
To do this, you must understand the three ways of creating an XMLHttpRequest object
• IE 5: request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
• IE 6+: request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
• All others: request = new XMLHttpRequest()
This is the case because Microsoft chose to implement a change with the release of
Internet Explorer.

The readyState property
Now we get to the nitty-gritty of an Ajax call, which all hangs on the readyState property.
The “asynchronous” aspect of Ajax allows the browser to keep accepting user
input and changing the screen, while our program sets the onreadystatechange property
to call a function of our choice each time readyState changes. In this case, a nameless
(or anonymous) inline function has been used, as opposed to a separate, named function.
This type of function is known as a callback function, as it is called back each time
readyState changes

request.onreadystatechange = function()
if (this.readyState == 4)
// do something

What Is a WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP?

WAMP, MAMP, and LAMP are abbreviations for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and
PHP,Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, and Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
These abbreviations describe a fully functioning setup used for developing dynamic
Internet web

WAMPs, MAMPs, and LAMPs come in the form of a package that binds the bundled
programs together so that you don’t have to install and set them up separately..

If you will be maintaining several projects, at some point you may wish to create all the
directories you will need and the aliases Apache will recognize. An alias is a shortened,
easily recognizable string used to refer to a longer path name, and it doesn’t have to be
the same as a directory name.

Alternative WAMPs
When software is updated, it sometimes works differently than you’d expect, and bugs
can even be introduced. So if you encounter difficulties with EasyPHP that you cannot
resolve, you may prefer to choose one of the various other solutions available on the
Web instead.
You will still be able to make use of all the examples in this book, but you’ll have to
follow the instructions supplied with each WAMP, which may not be as easy to follow
as the EasyPHP guide.
Here’s a selection of the best in my opinion:
• XAMPP: http://apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
• WAMPServer: http://wampserver.com/en/
• Glossword WAMP: http://glossword.biz/glosswordwamp/

Php tutorial-SYMBOLS

! (logical operator)
!= (comparison operator)
!= (inequality operator)
!== (comparison operator)
!== (non-identity operator)
$result->fetch_assoc() function
$type parameter
% (modulus operator)
% (wildcard character)
%= (combined assignment operator)
& (bitwise operator)
& (reference operator)
&& (logical operator)
+ (addition operator)
+ (plus symbol)
+ (union operator)
++ (increment operator)
+= (combined assignment operator)
, (comma operator)
- (subtraction operator)
— (decrement operator)
-= (combined assignment operator)
. (string concatenation operator)
.= (combined assignment operator)
/ (division operator)
/= (combined assignment operator)
< (comparison operator)
<< (bitwise operator)
<= (comparison operator)
= (assignment operator)
== (comparison operator)
== (equality operator)
== (equals comparison operator)
=== (comparison operator)
=== (identity operator)
?: (ternary operator)
@ (error suppression operator)

Brand Marketing-Publishing Information Using Online Brochures

Nearly every commercial website in the early 1990s was simply an online brochure or
sales tool.This type of site is still the most common form of commercial website. Either
as an initial foray onto the Web or as a low-cost advertising exercise, this type of site
makes sense for many businesses.

A brochureware site can be anything from a business card rendered as a web page to an
extensive collection of marketing information. In any case, the purpose of the site, and its
financial reason for existing, is to entice customers to make contact with your business.
This type of site does not generate any income directly but can add to the revenue your
business receives via traditional means.
Developing a site like this presents few technical challenges.The issues faced are similar
to those in other marketing exercises. A few of the more common pitfalls with this
type of site include
1 Failing to provide important information
2 Poor presentation
3 Failing to answer feedback generated by the site
4 Allowing the site to age
5 Failing to track the success of the site

Testing working using phpinfo()

Let’s install Apache, PHP, and MySQL under a Unix environment. First, you need to
decide which extra modules you will load under the trio. Because some of the examples
covered in this book use a secure server for web transactions, you should install an SSLenabled
For purposes of this book, the PHP configuration is more or less the default setup but
also covers ways to enable the gd2 library under PHP.
The gd2 library is just one of the many libraries available for PHP.We included this
installation step so that you can get an idea of what is required to enable extra libraries
within PHP. Compiling most Unix programs follows a similar process.
You usually need to recompile PHP after installing a new library, so if you know
what you need in advance, you can install all required libraries on your machine and
then begin to compile the PHP module.
Here, we describe installation on an SuSE Linux server, but the description is generic
enough to apply to other Unix servers.
Start by gathering the required files for the installation.You need these items:
n Apache (http://httpd.apache.org/)—The web server
n OpenSSL (http://www.openssl.org/)—Open source toolkit that implements the
Secure Sockets Layer
n MySQL (http://www.mysql.com/)—The relational database
n PHP (http://www.php.net/)—The server-side scripting language
n ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg/—The JPEG library, needed for PDFlib and gd
n http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html—The PNG library, needed for gd
n http://www.zlib.net/—The zlib library, needed for the PNG library, above
n http://www.libtiff.org/—The TIFF library, needed for PDFlib
n ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap/—The IMAP c client, needed for IMAP

Is PHP  Working?
Now you can test for PHP support. Create a file named test.php with the following
code in it.The file needs to be located in document root path, which should be set up,
by default, to /usr/local/apache/htdocs. Note that this path depends on the directory
prefix that you chose initially. However, you could change this in the httpd.conf file:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Query Strings

Query string data is very easy for the user to alter, because it ’ s visible and editable within the browser ’ s
address bar. Therefore, query strings should be used only in situations where sending incorrect data
won ’ t compromise security.

