Google AdSense++ way to earn

Google AdSense++ way to earn

You can make a fulltime living from Google Adsense, but it takes time and
effort. You apply for Google Adsense, get approved, and get the Adsense
code on your site. The first day, you make ten bucks. You quickly add that
up, and see that if you made ten bucks each day, you would make 600 per
month from one site. You quickly add again, and see that if you had ten
sites, all making 600 a month, you could quit your traditional job.

Once your AdSense account has been approved, you’ll likely want to get
 started by adding the code that will place Google’s ads on your site.
To get started with AdSensefor Content,
 log in to Google AdSense and click the Ad Settings tab.

It is always a good idea to find out what works for others. Again, each site is
different, but this will save you a great deal of time in researching. Become a
regular visitor to Adsense related forums.

According to Google, if you elect to display image ads, you will have more
advertisers bidding to have their ads show specifically on your pages.

This usually results in more money per click, and this is definitely worth looking
into for your site. Make sure you use GoogleChannels and reports to find out if it
is working out well for you or not.

Adsence-Importance of keyword  placement
Unit name Size
Leaderboard 728 × 90
Banner 468 × 60
Large Rectangle 336 × 280
Medium Rectangle 300 × 250
Square 250 × 250
Half Banner 234 × 60

Add ads  on your main page, where more than one post appears, visitors will see
the ads at the bottom of each of those posts.

Making money from Adsense than just putting up a
site and putting Google Adsense ad code on those pages.
There are two ways to succeed with Adsense. You either
have to have a very high traffic site, or you have to have a multitude of low
to mid traffic sites.

When you build your sites, your first order of business should be to get
them listed in the major search engines. However, you should also get
listed in more specialized directories as well, and use traffic generation
techniques such as article marketing,forum marketing, social networking,
and social bookmarking.

Use Google Analytics: Google Analytics will give you a ton of
information about the traffic that comes to your site. You can use that
information to make adjustments and additions to your site, which will
increase your Adsense revenue.

Link units
Probably the second most used ad type in the AdSense program after text
ads is the link unit. Link units are very cool because when used properly
you can make them look like they belong on your page, so users are more likely
to click them.

Making a link unit look like it belongs on your page is pretty simple. You
adjust the template colors of the ad to match the template colors of your
page. Then, when the link units are displayed on your page, they look like
links that are related to the content of the page.

Themed ads
Themed units are basically text ads that have a specific theme. Google offers
these around holiday times, and they just appear in your ad structure. You
don’t have to do anything special to use themed units — they’re automatically
 enabled in your ads when you set up your AdSense account.

Creating original content
Writing your own articles and blog posts isn’t as hard as it sounds unless you
have hundreds of Web pages to populate, which could become a very
timeconsuming effort. If that’s the case, you’ll have to use somereprints, but it’s
still best if you try to keep the most important pages on your site filled with
original content.

Reading-friendly colors:Color can be your best friend or your worst
enemy online. The first thing to remember when dealing with Web site
colors is that colors display differently on-screen than they do on paper
and colors display slightly differently on different screens. So test your
colors in the real world— online rather than on paper. It wouldn’t hurt
to take a peek at your Web masterpiece from a few different computers.

Links within articles:One last element that you should include in
your articles and blog posts is links to other, related articles and blog
posts, both on your Web site and on others’ Web sites. Linking to other
resources provides additional information for your site visitors. Usually,
those visitors will click through those links and then click back to the
page from which they came. If you worry about visitors clicking away
from your site, never to return, set your links up so that they open in a
new window. Opening links in a new window keeps your Web site open
and in front of the visitors. When they’re finished examining the site
you’ve linked to, they can close the window and be right back on your
Web site.

AdSense for Domains

AdSense for Domains is a program for parked domains, meaning domains
 that are not in active use. There are many reasons someone might want
 to park a domain, including the intention of speculating in domain names
 and protecting existing related domain names from falling into the hands
 of competitors.

Video Units
What content is more compelling then video? And how better
 to monetize this compelling content on your site than by adding
 video units from Google’s YouTube, a leader in online video?
To get started, from the AdSense Setup page, click Video unit.
 You will need to login to your YouTube account.

