Earning with AdSense for Mobile

Earning with AdSense for Mobile

The AdSense way of doing things is pretty
 much the same across all ad formats
 visitor clicks ad, you get money.
 Mobile ads do have onewrinkle
that you haven’t seen in other types
of ads, though, and that’s the Click
to Call link. This link allows visitors
 to click the link and place a call to the
advertiser. It’s a cool feature, but one that
 might leave you wondering how
you’ll get paid for that.

Truth is that this link works just like any other link in an ad. You get paid for
mobile ads whenever your site visitors click the ad links. That includes the
Click to Call link. Like other types of AdSense ads, the amount of payment
is determined by the payments that advertisers make when their ads are
displayed. It’s a formula that Google keeps closely guarded, but it works the
same as AdSense for Content and other types of AdSense. Advertisers bid for
the right to have their ads shown. Then, each time the ad is shown, Google
gets paid whatever that winning bid amount is. In turn, Google then gives
a percentage of what it is paid to you, the Web site owner who publishes
the ad. But how much is the exact percentage? Google is pretty tight-lipped
about it.

You can track your AdSense for Mobile earnings on the Reports page, which
is the first page you encounter when you sign in to your AdSense account.
Included here is a category for AdSense for Mobile Content that shows page
impressions, clicks, click-through-rates, effective cost-per-thousand impressions,
 and earnings. Like other reports, you can show these numbers by day,
week, month, or all the time.

•  Creating a new blog and publishing posts
•  Designing a blog, changing its layout, and installing gadgets
•  Making money and driving traffic to your blog
•  Incorporating social networking tools and search engine optimization tips
•  Using a domain instead of the default “BlogSpot” address
•  Creating a gallery and knowing how and where to store images online
•  Using advanced blog design techniques HTML and CSS and customization
•  Developing an online store using Blogger pages
•  Finding additional help and troubleshooting the most common mistakes 

Mobile Web sites, and by extension mobile ads, aren’t for everyone. You may
not have a Web site that’s appropriate for (or is even of interest to) mobile
surfers. That’s a call you have to make.
If your site does lend itself to the mobile lifestyle, however, consider AdSense
for Mobile. It’s one way to monetize your mobile efforts — and although the
revenues that you generate for mobile ads might not be enough to pay the
mortgage or the payment on that shiny new car you rushed out and bought
when you were approved to display AdSense ads, it might add a little to the
revenue streams that you’re building. In my book, every little bit helps.

As the popularity of blogs grew, so did the popularity of another technology,
called a feedor RSS feed.Both of these terms refer to the same thing. Feeds
are content that is pushed out to registered users who have signed up to
receive them. The content that’s pushed out can be short teasers about blog
posts, news, or podcasts or it can be a complete blog post, news item, or

Adsense-Placing mobile ads to increase earnings

Adsense-Placing mobile ads to increase earnings

Placement is one problem that you’ll likely
encounter with mobile ads. The format of a
mobile Web site is already so small, so how do
you place ads that catch the attention of mobile
My suggestion is to place them near the top of
the page. For example, if you’re setting up your
mobile Web site so that a small logo appears
and then content and links for your page immediately
 display, ads appear between the logo
and the content.

This gets the ads right in front of the mobile
Web site users as quickly as possible to ensure
they don’t navigate away from the page before
your ads are seen.

Another alternative might be to put your ads
at the top of a list of links that appear on your

obile Web page. This integrates the ads into
the links, making them feel a little more natural
on the site. But again, they’re still above the links
so that users have the chance to actually see the
ads before they navigate away from the page.
Ultimately, the perfect placement of your ads
may take some trial-and-error. With any form
of AdSense, don’t take my word — or anyone
else’s for that matter — as gospel. Instead,
begin with my suggestions and test your ads
over a period of time to see where they earn
the most click-throughs for your site. Only thorough
 testing can you really determine what
works and what doesn’t on your specific pages.