You also need to make sure you don ’ t rely on query strings to authenticate users, because people often
send URLs to friends in emails or instant messaging applications. If your URL contains all the data
needed to authenticate a user, and that user sends the URL to a friend, then the friend can pretend to be
them! You ’ ll find that sessions — discussed later in the chapter — are a much better way of authenticating
If you ’ ve worked your way through Chapter 9 , you ’ re already somewhat familiar with the concept of
query strings. You ’ ll remember that you can embed sent form data in a URL by setting the form ’ s
method attribute to get . When the form data is sent to the server.

http://localhost/iscript.php?firstname=Tred & lastname=Fish& ...

the browser adds a query ( ? ) character to the end of the URL, then follows it with each
of the form fields as “name=value” pairs, with each pair separated by an ampersand ( & ).

Passing References to Your Own Functions php

By passing a reference to a variable as an argument to a function, rather than the variable itself, you pass
the argument by reference , rather than by value. This means that the function can now alter the original
value, rather than working on a copy.
To get a function to accept an argument as a reference rather than a value, put an ampersand ( & ) before
the parameter name within the function definition:
function myFunc( & $aReference ){
// (do stuff with $aReference)
Now, whenever a variable is passed to myFunc() , PHP actually passes a reference to that variable, so
that myFunc() can work directly with the original contents of the variable, rather than a copy.
Now that you know this, you can fix the earlier counter example by using a reference:
function resetCounter( & $c ) {
$c = 0;
$counter = 0;
echo “$counter < br/ > ”; // Displays “3”
resetCounter( $counter );
echo “$counter < br/ > ”; // Displays “0”
The only change in the script is in the first line:
function resetCounter( & $c ) {
Adding the ampersand before the $c causes the $c parameter to be a reference to the passed argument
( $counter in this example). Now, when the function sets $c to zero, it ’ s actually setting the value of
$counter to zero, as can be seen by the second echo statement.
Many built - in PHP functions accept references in this way. For example, PHP ’ s sort() function, which you
met in the previous chapter, changes the array you pass to it, sorting its elements in order. The array is passed
in by reference rather than by value, so that the function can change the array itself.

Facebook Marketing tips

Facebook Pages give your business a presence on Facebook to promote your
organization. Facebook Pages are the business equivalent of a Facebook
member’s profile. Members can become a fan of your Facebook Page  write on your Wall,
 learn about special promotions, upload photos, and join other members.

Facebook Pages found with a search engine are visible to non-Facebook members,
but they require the user to join Facebook.

The difference between Facebook Pages and profiles is that
Facebook Pages are public by default. That anyone can search
and find your Page with the Facebook search engine and with the Internet
search engines, such as Google and Yahoo, thereby helping your business
gain traffic and broadening.

Share your Page with other members to help you attract more fans.

Advertising on Facebook-you can  target an ad to a lot of people.

Make your album-start adding photos,products photos,Cover Photo.

Inbound links pointing with Online Promotion

Promoting your site to make more inbound links than your competitors,
from high PageRank sites, is the most important way to increase your search
engine rankings.

Register your feeds at news aggregators.

Make XML news feeds such as RSS and Atom to automatically syndicate your page content
to other sites.

Get listed in the major directories in the right category

Write articles on your  important topics for other sites.

Get listed in industry business directories and resource pages.

Search Engine Marketing Metrics

Search metrics help marketers improve website PR campaigns and conversion rate
optimization (CRO) efforts. By tracking your progress over time or against the competition,
you can optimize the effectiveness of your advertising budget. By running
controlled experiments to compare alternatives, you can quickly determine higher
return strategies. The type of analytics software that you choose to use is less important
than which metrics you choose to measure.

Search Marketing Strategy
Search marketing is all about strategy. It’s thinking about moves, trying them out,
measuring, making predictions, testing, and going back and trying them over and
over again until you find what works for your site.

 The mechanics of setting up PPC campaigns and site submission can be
successfully taught to relatively inexperienced personnel. The true work in search
marketing is in developing theory and testing it with enough statistical power, by
which we mean validity, to realize significant change. Web analytics information can
tell marketers the language and specific word combinations that are most frequently
used on a per-page basis within their sites. That info is the key to making
good ideas on where and at what level to expend financial resources for the benefit
of the company.

Practices for CRO

CRO uses what you already know about your customers and their psychology to your advantage
by using language, imagery, and a level of engagement that will make your site
stand out among those of your competitors.

