Why Prohibit Crawling or Indexing?

You may want to prohibit crawling or indexing for many reasons. Sometimes this is
done on just a few pages or documents within certain portions of a site, and other times
it is done across the entire site. Here are some typical scenarios.

New sites
Say you’ve just purchased your domain name. Unless you already changed the default
DNS server assignments, chances are that when you type in your domain name, you
get to a domain parking page served by your domain registrar. It can be somewhat
annoying to see the domain registrar’s advertisements plastered all over your domain
while passing (at least temporarily) your domain’s link juice (if any) to its sites.
Most people in this situation will put up an “Under Construction” page or something
similar. If that is the case, you really do not want search engines to index this page. So,
in your index.html (or equivalent) file, add the following robots meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
The suggested practice is to have a “Coming Soon” page outlining what your site will
be all about. This will at least give your visitors some ideas about what to expect from
your site in the near future. If for some reason you want to block crawling of your entire
site, you can simply create a robots.txt file in the root web folder:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
The star character (*) implies all web spiders. The trailing slash character (/) signifies
everything after the base URL or domain name, including the default document (such
as index.html).

Optimize Your Site for Speed

Not everyone has high-speed Internet. Stay
away from (Flash) splash screens. Compress your media files for faster page loading.
Use media files only when you need to. Also make sure to describe your graphics,
videos, and sound files. For sound and video content, provide text transcripts. Make
use of thumbnails for large images. Use web server compression for your HTML web
server transmissions to speed up transmission for all your clients, including search
engine web spiders.

Design for Usability
Before endorsing a specific design, create several alternatives. You can conduct surveys
and usability tests with specific demographics. By utilizing the results of these surveys
and tests, you can make educated selections, thereby minimizing the potential risk of
turning off your existing clients.
You can also use the pilot approach. If you have an existing site, you can select a pool
of individuals to test your new designs before making everyone else switch to the new
design. This method should provide you with the ability to make corrections along the
way, while fine-tuning your design choices.

Domain names can appear in many places
Including your emails, business cards, company letterhead, company newsletters, press
releases, and various other marketing materials. A great domain name is a catalyst for
reduced marketing costs. A domain name that is easy to remember will also give you
additional benefits, as it will be easy for people to propagate the name by word of

SEO Keyword Tuning with PPC Testing

The PPC paradigm allows for fast, real-time feedback loops. You do not need to wait
several weeks or months to realize whether your SEO is working.
Say you have a list of pages with specific targeted keywords. You can create an equivalent
PPC test campaign using exact keyword matching to see whether your pages
perform as expected. You can also use broad keyword matching to see whether there
are other keywords that you may have missed but are producing good conversion rates.
Finding mistakes quickly can save you a ton of money and time in the long run. Use
PPC platforms as your SEO testing ground.

Choosing Better Keywords
When it comes to choosing keywords, you should generally be interested in highvolume,
low-competition keywords. The Google AdWords Keyword Tool shows you
relative keyword search volume numbers. Although the accuracy of this data is questionable,
it should give you a relative baseline when comparing different keywords. If
you take this information together with the number of derived competitors by using
Google’s intitle:, inurl:, and inanchor: commands.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing
 Pay per click marketing, or ppc is simply advertising on the internet in which the client
 pays an search engine or advertising company every time there. Pay per click marketing - university
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 click marketing companies at resource nation.

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Types of Search Engines and Web Directories

Many search engines exist on the Internet. How do you make sense out of all the offerings?
The following subsections go into detail regarding several different types and
groups of search engines, including primary, secondary, regional, topical, web spider
(based), meta, and hybrid search engines.

First-Tier Search Engines
Google, Yahoo!, and Bing are considered first-tier, or primary, search engines, as they
own most of the search engine market share in the Western parts of the world. These
search engines usually scour the entire Web, and in the process create very large index
For all intents and purposes (and if you reside in the Western world), primary search
engines are the only ones you should really care about, as most of your visitors will
have come from these search engine sources.

Second-Tier Search Engines
Secondary or second-tier search engines are lesser known or not as popular as first-tier
search engines. They may provide value similar to that of the most popular search
engines, but they simply cannot compete with them, or they may be new. You will
obviously not be spending much of your time optimizing your sites for these types of
search engines.


SEO fanda-The nofollow Link Attribute

A discussion of REP would not be complete without the inclusion of the nofollow link
attribute. This attribute was introduced to discourage comment spammers from adding
their links. The basic idea is that links marked with the nofollow attribute will not pass
any link juice to the spammer sites. The format of these links is as

<a href="http://www.sdfrer.com/" rel="nofollow">some nonesensical
In this case, the hypothetical website http://www.sdfrer.com would not

receive any
link juice from the referring page. Spammers will continue to attack sites.