AdSense-Social Media Marketing

AdSense-Social Media Marketing

Social marketing is a relatively new concept
 that’s based on a phenomenon that’s grown
 despite the fact that no marketing experts
saw it coming, and it’s all based on social
networks, such as those brought into being by
MySpace and Facebook.

The idea with social networks is that you
 have an online community where
you can connect and share with people
 who have the same interests that you
do. For some, that might be an interest in
 specific people or hobbies. For others,
the interest could surround employment
 or education.

What’s important is that a social network lets
you create a circle of like-minded friends and
acquaintances — also called a community.

For example, with MySpace, the concept is to
 build a home page where you and your friends
 can connect.

You can also connect with others who are potential friends because they can
view your MySpace page and learn about you and your interests.
If you’re marketing with social networking, create your network, and as you have
something to market, share it with that group of friends in your community.
They then share it with their friends, and before you know it, a network that’s
far beyond the group you could reach on your own knows what you’re doing.
Here’s the catch with social media marketing though: If you develop a social
network specifically to sell something to the people in that network, you’ll fall
right on your face. Really. Social networks are created by people who have
something to share with other people who think like them. If you barge into the
network with a sales pitch and nothing more, you’ll be completely ostracized.
To be truly effective, you have to actually participate in the communities that
you join. That means interacting with people and offering up something that
others can use most of the time without expecting anything in return.
If you really want to see how social media marketing works, check out some
of the organizations that have successful sites on MySpace or Facebook —
Christian bands like Three Days Grace, for example. To get to the point
where a social media marketing strategy is successful requires a lot of effort
and attention, but the results can be very much worth the time you put into
developing your place on the network

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    SEO best Technique-Site Submission and Ping

    SEO best Technique-Site Submission and Ping

    website will post to Twitter, Wordpress,
    Facebook and the list goes on.

    You want comments from various IP
    addresses that look like a conversation is taking place
    on your site. If you look at some Acne Cure
     and Weight Loss Blogs, this makes them look

    The easiest way to get various IP addresses
     is just to outsource the comments, however you
    can participate yourself. Next time you are at
     your library, Starbucks, McDonalds etc, login
    to the internet available and drop a comment on your site.
    Make sure you do not login to your actual site while
     at these other internet access points, when you get
     home you can approve the comments you have left.

    There is only so much you can do yourself when
     it comes to blog commenting. You can outsource
     the above blog commenting styles to your
    employees if you have any. If you do
    not have the time or the employees, these
     gigs will help you for sure.

    EDU/GOV Backlinks
    These links are very powerful, some people sell 1
     link alone for quite a bit and edu blogs can
    sell for $100 a piece.

    Here is how you are going to find edu/gov blogs and
     forums manually by searching Google:
    site:.edu inurl:blog "keyword"
    site:.edu inurl:forum "keyword"
    Now just replace edu with gov if you want to gov sites,
     and enter your KW between the quotes.

    Videos are easy to rank in Google, in fast they
     shoot up very fast through the rankings.
    Once a video has been made,  submit to the following directories:

    After you embed the video, make sure you include Core
    on page SEO before you publish the
    -Keyword density - around 3%+
    -h1 tag with keyword
    -h2 tag with keyword
    -h3 tag with keyword
    -italic keyword
    -bold keyword
    -underline keyword
    -keyword must be at least in the first and last paragraph sentences
    -ALT tag in image with keyword
    -Link out to Authority site
    -Link to another post on your site

    Submit Your Sitemap
    When new content is added, make sure submit your sitemap again in Google.
    An XML sitemap is created for search engines so they can find your web pages

    Yahoo Answers is a great place to get backlinks, especially if you get best answer. I
    purchased one fiverr gig with a Yahoo Best Answer and had a site zoom to page 1 over

    AdSense Basics-Potential of AdSense-Ad code blog post

    AdSense Basics-Potential of AdSense-Ad code blog post

    AdSense is an advertising program that
     anyone who publishes a Web site can
    use to generate income for  Web site.

