Javascript cookie string

We can set a cookie by setting document.cookie to a cookie string.
 The following code will set a cookie with the UserName set as Paul,
 and an expiration date of 28 December 2010.

<script language=JavaScript>
   document.cookie = "UserName=Paul;expires=Tue, 28 Dec 2010 00:00:00;";
<p>This page just created a cookie</p>

Save the page as FreshBakedCookie.htm. We'll see how the code works as we
 discuss the parts of a cookie string, but first let's see what happens
 when a cookie is created.

In this section we'll see how to look at the cookies that are already stored by IE on our computer. We'll then load the cookie-creating page we just created with the preceding code to see what effect this has.

First we need to open IE. I'm using IE 6, so if you're using IE 4 or 5 you will find the screenshots and menus in slightly different places.

Before we view the cookies, we'll first clear the temporary Internet file folder for the browser because this will make it easier to view the cookies that our browser has stored. In IE, select Internet Options from the Tools menu,

javascript Date, Time

Javascript Date

The methods getDate(), getDay(), getMonth(), and getFullYear() allow us to retrieve date values from inside a Date object. The setDate(), setMonth(), and setFullYear() methods allow us to set the date values of an existing Date object.

The getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds(), and getMilliseconds() methods retrieve the time values in a Date object. The setHours(), setMinutes(), setSeconds(), and setMilliseconds() methods allow us to set time values of an existing Date object.

 One thing that we didn't cover in that chapter was the idea that the time depends on your location around the world. For example, imagine you have a chat room on your website and want to organize a chat for a certain date and time. Simply stating 15:30 is not good enough if your website attracts international visitors.

The time 15:30 could be Eastern Standard Time, Pacific Standard Time, the time in the United Kingdom, or even the time in Kuala Lumpur. You could of course say 15:30 EST and let your visitors work out what that means, but even that isn't foolproof. There is an EST in Australia as well as in the U.S.

So how does this work? In the script block at the top of the page, we have just this one line:
var localTime = new Date();
This creates a new Date object and initializes it to the current date and time based on the client computer's clock. (Note that in fact the Date object simply stores the number of milliseconds between the date and time on your computer's clock and midnight UTC time on the 1st of January 1970.)
Within the body of the page we have seven more script blocks that use the three world time methods we looked at earlier. Note that some of them are enclosed in an if statement, for example
if (localTime.toLocaleTimeString)
This checks to see if the browser supports that method and only makes use of it if it does. Older browsers don't support all of the date/time methods so doing this prevents ugly errors.

In the following line
we write the string returned by the toUTCString() method to the page. This converts the date and time stored inside the localTime Date object to the equivalent UTC date and time.

What is TCP/IP

What is TCP/IP

The Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol manage the sending and receiving of messages as packets over the Internet. The two protocols together provide a service to applications that use the Internet: communication through a network.

The World Wide Web is a network application that uses the services of TCP and IP to communicate over the Internet. When a web browser requests a page from a web server, the TCP/IP services provide a virtual connection -- a virtual circuit—between the two communicating systems. Remember that packet-switched networks don't operate like telephone networks that create an actual circuit dedicated to a particular call.

Once a connection is established and acknowledged, the two systems can communicate by sending messages. These messages can be large, such as the binary representation of an image, and TCP may fragment the data into a series of IP datagrams. An IP datagram is equivalent to the couriers' envelope in that it holds the fragment of the message along with the destination address and several other fields that manage its transmission through the network. Each node in the network runs IP software, and IP moves the datagrams through the network, one node at a time. When an IP node receives a datagram, it inspects the address and other header fields, looks up a table of routing information, and sends it on to the next node. Often these nodes are dedicated routers—systems that form interconnections between networks—but the nodes can also include the computer systems on which the applications are running. IP datagrams are totally independent of each other as far as IP is concerned: the IP software just moves them from node to node through a network. The size of a datagram is primarily determined by the largest size message that can be sent by any part of the network. TCP software performs the function of gluing the fragments together at the destination using the fragment identifier field in the IP datagram header. Because IP datagrams are transmitted through the network independently, there is no guarantee they will arrive at the destination in order, and TCP stores the fragments in a buffer until all preceding fragments are received. IP doesn't guarantee that datagrams are delivered. If an IP node receives a corrupt datagram, it throws it away. Datagrams may be missing from the stream the TCP software receives because a datagram was corrupt and not passed on from the IP software or was delayed in the network. TCP buffers the fragments to allow the out-of-order datagrams to arrive. If a missing datagram fails to arrive, TCP eventually requests that it be resent. This can cause datagrams to be received twice; however TCP recognizes and discards the duplicate datagram when it arrives.

