Google Advanced Search-Tips-Seo

site: / site:gov
all/intitle:  allintitle:Keywords / intitle:KEYWORD
all1/intext:  allintext:Keywords / intext:KEYWORD
all1/inanchor:  allinanchor:Keywords / inanchor:KEYWORD
all1/inurl:  allinurl:Keywords / inurl:KEYWORD
filetype: filetype:.pdf

inurl: search operator

1.  inurl:tag / inurl:tags
2.  inurl:blog / inurl:blogs
3.  inurl:forum / inurl:forums
4.  inurl:add-link / inurl:submit-link

According to Wikipedia, a social network service focuses on building online
communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in
exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web
based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant
messaging services.

Proper keyword placement -SEO Tips

Social networking has encouraged new ways to communicate and share information.
Social networking websites are being used regularly by millions of people.
While it could be said that email and websites have most of the essential elements of
social network services, proprietary encapsulated services gained popularity in the first
decade of the 21st century.

Google Authorship will lend your content more authority with the search engines and
 increase click through rates from the search results.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more
personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs,
Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments
in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.


WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics,
web standards, and usability. What a mouthful. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same
time. More simply, Wordpress is what you use when you want to work with your blogging

Important SEO Component

The page title is an important component of on-site
optimization, and we have covered this area with the command.

It’s  now  time  to  check  the  competition  level  at  the  off-site
optimization level, and luckily for us, Google also has a command
line for this: allinanchor.

The number of results returned this time is the one of all the pages
which are linked to by backlinks with your keyword in their anchor

1. How  many  pages  have  your  keywords  in  the  page  title.
2. How many pages have your keywords as anchor textof their
3. How many pages have both keywords in the page title, and
keywords as anchor textof their backlinks.

Since someone who uses their keywords both in the page title and
as anchor text for their backlinks is obviously somebody literate in
SEO, I decided to attribute them double value.

That is if 10 results have the keyword in their title and 23 have the
keyword in their anchor text, I will assume that 10 of them have
both keywords in anchor and title, and 13 only in anchor.

The  same  concept  applies with search engines spiders, if your
navigation is too complex or too deep, the crawler loses interest to
visit or index your pages.

Report on competitors’ link building strategies
As well as reporting on your own site’s inbound links, you can report on
and study your competitors’.
You can see your competitors’ number of cumulative links over time
How to get backlinks

Do yourself search engine optimization

Create RSS feeds. Try registering with Feedburner

Publish free newsletters.Recruit site visitors to your free benefit-packed newsletter and you are
building an emailing list. Use your newsletter to promote your content.

Post on your site/blog.You’re doing that anyway, of course. But it’s amazing what people forget if it’s
not on a checklist.

Submit content to generic social siteseg, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Digg and now
Google +.

Submit to your specialist social networking sites

Use your specialist contactsby email, direct tweets and even telephone.

Contact journalists you know personally. Don’t just issue press releases - get to know them, chat
and build trust.

Buy and use a list of relevant journalists’ detailsand get to know them.

Contribute with guest posts and articleson specialist blogs and sites.

Issue press releasesto online and offline specialist distributors like PRWeband Press Dispensary.

Submit to site-of-the-day sites

Consider Eric Ward’s URLwireIt’s a paid-for service but is top quality.

Buy PageRank links. You can buy links without a nofollow tag. But, if Google works out
that you’re buying links you’re site may be penalized. Take the risk if you must, but I certainly don’t
recommend it.

Buy promotional links (adverts)on generic sites like StumbleUpon and Facebook; specialist sites;
and Pay Per Click PPC. The links won’t directly help your SEO but others might share your content
and those links will.

If your content is good and your network strong then you will get links from your immediate contacts.
Then their readers and others will find your site, visit and perhaps link to it.

Social Media Tips for More Sites

You may not think of Wikipedia as being useful in link building since it NoFollows all its external
links. It is not a wise idea to simply go onto the site and create a page for your company. Unless
your company is well known, it is likely to be promptly removed. However, links from
Wikipedia can be valuable because many people treat it like an authoritative site, and if they
see your link on Wikipedia they may choose to link to you. This can include some pretty
influential people.