     But there’s one small condition 
    Google must approve your site before
     ads are shown on your site.
    How to make money with google adsense.
    Google Adsense Learn how Adsense tips and get tips
     and strategies to  generating more money through Adsense.

    A longer explanation is that AdSense is
     an ad-placement program that utilizes
    Google’s proprietary search capabilities
     to determine the best placement for
    ads that are purchased through the
    Google AdWords program.

    AdSense is contextual advertising,or ads
     that appear in the context of surrounding
     content. What this means for you is that
     AdSense ads are related to the content
     of the pages on which those ads appear.

    The bottom line is that with AdSense,
     you can place ads on your Website that
    are targeted to the content of your site.

    while creating income is the most likely reason
     that publishers use AdSense, it’s not the only one.
     Some publishers use AdSense as a means of
    making their Web site more valuable to site visitors.

    Anyone who displays an AdSense ad is considered
    a publisher,whereas anyone who purchases
     the ads that are displayed through AdSense is an

    Unique visits:A visitor is considered uniquewhen she visits your Web
    site the first time during a given period of time. Depending on the
    metric— the measurement used to track visitors on your Web site
    that’s used, a visitor might be considered unique the first time he visits
    your site in a 24-hour period, the first time in a week, or the first time
    in an hour. For AdSense, the unique visits measurement is used to help
    determine the click-thru rate for ads.

    With those hypothetical numbers in place, you can
    use this equation to estimate how much you might
     make from your AdSense ads earn on a given day:

    unique visits x average CTR x average CPC = potential revenue
    1,000 x .02x$.25 = $5.00

    Using that equation and the hypothetical numbers,you could
    estimate that you’d make $5.00 per day, or $150.00 per month.

    In some rare cases, you may have heard of AdSense
    publishers making $20,000 or more each month.
     Those are rare cases, but it’s possible to build
    a decent revenue stream with AdSense if you
    manage the use of the ads carefully on sites that
    are very well designed.

    What is likely is that you might be able to make
    enough to cover your Web site hosting or even
     enough to cover your mortgage. AdSense definitely has
    the potential. How you manage the program combined
     with how well your site is designed and the amount
    of traffic that your site receives determine how
     much you make.

    If you’re going to use AdSense, you most definitely want to have some kind of
    Web site analytics program. A Web site analytics program tracks the number
    of visitors to your site and some of their behaviors while they’re on your site.
    You can use a program like AWStats or ClickTracks, but those programs are
    nowhere near as easy to use as Google Analytics.

    • Your Web site URL:Google will check the site to
     ensure it’s appropriate for ads to be displayed.
    • Your Web site language:To ensure that AdSense is available to your
    site visitors and that any ads placed are properly targeted to the
    main language of your site.
    • Type of account:Use this drop-down menu to select whether you’re
    creating a personal account or a business account. If the account
    is for you, it’s personal, and if you plan to use it as part of a business
     that you own, it’s a business account.
    • Country or territory:You do know where you live, don’t you?
    • The payee name: This is the name under which you want your
    payments issued. If you’re creating a personal account, it should
    be your personal name. If you’re creating a business account, it’s
    best to use the business name, but you can also use your personal
    name if you prefer.
    Payments are made electronically or by check, but you set that
    information up after you’ve created your AdSense account, so for
    now all you need to know is to whom and where payments should
    be sent.
    • Address and telephone number:Use the address where you would
    like to have your payments sent, and be sure to include a working
    telephone number in case the good people at AdSense need to
    contact you concerning payments.

    Instead, AdSense has a testing capability — the AdSense preview tool.It’s a
    small application you have to download and add to your computer’s registry,
    which allows you to see what the ads look like and how they behave without
    having to click your own ads.

    Download the preview tool from the
    AdSense Help Center at https://www.google.com/adsense/support/.
    In the Help Center, search for preview
    tool. You should be taken to a search
    results page where the top result is a
    link to the page from which you can download
    the preview tool. The directions
    on the page walk you through downloading and
     installing the preview tool.

