AdSense Tips

Unique content
Stick with niche content. If you want to have a chance at a successful
 AdSense site, the rules of content uniqueness apply. You want to
 drive targeted relevant traffic.

Seamless blending
Most people become AdSense-blind sooner or later. The more your
 AdSense ads look like they’re part of your content, the better.
Spend time choosing color schemes that will help with this effect.
You want to make it harder for visitors’ eyes scanning your
AdSense pages to tell the difference between your page elements
 and the ads. One wayto achieve this is by using the same text
 colors and text size.

Strategic placement
The basic idea behind strategic ad placement is that of forcing the
 visitor’s eye to scan the ads while looking for specific web page
 actions. For example, placing ads next to the navigational elements
 is one of those ways. You could also make your navigation
links look similar to the AdSense ad links for added confusion.
This approach may be viewed as being against basic website
 usability principles.

SEOThe following subsections cover things you can do with
 PPC platforms to validate and refine your SEO efforts.

Choosing Better Keywords
When  it  comes  to  choosing  keywords,  you  should  generally
  be  interested  in  highvolume, low-competition keywords.
The Google AdWords Keyword Tool shows you relative keyword
 search volume numbers. Although the accuracy of this data is
 questionable, it should give you a relative baseline when comparing
 different keywords. If you take this information together with the
number of derived competitors by using Google’s intitle:, inurl:,
and inanchor:commands.

If your site produces lots of content or has lots of traffic,
employing Google AdSense can earn you cash from Google.
 Before you implement AdSense, ensure that you have enough
existing content or visitors.

Traffic  check
The page where the visitor arrived the landing page.
 The pages the visitor went to and how long he spent on each
 The site he had been on before arriving at your site
 What search terms he used if he found you because of a web search
 Which links on your site he clicked
 Where in the world he is located (down to the city)
 What browser he used to view your site
 The screen resolution of the device he visited the site with
 How many colors the screen was set to display
 What operating system was used
 How often the visitor has come to your site