National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology-Scientist / Assisitant / Officer / Steno / Technical-at

Scientist / Assisitant / Officer / Steno / Technical Jobs-NIELIT

Name of Post
  • Scientist -’D’
  • Scientist -’C’
  • Scientist-’C’ (Marketing)
  • Scientist-’B’
  • Technical Officer
  • Sr. Technical Assistant
  • Technical Assistant
  • Jr. Technical Assistant
  • Assistant (Accounts)
  • Assistant
  • Jr. Assistant
  • Stenographer
Eligible applicants would be required to apply Online ONLY. No other means/mode of applications will be accepted. They are required to have valid e-mail identification. The candidate willing to apply for more than one post should submit separate application for each post. The Applicants are advised to read the Instructions for Online Submission of Applications carefully and then proceed further. Procedure for filling up of applications online is briefed below:
Step 1: Go to the URL ( and click the link “NIELIT RECRUITMENTS” on top right corner of the page. In order to apply for posts click the link “Apply for posts in NIELIT”. Step 2: Click on Fee Payment Link. Enter the details like Name, Mobile No., Caste or Community, Date of Birth etc.
Step 3: Upon submitting the form, candidate will be taken to the Online Payment Gateway for deposit of the requisite fees (non-refundable). (The amount of fee to be paid will appear on the screen.)
Step 4: A journal number will be generated against the transaction. Candidate in his/ her own interest should take a printout of the journal no. for future reference. After payment of Fee the Candidate will fill the rest of the format of Application.
Step 5: Affix your recent Colour Passport Size Photograph (of size 3.5 cms X 4.5 cms) on a White Paper and then sign in a box of 3.5cm X 1.5 cm below the photograph with Black Pen. Scan the above Photo and Signature and Upload in the appropriate space provided (JPG Format of size not more than 50 KB) in Application Form. Step 6: Check the Application before clicking the “Submit” button. Step 7: Take the printout of acknowledgement slip bearing a reference number that should be referred to in all future correspondence with Recruitment Agency in connection with the recruitment process.

For any problems related to Online submission and downloading of Hall-Tickets please contact (011) 24392108 or mail to Click Here For the EMAIL ID to APPLY.


Teaching posts- VTU’s Constituent Colleges

1.     Govt. Order No. ED 249 DTE 2011 dated: 03-11-2011
2.     Govt. Letter No. ED 70 DTE 2013 dated: 08-11-2013
3.     Govt. Order No. DPAR 08 SeHiMa 95 dated: 20-06-1995
4.     Govt. Order No. SIASUE 21 SeHiMa 90 dated: 16-11-1995
5.     Govt. Order No. SAKAE 225 BOA 2000, dated: 30-03-2002
6.     Govt. Notification No. ED 165 DTE 2007 dated: 06-09-2008
7.     Government letter No. ED 77 UTV 2011 dated: 11-07-2012,
8.     Approved VTU C& Ft Statutes 2012dated:23-02-2013
9.     Government Notification No. OMR 06 PLX 2012 dated: 06-11-2013
10.  Govt Order No. ED 60 TEC 2007 dated: 24-08-2007
11.  Approval dated: 03-03-2014 of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, VTU. Belgaum Applications are invited in 5 (Five) sets in the prescribed format from the eligible Indian citizen for thhadagali, Karwar and Raichur _ The eligible Indian Nationals / Origins who are residing abroad rn available in the University Website link given below
Post Details:
Civil Engineering
Electronics & Communication
Cornputer Science Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Physics Dept
Mathematics Dept
Chemistry Dept..
Electrical & Electronics Dept
Training & Placement Officer
Physical Education Director
Assistant Librarian
System Analyst
Last date for submission of applications: 05-04-2014 up to 5.00 P.M.
  • The filled-in application form should be accompanied with Demand Draft, obtained from any Natic processing fee in favour of Finance Officer, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum_ Posts fee once paid will not be refunded