    Site content
    Here’s where the program policies begin to get interesting. Okay, not really.
    There is rarely anything interesting about program policies. But a lot of meat
    is in this section of the program policies, and you should pay close attention
    to what’s here.
    Google’s requirements for site content are basic: no violent content, no adult
    content, nothing related to gambling, and nothing associated with any type of
    illegal activities. But that’s not all. Google also frowns on Web sites that are
    related to anything that could be construed as controversial.

    Google’s Webmaster Guidelines tell you everything you need to know about
    what the company expects from the design of a Web site. The document is
    pretty complicated, but it can be summed up in one word: simplicity.

    Consistency is also a very important factor in improving the traffic to your
    Web site. Every day you should be plugging away at your marketing efforts,
    in whatever form works best for your site. Web site marketing does require
    constant attention, however. Pushing for a short period of time to improve
    your traffic but then letting the efforts fall by the wayside does no good.

    Everyone seems to be seeking the key to more
     Web site content. In today’s information-driven
    society, great, dynamic content is the key. People
     are usually online because they’re looking for
     something — relationships, information,
    products, or services. Content is the way
     they find what they’re looking for.

    VoiceTab II-HP

    VoiceTab II-HP

    Less than a year after introducing the
    Slate 6 VoiceTab, HP released its successor:
     the Slate 6 VoiceTab II. The only differences
     that we can spot right now between the new
     tablet and the old model are related to the
    software version, and the rear camera.

    The Slate 6 VoiceTab II runs Android 4.4 KitK
    at out of the box instead of 4.2 Jelly Bean like
     the original tablet, and comes with an 8 MP
     rear camera instead of a 5 MP one.

     The rest of the features seem to have
     remained unchanged, including: 3G connectivity,
     a 6-inch IPS display with 720 x 1280 pixels,
     2 MP front-facing camera, a quad-core 1.2 GHz
     Marvell PXA1088 processor, 1 GB of RAM,
    16 GB of expandable storage space, and a
    3000 mAh Li-Po battery.
    The device obviously has voice-calling capabilities,
     and even offers support for two SIM cards.
     All Tech News

    Android One initiative-Google

    Android One initiative-Google

    All things considered, the Android One
     initiative that Google announced several
     months ago is a pretty attractive undertaking
     that's hard to be beaten, at least on the
     entry-level market. After all, what's not
     to like - stock, unaltered Android combined
     with a mind-bogglingly low price tag.
    Well, the limited availability of the
    Android One devices is one of the downsides,
     but after all, the initiative was intended for India.

    From now on, however, those from the UK
     who are on the market for an entry-level
     device might benefit from the Karbonn

    Web hosting in the cloud

    Web hosting in the cloud

    Cloud computing is all the rage these days
     and the hosting industry is no exception.
     The basic idea of cloud computing is that
    you join multiple computers together to
     provide faster, more reliable performance.

    In terms of web hosting, that translates to
    meaning that websites get delivered faster
    and don’t suffer from slowdowns.

    When one website receives a lot
    of traffic, the load is spread equally among
    multiple servers in the cloud.

    Imagine it as a grocery store where,
    if the lines at the checkouts get long,
    shelf-stackers and other staff from
    around the store are summoned to
    temporarily open additional checkouts
    until the rush is over.

    Cloud hosting has a couple of small
    drawbacks, but they affect only the most
    security-conscious users. Some users
     may be concerned about data security
    due to multiple websites floating around
     in the same cloud, and the potential
    exists for a hacker to break an entire
     cloud rather than one server, but for
    the majority of website owners, the
    advantages of the cloud far outweigh the

    Automating Functions with cron Jobs

    Automating Functions with cron Jobs

    Think of cronas being short for chronology,
    and it will help you see that it is for jobs that
    are performed automatically on a fixed time
     schedule by theserver’s internal clock.
     It’s like setting the timer to switch the heating on
    before you get up in the morning or setting your
     DVR to record the sameshow every week.

