Microsoft’s adCenter Keyword Generation Tool

Microsoft’s adCenter Keyword Generation Tool generates keyword suggestions based on a
search term or website you enter.
Entering a keyword in the search bar will return data that is divided into two tabs: Contains
Term and Similar Terms. The Contains Term tab includes search phrases that contain the
keyword you provided.

The Export to Excel option allows you to pull the collected data into a spreadsheet. Although
the CTR% (click-through rate) and CPC (cost-per-click) columns are intended for paid search
customers, they can also provide some indication of SEO value. You can multiply the CTR
times the search volume to get a sense of how many clicks a high-ranking paid search result
might get (comparable organic results will get six to eight times more clicks), and the CPC
provides some indication of the competition for ranking on the term.

Microsoft’s Bing search query database.
This tool is useful in generating keyword suggestions based on a keyword you
are targeting or on your site’s URL. You can also enter your competitor’s URL and see what
the keyword suggestions are for their site.

The adCenter Keyword Generation Tool is free, although you do have to create an
account with Microsoft adCenter and provide credit card information in the event that you
advertise on the Microsoft network