Internet Information Today

W3C Will Provide MOOCs via edX The
 World Wide Web Consortium teamed up
 with edX to offer W3Cx, a series of
 massive open online courses on core
 web technologies.

Safari Private Browsing History
 Is Not Forgotten After All A list
 of the URLs you have visited during
 private browsing sessions are stored
in a database file, viewable by anyone
 using your computer who wants to take
 the time to access it.

The Internet Archive and the Digital
 Public Library of America joined forces
 for a joint program that will enhance
 collection sharing from the Internet
 Archive in the DPLA.

Many websites are adapting their content
 for users who are accessing the Web using
 smartphones and tablets. The growth of
this Mobile Web has required web archivists
 to change their practices in order to
collect this ephemeral web content.