    The command for a cron job basically has two parts:
    ✓ The command that the server should run:This means giving it the full
    path to the file that you need to run and any switches that are needed to
    perform the function. The software you run on your website should provide the correct switches to include.
    ✓ The exact time and schedule on which the job should be executed:
    There is huge flexibility built into this system, meaning you can schedule
    the task to run exactly when you want on whatever schedule you want.
    cPanel provides an easy configuration screen for cron jobs. Here’s how to
    use it:
    1. Open cPanel and log in using the details your host gave you when you
    signed up.
    2. Scroll to the Advanced section and click Cron Jobs.
    3. If you want to be e-mailed every time any cron job runs, enter your
    e-mail address in the first box and click Update Email.
    4. Select the schedule on which you wish the command to run.
    There are some common settings to select from, or you can create your
    own schedule.
    You must fill every box when setting the schedule; otherwise the cron
    job creation will fail.
    5. Enter the command you want the server to run into the Command box.
    You must add the full server path to the file you want to run in the cron
    job. The server cannot guess which folder the file might be in!
    6. Click Add New Cron Job to create the job and add it to the cron.

    Site navigation for three reasons

    Site navigation-SEO is to be profitable

    Site navigation is crucial for three reasons
    all of them fundamental to
    • Usability- helping users find what they want.
    • Indexing- helping search engines find all your pages.
    • Link power- distributing it to all your pages.
    Only if a page is indexedby a search engine such as Google can it
    appear on that engine’s results pages.

    The least competitive of keywords, it is the most important factor in
    determining where a page appears on search engine results pages
    Link power is crucial and your pages can’t have enough of it (especially
    the most important pages on your site - let’s call them your ‘Superman
    Good usabilityis a must if you want to maximize response. So let’s say
    it’s a given that the usability team can do more or less what they want
    and SEO must then adapt to that (without messing it up).
    The first thing usability might ask for is a search box. That would work
    for your site’s visitors, but is no use for SEO, as search engines (they are
    simple things) can’t ‘search’ with search boxes. Search engines need

    Perhaps you’ve now planned your site’s structure consisting of a home
    page, maybe five to ten category pages with five content pages each.
    Or you might need only five pages in total on your site. Or already have a
    site with thousands of content pages (perhaps articles or products) and
    hundreds of category pages.
    Of course this will depend on your particular circumstances.
    But however large or small your site, you are going to need to create
    content and optimize it.

    You’ll want a content management system (CMS) to create and manage
    pages yourself without the need for expensive and busy developers.
    You’ll need flagship content that can be used to promote your site, build
    your brand and get links from other sites.
    You’ll also need lots of long tail content to target the long tail keywords
    in your target niches.
    Long tail content must still be interesting and good enough for users to
    want to stay on your site and return.

    Building a Marketing-Effective Web Site

    Building a Marketing-Effective Web Site

    presentation of information affects emotional
     response and thus influencesbuying decisions.
     Designers ask about your target audiences to be sure to
    select or create appropriate design elements.

    While essential for any type of sales collateral or
     packaging, marketing communications is particularly
     critical because of the short window for grabbing
    attention on the Web. Experienced Web designers
     intuitively adjust the font style, graphic style, colors,
     images, and white space to have a positive impact
    on your marketing process while reinforcing your brand.

    How quickly can you identify the different
     demographics of the audiences for
    these sites? Gender is obvious. What about
     economic status? Can you identify any
     similarities between these sites?

    Put your company logo on your Web site,
     just as you would on any other
    advertising or packaging; it’s an essential
     part of your brand. If you don’t
    have a logo, this is a good time to get one.
     Ask your graphic artist to design
    one for you, make one at sites like
     LogoMaker.com, or search for free logosto
    find the names of companies that sell logo
    software or inexpensive, pre-made

    Contentrefers to everything you provide for the
     Web site, from written copy to photographs,
     from product information for a database to a calendar of

    People don’t read online; they scan to save time. That makes sense because it
    takes 25 percent longer to read the same material onscreen than it does to
    read it on paper. Because of the limitations of time and screen space, you
    need to adapt your writing style for the Web. Try to follow these precepts:
    Use the inverted pyramid.Use the journalistic convention of the
    inverted pyramid, with the most important information at the beginning
    of each page. Readers might never reach the end of the first paragraph,
    let alone the end of the page.

