Paid Search Ads

No matter how blurred the line between unpaid and paid search
 gets in the search engine results, you, as the SEO expert, will
 always know the difference. That’s because,while it’s possible
 to get listed in robot search engines, meta search engines, and
 even directories without actually doing anything, you or
someone you delegate will have to actively implement and
carefully manage any paid advertising for your own site.

 And,of course, there’s that little matter of the checkbook, too.
Pay-per-click -PPC services are the simplest paid search option.
 Here’s how it works: You open an account with a PPC engine,
 such as Google AdWords or Yahoo! Search Marketing. You
decide which search terms you want your site to be seen for,
and you write your own listing or often, several different listings
 to correspond with your chosen terms. Every time a searcher
clicks on your listing, you pay the PPC engine a fee.
You control the amount you want to spend for each click
 your bid, and this is a major factor in the placement of your listing.

Paid search is the SEO marketing venue over which you have
the most control.It offers you a chance to micro-manage your
website marketing by being able to target specific messages to
 specific terms, and even specific geographical locations. It gives
you the opportunity to change your message on a whim, and it
 provides some of the most conclusive tracking around. Therefore,
although paid search is by no means a requirement for good SEO
, it’s an Eternally Attractive Option to have available to you.