AdSense Basics-Potential of AdSense-Ad code blog post
AdSense is an advertising program that
anyone who publishes a Web site can
use to
generate income for Web site.
But there’s one small condition
Google must approve your site before
ads are shown on your site.
How to make money with google adsense.
Google Adsense Learn how Adsense tips and get tips
and strategies to generating more money through Adsense.
A longer explanation is that
AdSense is
an ad-placement program that utilizes
Google’s proprietary search capabilities
to determine the best placement for
ads that are purchased through the
Google AdWords program.
AdSense is contextual advertising,or ads
that appear in the context of surrounding
content. What this means for you is that
AdSense ads are related to the content
of the pages on which those ads appear.
The bottom line is that with AdSense,
you can
place ads on your Website that
are targeted to the content of your site.
creating income is the most likely reason
that publishers use AdSense, it’s not the only one.
Some publishers use AdSense as a means of
making their Web site more valuable to site visitors.
Anyone who
displays an AdSense ad is considered
a publisher,whereas anyone who purchases
the ads that are displayed through AdSense is an
Unique visits:A visitor is considered uniquewhen she visits your Web
site the first time during a given period of time. Depending on the
metric— the measurement used to track visitors on your Web site
that’s used, a visitor might be considered unique the first time he visits
your site in a 24-hour period, the first time in a week, or the first time
in an hour. For AdSense, the unique visits measurement is used to help
determine the click-thru rate for ads.
With those hypothetical numbers in place, you can
use this equation to estimate how much you might
make from your
AdSense ads earn on a given day:
unique visits x average CTR x average CPC = potential revenue
1,000 x .02x$.25 = $5.00
Using that equation and the hypothetical numbers,you could
estimate that you’d make $5.00 per day, or $150.00 per month.
In some rare cases, you may have heard of AdSense
publishers making $20,000 or more each month.
Those are rare cases, but it’s possible to build
a decent revenue stream with AdSense if you
manage the use of the ads carefully on sites that
are very well designed.
What is likely is that you might be able to make
enough to cover your Web site hosting or even
enough to cover your mortgage. AdSense definitely has
the potential. How you manage the program combined
with how well your site is designed and the amount
of traffic that your site receives determine how
much you make.
If you’re going to use AdSense, you most definitely want to have some kind of
Web site analytics program. A
Web site analytics program tracks the number
of visitors to your site and some of their behaviors while they’re on your site.
You can use a program like AWStats or ClickTracks, but those programs are
nowhere near as easy to use as Google Analytics.
• Your Web site URL:Google will check the site to
ensure it’s appropriate for ads to be displayed.
• Your Web site language:To ensure that AdSense is available to your
site visitors and that any
ads placed are properly targeted to the
main language of your site.
• Type of account:Use this drop-down menu to select whether you’re
creating a personal account or a business account. If the account
is for you, it’s personal, and if you plan to use it as part of a business
that you own, it’s a business account.
• Country or territory:You do know where you live, don’t you?
• The payee name: This is the name under which you want your
payments issued. If you’re creating a personal account, it should
be your personal name. If you’re creating a business account, it’s
best to use the business name, but you can also use your personal
name if you prefer.
Payments are made electronically or by check, but you set that
information up after you’ve created your AdSense account, so for
now all you need to know is to whom and where payments should
be sent.
• Address and telephone number:Use the address where you would
like to have your payments sent, and be sure to include a working
telephone number in case the good people at AdSense need to
contact you concerning payments.
AdSense has a testing capability — the AdSense preview tool.It’s a
small application you have to download and add to your computer’s registry,
which allows you to see what the ads look like and how they behave without
having to click your own ads.
Download the preview tool from the
AdSense Help Center at
In the Help Center, search for preview
tool. You should be taken to a search
results page where the top result is a
link to the page from which you can download
the preview tool. The directions
on the page walk you through downloading and
installing the preview tool.
Site content
Here’s where the program policies begin to get interesting. Okay, not really.
There is rarely anything interesting about program policies. But a lot of meat
is in this section of the program policies, and you should pay close attention
to what’s here.
Google’s requirements for
site content are basic: no violent content, no adult
content, nothing related to gambling, and nothing associated with any type of
illegal activities. But that’s not all. Google also frowns on Web sites that are
related to anything that could be construed as controversial.
Google’s Webmaster Guidelines tell you everything you need to know about
what the company expects from the design of a Web site. The document is
pretty complicated, but it can be summed up in one word: simplicity.
Consistency is also a very important factor in improving the traffic to your
Web site. Every day you should be plugging away at your marketing efforts,
in whatever form works best for your site. Web site marketing does require
constant attention, however. Pushing for a short period of time to improve
your traffic but then letting the efforts fall by the wayside does no good.
Everyone seems to be seeking the key to more
Web site content. In today’s information-driven
society, great, dynamic content is the key. People
are usually online because they’re looking for
something — relationships, information,
products, or services. Content is the way
they find what they’re looking for.