Internet Sites
Red Hat distribution RPM packages
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RPM package repository
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Source Forge open source software repository and development
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GNOME software applications
Linux Software websites
Advanced Database Techniques
PEAR DB is the database primitives shown earlier; it provides several
shortcut functions for fetching result rows, as well as a unique row ID system
and separate prepare/execute steps that can improve the performance of repeated
$com = $db->prepare(SQL);
$result_set = $db->query(SQL, values);
Pass the query( ) function SQL with in place of specific values, and add a second parameter consisting of the array of values to insert into the SQL
When issuing
the same query repeatedly, it can be more efficient to compile the query once
and then execute it multiple times, using the prepare( ) ,
execute( ), and executeMultiple( ) methods.
This returns a com query object. The execute( )
method fills in any placeholders in the query.
PEAR DB gives a lot of methods that perform a query and fetch the results
in one step:
$value-set = $db->getOne(SQL [, values ]);
php-static variables
A static variable retains its value between calls to a
function but is visible only within that function.
IT declare a variable static with the static keyword.
IT declare a variable static with the static keyword.
function test_counter ( ) { static $counter = 0; $counter++; echo "Static counter is now $counter\n"; } $counter = 5; test_counter( ); test_counter( ); echo "Global counter is $counter\n"; Static counter is now 1 Static counter is now 2 Global counter is 5
Variables declared outside a function are global.
That is, they can be accessed from any part of the script. By default,
they are not available inside functions.
trade people use Google
Google is popular anywhere
Google's free online language translation service provides a knowledgeable support staff.
you can share a lot of things With Google+ like events,games, photos.
ITs Find all businesses,online classifieds,advertising classifieds.Google takes a 67%
share of the U.S. search market.
Job growth is increased by this google even search job,employment,business grows with the
help of google.
Google’s Picasa Web Albums to store photos,and manage the photos very nice.
With these tools, you can create different versions of your profile .
Google Docs store many things like the latest doc,text files, more updates new files.
Google's free online language translation service provides a knowledgeable support staff.
you can share a lot of things With Google+ like events,games, photos.
ITs Find all businesses,online classifieds,advertising classifieds.Google takes a 67%
share of the U.S. search market.
Job growth is increased by this google even search job,employment,business grows with the
help of google.
Google’s Picasa Web Albums to store photos,and manage the photos very nice.
With these tools, you can create different versions of your profile .
Google Docs store many things like the latest doc,text files, more updates new files.
Gmail: Email from Google
Google Groups
Google Translate
Google News
Google Toolbar
Google Docs
Google Finance
Google - YouTube
Google Checkout
Google Sites
Android Apps on Google
Google Documents:- Share and add,edit documents , see them on the run with Google Docs mobile service, and take Google Notebook for web research.
Google Spreadsheets:- Add live data to spreadsheets, and charts and tables you can embed in web pages.
Google Presentations:- See them on a mobile phone and save them as video.
- Gmail:- Send email to and from a mobile phone, adjust Gmail's layout with a style sheet, and a lot more
iGoogle:- Create your own gadgets, program a screenscraper, add Flash games, and more.
Google Calendar:- Add web content events, public calendars, and your Outlook Calendar to this application.
Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google SketchUp:- the new 3D modeling software tool.
Picasa, YouTube, and Google Video:-- customize and use these media management apps.
Php Operators
Php Networking Functions
There are many functions in php to convert or look up domain name, IP address,
protocol, and service information.
protocol, and service information.
Domain name/IP address lookups and conversions
socket_set_timeout()DNS resource records
php-Error Control Operators
PHP gives one error control operator: the at sign (@).Any error messages that might be generated by
that expression will be ignored.
If you have set a custom error handler function with set_error_handler() then it will still
get called, but this custom error handler can call error_reporting() which will return 0
when the call that triggered the error was preceded by an @.
<?php/* Intentional file error */$test_file = @file ('no_existent_file') or
die ("Failed opening file: error was '$php_errormsg'");
// this works for any expression, not just functions:$val22 = @$cache[$key];// will not issue a notice if the index $key doesn't exist.
add error_reporting() in the script
how to creating a Web Site
To create your own Web site, you need access to a Web
server. Red Hat automatically installs the Apache Web server on its Linux
systems. You can also rent Web page space on a remote server—a service many ISPs
provide, some for free. On Red Hat systems, the directory set up by your Apache
Web server for your Web site pages is /var/httpd/html. Other
servers provide you with a directory for your home page. Place the Web pages you
create in that directory. You place your home page here. You can make other
subdirectories with their own Web pages to which these can link. Web pages are
not difficult to create. Links from one page to another move users through your
Web site. You can even create links to Web pages or resources on other sites.
Many excellent texts are available on Web page creation and management.
Web pages are created using either HTML intro, the Hypertext Markup
Language, or the newer extended version, XML, the Extended Markup Language. They
are a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Creating an HTML or
XML document is a matter of inserting HTML or XML tags in a text file. In this
respect, creating a Web page is as simple as using a tag-based word processor.
You use the HTML tags to format text for display as a Web page. XML tags can
include more detailed information about a particular connection such as object
data or transaction characteristics. The Web page itself is a text file you can
create using any text editor. If you are familiar with tag-based
word processing on Unix systems, you will find it conceptually similar to nroff.
Some HTML tags indicate headings, lists, and paragraphs, as well as links to
reference Web resources.
Instead of manually entering HTML or XML code, you can use Web
page composers. A Web page composer provides a graphical interface for
constructing Web pages. Special Web page creation programs can easily help you
create complex Web pages without ever having to type any HTML tags explicitly.
Remember, though, no matter what tool you use to create your Web page, the Web
page itself will be an HTML document.
top search-engines list
Google search
930,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
125,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
Aol Search
36,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
164,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
Yahoo! Search
166,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors |
14,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
2,500,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
2,600,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
9,500,000 -Unique Monthly Visitors
4,800,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors |
2,900,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
1,800,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
2,700,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
1,90,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
930,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
125,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
Aol Search
36,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
164,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
Yahoo! Search
166,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors |
14,000,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
2,500,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
2,600,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
9,500,000 -Unique Monthly Visitors
4,800,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors |
2,900,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
1,800,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
2,700,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
1,90,000 - Unique Monthly Visitors
Static URLs and Dynamic URLs
The search engines treat static URLs differently than dynamic URLs.
Static URLs
Static URLs means not add a query string.
By this definition, a URL referencing a PHP script without
parameters is still static.
examples of static URLs :
Dynamic URLs
Dynamic URLs are that add a query string, add by ?.
This string is used to pass various parameters to a script.
Static URLs can be converted to DynamicURLs with the .htaccess
Static URLs
Static URLs means not add a query string.
By this definition, a URL referencing a PHP script without
parameters is still static.
examples of static URLs :
Dynamic URLs
Dynamic URLs are that add a query string, add by ?.
This string is used to pass various parameters to a script.
Static URLs can be converted to DynamicURLs with the .htaccess