Earning with AdSense for Mobile

Earning with AdSense for Mobile

The AdSense way of doing things is pretty
 much the same across all ad formats
 visitor clicks ad, you get money.
 Mobile ads do have onewrinkle
that you haven’t seen in other types
of ads, though, and that’s the Click
to Call link. This link allows visitors
 to click the link and place a call to the
advertiser. It’s a cool feature, but one that
 might leave you wondering how
you’ll get paid for that.

Truth is that this link works just like any other link in an ad. You get paid for
mobile ads whenever your site visitors click the ad links. That includes the
Click to Call link. Like other types of AdSense ads, the amount of payment
is determined by the payments that advertisers make when their ads are
displayed. It’s a formula that Google keeps closely guarded, but it works the
same as AdSense for Content and other types of AdSense. Advertisers bid for
the right to have their ads shown. Then, each time the ad is shown, Google
gets paid whatever that winning bid amount is. In turn, Google then gives
a percentage of what it is paid to you, the Web site owner who publishes
the ad. But how much is the exact percentage? Google is pretty tight-lipped
about it.

You can track your AdSense for Mobile earnings on the Reports page, which
is the first page you encounter when you sign in to your AdSense account.
Included here is a category for AdSense for Mobile Content that shows page
impressions, clicks, click-through-rates, effective cost-per-thousand impressions,
 and earnings. Like other reports, you can show these numbers by day,
week, month, or all the time.

•  Creating a new blog and publishing posts
•  Designing a blog, changing its layout, and installing gadgets
•  Making money and driving traffic to your blog
•  Incorporating social networking tools and search engine optimization tips
•  Using a domain instead of the default “BlogSpot” address
•  Creating a gallery and knowing how and where to store images online
•  Using advanced blog design techniques HTML and CSS and customization
•  Developing an online store using Blogger pages
•  Finding additional help and troubleshooting the most common mistakes 

Mobile Web sites, and by extension mobile ads, aren’t for everyone. You may
not have a Web site that’s appropriate for (or is even of interest to) mobile
surfers. That’s a call you have to make.
If your site does lend itself to the mobile lifestyle, however, consider AdSense
for Mobile. It’s one way to monetize your mobile efforts — and although the
revenues that you generate for mobile ads might not be enough to pay the
mortgage or the payment on that shiny new car you rushed out and bought
when you were approved to display AdSense ads, it might add a little to the
revenue streams that you’re building. In my book, every little bit helps.

As the popularity of blogs grew, so did the popularity of another technology,
called a feedor RSS feed.Both of these terms refer to the same thing. Feeds
are content that is pushed out to registered users who have signed up to
receive them. The content that’s pushed out can be short teasers about blog
posts, news, or podcasts or it can be a complete blog post, news item, or

Adsense-Placing mobile ads to increase earnings

Adsense-Placing mobile ads to increase earnings

Placement is one problem that you’ll likely
encounter with mobile ads. The format of a
mobile Web site is already so small, so how do
you place ads that catch the attention of mobile
My suggestion is to place them near the top of
the page. For example, if you’re setting up your
mobile Web site so that a small logo appears
and then content and links for your page immediately
 display, ads appear between the logo
and the content.

This gets the ads right in front of the mobile
Web site users as quickly as possible to ensure
they don’t navigate away from the page before
your ads are seen.

Another alternative might be to put your ads
at the top of a list of links that appear on your

obile Web page. This integrates the ads into
the links, making them feel a little more natural
on the site. But again, they’re still above the links
so that users have the chance to actually see the
ads before they navigate away from the page.
Ultimately, the perfect placement of your ads
may take some trial-and-error. With any form
of AdSense, don’t take my word — or anyone
else’s for that matter — as gospel. Instead,
begin with my suggestions and test your ads
over a period of time to see where they earn
the most click-throughs for your site. Only thorough
 testing can you really determine what
works and what doesn’t on your specific pages.

AdSense-Social Media Marketing

AdSense-Social Media Marketing

Social marketing is a relatively new concept
 that’s based on a phenomenon that’s grown
 despite the fact that no marketing experts
saw it coming, and it’s all based on social
networks, such as those brought into being by
MySpace and Facebook.