CRO uses a wide variety of techniques, and
credibility-based web design, to convert prospects into buyers. By planning, designing,
and optimizing your website to persuade, you can ensure that it will act as a
more efficient sales tool.

10 factors that  can use to maximize your site’s conversion rate, including:
• Credibility-based design
• Easy navigation
• Logo credibility
• Memorable slogans
• Benefit-oriented headlines
• Best content placement
• Calls to action
• Benefit-oriented content
• Using “hero shots”
• Interactivity and engagement
You’ll learn how to stage your CRO campaign through the discovery, planning, and
optimization phases.

Advanced SEO tips 2013

XML Sitemap Submission-Submit your XML sitemap to Google, Ask and Bing.

Submitting your URL to more than 30 top search engines such as Google.

First testing  the keywords used on the page content  and keyword density.

Test Website load time.

Test links found on the page.

Blog Posting

Blog Commenting

Forum Posting

Directory Submission

Article Submission

Classifieds Submission

Social Bookmarking

Social Media Profile Creation

PDF Submission,

Video Optimization

Image Optimization

PPT Submission

Forum Profiles Creation 


SEO marketing tips

SEO marketing is a the Weapons of  any business,Company,firm.
The benefit of doing SEO marketing must be to generate traffic that
increased sales unto your business

SEO marketing depended on some basic seo factors.

    Web Design
    Sponsored Search Engines Placement
    Email Marketing
    Video  Marketing
    Mobile Website
    Link Building

    Social Bookmarking
    Directory Submission
    PPC Management
    Anchor Text
    Article Submission
    Web Presenter Service

    Local Search Engine Marketing
    Press Release Services
    Custom Blog
    Video Landing Pages
    keyword placement
    keyword density
    title optimization
    site maps
    image optimization

Mobile SEO tips-mobile optimizing

Responsive Site-Make the site's pages for mobile
add HTML5 with responsive web design for the site and set
images serve at different resolutions,clear.
That might be helpful to  visitor .

 Tools:-Look at  Google Webmaster Tools,Google Analytics. Google Webmaster
Tools has a filter where you can see only the mobile search for keywords
 and pages impressions.

Increase Page speed and testing your website on mobile devices.
Add social media buttons on every page of your mobile website.

Make  a Mobile XML Sitemap for your Responsive site.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"

Google recommends that you update your Mobile Sitemaps to this style

Tips of Internet Marketing

SEOmoz provides companies around the world with consulting, Internet marketing, and search
engine optimization services. Some of its clients include AllBusiness, Benchmark Capital, Drivl,
National Public Radio, and Shoe-Store.net. Rand and SEOmoz are well-respected names in the
SEO industry. You may have seen Rand at an SEO conference if you’ve attended one in the last few

Data was founded as an outgrowth of many years of Internet marketing and website
development experience. Building rapport aptly describes the power that Internet communications
tools bring to doing business.

Internet Marketing  is for promoting your online business More fast.

you can monitor the number of visitors who are actually interacting with your content by
checking your guest book, forums, or comment capabilities. Guest books aren’t nearly as popular
as they once were, but if you’re participating in a social network and you don’t have forums or
comment capabilities on your blog, you’re missing a large part of the value of social media.

Something that some organizations don’t understand is that just because you’re placing an ad on
a search engine doesn’t mean that ad has to be a click-to-sale effort. It’s also a method that you can
use to look at the data provided through search. The data collected during search can help uncover
what the intent of the customer was, based on how they search and what they searched for. This is
where the industry will turn next: complex data analysis and leveraging all of its intellectual value
across all ad media.
Finally, a third capability that search marketing gives you is the ability to see how your competitors’
advertising, both online and offline, can drive the awareness of the category and therefore may affect
your marketing efforts as well.

SEM should be part of the bigger picture. Small to mid-sized businesses are
looking for a solution that gets their ranking up naturally, but it takes more than just organic SEO. SEO
efforts should be combined with marketing efforts in order to achieve the best possible exposure.

Cost per acquisition -The amount it costs for a web
site to acquire a new visitor or customer.

Cost per click -A bid, placed on a keyword advertisement,
that is charged each time a visitor clicks
the advertisement.
Cost per conversion- The average cost of acquiring
a conversion, or goal.

Cross-channel tracking -A feature that allows PPC
users to track their PPC programs on different computers,
and with different cookies.

SMO is Effective for SEO

social media optimization (SMO) strategies, is quickly becoming a serious consideration for SEO. Social bookmarking is provided by services such as de.icio.us, Digg, Technorati, and Furl.net,
which are taking the Internet by storm. They’re often referred to as Web 2.0 services, because they
involve a high level of social interaction, which is the fastest growing element of the Internet today.
In social bookmarking, people create their own topics and lists for places on the Internet that they
like or dislike. Those people can then give the places they choose a category (or tag) and a rank.
Once they’ve ranked a site, they have the option to send that ranking out to anyone who is subscribed
to their RSS feed.