Social Media Tips

• Build up your credibility (long and virtuous contribution history, user profile page with
Barnstar awards) before doing anything that could be construed as self-serving. It is not
good enough to be altruistic on Wikipedia unless you demonstrateit. It has to be visible as
a track record (e.g., do squash spam and fix typos and add valuable content, but do not
do it anonymously).
• Negotiate with an article’s “owner” (the main editor who polices the article) before making
an edit to an article to get her blessing first.
• Use Wikipedia’s “Watch” function to monitor your articles of interest. Better yet, use a
tool that emails you (e.g., TrackEngine, URLyWarning, or ChangeDetect).
• The flow of PageRank can be directed internally within Wikipedia with Disambiguation
Pages, Redirects, and Categories.
• Make friends. They will be invaluable in times of trouble, such as if an article you care
about gets an “Article for Deletion” nomination.
• Do not edit anonymously from the office. This could come back to haunt you. Tools exist
that could embarrass you if you do so. One public domain tool, WikiScanner, is able to
programmatically take anonymous Wikipedia posts and identify the organization that
created them. The tool cross-references the IP address to make the edits with the blocks
of IP addresses of more than 180,000 organizations. Do not take the risk.


As of early 2009, Flickr is the most popular photo-sharing site on the Web. It can be an effective
tool in gathering traffic and exposure for your website. Lots of people search on Flickr, and
images in Flickr can rank prominently in web search results. If people find your images on
Flickr, it can cause them to click through to visit your site. As with other social media properties,
this traffic can lead to links to your main site, but it is an indirect approach. Here are some key
• Always use tags—as many as possible while still being accurate. Surround multiple-word
tags with quotation marks.
• Make descriptive titles for your photos.
• Create thematic sets for your photos.


Twitter has established itself as the leading microblogging site. It allows its members to
contribute microblog posts  that are limited to 140 characters. It has become
an environment for real-time communication with a broader network of people. You can use
Twitter as an effective platform for promoting your business. It is just another channel for
communicating with your customers and market.
The basic concept is to become an active member of the community and build a large network
of followers. As with other networking sites, many important influencers spend time on
Twitter. If you can use Twitter to develop relationships with these people, that can provide
some very high-quality links.

The current environment is much more complex. The people you are trying to reach use many
venues, and all of the various social media properties are part of that picture. Whenever you
have a social media property that a large number of people use, there is an opportunity to reach
them. Success in reaching them depends on becoming a trusted member of that community.
Since there are many large communities, it can be complex and expensive to establish a
presence in all of them. But presence in each one does add to the number of opportunities you
have for creating impressions in your target audience. Since major influencers in your market
may be using these communities, you have an opportunity to reach them as well.

including images,
videos, news, travel, and people. Such engines exist to provide value to their user base in ways
that go beyond what traditional web search engines provide.
One area where vertical search engines can excel in comparison to their more general web
search counterparts is in providing more relevant results in their specific category.

Validate Email address


Checking Email 

Web sites often use email addresses as usernames because they are guaranteed to be unique, as long as they are valid. In addition, the organizations can use the email addresses to communicate with their users later. You do not have to initiate a server round trip just to validate an email address, however. This task can be initiated in the client, which cancels the submission of the username to the server if the email syntax is invalid.

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
 <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/http_request.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/email.js"></script>
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
<title>Enter email</title>
 </head> <body> 
<form action="javascript:void%200">
 <div id="message"></div>
 Enter email: <input type="text" name="email" size="25"> 
<br /> <button type="submit" name="submit" value="Send">Send</button>
 </form> </body> </html>

