Embedding Content for Plug-Ins

Although never officially a part of any HTML specification, the <<embed>> tag is most often used to include embedded objects for Netscape and Internet Explorer. A Macromedia Flash file might be embedded as follows:
<<embed id="demo" name="demo"
 width="318" height="252" play="true" loop="false"
The most important attributes of the <<embed>> tag are src, which gives the URL of the embedded object, and pluginspage, which indicates to the browser where the required plug-in is to be found if it is not installed in the browser. Plug-in vendors typically make available the embedding syntax, so check their site for the value of pluginspage.
Recall that applets embedded with <<object>> tags are passed initial parameters in <<param>> tags. The syntax of <<embed>> is different in that initial parameters are passed using attributes of the element itself. For instance, in the preceding example the play attribute tells the plug-in to immediately begin playing the specified file.
The <<object>> element is the newer, official way to include embedded objects of any kind in your pages. However, <<object>> is not supported in Netscape browsers prior to version 4, and <<embed>> continues to be supported by new browsers. So it is unlikely that <<object>> will completely supplant <<embed>> any time in the near future.