The implications this can have on SEO are dramatic. For example, let’s say that one person visits
your site during a web search and finds that it’s easy to use, and contains all the information they
were looking for. That person could very well tag your site. The tag is then distributed to the people
who are subscribed to his or her RSS feed.

Listening to your audience before you join the conversation. This time
allows you to gain an understanding of the language, the tone, and the expectations of

As you begin to participate in social networks, monitor what effect your participation is
having. Watch closely at how you’re received, and track your site metrics at the same time.
Sudden jumps or dips in your metrics can point to participation that works, or doesn’t.

Use what you learn to craft your social-media optimization strategy. You have to have one.
Use the information that you gather as you’re watching and listening on a social network
to ensure that your strategy is targeted properly.

Measure how many readers are actually subscribing to your RSS feeds. The number of subscribers
you have on your RSS feeds will be a good indicator of how well you’re doing in your SMO efforts.
The more subscribers you have, the more popular your site is.

Internet Marketing for B2B and B2C Marketing

This is the time to start the SEO process. I think SEO hasn’t been something that they’ve focused
on in the past as much, because they haven’t focused on web-site redesign. A lot of things are happening
now that are causing people to refocus at this time.

Conversion from organic click vs. paid click is three to one overpaid.
And B2B  clients do know the difference and intensive search marketing needs in the B2B, finance, insurance industries.

It provides qualified leads from potential customers who are looking for your products and services.

Web-Site Content Affect SEO

The catch with web-site content is that is must be fresh and original to be most effective. If it’s not, the
content can do more harm than good. As you’ve already seen, content is the one element that can keep
customers coming back to your site time and again. When customers return often, your site ranking
improves, because the traffic registers the site with search crawlers as a valid and in-demand site.
When your content stinks, though, your site is headed in the opposite direction. If you have content
on your site that’s not professional, the search engine crawler will register this, and your ranking may
drop lower and lower and you could possibly be delisted altogether.
How do you know if your content stinks or not? It’s mostly a game of finding the right combination
of content types and consistent updates. But before you can even get to determining the right type of
content, you need to create a content strategy.
Your content strategy is the plan by which you’ll infuse your site with the right types of content at the
right times. It starts with determining how to reach your target audience. By now your target audience
should be engraved on your forehead, but how you reach that audience is something entirely
different. If your audience is teens, the language and method with which you’ll reach them will be
different than if your audience is senior adults or stay-at-home moms, or even full-time professionals.

Next you need to determine what type of content you plan to include on your site to meet all the
needs that have been defined by the preceding questions. There are several different types of content,
and each type has its own implications:
Licensed Content: Licensed content is what you might buy from a content broker. For
example, if you’re looking for a quick way to populate your site with articles, you might
turn to a company like FreeSticky.com that offers many different articles you can use.
The problem with this type of content is that it’s often repeated all over the Internet. You’re
not the only one who will need to populate your site, and others will likely use some of
the same services you do. Being used often doesn’t make the content less valuable, but it’s
not going to rank as well with search engines because of the duplication.
Original Content: There are several types of original content. There’s the content you
write and share with others for free. This is a good way to get links back to your site. You
can use the content for a limited amount of time exclusively on your own site and then
allow others to use it for nothing more than a link back to your site. This incoming link
adds credibility to your site.
Another type of original content is that which is distributed freely by visitors to your
site. This original content can take the form of comments on your site or forum message
boards. This type of original content is an excellent addition to your SEO efforts, because
it tends to be focused on a specific subject.
Some original content is exclusive to your site. This is content that you create, and the
only place it appears is your web site. This is the most valuable type of content for your
site, and it’s the type search engine crawlers like the best. Think of it as giving the crawler
some variety in its diet. It gets tired of the same thing day in and day out, just like we do.
The more original and exclusive content you can provide for a crawler, the better you’ll
rank in search results. It also doesn’t hurt if that content has an appropriate number of
keywords in it.
Dynamic Content: Dynamic content can be licensed or original. Blogs are the perfect
example of dynamic content.

Creating outbound links-seo Tips

All controversy does is muddy the waters. And that’s exactly what the controversy over
whether or not you should have outbound links on your site is good for — making life difficult.
The subject of outbound links has often been debated. There are some who worry about leaking
PageRank — what (supposedly) happens when you link out to other sites. The fear behind leaking
is two-fold: when you lead people away from your site they may not come back (hence your visitors
“leak” away), and when you link out to other pages, you’re reducing the value of each “vote”
because the value of an outbound link is divided by the total number of outbound links.
No one knows for sure exactly what mix of elements is considered when your page is ranked by a
search engine. However, it’s safe to say that if you have only inbound links and no outbound links,
it can’t look good for your site. And especially these days when social marketing is becoming more
and more of a factor for search engine results. The best plan of action is to have a balanced mix of
inbound and outbound links. Your site visitors will expect to see some links leading to other sites
on the Web, whether those links are simple resources to help them find what they need or something
Outbound links also help to establish your expertise in a particular area. Yes, inbound links help
with that as well, but it’s not enough just to have people pointing to you. You should also have some
favorites out there that you find helpful and that you think others will find helpful. When your visitors
click through these links and find that you do know what they’re looking for, the loyalty points
will be awarded to you.