AdSense for Search:Feel free to mention to your site visitors that you
have a search box they can use to find whatever.

Referrals: Refer away. It’s always best if you’ve actually used the
products you’re referring so that what you tell your visitors is accurate.
 Tell them your thoughts about the products and share your stories of how
the product has performed for you.

Earning with AdSense referral ads: requires some action on the part of your
Web site visitors. Earning with referrals isn’t as simple as clicking through
a link, or even searching and then clicking through search results. AdSense
referrals have conversions— which are specific actions that must take place
before you get paid for displaying the referral ad.Even after a conversion
 takes place, the payments are a little different than
what you see with other AdSense ads. All referral ads are paid on a flat fee.
However, the fee that you’re paid can be influenced by your location. Each
advertiser sets country-specific goals, so you’re paid up tothe maximum
amount shown for each of the referrals that you make from your AdSense
referral ads.

AdSense:When a user who signed up for Google AdSense through your
referral first earns $100 within 180 days of sign-up and is eligible for
payout, you’re credited with $100. Note that it’s only when the user
firstsigns up and earns $100. If a visitor has been a member of AdSense
in the past, you don’t receive this payment. Also, this applies only to
referrals located in North America, Latin America, or Japan. All others
are counted as invalid referrals because AdSense doesn’t support other
countries at this time.

Aarray And multiple array values

Aarray And multiple array values

array[key_element1] => array(1, 2,3);
array[key_element2] => array(4, 5, 6);

 associative arrays
array[key1] => array(key => value1, key => value2, key => value3);
array[key2] => array(key => value4, key => value5, key => value6);

Basically parsing the $values array and pulling the relevant value out.
 Unsetting the array as we go to leave only the values which were not
 sorted. The remaining items in the array will be merged after the loop.
 with array_merge.

PHP array

$values = array('value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 'value5', 'value6');
$keys = array(0, 2, 1, 5);

foreach ($keys AS $key) {
    $tempOutput[] = ($values[$key])?$values[$key]:'';

$output = array_merge($tempOutput, $values);

Make new array be joining 2 arrays
$n = count($countries); $i = 0;
$jumble = array();
foreach ($names as $name) {
    if (!isset($jumble[$name])) $jumble[$name] = array();
    $jumble[$name][] = $countries[$i++ % $n];

PHP Session expire-minutes inactivity

PHP Session expire-minutes inactivity

//should expire after 15  minutes inactivity

asy way to handle this, is to set a variable to $_SESSION
 every time the user visits the page after a successful login.
You can check that variable every time the page loads, and then
 you will know the last time they requested a page from the site,
 and can compare it to the current time to determine what to do from there.

session.gc_maxlifetime specifies the number of seconds after which data
 will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up. Garbage collection occurs
 during session start.

Furthermore, when using PHP's default session.save_handler files,
 the session data is stored in files in a path specified in session.save_path.
 With that session handler, the age of the session data is calculated on the
 file's last modification date and not the last access date.

if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY']) &&
 (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] > 1800)) {
    // last request was more than 30 minutes ago
    session_unset();     // unset $_SESSION variable for the run-time
    session_destroy();   // destroy session data in storage
$_SESSION['LAST_ACTIVITY'] = time(); // update last activity time stamp


if (!isset($_SESSION['CREATED'])) {
    $_SESSION['CREATED'] = time();
} else if (time() - $_SESSION['CREATED'] > 1800) {
    // session started more than 30 minutes ago
// change session ID for the current session and invalidate old session ID
    $_SESSION['CREATED'] = time();  // update creation time

Note that session.gc_maxlifetime should be at least equal to the
 lifetime of this custom expiration handler 1800 in this example.