The idea with social networks is that you
 have an online community where
you can connect and share with people
 who have the same interests that you
do. For some, that might be an interest in
 specific people or hobbies. For others,
the interest could surround employment
 or education.

What’s important is that a social network lets
you create a circle of like-minded friends and
acquaintances — also called a community.

For example, with MySpace, the concept is to
 build a home page where you and your friends
 can connect.

You can also connect with others who are potential friends because they can
view your MySpace page and learn about you and your interests.
If you’re marketing with social networking, create your network, and as you have
something to market, share it with that group of friends in your community.
They then share it with their friends, and before you know it, a network that’s
far beyond the group you could reach on your own knows what you’re doing.
Here’s the catch with social media marketing though: If you develop a social
network specifically to sell something to the people in that network, you’ll fall
right on your face. Really. Social networks are created by people who have
something to share with other people who think like them. If you barge into the
network with a sales pitch and nothing more, you’ll be completely ostracized.
To be truly effective, you have to actually participate in the communities that
you join. That means interacting with people and offering up something that
others can use most of the time without expecting anything in return.
If you really want to see how social media marketing works, check out some
of the organizations that have successful sites on MySpace or Facebook —
Christian bands like Three Days Grace, for example. To get to the point
where a social media marketing strategy is successful requires a lot of effort
and attention, but the results can be very much worth the time you put into
developing your place on the network

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    SEO best Technique-Site Submission and Ping

    SEO best Technique-Site Submission and Ping

    website will post to Twitter, Wordpress,
    Facebook and the list goes on.

    You want comments from various IP
    addresses that look like a conversation is taking place
    on your site. If you look at some Acne Cure
     and Weight Loss Blogs, this makes them look

    The easiest way to get various IP addresses
     is just to outsource the comments, however you
    can participate yourself. Next time you are at
     your library, Starbucks, McDonalds etc, login
    to the internet available and drop a comment on your site.
    Make sure you do not login to your actual site while
     at these other internet access points, when you get
     home you can approve the comments you have left.

    There is only so much you can do yourself when
     it comes to blog commenting. You can outsource
     the above blog commenting styles to your
    employees if you have any. If you do
    not have the time or the employees, these
     gigs will help you for sure.

    EDU/GOV Backlinks
    These links are very powerful, some people sell 1
     link alone for quite a bit and edu blogs can
    sell for $100 a piece.

    Here is how you are going to find edu/gov blogs and
     forums manually by searching Google:
    site:.edu inurl:blog "keyword"
    site:.edu inurl:forum "keyword"
    Now just replace edu with gov if you want to gov sites,
     and enter your KW between the quotes.

    Videos are easy to rank in Google, in fast they
     shoot up very fast through the rankings.
    Once a video has been made,  submit to the following directories:

    After you embed the video, make sure you include Core
    on page SEO before you publish the
    -Keyword density - around 3%+
    -h1 tag with keyword
    -h2 tag with keyword
    -h3 tag with keyword
    -italic keyword
    -bold keyword
    -underline keyword
    -keyword must be at least in the first and last paragraph sentences
    -ALT tag in image with keyword
    -Link out to Authority site
    -Link to another post on your site

    Submit Your Sitemap
    When new content is added, make sure submit your sitemap again in Google.
    An XML sitemap is created for search engines so they can find your web pages

    Yahoo Answers is a great place to get backlinks, especially if you get best answer. I
    purchased one fiverr gig with a Yahoo Best Answer and had a site zoom to page 1 over

    AdSense Basics-Potential of AdSense-Ad code blog post

    AdSense Basics-Potential of AdSense-Ad code blog post

    AdSense is an advertising program that
     anyone who publishes a Web site can
    use to generate income for  Web site.

     But there’s one small condition 
    Google must approve your site before
     ads are shown on your site.
    How to make money with google adsense.
    Google Adsense Learn how Adsense tips and get tips
     and strategies to  generating more money through Adsense.

    A longer explanation is that AdSense is
     an ad-placement program that utilizes
    Google’s proprietary search capabilities
     to determine the best placement for
    ads that are purchased through the
    Google AdWords program.

    AdSense is contextual advertising,or ads
     that appear in the context of surrounding
     content. What this means for you is that
     AdSense ads are related to the content
     of the pages on which those ads appear.

