Sends a message via mail function in PHP

mail function allows you to send email directly from a PHP script. recipient can be
 either a single email address or a comma-delimited list of addresses.
 If you want to set extra headers—for instance, in order to use Cc: or
 Bcc:—these may be placed in a newline-delimited string in the extra_headers
 parameter. As of PHP  you can also specify extra arguments to the
 system mail program in the extra_arguments parameter.


$to = "";
$subject = "example test";
$body = "test message test message  test message test message.";
$headers = "From:Deba\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To:\r\n";
$headers .= "Return-Path:\r\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP5\n";
$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

TRUE is returned if the function completes successfully;
 otherwise, FALSE is returned. However, this gives no indication as to
 whether the email ever reached its destination. This function fails
if any of recipient , subject , or message is left out, or if the
system's mail program fails for some reason.

Domain squatting-Host a subdomain

Most web users would arguethat purchasing a domain name in the hopes that one day somebody
might want to use that domain name and then buy it from them for a
large amount of money is a little unethical. On the other hand, there
are times when you might come up with a brilliant idea for a site, or
what you think is a brilliant name, but you don’t have time to use it
immediately; still, you want to register it before someone else comes
up with the same brilliant idea.

 If you have a network-available backup system, putting in a dedicated network for hosts that will use it can be a big win. Some systems may eventually need to go to Gigabit Ethernet or trunked Ethernet. Backup systems, high-throughput NFS servers, and databases are common applications that end up being network bound on 100Mb Ethernet networks. Some Web systems, such as static image servers running high-speed Web servers such as Tux or thttpd can be network bound on Ethernet networks.

 Whatever your reason for purchasing
extra domain names, when you purchase them, redirecting them either
to your main website or another site of your choice is generally a better
idea than leaving them doing nothing.

Services by Full Descriptive Names
Another good design principal that is particularly essential for safe code cohabitation is to reference services by full descriptive names. I often see application designs that reference a database called dbhost and then rely on dbhost to be specified in the /etc/hosts file on the machine. As long as there is only a single database host, this method won't cause any problems.

So web users who type in the
domain name are automatically redirected to your primary domain. If
you want the domain name to redirect somewhere other than the root of
your primary domain, then click Manage Redirection.

You may be wondering now if I’m suggesting that you should spend all your
hard-earned cash on every domain name that you can think of. Don’t worry;
that’s not exactly what I’m suggesting. It is good to think about your visitors
and try and put yourself in their shoes for a moment and consider whether
purchasing additional domain names would be useful to both them and you.
You don’t need to bankrupt yourself on just-in-case domain names, though.
Exactly how you redirect the domain name differs depending on the facilities
your domain name registrar gives you. If the registrar does not give you the
right facilities, it then depends which control panel is used for your hosting.
As an example, I show you how to redirect domain names using cPanel and,
regardless of which system you use, the basic concept is the same.

Host a subdomain on a separate server

reasons for using subdomains and sometimes a subdomain in itself may
take up so much server resources that it needs to be on its own server.
For example, if you have a support site at,
that site might provide downloads and other forms of resource-intensive
assistance. You can use the DNS to point users to your primary server
for your main website and then to a secondary server for your support
site even though they have the same domain name .

some performance issues and creates a number of hurdles that developers must overcome to write compatible code. In practice, it is most useful in hosted serving environments to ensure that users do not violate each other's privacy and security. 
Top 50 free web hosting site

Internet Protocol Security

Several projects currently provide development and implementation of IPsec tools. The original IPsec tools are provided by the KAME project, Current versions can be obtained from RPM packages can be obtained from Other IPsec tool projects include the Free Secure/Wide Area Network project (FreeS/WAN) at, which provides a Linux implementation of IPsec tools, and VPN Consortium (VPNC) at, which supports Windows and Macintosh versions. FreeS/WAN provides both Red Hat RPM packages and source code for their tools.

IPsec is made up of several protocols that provide authentication (AH), encryption (ESP), and the secure exchange of encryption keys (IKE). The Authentication Header protocol (AH) confirms that the packet was sent by the sender, and not by someone else. IPsec also includes an integrity check to detect any tampering in transit. Packets are encrypted using the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). Encryption and decryption are performed using secret keys shared by the sender and the receiver. These keys are themselves transmitted using the Internet Key Exchange protocol, which provides a secure exchange. ESP encryption can degrade certain compression transmission methods like PPP for dialup Internet connections. To accommodate these compression methods, IPsec provides the IP Payload Compression Protocol (IPComp), with which packets can be compressed before being sent.
The AH, ESP, and IPComp protocols are incorporated into the Linux kernel. The IKE protocol is implemented as a separate daemon. It simply provides a way to share secret keys, and can be replaced by other sharing methods.