Class inheritanceenables you to describe a parent-child relationship
between classes. For example, you might have a base class
 Shapefrom which both Squareand Circlederive. However,
 you might often want to add additional “interfaces” to classes,
 basically meaning additional
 contracts to which
the class must adhere. This is achieved in C++ by using multiple
 inheritance and deriving from two classes. PHP chose interfaces
 as an alternative to multiple inheritance, which allows you to specify
 additional contracts a class must follow. An interface is declared
similar to a class but only includes function prototypes without
implementation and constants. Any class that “implements”
 this interface automatically has the interface’s constants defined and,
as the implementing class, needs to supply the function definitions for the
interface’s function prototypes that are all abstractmethods unless you
declare the implementing class as abstract.

abstract class Shape {
function setCenter($x, $y) {
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
abstract function draw();

protected $x, $y;
class Square extends Shape {
function draw()
// Here goes the code which draws the Square
class Circle extends Shape {
function draw()
// Here goes the code which draws the Circle
You can see that the draw()abstract method does not
 contain any code.

To implement an interface, use the following syntax:
class A implements B, C, ... {

Classes that implement an interface have an instance of a relationship
 with the interface; for example, if class Aimplements interface
 myInterface, the following results in '$obj is-A myInterface'printing:

$obj = new A();
if ($obj instanceof myInterface) {
print '$obj is-A myInterface';

parent AND self PHP oops

 parent  AND self PHP oops

self::refers to the current class and it is usually used to access
static members, methods, and constants. parent::refers to the
 parent class and it is most often used when wanting to call the
 parent constructor or methods. It may also be used to access
members and constants. You should use parent::as
opposed to the parent’s class name because it makes it easier
 to change your class hierarchy because you are not hard-coding
 the parent’s class name.

The following example makes use of both parent::and self::for
 accessing the Childand Ancestorclasses:

class Ancestor {
const NAME = "Ancestor";
function __construct()
print "In " . self::NAME . " constructor\n";
class Child extends Ancestor {
const NAME = "Child";
function __construct()
print "In " . self::NAME . " constructor\n";
$obj = new Child();

The previous example outputs
In Ancestor constructor
In Child constructor
Make sure you use these two class names whenever possible.

Static Methods-PHP

 PHP supports declaring methods as static.
Whatthis means is that your static methods are part of the
 class and are not bound to any specific object instance and
 its properties. Therefore, $this isn’t accessible in these methods,
 but the class itself is by using selfto access it. Because
static methods aren’t bound to any specific object, you can
 call them without creating an object instance by using the
class_name::method()syntax. You may also call them from an
 object instance using $this->method(), but $thiswon’t
be defined in the called method. For clarity, you should use self::method()
instead of $this->method().

class PrettyPrinter {
static function printHelloWorld()
print "Hello, World";
static function printNewline()
print "\n";

The example prints the string "Hello, World"followed by a newline.
Although it is a useless example, you can see that printHelloWorld()can be
called on the class without creating an object instance using the class name,
and the static method itself can call another static method of the
class printNewline()using the self::notation. You may call a parent’s
 static method by using the parent::notation.

Static Properties

As you know by now, classes can declare properties. Each instance of the
class,object has its own copy of these properties. However, a class can
also contain static properties. Unlike regular properties, these belong to
the class itself and not to any instance of it.

class propertiesas opposed to object or instance properties. You can also
think of static properties as global variables that sit inside a class but are
accessible from anywhere via the class.
Static properties are defined by using the static keyword:
class MyClass {
static $myStaticVariable;
static $myInitializedStaticVariable = 0;
To access static properties, you have to qualify the property name with
the class it sits in

print MyClass::$myInitializedStaticVariable;

What is array

An arrayin PHP is a collection of key/value pairs.
 This means that it maps keys or indexes to values.
Array indexescan be either integers or strings
whereas values can be of any type.
Arrays in PHP are implemented using hash tables, which
 means that accessing a value has an average complexity.

array()construct Arrays can be declared using the array()language
 construct, which generally takes the following form elements inside
square brackets, [], are optional:

array([key =>] value, [key =>] value, ...)

The key is optional, and when it’s not specified, the key is
 automatically assigned one more than the largest previous
 integer key starting with 0. You can intermix the use with
 and without the key even within the same declaration.
The value itself can be of any PHP type, including an array.
 Arrays containing arrays give a similar result as multi-dimensional
 arrays in other languages.

