Affiliate marketing- An online marketing strategy thatinvolves revenue sharing
between online advertisers and online publishers.
Compensation is typically awarded based on performance measures
suchas sales, clicks, registrations, or a combination of factors.
Alt tag- The alternative tag that the browser displays when the individual
does not want toor cannot see the pictures present in a web page.
Using alt tags containing keywords can improve the search engine
ranking of the page for those keywords.
Alt text- Short for alternative text, it is used with an image
and has a number of purposes. Primarilyit is a placeholder for an
image, so that if the image is slow to load or notshown, there will
be an indicator of the content.Anchor- Refers to a link on a web
page, often found at the top or bottom of the page that allows
users to move to specific content on the web page.
Anchor tag- Code determining the destination of a link.
Anchor text- The text part of any link, and ofvital importance to
any SEO effort. Instead of a link being displayed for example,using
anchor text will allow the same link to be displayed as Marketing Expert.
The search engines will then index the page based on this keyword.
Backlink - A link from one site that points to another. When getting backlinks,
always ask the person linking to you to use anchor text.
Banner ad- A graphic Internet advertising tool. Users click on the graphic
to be taken to another website orlanding page. Banner ads are typically
468 pixels wide and 60 pixels tall, but the term can be used as a
generic description ofall online graphic ad formats.
Black hat- The use of unscrupulous methods to optimize a website.
Discovery of these methods being used will often lead to a site being
banned from major search engines.
Blog- A contraction of the term weblog, it is a form of Internet communication
that combines a column, diary, and directory with links to additional resources.
Blogroll - A term used to describe a collection of links to other weblogs.
Blogrolls are often found on the front-page sidebar of most weblogs.
Various weblog authors have different criteria for including other
weblogs on their blogrolls.
Browser- An individual searching the Internet for information. Also,
a software package Internet browser used to view pages on
the World Wide Web.
Caching- A computer process that stores web files to your computer
for later access. These web pages are displayed without the
need to re-download graphics and other elements of the previously visited page.
Canonical page- The preferred version of a set ofpages with highly similar
Canonical tag– Html used to specify a canonical page to search engines.
This is done by adding a <link> element with the
attribute rel=“canonical” to the <head> section of the non-canonical version
of the page.
Cascading style sheets -CSS- Used to manipulate and easily manage the
design of a website.
Click- Each time a visitor clickson a website or website link.
Click fraud - A form of theft perpetrated against advertisers who are
paying per click for traffic, in which fraudsters may use
automated means to click on your ads from spoofedIP addresses
over random periods of time.
Click-through– A term used to measure the number of users who
clicked on a specific Internet advertisement or link.
Click-through rate - The number of click-throughs per online
ad impression, expressed as a percentage or exposure; a click on a
link that leads to another website.
Click tracking- The use of scripts in order to track inbound and
outbound links.
Cloaking- One of the most popular black hat methods, in which the
visitor to the site is shown a page optimized to his search
request, while the search engine spiders see a completely
different set of pages designed to rank well.
Conversion rate- The percentage of targeted prospects that take a
specified action within a given time frame.
Cookie- Computer code that is embedded in your Internet history file,
allowing websites to recognize you as a returning visitor.
Cost-per-click- A specific type of cost-per-action program where
advertisers pay each time a user clicks on an ad or a weblink.
Cost per thousand -CPM - A simple and commonly used method
of comparing the cost effectiveness of two or more alternative
media vehicles. It is the cost ofusing the media vehicle to reach one
thousand people or households.
Crawler- A program that goes through websites and gathers
information for the crawler’s creator.
Dead link- A link that produces a 404 error, page not found.
Deep linking- Connecting to a web page other than a site’s homepage.
Deepsubmitting- Submittingall of your website’s URLs—in other words,
every page of your site—to a search engine.
De-listing/de-indexing- If search engines detect that you are using
unscrupulous methods to get yoursite ranked, or if they regard
your site as “spammy,” they will remove yoursite from their index
and it will no longer appear when users search for it.
Directory- A database of websites. Yahoo! and Open Directory
are major examples. They are similar to search engines, except that
the database is organized in a meaningfulway by human beings.
Many search engines use a directory as wellas their own robots.
Domain name- The name assigned to a particularwebsite like
Doorway page- A web page with content that’smeaningful or visible only
to the search engines; also called a bridge pageor a
gateway page.
Dynamic page- A page that generates content “on-the-fly” as a user
requests the page.
eCommerce- An Internet-based business model that incorporates
various elements of the marketing mix to drive users to a website
for the purpose of purchasing a product or service.
Gateway page- A method once used to enable a site to rank well
for a variety of keywords. It is frowned upon by the search
engines and is no longer useful, as the
search engines now base much
of their algorithms on linking strategies.
Google - One of the most important spidering search engines by far,
Google plays a dominant role in the search engine market.
Googlebot- The crawlers that index pages into Google.
Google Places– Previously referred to as Google Local.
A search that produces local results based on proprietary algorithm.
Google Preview– The ability see a website thumbnail image from
the primary search page of a Google search result.