This function creates a new Email object, validates the user's email address,
 and, if it's valid, submits it to a server component.
Let's take a closer look at the checkAddress( ) function:
function checkAddress(val){
    var eml = new Email(val);
    var url;
    eml.validate(  );
    if (! eml.valid) {eMsg(eml.message,"red")};

var user,domain, regex, _match;

window.onload=function(  ){
    document.forms[0].onsubmit=function(  ) {
        return false;
/* Define an Email constructor */
function Email(e){

function validate(  ){
    //do a basic check for null, zero-length string, ".", "@",
    //and the absence of spaces
    if (this.emailAddr == null || this.emailAddr.length == 0 ||
    this.emailAddr.indexOf(".") == -1 ||
    this.emailAddr.indexOf("@") == -1 ||
    this.emailAddr.indexOf(" ") != -1){
    this.message="Make sure the email address does " +
    "not contain any spaces "+
    "and is otherwise valid (e.g., contains the \\"commercial at\\" @ sign).";

    /* The local part cannot begin or end with a "."
    Regular expression specifies: the group of characters before the @    
    symbol must be made up of at least two word characters, followed by zero   
    or one period char, followed by at least 2 word characters. */
    _match = regex.exec(this.emailAddr);

    if ( _match){
        //alert("user: "+user);
    } else {
       this.message="Make sure the user name is more than two characters, "+
            "does not begin or end with a period (.), or is not otherwise "+
    //get the domain after the @ char
    //first take care of domain literals like @[], however rare
    _match = regex.exec(this.emailAddr);

    if( _match){
    } else {
/* The @ character followed by at least two chars that are not a period (.),
followed by a period, followed by zero or one instances of two or more
characters ending with a period, followed by two-three chars that are 
not periods */
        _match = regex.exec(this.emailAddr);
        if( _match){
           //alert("domain: "+domain);
        } else {
            this.message="The domain portion of the email had less than 2 
                         chars "+
                         "or was otherwise invalid!";
    }//end domain check


//make validate(  ) an instance method of the Email object

function eMsg(msg,sColor){
    var div = document.getElementById("message");;"0.9em";
    //remove old messages
    if(div.hasChildNodes(  )){

//a pull-it-all-together function
function checkAddress(val){
    var eml = new Email(val);
    var url;
    eml.validate(  );
    if (! eml.valid) {eMsg(eml.message,"red")};
//event handler for XMLHttpRequest
//see Hack #24
function handleResponse(  ){

First, the code sets up the handling for the user's click on the Send button. window.onload specifies an event handler that is called when the browser completes the loading of the web page:
window.onload=function(  ){
    document.forms[0].onsubmit=function(  ) {
        return false;

Validate a Text Field

No web developers want their Ajax applications to hit the network with requests if the users leave necessary text fields blank. Thus, checking that input elements of type text and the large boxes called textareas in HTML contain values is one of the most common forms of validation.
This hack shows the code for checking if a text control is blank. The inline way of doing this is by assigning a check for the field's value in the text field's event handler:
<input type="text" name="firstname" id="tfield" onblur=
"if (this.value) {doSomething(  );}" />

or in the textarea's event handler:
<textarea name="tarea" rows="20" id="question" cols="20" onblur=
"if (this.value) {doSomething(  );}">

The JavaScript phrase if (this.value) {...} returns false if the user leaves a field blank, so the function call doSomething( ) will never occur. JavaScript evaluates a blank web-form text field as the empty string or "", which evaluates to false when it's used in the context of a programming test. The this keyword is a nice generic way of referring to the form field that contains the event handler attribute.

Probably a better way of going about your event-handling tasks is to separate the logic of your code from the HTML or template text that comprises the application's visual aspects. The JavaScript goes into an external file that the HTML page imports with a script tag. Inside the external file, the code binds a field's various event handlers to a function or the code that represents your application's behavior.
Let's take the following web page, myapp.html, which includes the following HTML in its header:
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/hacks_method.js"></script>
    <title>Cool Ajax application</title>

