php mvc tutorial for beginners-Model-View-Controller

In most PHP web applications, you won’t have a strict MVC
setup. In fact, it’s quite a lot of work to go full-on MVC with

Getting a web project off the ground can be cumbersome and technically demanding, especially when
 using older methods of development. Cake, however, makes the initial steps of building a
web application easy. Rather than run installation scripts from the command line,
Cake comes prepackaged as a folder you simply drop onto a server and is ready to run.
The command line does come in handy once you begin building onto the framework.

With Cake, creating user flows in the application early on is simple and can improve
communication with clients. In some cases, a run-through of the application can be developed
in minutes, allowing the client to get an idea of the project’s architecture.
Once a project is fleshed out and launched, site maintenance is also improved thanks
to Cake. Because of its hierarchy and organization, as well as its effectiveness at limiting
redundancy, Cake helps developers adjust a web application on the fly. Cake also supports
test databases and URL routes for testing new features or versions of web applications on
the live setup.

Cake enforces an MVC structure for your web applications. Basically, it effectively separates
typical operations into specific areas: models for all your database interaction, views for all
your output and displays,and controllers for all your commands/scripts for input and program flow.

The client sends a page request to the application, either by typing a URL or by clicking
alink of some kind. Byconvention, a typical URL is usually structured like this: 1,2,3........

The benefit of using MVCto develop web sites is that repeated functions or tasks can be
separated, thus allowing for quicker edits. It can even help in debugging. Say an error keeps
occurring during the interaction with the database. Usually the problem will be somewhere
in a model. Knowing that all database interactions occur in just one place makes it easier to
solve problems.

How about a tips over the mvc (model view controller) architecture pattern.

MVCstructures are useful because they allow you to separate the different processes of
the web site. When needing to change or add new form fields, for instance, you need only to
locate the appropriate view file and make the change. Instead of sifting through PHP output
functions or scripts,you know that all the views are contained in the viewsfolder.The same is
true of controllers and models. Certain functions are available across the whole application
without requiring any includes. Managing all the paths for include files or libraries in a non MVC
application can become difficult as the program grows.

Model ---->Handles all database functions.                         app/models/Model-name.php
View-------> Handles the presentation layer and displays.    app/views/View-name.ctp
Controller---> Handles all logic and requests.                     app/controllers/Controllername_controller.php

MVC is not about removing all logic from the view; it is about removing
domain (or business) logic from the view. Differentiating display and business logic is not
always easy.

For many developers, the goal is not simply to have separation of the display and
application but to extract as much logic as possible from the display.The commonly
expressed desire is to “keep designers out of my PHP”; the implication is that designers
either can’t learn PHP or can’t be trusted with PHP. Smarty cannot solve this problem.
Any template language that provides the ability to implement complex logic gives you
more than enough rope to hang yourself if you aren’t carefu

Get mail info with IMAP or POP3

To read mail using IMAP or POP3, which allows you to create a web-based email client.

Use PHP's IMAP extension, which speaks both IMAP and POP3:

// open IMAP connection
$mail = imap_open('{}',      'username', 'password');
// or, open POP3 connection
$mail = imap_open('{}', 'username', 'password');

// grab a list of all the mail headers
$headers = imap_headers($mail);

// grab a header object for the last message in the mailbox
$last = imap_num_msg($mail);
$header = imap_header($mail, $last);

// grab the body for the same message
$body = imap_body($mail, $last);

// close the connection

The underlying library PHP uses to support IMAP and POP3 offers a seemingly unending number
 of features that allow you to essentially write an entire mail client. With all those features,
 however, comes complexity. In fact, there are currently 63 different functions in PHP beginning
with the word imap, and that doesn't take into account that some also speak POP3 and NNTP.

However, the basics of talking with a mail server are straightforward. Like many features in PHP,
 you begin by opening the connection and grabbing a handle:

$mail = imap_open('{}', 'username', 'password');
This opens an IMAP connection to the server named on port 143.
It also passes along a username and password as the second and third arguments.

To open a POP3 connection instead, append /pop3 to the end of the server and port.
 Since POP3 usually runs on port 110, add :110 after the server name:

$mail = imap_open('{}', 'username', 'password');

To encrypt your connection with SSL, add /ssl on to the end, just as you did with pop3.
 You also need to make sure your PHP installation is built with the --with-imap-ssl
configuration option in addition to --with-imap. Also, you need to build the system IMAP
library itself with SSL support. If you're using a self-signed certificate and wish to
prevent an attempted validation, also add /novalidate-cert. Finally, most SSL connections talk
on either port 993 or 995. All these options can come in any order, so the following is perfectly legal.

