Maybe Hollywood has lots to offer talented

The first thing we see in the movie is Murray, in close-up, smoking
 a cigarette and telling an unfunny joke. after taking a few minutes to establish the
title character as a physical, moral and financial wreck, the movie introduces
 Vincent's nice new neighbors. The neighbors are a divorced mom Melissa McCarthy, looking worried, confused and slack-jawed and her son Oliver, played by Jaeden Lieberher,
 who is the least mannered actor in the movie.

Throughout, writer-director Theodore Melfi keeps steering the plot in the direction of crisis and harshness, but then keeps veering away to resolve things unconvincingly.
 Maybe Watts really wanted to talk in a thick Russian accent, wear ugly clothes and have sex with an old guy. Maybe Hollywood has lots to offer talented, middle-aged actresses, and they only choose roles like this because they like them.