Keep your links relevant. That doesn’t mean that you can only link to pages that are in
the same industry as your own, but if you do link outside your industry, make sure there
is some logical reason for sending your visitors in that direction.

Don’t overuse links. There’s nothing more frustrating for site users than to find that every
other word in an article is linked. A good rule of thumb is no more than two or three links
per article or blog post on your site. Other links, like ads for other services, can be added
in addition to these text links, but again, keep them to a minimum.

Use keyword anchor text as often as possible when creating your links. Using the
phrase “click here” won’t gain you any leverage with a search engine crawler. Using a link
that reads “gourmet ingredients,” when that phrase is one of your key phrases, will help
improve your search engine ranking as long as the link leads to a page that truly is about
gourmet ingredients.

Be careful whom you link to. You may have heard the phrase “Don’t link to bad neighborhoods.”
What it means is that you don’t want to link to low-quality sites, because some
search engines will penalize you for that. For example, if you link to a spam site or a link
farm, search engines are not going to look favorably on that link. If, however, you link to
high-ranking sites, you’ll gain even more traction with search engines. Remember, though
you may not be penalized for sites that link to you, the outbound links on your site are
under your control.

Major online directories

Like search engines, there are hundreds of different directories online. Some are general directories,
whereas others are very specific and associated with only one industry or organization. When you’re
selecting the directories to which you’d like to submit your site, be choosy. Don’t try to list your site
in a directory that’s inappropriate. You’ll just be wasting time and collecting rejection slips.
Some of the most well-known directories on the
Web are:
Yahoo! Directory (dir.yahoo.com): The Yahoo! directory is one of the oldest directories
on the Internet, but when you go to Yahoo.com you actually won’t be taken to it. Instead,
you’ll be taken to a search engine, because Yahoo! changed its format not too long ago.
How ever, you can still access the directory, by going to the web site just listed. Yahoo!
directory is a general directory.

GoGuides.Org (www.goguides.org): This directory’s purpose is to be completely spamfree.
It’s a comprehensive search directory that even has image-searching capabilities.
Open Directory Project (www.dmoz.org): The Open Directory Project is one of the most
widely accessed directories on the Web. Users submit sites, and volunteer editors review
them. ODP is also an open-source technology, so many other directories use this technology
as a basis for their own offerings.

Google Directory (directory.google.com): The Google directory is one of those directories
built on the ODP platform. Google is most well-known for its search capabilities, but
adding a directory takes advantage of the desire of Internet users to dig deeper into very
specific search results.

SearchSight (www.searchsight.com): Another general directory, SearchSight is one of
the lesser-known directories, but it’s quickly gaining traction in the search market.
One reason search directories are still hanging on in an age of search engines is the social nature of
those directories. Internet users like to participate in organizing the Web (and you learn more about
that in Chapter 18). Socially monitored sites also seem to have more viability with Internet users.
People trust others who have the same needs and desires they do much more than they trust robots,
crawlers, and spiders.

Need Of SEO

SEO is the science of customizing elements of your web site to achieve the best possible search engine
ranking. That’s really all there is to search engine optimization. But as simple as it sounds, don’t let it
fool you. Both internal and external elements of the site affect the way it’s ranked in any given search
engine, so all of these elements should be taken into consideration. Good SEO can be very difficult to
achieve, and great SEO seems pretty well impossible at times.
But why is search engine optimization so important? Think of it this way. If you’re standing in a crowd
of a few thousand people and someone is looking for you, how will they find you? In a crowd that
size, everyone blends together.
Now suppose there is some system that separates groups of people. Maybe if you’re a woman you’re
wearing red and if you’re a man you’re wearing blue. Now anyone looking for you will have to look
through only half of the people in the crowd.
You can further narrow the group of people to be searched by adding additional differentiators until
you have a small enough group that a search query can be executed and the desired person can be
easily found.
Your web site is much like that one person in the huge crowd. In the larger picture your site is
nearly invisible, even to the search engines that send crawlers out to catalog the Web. To get your
site noticed, even by the crawlers, certain elements must stand out. And that’s why you need
search engine optimization.
By accident your site will surely land in a search engine. And it’s likely to rank within the first few
thousand results. That’s just not good enough. Being ranked on the ninth or tenth page of search
results is tantamount to being invisible. To be noticed, your site should be ranked much higher.
Ideally you want your site to be displayed somewhere on the first three pages of results. Most people
won’t look beyond the third page, if they get even that far. The fact is, it’s the sites that fall on the
first page of results that get the most traffic, and traffic is translated into revenue, which is the ultimate
goal of search engine optimization.

SEO tips-Adding Your Links Everywhere

You can do many things outside your site to foster healthy link building. You can write
articles, submit blog comments, and post to newsgroup and forum messages. What
you want to do is leave your URL within any content you create.