$mail = imap_open('{}',
                  'username', 'password');
Surrounding a variable with curly braces inside of a double-quoted string, such as {$var},
 is a way to tell PHP exactly which variable to interpolate. Therefore, to use interpolated variables
 in this first parameter to imap_open( ), escape the opening 

$server = '';
$port = 993;

$mail = imap_open("\{$server:$port}", 'username', 'password');

Once you've opened a connection, you can ask the mail server a variety of questions.
 To get a listing of all the messages in your inbox, use imap_headers( ):

$headers = imap_headers($mail);
This returns an array in which each element is a formatted string corresponding to a message:

Alternatively, to retrieve a specific message, use imap_header( ) and imap_body( ) to pull
the header object and body string:

$header = imap_header($message_number);
$body   = imap_body($message_number);
The imap_header( ) function returns an object with many fields. Useful ones include subject,
 fromaddress, and udate.

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Best tips for Track Visitors Of your wbsite

A page is very popular. Think about why that might be the case. Was your article especially well-written? Was your information hitting on a recent trend? Were you offering a great product? Knowing the reason for this might inspire some changes on the page, or give you ideas for new material elsewhere on your site.

A specific search query results in a lot of people finding your site via Google. Take a look at the keywords people enter, and check out what page they land on when coming from Google—and think about the first impression you're making on them. As the saying goes, your visitors spend 99% of their time on sites other than yours. Maybe it's time to emphasize a link, or add an introductory blurb somewhere on the side.

Your home page got heavy traffic yesterday. Check the referrer statistics to find out who linked to you,
 and track the source of the traffic to find commentary and feedback about your site. React to the feedback,
 if needed.

Your home page got heavy traffic yesterday, but you don't see a spike from any specific referring site.
Perhaps your home page address received a mention in a radio or TV show!People spend mere seconds on most pages, but a full minute on one other page. Compare the pages in question to find out why there's such a big time difference. Also, use your server log to trace the path they took through your site, retracing
your visitors' steps.

Your server was sluggish on Monday and you'd like to know why. Check your stats to look for a peak.
 Maybe there's a server script with suboptimal performance that needs rewriting?Many people
filling out your order form suddenly leave at form page 2 out of 3. Maybe there's something on
page 2 they didn't expect, so check it out and fix it if needed.

What, traffic is dropping? Maybe it's time to take a break from checking stats,
 and get the word out again—by contacting webmasters, talking to readers or customers,
 getting involved with the community, or adding great content to your site.

In other words, all of these data points are tools equipping you to do a good job, whether
 you consider yourself a webmaster, an e-merchant, a news blogger, a web artist, or anything
else or in-between. On the following pages, you will find hacks that could improve your mastering
 of this tool—and thus, your site. Additionally, there are tips and tricks that can help you market your site.

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Free SEO Analysis Tools

There are a myriad of free SEO tools available, and even many sites that list
 these free tools (the compendium sites are generally supported by advertising,
 and must therefore practice good SEO themselves to be successful!).

Some good sites that list (and provide links) to free SEO analysis tools,,

Some of the most useful (and free!) single-purpose SEO tools are:

NickeBot: a keyword discovery tool that helps pinpoint the right keywords
for optimization, SERPS Tool: the SERPS (or Search Engine Positioning)
 tool helps you discover your ranking across Google and other major search engine
in one fell swoop,

Meta Tag Analyzer: checks meta information for errors and relevance to page content, tools can definitely be time savers,
 particularly if you have a large amount of content you need to optimize.
The price is certainly right!

Individual tools also can serve as a reality check: by running your pages through one of
these tools you can get a pretty good feeling for how well you have optimized a page. However,
 you should bear in mind that there is nothing that one of these tools can do for
you that cannot also be done by hand given the knowledge you have learned from this article.
Individually, SEO analysis tools available on the Web can help you with your SEO tasks.
 However, to get the most from these tools you need to understand underlying SEO concepts,
 as explained in this article, before you use these tools.
Over time, as you progress with SEO, you will probably accumulate your own favorite SEO analysis toolkit.

Essentially, the closer a commercial SEO product comes to true enterprise web analytic capability,
 like that provided by Google Analytics or WebTrends, the more likely it is to provide valuebut
 only to larger enterprises. So it's fairly rare for software labeled specifically for SEO purposes
 to be worth the licensing feeyou can either do the job yourself manually, or a free tool is available.

If your need for SEO analysis falls into the enterprise category, I'd suggest you start
 with Google Analytics,, or WebTrends,,
 even those these products are not specifically aimed at SEO.

If you do want to look into licensed SEO software, some of the better known commercial
SEO analysis products are:Keyword Elite (keyword analysis) and SEO Elite (automated SEO analysis)
 available under commercial license from Top Software,

Clicktracks: a variety of commercial analytic packages that show how visitors react to your site,
 and provides SEO analysis for those sites,

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ecommerce product’s marketing tips

Supporting content. While just about every product has a description, and most have a
picture or two, it is often worth supplementing that core content with material that might
be of interest to the reader. Ideally, an individual product page should contain everything
areader could possibly want to know about the item, including the following:
Case studies or testimonials: We’ll cover third-party validation later in the book, but
this is a perfect place to include some words from satisfied customers.
News items: This might include press releases issued by the company, independent
write-ups and reviews of the product itself, or interviews with key corporate
Technical documents: Whitepapers, technical specifications, best-practice documents, or anything
else that might appear to a narrower segment of the readershipcould be added as well.
These are typically in PDF or Microsoft Word format, butcould also be converted to HTML.