    The bottom line is that with AdSense,
     you can place ads on your Website that
    are targeted to the content of your site.

    while creating income is the most likely reason
     that publishers use AdSense, it’s not the only one.
     Some publishers use AdSense as a means of
    making their Web site more valuable to site visitors.

    Anyone who displays an AdSense ad is considered
    a publisher,whereas anyone who purchases
     the ads that are displayed through AdSense is an

    Unique visits:A visitor is considered uniquewhen she visits your Web
    site the first time during a given period of time. Depending on the
    metric— the measurement used to track visitors on your Web site
    that’s used, a visitor might be considered unique the first time he visits
    your site in a 24-hour period, the first time in a week, or the first time
    in an hour. For AdSense, the unique visits measurement is used to help
    determine the click-thru rate for ads.

    With those hypothetical numbers in place, you can
    use this equation to estimate how much you might
     make from your AdSense ads earn on a given day:

    unique visits x average CTR x average CPC = potential revenue
    1,000 x .02x$.25 = $5.00

    Using that equation and the hypothetical numbers,you could
    estimate that you’d make $5.00 per day, or $150.00 per month.

    In some rare cases, you may have heard of AdSense
    publishers making $20,000 or more each month.
     Those are rare cases, but it’s possible to build
    a decent revenue stream with AdSense if you
    manage the use of the ads carefully on sites that
    are very well designed.

    What is likely is that you might be able to make
    enough to cover your Web site hosting or even
     enough to cover your mortgage. AdSense definitely has
    the potential. How you manage the program combined
     with how well your site is designed and the amount
    of traffic that your site receives determine how
     much you make.

    If you’re going to use AdSense, you most definitely want to have some kind of
    Web site analytics program. A Web site analytics program tracks the number
    of visitors to your site and some of their behaviors while they’re on your site.
    You can use a program like AWStats or ClickTracks, but those programs are
    nowhere near as easy to use as Google Analytics.

    • Your Web site URL:Google will check the site to
     ensure it’s appropriate for ads to be displayed.
    • Your Web site language:To ensure that AdSense is available to your
    site visitors and that any ads placed are properly targeted to the
    main language of your site.
    • Type of account:Use this drop-down menu to select whether you’re
    creating a personal account or a business account. If the account
    is for you, it’s personal, and if you plan to use it as part of a business
     that you own, it’s a business account.
    • Country or territory:You do know where you live, don’t you?
    • The payee name: This is the name under which you want your
    payments issued. If you’re creating a personal account, it should
    be your personal name. If you’re creating a business account, it’s
    best to use the business name, but you can also use your personal
    name if you prefer.
    Payments are made electronically or by check, but you set that
    information up after you’ve created your AdSense account, so for
    now all you need to know is to whom and where payments should
    be sent.
    • Address and telephone number:Use the address where you would
    like to have your payments sent, and be sure to include a working
    telephone number in case the good people at AdSense need to
    contact you concerning payments.

    Instead, AdSense has a testing capability — the AdSense preview tool.It’s a
    small application you have to download and add to your computer’s registry,
    which allows you to see what the ads look like and how they behave without
    having to click your own ads.

    Download the preview tool from the
    AdSense Help Center at https://www.google.com/adsense/support/.
    In the Help Center, search for preview
    tool. You should be taken to a search
    results page where the top result is a
    link to the page from which you can download
    the preview tool. The directions
    on the page walk you through downloading and
     installing the preview tool.

    Site content
    Here’s where the program policies begin to get interesting. Okay, not really.
    There is rarely anything interesting about program policies. But a lot of meat
    is in this section of the program policies, and you should pay close attention
    to what’s here.
    Google’s requirements for site content are basic: no violent content, no adult
    content, nothing related to gambling, and nothing associated with any type of
    illegal activities. But that’s not all. Google also frowns on Web sites that are
    related to anything that could be construed as controversial.

    Google’s Webmaster Guidelines tell you everything you need to know about
    what the company expects from the design of a Web site. The document is
    pretty complicated, but it can be summed up in one word: simplicity.

    Consistency is also a very important factor in improving the traffic to your
    Web site. Every day you should be plugging away at your marketing efforts,
    in whatever form works best for your site. Web site marketing does require
    constant attention, however. Pushing for a short period of time to improve
    your traffic but then letting the efforts fall by the wayside does no good.