    Grab readers with headlines. Good headlines grab readers by the
    lapels. Subheads help break up the text on a page, making it easier to
    read. If you use a different font size, style, or color for your headings and
    if your headlines or subheads include a search term, you might receive
    extra points in search engine rankings.

    Write strong leads. The first sentence on the page is called the lead.
    Hook readers with benefits, telling them what they’ll find on your site,
    store, or page. It improves search engine ranking to include three to four
    search terms in the first paragraph.

    Stay above the fold.Keep the most important information above the
    fold— that is, keep it above the part of the page that users have to scroll
    to see. Depending on the audience, perhaps fewer than 50 percent of your
    visitors will scroll below the fold.

    Avoid long, scrolling pages.Many short pages of 150 to 200 words are
    preferable to a few long pages. If long text is unavoidable, consider creating HTML files that users can download and print out easily.

    Alternatively, use the Frequently Asked Question FAQ format. At the
    top of a page, create a list of links to anchor paragraphs text, often
    below the fold, that viewers access from links at the top of the same
    page, without scrolling.

    Limit use of PDF files.While designers like PDF files because PDFs preserve designs, this file format isn’t great for users. Generally, restrict PDF
    files to distributing long documents intended for print, not for reading
    Need to do some seo tips for website

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    Hollywood Film Awards

    “This was a great opportunity for a studio and its talent,
     especially now that the show is on CBS regardless
     of the ratings – 4.1 million – essentially, a free ad for
     a movie that is about to be released.

    The telecast itself told viewers right at the beginning
     that they would be getting a look at “the highly
    anticipated movies you are going to want to see

    ” and that it would serve as “a guide to films that are
    going to be coming to theaters” according to the
     Hollywood Reporter.THR.COM “For movies that
     have not yet been seen by the vast majority of
     moviegoers – i.e. Unbroken,Still Alice, Foxcatcher,
    The Imitation Game, etc. – the motivations and benefits
     of a HFA appearance are even clearer.”
    THR.COM Winners: Hollywood Film Awards 2014
     “I think that the holier-than-thou crowd could use a
    reality check: Even the Oscars, that oldest and most
    revered of awards season institutions, was created as a
     promotional vehicle for the movies made by the studios whose leaders founded the Academy

    free seo tools-practice good SEO themselves

    free seo tools

    There are a myriad of free SEO tools available, 
    and even many sites that list these free tools the compendium
     sites are generally supported by advertising, and
     must therefore practice good SEO themselves to be successful.

    Some good sites that list and provide links
     to free SEO analysis tools
    Some of the most useful and free single-purpose SEO tools are:
    These tools can definitely be time savers, particularly
     if you have a large amount of content you need to optimize. 
    The price is certainly right.

    Individual tools also can serve as a reality check: by running
     your pages through one of these tools you can get a pretty
     good feeling for how well you have optimized a page.
     However, you should bear in mind that there is nothing 
    that one of these tools can do for you that cannot also 
    be done by hand given the knowledge you have
     learned from this article.

    Individually, SEO analysis tools available on the 
    Web can help you with your SEO tasks. However,
     to get the most from these tools you need to
     understand underlying SEO concepts, as explained
     in this article, before you use these tools.
    Over time, as you progress with SEO, you will 
    probably accumulate your own favorite SEO analysis toolkit.

    Online creating graphics tools-offer images and image conversions

    Web tools-offer images and image conversions

    Great! But how do
    you create them and get them in the right
     format GIF or JPEG? Fortunately,
    creating the graphics you want, or
    finding some to use, is pretty easy.
    The easiest way to obtain graphics is to
     get access to a clip art collection.
    Computer stores sell many inexpensive collections
     of business and recreational graphics on
    CD-ROM. You can also access a number of royalty-free
    graphics and icon collections online.