The file hacks_method.js is located in a directory js, which is in the same directory as the HTML file. The HTML file contains the same textarea and text field as mentioned earlier, except these fields no longer have an onblur attribute. The JavaScript file includes this code:
window.onload=function(  ){
    var txtA = document.getElementById("tarea");
    if(txtA != null){
        txtA.onblur=function(  ){
            if (this.value) { doSomething(  );}
    var tfd = document.getElementById("tfield");
    /* An alternative:
    if(tfd != null && txtA != null){tfd.onblur = txtA.onblur; }
    if(tfd != null){
        tfd.onblur=function(  ){
            if (this.value) { doSomething(  );}

window.onload involves the binding of the load event to your blank-field checks. load occurs when the browser has completed loading the web page, so when that happens, all the stuff after window.onload= follows.
The getElementById( ) method returns a reference to an HTML element

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Jobs-at Footwear Design & Development Institute

Footwear Design & Development Instituteinvites applications for the following
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  2. Consultant/Sr Faculty/Faculty /Associate Faculty-Fashion Design  : 15 posts
  3. Sr. Faculty/Faculty /Associate Faculty-For Footwear- PDC (CAD/CAM) : 04 posts
  4. Sr. Faculty –LGAD : 05 posts
  5. Sr. Faculty/ Faculty-Retail : 10 posts
  6. Faculty /Associate Faculty-Business Management : 12 posts
  7. Demonstrator : 05 posts
  8. Craftsman –(Fashion Design) : 10 posts
  9. Technologist : 02 posts
  10. Lab Analyst : 02 posts
How to Apply : Interested candidates may apply in the applicable format to: The Manager (Admin. & Pers.), Footwear Design & Development Institute , (Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India), A - 10/A, Sector - 24, NOIDA - 201301.

For Details:


  • Dy. Manager (Electrical) / E4 : 05 posts (UR-3, OBC-2), Pay Scale : Rs. 32900 - 58000
  • Sr. Engineer (Electrical) / E3 : 10 posts (UR-7, OBC-1, SC-2, PWD-1),  Pay Scale : Rs. 29100 - 54500
Application Fee :  Rs. 400/-  to be paid in form of A/c Payee Demand Draft in favour of “POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD” Payable at New Delhi (Preferably drawn on State Bank of Hyderabad). SC/ ST/ PwD / Ex-SM candidates are exempted from the above mentioned application fee.

Apply Online : Apply Online from 31/05/2014 to 27/06/2014 at Power Grid Website only. Application in the prescribed format should be send to The Advertiser (PG), Post Box No. 9248, Krishna Nagar Head Post Office, Delhi - 110051 on or before 11/07/2014.  


Junior Research Fellow-Post-at Calcutta University

 Junior Research Fellow-Post-at Calcutta University

Interested eligible candidates are requested to appear before a selection committee on 23rd May, 2014 at 11 AM. in the Conference Room of the Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta Ballygunge Campus, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata: 700019 for recruitment of One Junior Research Fellow (1 JRF) in the in an IndoFrench collaborative project entitled “Decipher the symbiotic program in tropical legume” (SAN.NO.-IFC/5103/-4/2014/543) under Dr. Maitrayee DasGupta. Tenure of the project is up to April, 2017

Qualification required: M.Sc. Degree in any discipline in life sciences from any recognized board/University with valid GATE/ NET

Upper age limit is 28 years on 1st June, 2014 with 5 years relaxation for SC/ST/Female candidates
For JRF 16,000+30%HRA Per month

iPhone 6 caught running iOS 7

Images have leaked over in China showing a device running on iOS 7 that is said
 to be an Apple iPhone 6. As there's no video material of the device there's no way
of telling if it's a real device and not a dummy but the icons on the screen appear to
 have been reordered at least. There are a couple of things about the device that
 strike us as odd, though. For starters it appears to be entirely made out of plastic,
which isn't what Apple usually does for its flagship iPhone not until the 3GS, anyway.

So this might be another c version - as in the iPhone 5c. Second there's a silver frame
 around the phone's front that looks similar to what Samsung used in devices like the
 Galaxy S II and seems unlikely to be featured in an Apple flagship. At least the flash
 on the back looks in line with Apple's current two-toned flash on the iPhone 5s.

A casing that leaked today shows a single LED flash placeholder, just like dummies
 we've seen before on a few occasions, including a video.