Accessing Array Elements Array elements can be accessed by using
the $arr[key]notation, where keyis either an integer or string expression.
When using a constant string for key,make sure you don’t forget the single or
double quotes, such as $arr["key"]. This notation can be used for both reading
array elements and modifying or creating new elements.

$arr1 = array(1, 2, 3);
$arr2[0] = 1;
$arr2[1] = 2;
$arr2[2] = 3;

The print_r()function has not been covered yet in this book, but when it
is passed an array, it prints out the array’s contents in a readable way. You can
use this function when debugging your scripts.

[0] => 1
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
So, you can see that you can use both the array()construct
 and the $arr[key] notation to create arrays.
Usually, array()is used to declare arrays
whose elements are known at compile-time, and
 the $arr[key]notation is used when the elements
 are only computed at runtime.
PHP also supports a special notation, $arr[], where the key is
 not specified. When creating new array offsets using
 this notation , the key is automatically assigned as one
 more than the largest previous integer key.

Therefore, the previous example can be rewritten as follows:
$arr1 = array(1, 2, 3);
$arr2[] = 1;
$arr2[] = 2;
$arr2[] = 3;

$arr1 = array("name" => "John", "age" => 28);
$arr2["name"] = "John";
$arr2["age"] = 28;
if ($arr1 == $arr2) {
print '$arr1 and $arr2 are the same' . "\n";

Reading array values You can use the
 $arr[key]notation to read array values.
The next few examples build on top of the previous example:
print $arr2["name"];
if ($arr2["age"] < 35) {
print " is quite young\n";
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strtotime php-current time zone

strtotime()parsing is always done with the current time zone,
unless a different time zone is specified in the string that is parsed:
echo date("H:i T\n", strtotime("09:22")); // shows 09:22 CET
echo date("H:i T\n\n", strtotime("09:22 GMT")); // shows 10:22 CET
echo gmdate("H:i T\n", strtotime("09:22")); // shows 08:22 GMT
echo gmdate("H:i T\n", strtotime("09:22 GMT")); // shows 09:22 GMT

Using the strtotime()function is easy. It accepts two parameters: the
string to parse to a timestamp and an optional timestamp. If the
 timestamp is included, the time is converted relative to the
 timestamp; if it’s not included,the current time is used. The relative
 calculations are only written with yesterday, tomorrow, and the 1
 year 2 days ago format strings.

Showing the Local Time in Other Time Zones

Showing the Local Time in Other Time Zones Sometimes, you want
 to show a formatted time in the current time zone and in
other time zones as well. The following script shows a full textual
date representation for the U.S., Norway, the Netherlands, and Israel:

echo strftime("%c\n");
echo "\nEST in en_US:\n";
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US");
echo strftime("%c\n");
echo "\nMET in nl_NL:\n";
setlocale(LC_ALL, "nl_NL");
echo strftime("%c\n");
echo "\nMET in no_NO:\n";
setlocale(LC_ALL, "no_NO");
echo strftime("%c\n");
echo "\nIST in iw_IL:\n";
setlocale(LC_ALL, "iw_IL");
echo strftime("%c\n");

Create Login page php-Php code

 Create Login page php

            $host="localhost"; // Host name
            $username="username"; // Mysql username
            $password="********"; // Mysql password
            $db_name="joinfbla_services"; // Database name
            $tbl_name="members"; // Table name

            // Connect to server and select databse.
            mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
            mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

            // Define $myusername and $mypassword

            // To protect MySQL injection (more detail about MySQL injection)
            $myusername = stripslashes($myusername);
            $mypassword = stripslashes($mypassword);
            $myusername = mysql_real_escape_string($myusername);
            $mypassword = mysql_real_escape_string($mypassword);
            $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'";

            // Mysql_num_row is counting table row

            // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row

            // Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to file "login_success.php"
            $_SESSION['myusername'] = $_POST['myusername'];
            $_SESSION['mypassword'] = $_POST['mypassword'];
            echo 'success';

            else {
            echo "Wrong Username or Password";

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PHP RSS feed script

PHP RSS feed script
RSS Reader PHP code

function get_feed($link)


    $last_update = time();

    header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
    header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
    header('Content-type: application/json');