Alia Bhatt-the Prince

Alia Bhatt-the Prince

tips Harm Prevention pc

Harm Prevention pc

You may use any of these methods to remove
unwanted programs:
•  Use Windows’ add/remove programs .
•  Use the PC Decrapifier .
•  Use Revo Uninstaller best.
Using only one of these methods is sufficient.
Use Windows’ Add/Remove Programs
The easiest way to remove programs is to use Windows’
Add/Remove programs. While this method is the easiest, it is
not the best because programs, even after removal, leave junk
on your hard drive. I recommend Revo Uninstaller if you want
to completely remove a program. To remove a program:
1.  Click Start > Run or use Winkey+R.
2.  Type appwiz.cpl and press Enter.
3.  Click the program you want to remove.
4.  Click Uninstall and follow the on-screen prompts.
Use the PC Decrapifier
If you have a newer PC, there may be a lot of trial software,
coined “bloatware”. The PC Decrapifier is designed to remove a
specific list of unwanted software in an unattended fashion.
The PC does not need to be new; however, the older the PC is,
the less likely it will have any of the software it can detect.

Simply download PC Decrapifier, and run the EXE. There is no
installation necessary. Your anti-virus software may complain
about this program; however, these warnings can be safely
When it runs, you will be presented with a wizard-style dialog
box that steps you through the entire process. You will be able
to pick and choose what programs you want to remove. The
program will not remove anything, without prompting you first.
Click the Next button and it will begin cleaning your PC. If it
does not find anything, a pop-up box will notify you of this and
the program will exit and not modify your PC.
Use Revo Uninstaller
The final, and most thorough method, of software removal is to
use Revo Uninstaller. Revo Uninstaller is primarily designed to
ensure programs are properly removed from your computer.
Revo is freeware and is available to all those who want to
ensure their computer is clean and working at its best.
Download Revo Uninstaller.
Installing Revo is a simple as any other program. Once you’ve
installed and started Revo, you are presented with a list of
currently installed programs:

Learn PhP By Code

PHP - Echo example

             $myString = "Hi! This is a test";
              echo $myString;
             echo "<h1>PHP!</h1>";

PHP - Strings example
    $test_string = "tips-tech";
    echo "tech tips- php";
    echo $test_string;

PHP - Syntax  example


    Hi this  is php


PHP - Include File example

      <?php include("test.php"); ?>
          <p>How test.php include  to  a  php page </p>

PHP- Defines Constants

              define("MYTEXT", "hi!frnd");
             echo MYTEXT;

PHP If...Else loop

          if ($k==1)
          echo "k is 1";
          echo "k  is  not 1!";

PHP  Switch loop

            switch ($txt)
              case "read":
               echo "Your are reading!";

              case "Writing":
               echo "Your are Writing!";
               echo "Your are seeping!";

PHP File demo code

       $ft = fopen("testfile.txt", "r");


      $tsFile = "File.txt";
      $ft = fopen($tsFile, 'r');
      $fData = fread($ft, 5);
      echo $fData;

PHP File Upload

    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload_page.php" method="POST">
        <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />
         file to upload:
           <input name="loadedfile" type="file" /><br />
          <input type="submit" value="Upload" />

    multipart/form-data is used when a form requires binary data, like the contents of a file for uploader
         $target_path = "upload-store/";
         $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['loadedfile']['name']);
    if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['loadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path))
     echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['loadedfile']['name'])." uploaded Successfully";
       echo "error!!!!!";


PHP Session
    session_start() function is used for start the session.
     $_SESSION['testname'] = "Lisa"; // records the session data
      echo "Hi! = ". $_SESSION['testname']; //get session data of $_SESSION['testname']

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PHP Interview Questions with Answers-part1

   What is PHP?

    PHP is a server side scripting language  used for web development applications.
    Php is the powerful tool for making dynamic website.
    Many open source, free and commercial scripts    and   Stuff made by php

 What is a data type?

A Data type is the classification of data into a category according to its attributes;
• Alphanumericcharacters are classified as strings
• Whole numbersare classified integers
• Numberswith decimal pointsare classified as floating points.
• True or falsevalues are classified as Boolean.
PHP is a loosely typed language;it does not have explicit defined data types.

What is a variable?

A variable is a name given to a memory location that stores data at runtime.
 The scope of a variable determines its visibility.
A global variable is accessible to all the scripts in an
application. A local variable is only accessible to the script
that it was defined in.

How to retrieve a secure URL?
To retrieve secure URLs, the cURL extension needs access to an SSL library, such as OpenSSL.
$c = curl_init('');
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
 $page = curl_exec($c); curl_close($c);

Why you should use variables?