Marketing collateral: These are the two-page datasheets of multi-page booklets
that serve to market the product in the physical world. While these can complement the page’s primary marketing copy, be careful of overly redundant messaging.
Related products: If a particular product is part of a greater portfolio, or if it’s
designed to work in tandem with other independent programs (like the main applications that comprise Microsoft Office), it would be helpful to link to them right
from the relevant product page so the reader can understand the context of the
item they are reviewing.

As we discussed, the bigger the product, themore budget and resources are dedicated to that product’s marketing.
In addition, more resources are pumped into products that are
not lost in a sea of other offerings; if a software company produces only a few titles, then
they are going to focus their efforts into designing the heck out of the product pages since
revenue is reliant upon fewer avenues of revenue.Add  top 10 e-commerce seo tips 
on the pagees.

there are several key pieces of content that should appear in a product
listing. Depending on the complexity of a company’s offerings, some of these might be
more feasible than others, but all will add value to the customer experience:
Retain a specific description of the displayed product line: If a page describes only
one product line, ensure that the content discusses what is being shown on the
page, not the greater family of products.
See ecommerce-tips   for  page Promotion.

Include a product-specific search feature: If the catalog is deep or old, or contains
many variations of pieces, it will help users find the perfect product faster if you
give them a dedicated search feature where they can query model numbers,
dimensions, keywords, and more. Traversing even the most elegantly designed hierarchy is
 slower than the type-click-find speed of a search engine.

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Test Web Site in Other Browsers-online sem tips

When you tweak your design by editing the stylesheet or HTML yourself,
 you may want to test the result on different operating systems and browsers,
 because for better or worse, not every browser will render your page the same;
 often, different browsers or versions of those browsers do not support one or
another element, or they may interpret it differently.

For Windows users, a great tool to check your site on different systems and browsers.

Mac and Linux users may want to run a virtualization environment such as VMware
or Parallels. Although this requires a Windows license to install Windows under
the environment, you should be able to use BrowserPool from within the emulated
version of Windows to test all the other versions of Windows you want to use.

Structure your documents. By selecting "Rearrange your documents" in the "documents"
section, you can structure your documents into a sensible hierarchy. "Sub-documents"
 will be indented underneath their parent and will be shown when you view their parent.
 Hierarchies can go multiple levels.Add your product or company logo. Each group lets you
include a logo that will be displayed on the top left and in the listings.Discussion posts
 via email. If you have an email discussion with someone that covers technical details or
any other useful information, bcc (blind carbon-copy) or forward the conversation to the
appropriate knowledge bases. You can get the email address at the bottom of the full
discussions list (next to the XML feed icon).Make source code readable. If your knowledge
base is going to feature a lot of code snippets, set the default view to proportional font
 in the appearance tab of the group settings.

also  read some tips of internet marketing.

Another and a more automated option is to subscribe to email alerts for a thread.

web seo-tip-for image-Picasa Photo Feed

Your album page already has an Embed Slideshow feature in the navigation pane,
 allowing you to include a slideshow gadget into other web pages.
But on the bottom right side of the page, you will also find a link called RSS.
Right-click it, and copy the link to your clipboard using the menu that appears.

Now, install the Google Pack screensaver, which can render a photo feed into
something good-looking. Go to and in the software options,
uncheck everything but the box reading Google Photos Screensaver. Click Download
Google Pack, and accept the terms of service, if you agree with them. Google notifies
 you a program called Google Updater will be installed. Download and run the executable
that you are offered and wait for the installation to complete.

Now open your screensaver settings by right-clicking the desktop, selecting Properties and
 switching to the Screen Saver tab. Google Photos Screensaver should already be selected in the
selection box. Press the Settings button next to it, and in the dialog that opens, click the
Configure button to the side of the Photo feeds option.

Yahoo! News: Highlights—
Yahoo! News: World—
Yahoo! News: Most emailed—
Yahoo! Sports—
Yahoo! Sports: NBA—
Yahoo! News: Entertainment—

Note that the Google Photo Screensaver also has an option specifically tailored to Picasa
web albums only. You will find it in the screensaver's settings dialog, and all you need
to do is provide your Google Account credentials, and then toggle whether you want unlisted
albums to appear in the slideshow as well. But the general photo feed option also lets you
use albums from other galleries—like the ones by photo community Flickr. To give this a try,
 search for a keyword of your choice.