    // Load RSS Parser

    // Get 6 items from arstechnica
    $rss = $this->rssparser->set_feed_url($link)->set_cache_life(30)->getFeed(5);

    foreach ($rss as $item)

        $pubdate = strtotime($item['pubDate']);
        $monthName = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m",$pubdate), 10));
        $new_date = date("d.",$pubdate).' '.$monthName.' '.date("Y",$pubdate).' '.date("H:i",$pubdate);

        $array[] = array(
            'title' => $item['title'],
            'description' => character_limiter($item['description'],100),
            'author' => $item['author'],
            'pubDate' => $new_date,
            'link' => $item['link']

    $array = json_encode($array);

    return $array;

Php Interview-questions-with-answers
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different tables present in mysql
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PHP-count the elements of array
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PHP-extract part of a string
PHP urlencode
PHP- know browser properties
PHP- Extracting Substrings
Checking Variable Values /Types
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PHP-function overloading
Friend function
mysql_connect /mysql_pconnect
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Twitter Bot

Twitter Bot that allows you to auto follow target twitter users, send
 out tweets automatically. Great for auto twitter retweet. Twitter Cards
 offer a fast and easy way to grow your user base for mobile apps.
 Simply add some new markup to your pages: when users tweet
 links to your domain.twitter account maker you can use Your own
domain, then install catchall on it: Make 1 email called catchall with
 a password, then go to Default Email adress.
Twitter Bots - ranging from auto reply bots and announcement
bots, all tested and working nicely.
Twitter bots are, essentially, computer programs that tweet of their
 own accord. While people access Twitter through its Web site
and other clients, bots connect.If you have a Twitter account, the
chances are that you have fewer than 50 followers and that you
 follow fewer than 50 people yourself. Twitter followers with links
 to diet sites, specious videos, or links to "pics"? You're not alone.
 From the slew of sketchy Direct Messages.
Twitter tools for seo techniques

Key of Seo Success

You actually need people
to visit your website unless you’re some sort of a weirdo who
 only gets excited about showing up on
Google page 1 for its own sake.
I’d like you to indulge me by participating in an experiment .
1.  Search on something that matters to you.   Maybe a hobby,
a band, a place you want to move to, whatever.
2.  When you get to the SERP, click on the entry that you think best
 matches what you’re looking for.
3.  Come back here when you’re done.
What was your experience like?  More specifically, what did you click
 on?  Why did you click on it?If you’re like me there’s a good
chance you did not just click on any old random entry.  You probably
did a quick evaluation based on what the entry looked like.

Forget about writing your content around “keywords”
  Instead, determine the theme that contains the keywords that
 are important to you and write for that theme, not those
 keywords subtle but important difference.

  Think like a human and write like a human.  Google and the
 rest are catching up to you, and if you write good content
 for humans it will pay off down the road.

After you write content, read it.  Out loud.  A couple of times.
 If it sounds awkward to you, it probably will to Google as well.
 Revise it .

Increasingly SEO is about creating content that is high quality.
 I advise you to create content that is themed according to your
 target keywords, but which is also engaging to human visitors.
  An important point of creating that interest is photography.
 So it’s only natural that we would be tempted to snag photos
 from a Google or Bing image search.  At the same time, when quality photos
can be purchased very cheaply, so the temptation is pretty minimal.

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codeigniter-Creating loops

Creating loops in view files has been a stumbling block for a few developers. By
passing a multidimensional array to a view file, you can easily establish a loop in
any of your view files. Let's take a look at an example.
class Todo extends Controller
function index()
$data['todo_list'] = array("buy food", "clean up", "mow lawn");
$this->load->view('todo', $data);
This is a very simple Controller. Your view file for this would be as follows:
<title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
<h1><?php echo $heading; ?></h1>
<?php echo $content;?>
<h2>My Todo List</h2>
foreach($todo_list as $item)
echo $item;

Returning views as data
Youare also able to return view files as data; this can be useful if you wish to process
this data in some way. Simply set the third parameter to boolean TRUE—and it will
return the view data.