    Everyone seems to be seeking the key to more
     Web site content. In today’s information-driven
    society, great, dynamic content is the key. People
     are usually online because they’re looking for
     something — relationships, information,
    products, or services. Content is the way
     they find what they’re looking for.

    VoiceTab II-HP

    VoiceTab II-HP

    Less than a year after introducing the
    Slate 6 VoiceTab, HP released its successor:
     the Slate 6 VoiceTab II. The only differences
     that we can spot right now between the new
     tablet and the old model are related to the
    software version, and the rear camera.

    The Slate 6 VoiceTab II runs Android 4.4 KitK
    at out of the box instead of 4.2 Jelly Bean like
     the original tablet, and comes with an 8 MP
     rear camera instead of a 5 MP one.

     The rest of the features seem to have
     remained unchanged, including: 3G connectivity,
     a 6-inch IPS display with 720 x 1280 pixels,
     2 MP front-facing camera, a quad-core 1.2 GHz
     Marvell PXA1088 processor, 1 GB of RAM,
    16 GB of expandable storage space, and a
    3000 mAh Li-Po battery.
    The device obviously has voice-calling capabilities,
     and even offers support for two SIM cards.
     All Tech News

    Android One initiative-Google

    Android One initiative-Google

    All things considered, the Android One
     initiative that Google announced several
     months ago is a pretty attractive undertaking
     that's hard to be beaten, at least on the
     entry-level market. After all, what's not
     to like - stock, unaltered Android combined
     with a mind-bogglingly low price tag.
    Well, the limited availability of the
    Android One devices is one of the downsides,
     but after all, the initiative was intended for India.

    From now on, however, those from the UK
     who are on the market for an entry-level
     device might benefit from the Karbonn

    Web hosting in the cloud

    Web hosting in the cloud

    Cloud computing is all the rage these days
     and the hosting industry is no exception.
     The basic idea of cloud computing is that
    you join multiple computers together to
     provide faster, more reliable performance.

    In terms of web hosting, that translates to
    meaning that websites get delivered faster
    and don’t suffer from slowdowns.

    When one website receives a lot
    of traffic, the load is spread equally among
    multiple servers in the cloud.

    Imagine it as a grocery store where,
    if the lines at the checkouts get long,
    shelf-stackers and other staff from
    around the store are summoned to
    temporarily open additional checkouts
    until the rush is over.

    Cloud hosting has a couple of small
    drawbacks, but they affect only the most
    security-conscious users. Some users
     may be concerned about data security
    due to multiple websites floating around
     in the same cloud, and the potential
    exists for a hacker to break an entire
     cloud rather than one server, but for
    the majority of website owners, the
    advantages of the cloud far outweigh the

    Automating Functions with cron Jobs

    Automating Functions with cron Jobs

    Think of cronas being short for chronology,
    and it will help you see that it is for jobs that
    are performed automatically on a fixed time
     schedule by theserver’s internal clock.
     It’s like setting the timer to switch the heating on
    before you get up in the morning or setting your
     DVR to record the sameshow every week.

    The command for a cron job basically has two parts:
    ✓ The command that the server should run:This means giving it the full
    path to the file that you need to run and any switches that are needed to
    perform the function. The software you run on your website should provide the correct switches to include.
    ✓ The exact time and schedule on which the job should be executed:
    There is huge flexibility built into this system, meaning you can schedule
    the task to run exactly when you want on whatever schedule you want.
    cPanel provides an easy configuration screen for cron jobs. Here’s how to
    use it:
    1. Open cPanel and log in using the details your host gave you when you
    signed up.
    2. Scroll to the Advanced section and click Cron Jobs.
    3. If you want to be e-mailed every time any cron job runs, enter your
    e-mail address in the first box and click Update Email.
    4. Select the schedule on which you wish the command to run.
    There are some common settings to select from, or you can create your
    own schedule.
    You must fill every box when setting the schedule; otherwise the cron
    job creation will fail.
    5. Enter the command you want the server to run into the Command box.
    You must add the full server path to the file you want to run in the cron
    job. The server cannot guess which folder the file might be in!
    6. Click Add New Cron Job to create the job and add it to the cron.