Many sites let you submit your articles, including ArticlesBase, EzineArticles, ArticleGeek,
and many others. When you choose your article submission vendor, ensure that
your articles are always properly credited.
When your articles are (re)published, you want to make sure they contain appropriate
attribution by containing one or all of the following: your name, a link to your biography
page, and a URL of your choice. To find more article submission services, simply search
for article submission service. You may also want to find article submission services for
your niche. Simply add your pertinent keywords to the same query to find relevant

Build a Complementary Site
This is not a call to create duplicated content. You want to create a complementary
content-rich site that targets many other keywords not specifically targeted on your
main site. You can utilize a free host or an inexpensive shared host when using this
technique. Go easy with cross-linking. Too much or too little is not good. Use a more
balanced, natural approach. Host these sites on different IPs as well as different IP range
blocks if you can.

Ranking Fluctuations-SEO

The motive of any business is growth. If you don’t grow, you could be in trouble. This
is especially the case with businesses that depend solely on their websites for revenues.
For some, the Internet is one way to expand and increase their business. For others,
the Internet is their lifeline and the core of their business model. With tens of millions
of domains all competing for popularity, trying to stand out in the crowd can be a
daunting or even frightening prospect.

With continuous improvements in search engine technology, search engines are using
hundreds of different ranking factors. Sometimes all it takes is for one factor to change
for your site to sink in the rankings or (even worse) be wiped out of the index

Although nobody knows the exact ranking formula, each search engine has its own
take on ranking factors. “Positive” ranking factors aid your rank. “Negative” ranking
factors (such as having duplicate content) penalize your rank.

Time Factors
Each site is different, so the SEO strategy applied to each site will also be different.
There are so many factors that it would be naïve to put an exact time frame for SEO to
show desired results.

SEO is not finished when you start seeing results. Even if you get to the top spot on the
Google searches that you care about, your job isn’t done. You need to make sure you
stay on top of these searches. Your competitors will want to take your top spot away
from you.
SEO fosters the natural, long-term growth of a website, and once you achieve its benefits,
there is usually a ripple effect where you’ll be getting traffic from sources other
than search engines by means of other websites linking to yours. If you have the content
or product that people want to see, it is only natural to attract inbound links.

Organizational Structure
Organizational structure can play a significant role in SEO. Big companies can sometimes
be difficult to navigate. It may be unclear who is responsible for SEO. Having no
ownership typically means no work gets done. Smaller companies can be faster paced,
but also carry their own troubles.

magic-seoTips-Keyword-Based Competitor Research

With the manual approach, you run all the keywords on your keyword list through at
least two of the major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, or Bing). Of course, not all of
the search results will be those of your direct competitors. You will need to browse and
research these sites to make that determination.
You might need to browse through several SERPs to get to your competition. If you
do, this may mean the keywords you are targeting may not be good. If you find no
competitor sites, you may have hit the right niche.
While going through your keyword list, analyze each competitor while finding any new
keywords you may have missed. For each competitor URL, run Google’s related:
command to find any additional competitors you may have missed. Repeat this process
until you have run out of keywords.
Analyze your competitors’ sites using the information we already discussed regarding
internal and external ranking factors. When analyzing each competitor site, pay attention
to each search result and to the use of keywords within each result. Expand your
research by browsing and analyzing your competitor’s site.
You can determine the kind of competitor you have just by doing some basic inspections.
For starters, you may want to know whether they are using SEO. Inspect their
HTML header tags for keywords and description meta tags, as these can be indications
of a site using SEO.
Although the use of meta keyword tags is subsiding, many sites still use them, as they
may have done their SEO a long time ago when meta keyword tags mattered. The meta
description tag is important, though, as it appears on search engine search results. The
same can be said of the HTML <title> tag. Examine those carefully.
Continue by inspecting the existence or the lack of a robots.txt file. If the file exists, this
could indicate that your competitor cares about web spiders. If your competitor is using
a robots.txt file, see whether it contains Sitemap file definition.

Why Prohibit Crawling or Indexing?

You may want to prohibit crawling or indexing for many reasons. Sometimes this is
done on just a few pages or documents within certain portions of a site, and other times
it is done across the entire site. Here are some typical scenarios.

New sites
Say you’ve just purchased your domain name. Unless you already changed the default
DNS server assignments, chances are that when you type in your domain name, you
get to a domain parking page served by your domain registrar. It can be somewhat
annoying to see the domain registrar’s advertisements plastered all over your domain
while passing (at least temporarily) your domain’s link juice (if any) to its sites.
Most people in this situation will put up an “Under Construction” page or something
similar. If that is the case, you really do not want search engines to index this page. So,
in your index.html (or equivalent) file, add the following robots meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
The suggested practice is to have a “Coming Soon” page outlining what your site will
be all about. This will at least give your visitors some ideas about what to expect from
your site in the near future. If for some reason you want to block crawling of your entire
site, you can simply create a robots.txt file in the root web folder:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
The star character (*) implies all web spiders. The trailing slash character (/) signifies
everything after the base URL or domain name, including the default document (such
as index.html).