Chartered Accountant Jobs in Punjab & Sind Bank

Punjab & Sind Bank invites applications for the post of Chartered Accountants in MMG Scale –III (Sr. Managers) in reserved categories from Indian citizens who meet the eligibility criteria prescribed below. The applications on prescribed Performa must reach the following address latest by 31.01.2014 through registered post only:
Name of the post:  Chartered Accountant (Scale III)
SCALE OF PAY: MMG Scale –III – Rs.25700 -800/5- 29700 -900/2 -31500
EMOLUMENTS: Beside Basic pay, DA, HRA, CCA (wherever applicable) is also payable, as admissible. Allowances may vary depending upon the place of posting. In addition Lease Accommodation facility (in lieu of HRA) for Officers, Conveyance, Medical Aid, LFC & retirement benefits are admissible as per the rules of the Bank.
PROBATION PERIOD: Selected candidates will be on probation for a period of one year from the date of joining the Bank
Candidates, aspirant for the post are required to apply only on prescribed format available as per Annexure to this Advertisement. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.
i. Candidate should have a valid e-mail id.
ii. Fees Payment through Demand Draft only, to be issued in favor of “PSB SO RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2013-14” payable at New Delhi as per the details of fee to be paid as indicated in para 2 above. The application without requisite demand draft will be liable to be rejected.
iii. The application form duly filled in along with attested photocopies of testimonials/enclosures accompanied with DD of requisite amount/fee must reach the above mentioned address through registered post only.
iv. Incomplete application would not be accepted and if submitted such application would be rejected outright.
v. It is for the candidate to ensure that he / she has met with the eligibility criteria and complied with the requirements and adhered to the instructions contained in this advertisement as well as in the application form. Candidates are, therefore, urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per instructions given in this regard.
Selection for the post of Chartered Accountant will be made on the basis of performance in the Group Discussion or / and Interview, to be conducted by the Bank.
The applicant should sign and affix his/her photograph on such printout of application and keep the photocopy of the same ready for submission at the time of Interview, along with originals of the following:
1. Photo identity proof & address proof
2. Attested copy of School leaving certificate or any other document showing proof of age acceptable to the Bank.
3. Attested copies of Mark sheets / certificates in support of Educational Qualification;
4. Attested copy of certificate of Computer Course, as applicable;
5. Caste related certificate as applicable.
6. Experience certificate / certificate from employer in proof of continuance of job.Candidates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertakings (including Banks & Financial Institutions) will be required to submit “No Objection Certificate” from their employer, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered.
Last date for receipt of application 31.01.2014
Last date for receipt of application at the Prescribed Address (from far 15.02.2014 flung areas)
Tentative dates of Group Discussion / Interview 01.03.2014

Chief Security Officer– UCO Bank

Advertisement No- RECR/SPL/01
UCO Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites applications from Indian citizens for the post of one Chief Security Officer and one Head of Defence Service Cell in Specialist Cadre.
Last date for Receipt of Applications
Before applying, candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria for the post. They should note that Application Fee and/or Postage Amount once deposited will neither be refunded nor be adjusted against any other project. Candidates are advised to submit their applications correctly in the proforma given at the end of this advertisement. Candidates should ensure that particulars submitted by them are correct and final, as no further changes will be allowed thereafter.
Name of the Post
Pay Scale
of Vacancies
Chief Security Officer
Head of Defence Service Cell
Scale of Pay in SMGS – V: Rs 36200 – 1000 /2 – 38,200 – 1100 / 2 – 40400.
DA, HRA, CCA will be paid as per rules in force from time to time and depending upon the place of posting. Medical, LTC, Terminal Benefits and other perquisites will be as per prevailing rules.
Probation Period – Selected candidate will be on probation for a period of 1 year. During the probation they will be paid monthly Salary equivalent to initial stage of pay-scale applicable to SMGS V.
Confirmation: The confirmation of Chief Security Officer in Specialist Stream will be subject to satisfactory completion of one year probation period.
In case of Head of Defence service Cell, the post will be on contractual basis for 03 years with half yearly reviews.
  1. (i) The Application Form should be neatly Typed in English in CAPITAL LETTERS on a A4 size (210 x 297 mm) paper in the format given at the end of this advertisement, which may also be downloaded from the Bank’s website and filled in by the candidates (ii) A recent passport size photograph of the candidate should be pasted at right hand top corner at the space provided in the application and signed across (iii) It should also be accompanied by Demand Draft / Pay Order /Banker’s cheque (candidate’s name and date of birth should be written on the reverse of Demand Draft / Pay Orders / Banker’s Cheque) and attested photocopies of prescribed Educational Qualifications and Experience Certificate(s) specifying NATURE & PERIOD of experience, originals of which should be produced at the time of interview. (iv) It is for the candidate to ensure that he ! she has met with the eligibility criteria and complied with the requirements and adhered to the instructions contained in this advertisement as well as the application form. Candidates are therefore urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per instructions given in this regard.
  2. The Application in the given format should be sent first by e-mail: followed by hardcopy complete in all respect by Registered Post!Speed Post in a closed envelope super-scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER ! HEAD OF DEFENCE SERVICE CELL “, to the following address:
The General Manager
Human Resource Management Dept.
Head Office (4th Floor)
10, B.T.M Sarani
West Bengal
Application sent through e-mail will not be valid unless the application is received by Registered/Speed Post with photograph pasted thereon and duly signed across along with the Demand Draft/Pay Order and the copies of the relevant educational qualification certificate, mark-sheets and experience certificate. Only e-mail application will not provide any valid candidature.
The candidate for future reference should retain a second copy of the application.

Snake Game-play games

This is a HTML5 game
a simple snake game using HTML5 canvas and Jquery

seo application

Build a page for each of your target keywords.

If that’s five keywords for five target markets then you’ll be creating 10 pages.

These pages are needed for PPC testing. Let’s call them ‘landing’ pages
as they’re the pages where visitors land on your site.

They don’t have to be the perfectly designed pages you’ll use later for
your organic SEO and other visitors. I’ll call those your ‘editorial’ pages.
Your PPC landing pages should be built with the objective of getting a
response from your visitors whether that’s a sale, harvesting the visitor’s
email address, or simply getting the visitor to navigate to somewhere
else on your site.

You should test your new site’s target keywords before you invest
significant money in optimizing your site.