$this->load->view('welcome', NULL, TRUE);

CodeIgniter uses an output buffer to take all calls to the load view function, and
processes them all at once, sending the whole page to the browser at the same time.
So when you return views as data, you will be able to save the contents of theview
inside a variable for whatever use you need.

How to Linking Articles?

And another important thing to remember: if you are going to submit
 articles to Ezines and/or contribute your articles to newsletters and
other sites, DON’T ever forget to include a link to your site.
A little resource box with a brief description of your site and you
 should always be placed right after your articles that you have
submitted. If people like your articles, they will most likely click
 on the link directing them to your site.

While there are a great number of people who do not have the same attitude in article
writing as others, there are still those who would rather walk in piping hot coals than do
some article writing. What set other people apart from other towards article writing is that
they are prepared and has some methods and procedures in writing articles.

One of the methods you can use to prepare yourself when tasked to write in article is
creating an outline first. Creating an outline for all your articles makes you prepared. You
have an idea of what to do first and make a plan for your succeeding steps. Being
prepared makes the job easier and faster. Being organized will allow for disorientation to
be shunned away.

An outline can act as the design or blueprint for your article. This will guide you in
creating the introduction, body and conclusion of your article. Here in this point, you can
write down some of the ideas and sentences that you feel will look good in your article.
This could be some of the focal point that could help make your article creative,
interesting and appealing to a reader.

A carefully planned and fully prepared project would guarantee and ensure a problem
and worry free procedure that can virtually go without any hassles. Creating an outline
for all your articles will get you ready and breeze through writing an article in no time at
all. Here I will provide you with some tips and guidelines in how to create an outline for
all of your articles.

How can article writing boost traffic

The article on the free content site contains a link to your own website. Readers, after
reading your articles, may choose to click on the link and pay you an unexpected visit.
Having them on the free content sites is also making these articles available to other
webmasters who may wish to publish that article on their site.

If they do, your article will include a link back to your site. And anyone who reads the
article on that site can still click on the link to visit your site.

As the list of your published articles grow larger, and more and more of them are
appearing on different websites, the total number of links to your site increases also.

Major search engines are placing a lot of significance on incoming links to websites so
they can determine the importance of a certain site.

The more incoming links the website has, the more importance search engines attaches
to it. This will then increase your website’s placement in the search results.

If you site is into promoting a product or service, the links that your articles have
achieved will mean more potential customers for you. Even if visitors only browse
through, you never know if they might be in need of what you are offering in the future.
There are also those who already have specific things they need on their mind but
cannot decide yet between the many choices online. Chances are, they may stumble
upon one of your articles, gets interested by the contents you wrote, go to your site and
became enticed by your promotions.

Job at Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force
  • Sub-Inspector (Staff Nurse) : 08 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800
  •  grade pay Rs. 4200/-, Age : 21-30 years
  • Assistant Sub-Inspector (Pharmacist) : 13 posts, Pay Scale :
  •  Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-, Age : 20-28 years
  • Assistant Sub-Inspector (Lab Technician) : 04 posts, Pay Scale 
  • : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-, Age : 20-28 years
  • Head Constable (Midwife) :  10 posts, Pay Scale :
  •  Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2400/-, Age : 18-25 years
  • How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be
    sent on or before the last date 05/09/2014 -last date is 12/09/2014
     for the candidates of Far - flung areas

    View Details:

    Php Date or Time

    Simplest display of date or time is telling your users what time it is.
    Use the date( ) or strftime( )

    strftime( ) says: Wed Oct 20 12:00:00 2004

    date( ) says: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 12:00:00 -0400

    Both strftime( ) and date( ) take two arguments.
    The first controls how the time or date string is formatted,
    and the second controls what time or date to use. 

    print date('m/d/y');

    The date( ) and strftime( ) functions each have their strong points.
     If you are generating a formatted time or date string that has
    other text in it too, strftime( ) is better because you don't have to
    worry about letters without percent signs turning into time or date values.

    print 'strftime( ) says: ';
    print strftime('Today is %m/%d/%y and the time is %I:%M:%S');
    print "\n";
    print 'date( ) says: ';
    print 'Today is ' . date('m/d/y') . ' and the time is ' . date('h:i:s');

    The date( ) function shines for different reasons. It supports
    some things that strftime( ) doesn't, such as a leap year indicator,
     a DST indicator, and trimming leading zeroes from some values.
     Furthermore, date( ) is a PHP-specific function. The strftime( ) PHP
     function relies on an underlying operating system function also
    called strftime( ). That's why some format characters aren't supported
    on Windows. When you use date( ), it's guaranteed to work the same
     everywhere. Unless you need to put text that isn't format characters
     into the format string, choose date( ) over strftime( ).