Variables help separate data from the program algorithms. The same algorithm can be used
for different input data values. For example, suppose that you are developing a calculator
program that adds up two numbers, you can create two variables that accept the numbers
then you use the variables names in the expression that does the addition.

  How to show all PHP runtime errors?
   Add error_reporting function set  1 .

  What is htaccess?

   .htaccess files are configuration files of Apache Server which provide
   a way to make configuration changes on a per-directory basis.

How to redirect a user to a page?

The redirect URL must include the protocol and hostname.

   What is  echo in php?

    It is a keyword.
    It is used to print  data on the webpage, like that <?php echo 'test'; ?> ,
    How to include a file to a php page?

    Add include a file using include() or require() function with the path.

    What's the difference between include and require?

    PHP provides two constructs to load code and HTML from another module: require and include.
    They both load a file as the PHP script runs, work in conditionals and loops, and complain if
    the file being loaded can't be found. The main difference is that attempting to require a
   nonexistent file is a fatal error, while attempting to include such a file produces a warning
    but does not stop script execution.

    If the file is not found by require(), it will gives a fatal error and stop the execution of the script.
    If the file is not found by include(), it  will gives a warning , but execution will continue.

    will not get the "function re-declared" error.
    Differences between GET and POST methods ?
    A GET request encodes the form parameters in the URL, in what is called a query string:

    A POST request passes the form parameters in the body of the HTTP request, leaving the URL untouched.
    POST requests are not idempotent. This means that they cannot be cached,
    and the server is recontacted every time the page is displayed.

    How to declare an array php?

    Example : var $arr = array('ie', 'firefox', 'safari');

    What is the use of 'print' in php?

    This is not actually a real function, It is a language construct.
    So you can use with out parentheses with its argument list.

    What is  in_array() function?

    The in_array( ) function returns true or false, depending on whether the first
     argument is an element in the array given as the second argument.
    in_array used to checks if a value exists in an array that Searching for Values of array.
    What is count() function in php ?

    The count( ) and sizeof( ) functions are identical in use and effect.
    They return the number of elements in the array.

    What’s the difference between include and require?

    It’s how they handle failures. If the file is not found by require(),
   it will cause a fatal error and halt the execution of the script. If the file is not
   found by include(), a warning will be issued, but execution will continue.

    What is the difference between Session and Cookie?

    sessions are stored on the server, and cookies are stored on the client’s computers in the text file format.
    A cookie is a bit of information that the server can give to a client.
    Every session has a data store associated with it. You can register variables to be loaded
    from the data store when each page starts and saved back to the data store when the page ends.

   How to set cookies in PHP?

    Setcookie("test", "sem", time()+3600);

    How to Retrieve a Cookie Value?
     echo $_COOKIE["test"];

    How to create a session? 

    Create session by  session_start();

   How to set a value in session ?

    Set value into session by  $_SESSION['test_ID']=1987654;

   How to Remove data from a session?

   Remove data from  session -> session_unset($_SESSION['test_ID'];

    How to create a mysql connection?
    call mysql_connect(servername,username,password);

    How to select a database?

    call mysql_select_db($db_name);

    How to execute an sql query? How to fetch its result ?
    $my_qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE `test_id`='16'; ");
    $result = mysql_fetch_array($my_qry);
    echo $result['First_test_name'];

    How to get the resultset of MySQL using PHP?
        1. mysql_fetch_row
        2. mysql_fetch_array
        3. mysql_fetch_object
        4. mysql_fetch_assoc
    How to strip whitespace or other characters from the beginning and end of a string ?

    The trim() function removes whitespaces or other predefined characters from both sides of a string.
    What is the use of header() function in php ?

    The header() function sends a raw HTTP header to a client browser.
    Remember that this function must be called before sending the actual out put.
    For example, You do not print any HTML element before using this function.
    How to redirect a page in php?

    The following code can be add for it, header("Location:test.php");
    How stop the execution of a php scrip ?

    exit() function  stop the execution of a page.
    How to get the length of a string?

    strlen() function  gives  the length of a string

    How to generate random numbers in php?

    Add rand function  to generate random numbers.

    How  to varify a variable in php?

    This is_set  function is used to determine if a variable is set and is not .   

    What is mean by an associative array?

    Associative arrays are arrays that indexed by string keys is called associative arrays.

    How do you define a constant?

    Using define() directive, like  that define ("MYCONSTANT",765754);
    How send email using php?

    To send email using PHP, you use the mail() function.This mail() function accepts 5 parameters

    How to find current date and time?