There are two reasons for using PPC advertising to test keyword niches

1) To prove that your new site’s keyword niches are searched with as often
as the research tools predict.If a keyword niche is much smaller than predicted
 you have to decide whether or not it’s still worth investing in. Perhaps you’ll
 still invest, but do less work.

2) To ensure that those searching with your target keywords are
interested in whatever your site is offering.If a keyword niche delivers
 little response you can drop it from your targets list. You’ll have saved a
 lot of money and effort that you might otherwise have invested in trying to
 optimize your site.

If a keyword niche passes these two tests you can invest in SEO to try
and beat the competition on the organic search engine results pages

Social-media network

Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates
detailed statistics about the visitors to your website.

Google Analytics can help you find out how many visits your site gets

from different sources of traffic, including:

• Direct from bookmarks and address
• Referrals from other websites
• Campaigns for example, Google Analytics will track your email
• Search engines including both paid and non-paid traffic

Top 10 backlinking sources-seo

Top 10 backlinking sources-seo
1)  Free Website Directories
2)  Guest Blogging
3)  Blog Commenting
4)  Social Media Sites
5)  Social Toolbars
6)  Social Bookmarking
7)  Pinterest
8)  Free Press Releases
9)  Video Sites
10)  Document Sharing Sites

Link Velocity is the rate at which you gain backlinks to your site.
 If you get them too fast, then there is a good chance your site will
 get peanlyzed for spammy activities. If you get them too slow, you will
 not get the desired rankings. So it is really kind of a balancing act.

Try to get anywhere from 10 to 100 links per day if at all possible. Even near 200
is a bit much, but should not raise any red flags. The key with backlinking
 now is quality and consistency.

So if you can get 10 quality backlinks per day, then you will start to see
results very quickly.

One thing you need to understand about all of this is that effective SEO practices have
not really changed. Google has just made it harder to use deceptive or spammy SEO
practices to rank well.

Some of the top document sharing sites are: Scribd, 4shared, docstoc and slideshare. In
order to submit to them, you typically need a pdf or powerpoint file that includes your
backlink in them. Then you just upload the file to these sites and they do the rest.

Metacafe, Dailymotion and Vimeo are all good places to submit your videos to as well.
To place your backlink, just include a link to your site in the description of your video.
Your video doesn’t have to be something fancy or anything, it could be as basic as
putting together 10 images or so with some music and creating a video file out of it.

All you need to do is include a compelling or interesting picture on each of your posts or
pages and after you have published it, immediately “pin it” to your Pinterest account. If
it is compelling enough, you have a good chance of getting some re -pins which means
some more backlinks automatically.



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Web Hacking - Attacks And Defense

The early Web storefronts were designed by using scripting languages such as Perl,
 running on a Web server, and interacting with flat files instead of databases.
The systems were heterogeneous; that is, each component was distinct and separate.
As Web technologies matured, vendors such as Microsoft and Sun Microsystems came up
 with homogeneous e- commerce framework technologies and other vendors joined the race.

 Web storefront technologies began to feature multilayered applications involving
middleware and middle-tier binary components such as ISAPI filters and Java beans.

Integration with databases allowed applications to migrate from flat files to relational
 databases RDBMS, such as MS-SQL server, Oracle, and MySQL. Similarly, for storefronts,
 technologies such as Dynamic HTML DHTML and Flash started gaining popularity,
 because they made the shopping experience both visually appealing and pleasant.

 However, each stage of evolution brought new vulnerabilities and new dimensions of attack.
 Incidents of robberies from electronic storefronts rose dramatically, and stealing
information and money on the Web became intolerable, desperately needing technical attention.

Where do hackers find loopholes in e-business systems? Whenever a business decides to establish
 or upgrade an electronic presence, things don't happen all at once. At one stage or another,
different technologies are integrated with existing systems. Businesses thrive on evolution,
not software. Mixing and matching various technologies over a period of time leaves
opportunities for vulnerabilities to creep.

The root causes of vulnerabilities plaguing electronic storefronts are:

         Poor input validation

         Improper use of cookies

         Poor session or state tracking

         Assumptions that HTML and client-side scripting cannot be tampered with.

         Improper database integration

         Security loopholes in third-party products

Tthese issues throughout the remainder of this chapter by following the experiences
 of a company that decided to place its business on the Web.

The second obvious mistake was using client-side scripts to perform input validation.
 Code developers are always tempted to use JavaScript or VBScript to have code executed
on the client side and remove the burden from the server. However, client-side scripts are as
 fragile as hidden fields when it comes to the lack of tamper resistance. Client-side scripts
 only are to be used for smooth navigation or adding extra interactivity and presentability to
the Web page. An attacker can easily bypass or modify client-side scripts and circumvent any
checks enforced by them. As in the Acme case, attackers can inject negative quantities with ease,
 bypassing any restriction imposed by the embedded JavaScript. Similarly, some Web-based storefront
 systems perform arithmetic operations on the client side, such as computing the total quantity and
price of an order within the fill-out form itself. To the customer, it is a nice feature when they
can see prices updated on the browser without submitting the values to the server and waiting for
a response.