    WhatsApp Messengeris the best cross-platform mobile messaging
    The app is for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia.
     app for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia.
    Itcan Send text, video, images, audio for free.Today it is the
    top instant messaging subscription service for smartphones.
    Facebook is purchasing messaging giant WhatsApp for $16 billion
    in cash and stock, according to a regulatory filing.
    Download WhatsApp, real time messaging, free application.
    WhatsApp is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone,
     Android and Nokia, download Whatsapp now-
    WhatsApp Spy is a hack who will never let you get cought by anyone.
     This hack will allow you to spy your friends with just few clicks.
    The first hack im going to talk about will spoof WhatsApp
     and have it think you are somebody else allowing you to
    communicate under an alternative name.WhatsApp maybe popular
     in the Americas and Europe, but China's WeChat is making
    significant inroads into East Asia and Africa.

    In the United States, services like text-to-911 are just
    coming online. Though many local police departments
     also use social media to stay in touch with the community,
    and people also use that as a means to share concerns
     or discuss issues.

    Earlier this month in India, the Delhi police set up a
    community helpline using WhatsApp messenger. It has served
    useful for local residents to report corruption. Not only can
    people send messages, but also recorded audio or video clips
     to help address their issues.
    Iinstant messaging apps, everyone is chasing WhatsApp.
    There is good reason why Facebook decided that WhatsApp
    was worth $19 billion. Today, WhatsApp CEO and founder
    Jan Koum sent out a tweet to remind us all why WhatsApp is so
    valuable: it now has 600 million active monthly users.

    The last time we heard from Koum was back in April, when
    WhatsApp hit the 500 million active users.

    Oppo N1 Mini

    Oppo N1 Mini smartphone with 5.00-inch 720x1280 display powered by
    1.6GHz processor alongside 2GB RAM and 13-megapixel rear camera.
    The N1 Mini also aces its larger sibling out with the added LTE support,
    which is unfortunately coupled with a smaller battery.Oppo N1 mini Android
    smartphone. Announced 2014, August. Features 3G, 5.0″ IPS LCD
     capacitive touchscreen, 13 MP camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth.
    The Oppo N1 Mini goes for a 720p display down from 1080p,
    a battery capacity of 2140mAh down from 3610mAh and
     quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU with 2GB of RAM.
    Oppo could be planning to launch a Mini version of its N1
     smartphone, complete with the same rotating camera module,
    which sees the rear camera. Oppo Find 5 Mini and Oppo Neo
     available for Rs. 19K and Rs. 12K; Oppo N1 unveiled comes
    with 5.9 inch screen and rotating camera.

    Manager post job Canara Bank

    Posts Details

  • Cricket : 10 posts (Male) (Batsman-4, Right/Left Arm
  •  Spinner -1, Wicket Keeper / All Rounder -1, Medium Pacers/ Seamers -4) 
  • Athletics : 04 posts (Male / Female)  (Sprinters)
  • Badminton : 04 posts (Male / Female)
  • Table Manager : 04 posts (Male / Female)
  • Age :  20-28 years for Single Window Operator Clerk,
    21-30 years for Officers as on 01/04/2014.

    Pay Scale : Rs.7200-19300 for Single Window Operator Clerk
     and Rs. 14500 - 25700

    How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be
     send on or before 08/09/2014 to The Deputy General Manager,
     Personnel Management Section, Human Resources Wing,
     Canara Bank, 112, J. C. Road, Bangalore - 580002 super scribing
     " Recruitment of Sportspersons".  

    View Details :