    The date() function gives  the current date and time .
    What is the use of ksort in php?

    Its  sort an array by key in reverse order.
  Who is the father of PHP ?

  Rasmus Lerdorf is known as the father of PHP.     
    How to delete a file from the system?

    Unlink() deletes the  file from the file system.
    How to get the value of current session id?

    session_id() function gives the session id for the current session.

What is the difference between $name and $$name?

$name is variable where as $$name is reference variable
like $name=sonia and $$name=singh so $sonia value is singh.

  mysql_fetch_object vs  mysql_fetch_array?

mysql_fetch_object() is similar tomysql_fetch_array(), with one difference - an object is returned, instead of an array. Indirectly, that means that you can only access the data by the field names, and not by their offsets numbers are illegal property names

In PHP for pdf which library used?. 

The PDF functions in PHP can create PDF files using the PDFlib library With version 6, PDFlib offers an object-oriented API for PHP 5 in addition to the function-oriented API for PHP 4. There is also the » Panda module. FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP, that is to say without using the PDFlib library. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs. FPDF requires no extension (except zlib to activate compression and GD for GIF support) and works with PHP4 and PHP5.
How  to Connecting two Strings? 
a useful concept—concatenation. It refers to the process of linking
items together. Specifically in programming, you concatenate strings.
The period . is the operator for performing this action, and it's used like so:

$tString = $String1 . $bString2;

echo $tString;

Why we use strstr?
strstr returns all of string after the first occurrence of substring .
If substring doesn't exist in string , the function returns FALSE.

How to  capitalize only the first character of a string?
you use ucfirst:
$txt = "welcome to the this site";
echo $ucfirst($txt);
What three components need to create a dynamic web page? 
A web server, a server-side programming language, and a database.

What does Apache use to load extensions?


What does the PHP Interpreter do?
 It processes the HTML and PHP files.

What's a more secure function than md5() for encoding passwords? 
The sh1() function creates a 160-bit key instead of md5()'s 128-bit string. 
It also uses a superior algorithm for making it difficult to determine the 
values that generate a particular encoding.

What are the advantages of using PEAR?
 The PEAR functions are more compact, and they automate some of the manual
 work of connecting to and selecting from the database. Because PEAR code
 is used by many developers, it is less likely to have an error than to have code
 that's written from scratch.

Learn Php Code
PHP Functions
Php tutorial - imagemagick
php.ini Basics
PHP Sessions
Cookies Versus Sessions
PHP Web-Related Variables
maximum size of a file uploaded
Php Image upload
php file_get_contents
MySQL Data on the Web
What are GET and POST
php and pdf
$_ENV and $_SERVER
PEAR with php
prevent hijacking with PHP
PHP MySQL Functions
PHP Zip File Functions
Substrings PHP
PHP Variable names
PHP magic methods
How to get current session id
Add variables into a session
different tables present in mysql
php Sessions page
PHP-sorting an array
PHP-count the elements of array
Operators for If/Else Statements
PHP file uploading code
PHP global variables
Testing working using phpinfo
PHP Code for a Valid Number
PHP-Associative Arrays
PHP mvc tutorial
PHP get_meta_tags-Extracts
difference between print and echo
PHP best tutorial-PHP variables
Reading DOC file in PHP
PHP interview questions
convert time PHP
PHP implode array elements
header function-PHP
PHP-Renaming Files Directories
PHP Classes
in_array function in PHP
keep your session secure PHP
Web Application with PHP
What is SQL Injection
PHP-extract part of a string
PHP urlencode
PHP- know browser properties
PHP- Extracting Substrings
Checking Variable Values /Types
PHP-best 20 Open Source cms
IP AddressPHP
PHP-Scope Resolution Operator
how create new instance of object
how eliminate an object
PHP- ob_start
XML file using the DOM API
PHP- Position of a Value in an Array
PHP-Mail Functions
PHP-difference include vs require
calculate the sum of values in an array
PHP-total number of rows
Show unique records mysql
MySQL Triggers
MySQL data directory
MySQL Subqueries
PHP- Networking Functions
PHP- Operators
Restore database
Conditional Functions mysql
PHP-function overloading
Friend function
mysql_connect /mysql_pconnect
PHP-Error Control Operators
what is IMAP
Apache-Specific Functions
Send Email from a PHP Script
SQL inherently
Php tutorial-SYMBOLS
Table Types-MySQL
PHP-Encryption data management
PHP Array
Running MySQL on Windows
Maximum Performance MySQL
PHP-static variables
Advanced Database Techniques
Apache Pool Size
MySQL Server Performance
Database software
SQL Interview Answers
PHP Redirect
PHP Interview Questions with Answers
Advanced PHP