Optimize Your Site for Speed

Not everyone has high-speed Internet. Stay
away from (Flash) splash screens. Compress your media files for faster page loading.
Use media files only when you need to. Also make sure to describe your graphics,
videos, and sound files. For sound and video content, provide text transcripts. Make
use of thumbnails for large images. Use web server compression for your HTML web
server transmissions to speed up transmission for all your clients, including search
engine web spiders.

Design for Usability
Before endorsing a specific design, create several alternatives. You can conduct surveys
and usability tests with specific demographics. By utilizing the results of these surveys
and tests, you can make educated selections, thereby minimizing the potential risk of
turning off your existing clients.
You can also use the pilot approach. If you have an existing site, you can select a pool
of individuals to test your new designs before making everyone else switch to the new
design. This method should provide you with the ability to make corrections along the
way, while fine-tuning your design choices.

Domain names can appear in many places
Including your emails, business cards, company letterhead, company newsletters, press
releases, and various other marketing materials. A great domain name is a catalyst for
reduced marketing costs. A domain name that is easy to remember will also give you
additional benefits, as it will be easy for people to propagate the name by word of

SEO Keyword Tuning with PPC Testing

The PPC paradigm allows for fast, real-time feedback loops. You do not need to wait
several weeks or months to realize whether your SEO is working.
Say you have a list of pages with specific targeted keywords. You can create an equivalent
PPC test campaign using exact keyword matching to see whether your pages
perform as expected. You can also use broad keyword matching to see whether there
are other keywords that you may have missed but are producing good conversion rates.
Finding mistakes quickly can save you a ton of money and time in the long run. Use
PPC platforms as your SEO testing ground.

Choosing Better Keywords
When it comes to choosing keywords, you should generally be interested in highvolume,
low-competition keywords. The Google AdWords Keyword Tool shows you
relative keyword search volume numbers. Although the accuracy of this data is questionable,
it should give you a relative baseline when comparing different keywords. If
you take this information together with the number of derived competitors by using
Google’s intitle:, inurl:, and inanchor: commands.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing
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Types of Search Engines and Web Directories

Many search engines exist on the Internet. How do you make sense out of all the offerings?
The following subsections go into detail regarding several different types and
groups of search engines, including primary, secondary, regional, topical, web spider
(based), meta, and hybrid search engines.

First-Tier Search Engines
Google, Yahoo!, and Bing are considered first-tier, or primary, search engines, as they
own most of the search engine market share in the Western parts of the world. These
search engines usually scour the entire Web, and in the process create very large index
For all intents and purposes (and if you reside in the Western world), primary search
engines are the only ones you should really care about, as most of your visitors will
have come from these search engine sources.

Second-Tier Search Engines
Secondary or second-tier search engines are lesser known or not as popular as first-tier
search engines. They may provide value similar to that of the most popular search
engines, but they simply cannot compete with them, or they may be new. You will
obviously not be spending much of your time optimizing your sites for these types of
search engines.


SEO fanda-The nofollow Link Attribute

A discussion of REP would not be complete without the inclusion of the nofollow link
attribute. This attribute was introduced to discourage comment spammers from adding
their links. The basic idea is that links marked with the nofollow attribute will not pass
any link juice to the spammer sites. The format of these links is as

<a href="http://www.sdfrer.com/" rel="nofollow">some nonesensical
In this case, the hypothetical website http://www.sdfrer.com would not

receive any
link juice from the referring page. Spammers will continue to attack sites.

Examining SEO and Social Media

Most site owners are very interested in how to attract more traffic to their
sites through search engine optimization and networking through popular
social-media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook.
You discover how to improve your social-media reach by making it easy
for visitors to share your content on social-media networks. This book also
helps you determine which social networks to participate in by helping you
discover your niche, find influencers on the Internet, and involve users in
what you’re doing.
 you use WordPress to create a social-media hub in your
WordPress Dashboard by creating a one-stop social-media shop and using
several different tools to stay aware of your brand and online reputation.
You obtain practical information on creating content that is search engine
aware; that is, helping search engines discover and list your content and
Web site in the various search engine directories and databases. We show
you how to take advantage of the built-in features that make WordPress SEO
ready, and provide the tools, plugins, and tips you can use along the way.
This book also takes you into understanding the importance of site analytics
and setting goals for optimal site performance in search engines and traffic.

WordPress’s SEO advantages

Using WordPress for your blogging platform or content management system,
comes with some advantages, including that WordPress was designed to
function well with search engines. Search engines can crawl the source code
of a WordPress site pretty easily, which eliminates issues that a lot of Web
programmers face when optimizing a site.

WordPress’s SEO advantages:
 Permalinks: URLs where your content is permanently housed. While
your blog grows and you add more posts, the items on your front page
get pushed off the front page of your blog and are replaced by recent
content. Visitors can easily bookmark and share permalinks so that they
can return to that specific post on your blog.

