Your pages to download and display faster. As
your website performance improves, your bailout rates and bandwidth bills will go
down while your conversion rates and profits will rise. In this chapter, you learned
how to minimize HTTP requests, optimize graphics and multimedia, substitute
server-side for client-side sniffing, and load JavaScript wisely.
To reduce the overhead of multiple objects that causes the majority of web page
delay, minimize the number of objects referenced within your web pages. Also, put
all of your images, still and motion, on a strict file size diet. Minimize the size of the
head of your HTML, and layer your markup to display useful content quickly and
maximize your potential search engine rankings. Finally, move your CSS to the top
and your scripts to the bottom of your pages to enable progressive display.
your website performance improves, your bailout rates and bandwidth bills will go
down while your conversion rates and profits will rise. In this chapter, you learned
how to minimize HTTP requests, optimize graphics and multimedia, substitute
server-side for client-side sniffing, and load JavaScript wisely.
To reduce the overhead of multiple objects that causes the majority of web page
delay, minimize the number of objects referenced within your web pages. Also, put
all of your images, still and motion, on a strict file size diet. Minimize the size of the
head of your HTML, and layer your markup to display useful content quickly and
maximize your potential search engine rankings. Finally, move your CSS to the top
and your scripts to the bottom of your pages to enable progressive display.