascript Array
Creating an Object
We have already seen an example of an Array object being created. To create an Array object, we used the JavaScript statement
var myArray = new Array();
So how is this statement made up?
The first half of the statement is familiar to us. We use the
var keyword to define a variable called myArray. This variable is initialized, using the assignment
operator (=), to the right-hand side of the
The right-hand side of the statement consists of two parts. First
we have the keyword new. This tells JavaScript that we
want to create a new object. Next we have Array(). This
is the constructor for an Array
object. It tells JavaScript what type of object we want to create. Most objects
have constructors like this. For example, the Date
object has the Date() constructor.
we can pass parameters to the constructor Array() to
add data to our object. For example, to create an Array
object that has three elements containing the data "Paul", "Paula", and "Pauline", we use
var myArray = new Array("Paul", "Paula", "Pauline");
Let's see some more examples, this time using the Date object. The simplest way of creating a Date object is
var myDate = new Date();
This will create a Date object containing
the date and time that it was created. However,
var myDate = new Date("1 Jan 2000");
will create a Date object containing the
date 1 January 2000.
How object data is stored in variables differs from how primitive
data, such as text and numbers, is stored. (Primitive data is the most basic
data possible in JavaScript.) With primitive data, the variable holds the data's
actual value. For example
var myNumber = 23;
means that the variable myNumber will
hold the data 23. However, variables assigned to objects don't hold the actual
data, but rather a reference to the memory address where
the data can be found. This doesn't mean we can get hold of the memory
address—this is something only JavaScript has details of and keeps to itself in
the background. All you need to remember is that when we say that a variable
references an object, this is what we mean. We show this in the following
var myArrayRef = new Array(0, 1, 2); var mySecondArrayRef = myArrayRef; myArrayRef[0] = 100; alert(mySecondArrayRef[0]);
First we set variable myArrayRef
reference to the new array object, and then we set mySecondArrayRef to the same reference—for example, now mySecondArrayRef is set to reference the same array object.
So when we set the first element of the array to 100 as shown here:
myArrayRef [0] = 100;
and display the contents of the first element of the array
referenced in mySecondArrayRef as follows:
we'll see it also magically has changed to 100! However, as we now
know, it's not magic; it's because both variables referenced the same array
object because when it comes to objects, it's a reference to the object and not
the object stored in a variable. When we did the assignment, it didn't make a
copy of the array object, it simply copied the reference. Contrast that with the
var myVariable = "ABC"; var mySecondVariable = myVariable; myVariable = "DEF"; alert(mySecondVariable);
In this case we're dealing with a string, which is primitive data
type, as are numbers. This time it's the actual data that's stored in the
variable, so when we do this:
var mySecondVariable = myVariable;
mySecondVariable gets its own separate
copy of the data in myVariable. So the alert at the end
will still show mySecondVariable as holding "ABC."
To summarize this section, we create a JavaScript object using the
following basic syntax:
var myVariable = new ObjectName(optional parameters);
Creating a Cookie-Javascript
To make life easier for ourselves, we'll write a function
that allows us to create a new cookie and set certain of its attributes with
more ease. We'll look at the code first and create an example using it
function setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, cookiePath, cookieExpires) { cookieValue = escape(cookieValue); if (cookieExpires == "") { var nowDate = new Date(); nowDate.setMonth(nowDate.getMonth() + 6); cookieExpires = nowDate.toGMTString(); } if (cookiePath != "") { cookiePath = ";Path=" + cookiePath; } document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookieValue + ";expires=" + cookieExpires + cookiePath; }
The secure and domain parts of the cookie string are unlikely to be needed,
so we just allow the name, value, expires, and path parts of a cookie to be set by the function. If we don't
want to set a path or expiration date, we just pass empty strings for those
parameters. If no path is specified, the current directory and its
subdirectories will be the path. If no expiration date is set, we just assume a
date six months from now.
The first line of the function introduces the escape() function, which we've not seen before.
cookieValue = escape(cookieValue);
When we talked about setting the value of a cookie, we mentioned
that certain characters cannot be used directly, such as a semicolon. (This also
applies to the name of the cookie.) To get around this problem, we can use the
built-in escape() and unescape() functions.
alert(escape("2001 a space odyssey;"));
We can see that the spaces have been converted to %20, % indicating that they
represent an escape or special character rather than an actual character, and
that 20 is the ASCII value of the actual character. The
semicolon has been converted to %3B, as we'd
As we'll see later, when retrieving cookie values we can use the
unescape() function to convert from the encoded version
to plain text.
Back to our function; we next have an if
if (cookieExpires == "") { var nowDate = new Date(); nowDate.setMonth(nowDate.getMonth() + 6); cookieExpires = nowDate.toGMTString(); }
This deals with the situation where an empty string, "", has been passed for the cookieExpires parameter of the function. Because most of the
time we want a cookie to last longer than the session it's created in, we set a
default value for expires that is six months after the
current date.
Next, if a value other than an empty string ("") has been passed to the function for the cookiePath parameter, we need to add that value when we
create the cookie. We simply put "path=" in front of
any value that has been passed in the cookiePath
if (cookiePath != "") { cookiePath = ";Path=" + cookiePath; }
Finally on the last line we actually create the cookie, putting
together the cookieName, cookieValue, cookieExpires, and
cookiePath parts of the string.
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookieValue + ";expires=" + cookieExpires + cookiePath;
We'll be using the setCookie() function
whenever we want to create a new cookie because it makes setting a cookie
slightly easier than having to remember all the parts we want to set. More
importantly, it can be used to set the expiration date to a date six months
ahead of the current date.
For example, to use the function and set a cookie with default
values for expires and path we
just type the following:
what is X Series for Network Communications
A set of recommendations adopted by the International
Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-T,
formerly the CCITT, and International Organization for Standardization ISO for
standardizing equipment and protocols used in both public access and private
computer networks.
Recommendation Number | What It Covers |
X.25 | Interface required to connect a computer to a packet-switched network such as the Internet |
X.75 | Protocols for connecting two public data networks |
X.200 | Seven-layer set of protocols known as the ISO/OSI reference model for standardizing computer-to-computer connections |
X.400 | Format at the ISO/OSI application layer for e-mail messages over various network transports, including Ethernet, X.25, and TCP/IP. Gateways must be used to translate e-mail messages between the X.400 and Internet formats |
X.445 | Asynchronous Protocol Specification, which governs the transmission of X.400 messages over dial-up telephone lines |
X.500 | Protocols for client/server systems that maintain and access directories of users and resources in X.400 form |
X.509 | Digital certificates |