Theme construction: SEO, social media, and design all go hand in hand.
You can push a ton of people to your Web page by using proper SEO and
robust social-media profiles, but if your blog has a confusing or poorly
done design, visitors aren’t going to stay. Likewise, a poorly designed
site prevents a lot of search engines from reading your content.

Search Engine Marketing Metrics

Search metrics help marketers improve website PR campaigns and conversion rate
optimization (CRO) efforts. By tracking your progress over time or against the competition,
you can optimize the effectiveness of your advertising budget. By running
controlled experiments to compare alternatives, you can quickly determine higher
return strategies. The type of analytics software that you choose to use is less important
than which metrics you choose to measure.

Search Marketing Strategy
Search marketing is all about strategy. It’s thinking about moves, trying them out,
measuring, making predictions, testing, and going back and trying them over and
over again until you find what works for your site.
Let’s face it. The mechanics of setting up PPC campaigns and site submission can be
successfully taught to relatively inexperienced personnel. The true work in search
marketing is in developing theory and testing it with enough statistical power, by
which we mean validity, to realize significant change. Web analytics information can
tell marketers the language and specific word combinations that are most frequently
used on a per-page basis within their sites. That information is the key to making
good decisions on where and at what level to expend financial resources for the benefit
of the company.

Optimal paths
Think of your website as a digital informational organism composed of smaller subordinate
organs or pages. The relationship between a page and its purpose is directly
correlated to its value . Everymajor goal for a site has an optimal path for navigation from the
home page and popular,or valued, landing pages. The notion of a page within an optimal path is where
measurement should begin, but this is the most common omission made by analysts.

Create Valuable Keyword-Focused Content

Content is still king on the Web. When they are ranking sites, search engines look for a
lot of themed content about particular topics. Publishing a large amount of informative
and valuable content that is keyword-optimized will give your site more chances to rank
for different keywords, and will help your overall rankings (see Figure 1-13).21
If you happen to be a personal injury lawyer, mention the various injuries afflicting
clients whom you have represented. If you are a realtor, mention the different cities
and areas that you cover. Ideally, devote a page or section to each topic. Have an
expert in the subject write compelling copy, or hire a copywriter to work with your
marketing department.
Use a content management system (CMS) or blog to create high-quality content consistently.
Reflect back what your visitors are searching on and what terms you want to target.
It is ideal to target one main keyphrase per article or page.

Create search-friendly URIs

One characteristic of a well-optimized site is the presence of search-friendly URIs.
Search-friendly URIs include keywords related to the main subject of the page
directly within the address of the page. Search-friendly URIs avoid numerical query
strings that are semantically meaningless for search engines (and humans), but are
typically found in database-driven CMS websites.

Choose the right keyword set

Add keyword research tools, a thesaurus, and search queries to generate more root
terms that are unique. Search terms that are harder to find will have less competition.
AdWords’ tool and Wordtracker’s Keyword Universe can help you find new
terms to target. Refer to Chapter 1 for more details on Wordtracker. Perform
searches to find other keywords that competing sites target in their HTML titles and
body text. This technique may uncover new terms. Staying on top of industry news
and events can help you find new keywords to target. You should continually try to
think of new root terms to add to your campaigns.

In the course of your keyword research, you will probably find terms that you are not
sure you want to bid on or that you want to block with negative keywords. Instead of
doing nothing with these keywords, you should bid on them using a lower maximum
CPC than you used for more successful terms. If you do not bid on such a keyword
directly and if you do not block it, another broad-matched keyword will
probably display ads for it. The performance of the broad-matched keyword might
be made worse by the borderline keyword. You can always decide to block borderline
keywords later.

Keyword research is one of the more creative aspects of PPC. Typically, you will find
that only a small group of terms generates most of the traffic on a site as well as most
of the conversions. But discovering those lesser-known terms can benefit your site by
providing less expensive clicks.

Small business SEO and SEM strategy

The keywords for small business SEO and marketing in 2012 are diversity, authority, and

Content diversity
Content needs to be diversified to cater for different needs now that direct product sale conversions
are likely going to diminish with Google's product search taking the majority share of the pie.
Community discussions, reviews, human interest articles are good ways to get around Google
product search and still offer value to readers, with the potential to convert.

SEO and Internet marketing diversity
Don't add all your faith in SEO. It's not clear what effects knowledge graph and product search will
have. Combine that with the current algorithmic fluxes and, while SEO is hugely important.

paid product search means for sellers & marketers
1. Pay Google to have my product details  shown at the top of search results.
2. Invest in an affiliate program to pay other people to create content with embedded affiliate

The Press Release
A press release is an easy way to announce to the local
population that your site is up and available for use. It’s almost like a free ad.
And, if you’re a national company, a press release can be picked up by the
media and spread through out the country in a matter of days.
Press releases must be formatted in a particular way for editors to consider
publishing them. If your budget allows, you can contract with a media
company that specializes in creating and distributing press releases.