Examining SEO and Social Media

Most site owners are very interested in how to attract more traffic to their
sites through search engine optimization and networking through popular
social-media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook.
You discover how to improve your social-media reach by making it easy
for visitors to share your content on social-media networks. This book also
helps you determine which social networks to participate in by helping you
discover your niche, find influencers on the Internet, and involve users in
what you’re doing.
 you use WordPress to create a social-media hub in your
WordPress Dashboard by creating a one-stop social-media shop and using
several different tools to stay aware of your brand and online reputation.
You obtain practical information on creating content that is search engine
aware; that is, helping search engines discover and list your content and
Web site in the various search engine directories and databases. We show
you how to take advantage of the built-in features that make WordPress SEO
ready, and provide the tools, plugins, and tips you can use along the way.
This book also takes you into understanding the importance of site analytics
and setting goals for optimal site performance in search engines and traffic.

WordPress’s SEO advantages

Using WordPress for your blogging platform or content management system,
comes with some advantages, including that WordPress was designed to
function well with search engines. Search engines can crawl the source code
of a WordPress site pretty easily, which eliminates issues that a lot of Web
programmers face when optimizing a site.

WordPress’s SEO advantages:
 Permalinks: URLs where your content is permanently housed. While
your blog grows and you add more posts, the items on your front page
get pushed off the front page of your blog and are replaced by recent
content. Visitors can easily bookmark and share permalinks so that they
can return to that specific post on your blog.

Theme construction: SEO, social media, and design all go hand in hand.
You can push a ton of people to your Web page by using proper SEO and
robust social-media profiles, but if your blog has a confusing or poorly
done design, visitors aren’t going to stay. Likewise, a poorly designed
site prevents a lot of search engines from reading your content.

Search Engine Marketing Metrics

Search metrics help marketers improve website PR campaigns and conversion rate
optimization (CRO) efforts. By tracking your progress over time or against the competition,
you can optimize the effectiveness of your advertising budget. By running
controlled experiments to compare alternatives, you can quickly determine higher
return strategies. The type of analytics software that you choose to use is less important
than which metrics you choose to measure.

Search Marketing Strategy
Search marketing is all about strategy. It’s thinking about moves, trying them out,
measuring, making predictions, testing, and going back and trying them over and
over again until you find what works for your site.
Let’s face it. The mechanics of setting up PPC campaigns and site submission can be
successfully taught to relatively inexperienced personnel. The true work in search
marketing is in developing theory and testing it with enough statistical power, by
which we mean validity, to realize significant change. Web analytics information can
tell marketers the language and specific word combinations that are most frequently
used on a per-page basis within their sites. That information is the key to making
good decisions on where and at what level to expend financial resources for the benefit
of the company.

Optimal paths
Think of your website as a digital informational organism composed of smaller subordinate
organs or pages. The relationship between a page and its purpose is directly
correlated to its value . Everymajor goal for a site has an optimal path for navigation from the
home page and popular,or valued, landing pages. The notion of a page within an optimal path is where
measurement should begin, but this is the most common omission made by analysts.

Create Valuable Keyword-Focused Content

Content is still king on the Web. When they are ranking sites, search engines look for a
lot of themed content about particular topics. Publishing a large amount of informative
and valuable content that is keyword-optimized will give your site more chances to rank
for different keywords, and will help your overall rankings (see Figure 1-13).21
If you happen to be a personal injury lawyer, mention the various injuries afflicting
clients whom you have represented. If you are a realtor, mention the different cities
and areas that you cover. Ideally, devote a page or section to each topic. Have an
expert in the subject write compelling copy, or hire a copywriter to work with your
marketing department.
Use a content management system (CMS) or blog to create high-quality content consistently.
Reflect back what your visitors are searching on and what terms you want to target.
It is ideal to target one main keyphrase per article or page.

Create search-friendly URIs

One characteristic of a well-optimized site is the presence of search-friendly URIs.
Search-friendly URIs include keywords related to the main subject of the page
directly within the address of the page. Search-friendly URIs avoid numerical query
strings that are semantically meaningless for search engines (and humans), but are
typically found in database-driven CMS websites.

Choose the right keyword set

Add keyword research tools, a thesaurus, and search queries to generate more root
terms that are unique. Search terms that are harder to find will have less competition.
AdWords’ tool and Wordtracker’s Keyword Universe can help you find new
terms to target. Refer to Chapter 1 for more details on Wordtracker. Perform
searches to find other keywords that competing sites target in their HTML titles and
body text. This technique may uncover new terms. Staying on top of industry news
and events can help you find new keywords to target. You should continually try to
think of new root terms to add to your campaigns.

In the course of your keyword research, you will probably find terms that you are not
sure you want to bid on or that you want to block with negative keywords. Instead of
doing nothing with these keywords, you should bid on them using a lower maximum
CPC than you used for more successful terms. If you do not bid on such a keyword
directly and if you do not block it, another broad-matched keyword will
probably display ads for it. The performance of the broad-matched keyword might
be made worse by the borderline keyword. You can always decide to block borderline
keywords later.

Keyword research is one of the more creative aspects of PPC. Typically, you will find
that only a small group of terms generates most of the traffic on a site as well as most
of the conversions. But discovering those lesser-known terms can benefit your site by
providing less expensive clicks.