How to traffic to your website

How to traffic to your website

1. Article marketing. If you'd like to acquire numerous inbound links, establish your expertise on your field, and generate enormous traffic to your site all at the same time, you should definitely engage to article marketing. It is the most efficient and cost-effective way to build traffic to your site. All you have to do is write quality articles that are highly relevant to your website or products that you promoting and submit these articles to submission sites.

2. Multiple Pages - If possible, divide the websiteinto several pages and access them through separate items links on a menu or navigation bar.

3. Be consistent - Have same menu or some extensionof it on all pages so that viewers know where they are at all times. Home page is a must on every page. Visitors should be able to easily look around your website. If visitors are frustrated andcan't find what they are looking for, they are likely to leave quickly and never come back or recommend yourwebsite to others.The menu can be located at the top, left or right side of the page.

4. Keep Content Fresh - Static content is dead content; Write new articles, update old ones. New or updated content is a great way to keep visitors coming back. Search engines also rank websites with fresh content higher. Keeping an active blog is a great way to keep your website new and fresh.

5. Use Descriptive File Names - Use descriptive keywords as names for the files like pictures, videos on your site. This will help your site appear more with search engines - especially through Google Image Search.

6. Create Links - Getting links to your website from other websites will help generate more traffic and improve your placement in search engines. Find other websites on your same topic and put a link to them on your site -- maybe in a new Favorite Links page. Then ask those websites to link back to you by signing their guestbook.

7. Tag your Site - Adding tags can increase the number of times your website shows up in search results. To pick the right keywords, try putting yourself in the shoes of your visitors and think whatthey would search for if they wanted to find your site.

8.Visitors Contact You - Make it simple for visitors to reach you if they want. Include a guestbook or blog where they can post questions. Add a contact us form where they can submit questions to you via email.

Kangana Ranaut-the gold

Php file uploading code

Php file uploading code

To uploading a file, two changes must be made to the standard HTML form. First, the initial FORM line must include the code ENCTYPE = "multipart/form-data", which lets the HTML know to expect a file as well other data.
Second, <input name="NAME" type="FILE" />
the element is used to create the necessary field.
Another trap is the size of uploaded files.

 Although you can tell the browser the maximum size of file to upload, this is only a recommendation and it cannot ensure that your script won't be handed a file of a larger size. The danger is that an attacker will try a denial of service attack by sending you several large files in one request and filling up the filesystem in which PHP stores the decoded files.

 The  php file uploading code:

<form action="" method="post">
Select  Filename: <input type="file" name="adFile">
<input type="submit" value="Upload">


move_uploaded_file ($_FILES['adFile'] ['tmp_name'],
       "../uploads/{$_FILES['adFile'] ['name']}")


Set the post_max_size configuration option in php.ini to the maximum size in bytes that you want:

post_max_size = 1024768 ; one megabyte The

default 10 MB is probably larger than most sites require.

Php Code for a Valid Number

Php Code for a Valid Number

Besides working on numbers, is_numeric( ) can also be applied to numeric strings. Use is_numeric( ):

if (is_numeric('five')) { /* false */ }
if (is_numeric(5)) { /* true */ }
if (is_numeric('5')) { /* true */ }
if (is_numeric(-5)) { /* true */ }
if (is_numeric('-5')) { /* true */ }
It is often useful to determine where in the code output originates.

Helpfully, is_numeric( ) properly parses decimal numbers, however, numbers with thousands separators, such as 5,100, cause is_numeric( ) to return false.

To strip the thousands separators from your number before calling is_numeric( ) use str_replace( ): is_numeric(str_replace($number, ',', '')); To check if your number is a specific type, there are a variety of self-explanatorily named related functions: is_bool( ) , is_float( ) (or is_double( ) or is_real( ); they're all the same), and is_int( ) (or is_integer( ) or is_long( )).

Magic Methods-Php

Magic Methods and Constants

Magicmethods are specially named methods that
can be defi nedin any class and are executed via
 builtin PHP functionality.
Magic methods always begin with a double
underscore. In fact, the magic methods  __destruct() and __construct() have already been used several times.

It is often useful to determine where in the code output originates.

This is the purpose of all of the magic  constants and is particularlyuseful when writing custom logging functions.

 The seven magic constants are as follows:
__CLASS__ equates to the class in which the constant is referenced.

 As noted earlier, this variable is always equal to the class in which it is defi ned, which is not always the class  that was instantiated.

For example, __CLASS__ as defi ned inside Node always returns Node even  if the method is part of an object that  was instantiated as a descendant class.
 In addition to debugging, the class constant is also useful for static callback functions.
__FILE__ is always equal to the file name where the constant is referenced.
__LINE__ is used in conjunction with __FILE__ in order  to output a location in code.

Php HTTP Basics

Php Web Application
Php Email Codes
Php Array
Php Ifelse
Php variables
Php Substrings
Php Mysql Functions

Php HTTP Basics

When a web browser requests a web page, it sends an HTTP request
message to a web server. The request message always includes
some header information, and it sometimes also includes a body.
 The web server responds with a reply

 message, which always includes header information and usually
 contains a body. The first line of an HTTP request looks like this:
 GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 This line specifies an HTTP command,
 called a method , followed by the address of a document and the
 version of the HTTP protocol being used. In this case, the request
 is using the GET method to ask for the index.html

document using HTTP 1.1. After this initial line, the request can contain
optional header information that gives the server additional data about the request.
 For example: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Windows 2000; U Opera 6.0 [en]
Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, text/*, */*

The User-Agent header provides information about the web browser,
 while the Accept headerspecifies the MIME types that the browser
 accepts. After any headers, the request contains a blank line,
to indicate the end of the header section. The request can also
contain additional data, if that is appropriate for the method being
used . If the request doesn't contain any data, it ends with a blank line.
The web server receives the request,
processes it, and sends a response. The first line of an HTTP response
looks like this:
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

 This line specifies the protocol version, a status code, and a description
 of that code. In this case, the status code is "200", meaning that the
 request was successful hence the description OK.

 After the status line, the response contains headers that give the client
additional information about the response. For example: Date: Sat, 26
 Jan 2002 20:25:12 GMT Server: Apache 1.3.22 Unix mod_perl/1.26
PHP/4.1.0 Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 141 The
Server header provides information about the web server software,
 while the Content-Type header specifies the MIME type of the data
included in the response. After the headers, the response contains a
blank line, followed by the requested data, if the request was successful.

socket tcp server with php

Php Web Application
Php Email Codes
Php Array
Php Ifelse
Php variables
Php Substrings
Php Mysql Functions
HTTP is the standard that allows documents to be communicated and shared over
 the Web. From a network perspective, HTTP is an application-layer protocol
that is built on top of TCP/IP. Using our courier analogy from the previous
 section, HTTP is a kind of cover letter—like a fax cover sheet—that is stored
 in the envelope and tells the receiver what language the document is in,
instructions on how to read the letter, and how to reply.

Since the original version, HTTP/0.9, there have only been two revisions of
 the HTTP standard. HTTP/1.0 was released as RFC-1945[A] in May 1996 and
 HTTP/1.1 as RFC-2616 in June 1999.

HTTP is simple: a client—most conspicuously a web browser—sends a request for
some resource to a HTTP server, and the server sends back a response. The HTTP
 response carries the resource—the HTML document or image or whatever—as its
payload back to the client.

A simulated HTTP request using telnet

% telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 03:42:32 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) PHP/3.0.11
P3P: policyref=""
Cache-Control: max-age=600
Expires: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 03:52:32 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 21:08:00 GMT
ETag: "5b42a7-4b06-3bb0f230"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 19206
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Connection closed by foreign host.