    If you’re doing a business or professionally
     focused Web page, it’s important
    that it have a clean, professional look.
     To get this kind of look, you have to
    use attractive graphics and lay out your page

    You can spend endless hours looking for art
     online. In fact, just this search alone may make
     you glad to be creating a Web page. You may not get a lot
    done for a few hours while you’re looking, but you’ll see a lot of neat stuff!
    To get you started, here’s a listing of sites we find especially cool:
    For a large number of different kinds of resources, go to the main
    WebReference site at www.webreference.com.

    For images, go directly to the images area at www.webreference.com/

    For backgrounds, visit www.webreference.com/authoring/

    For photographs, try a site with preexisting stock photos — www.
    imagestate.comis one we can recommend. Another choice, popular
    with professionals, is www.gettyimages.com.

    You can find many more sites that offer images and image conversions.
    Start with the sites that we mention and expand your search until you
    find what you need.

    Using the Image Search feature on the AltaVista search engine is one of the best
    ways to look for suitable graphics. Be careful, though: Most of the graphics you
    find are copyrighted; for your Web site, you should only use images that are
    explicitly made freely available. Visit AltaVista at www.altavista.com.
    Google also has an image search feature; check it out at www.google.com.

    Junior Accounts Officer job post at BSNL


    Recruitment of  962 Junior Accounts Officers JAO

    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.- BSNL will recruit about 962
     Junior Accounts Officers  JAO  through an open competitive
     examination to be held  on 22/02/2015 on All India basis.

    • Junior Accounts Officers (JAOs) : 962 posts (UR-389, SC-195, ST-118, OBC-260) (PWD - 44), Pay Scale : Rs.16400-40500 (IDA Pattern), Age : 20-30 years. Relaxation as per rules., Qualification : Applicants must possess any one of the following qualifications as on 31/12/2014 - (i)A qualified Chartered Accountant; or (ii) A qualified Company Secretary; or (iii)A qualified Cost & Works Accountant; or (iv) M.Com (Master of Commerce).
    Selection Procedure : The mode of selection is through an All India Competitive Examination

    Application Fee : Rs.1000/- to be paid online. No Fee payable by SC/ ST/ PH candidates.

    How to Apply :  Apply Online from 01/12/2014 to 31/12/2014 only at BSNL website only.

    View Details http://externalexam.bsnl.co.in

    Ubuntu and Meizu-Ubuntu powered Meizu

    Ubuntu and Meizu-Ubuntu powered Meizu

    The agreement sets joint goals to build and
    promote a new version of the Meizu's Flyme OS,
     which is based on Ubuntu touch software and
     an application ecosystem to go along with it. Few
     specifics were provided, but Meizu expects the
     first MX phones with the new OS to hit consumer
     markets in both China and Europe in Q1 2015.

    Although it is still unclear which models will be getting
     the overhaul, it is safe to assume that the company's
     flagship MX 4 will be among them. At the MWC
     2014 the two companies presented a prototype of
     the new device line based on the MX3 hardware.

    Unfortunately, after this announcement fans were
     left clueless as to whether their excitement was
     justified or not. Ubuntu touch has long been in the
     works, but has not had any real implementations
    up to date. The platform itself is quite an interesting
     brain child of Canonical Ltd.

    The main idea behind it is a uniform kernel and set
    of base technologies that form a cross device
     application platform. What this implies is a high level
     of uniformity and compatibility, allowing you to use
     pretty much the same set of applications, both on mobile
     and desktop devices.

    To further add to the excitement,
     Ubuntu touch also promises a full desktop experience
    and perhaps even in the future a full desktop Ubuntu session
     running straight from the phone or tablet once hooked to
    a bigger screen. Since Meizu is also working closely with
     AliBaba and using their cloud services it also seems
    logical that any possible future models, powered by Ubuntu
    Touch will retain the Flyme OS functionality, look and
    feel and the two might be blended in a unique user UI experience.

    TouchWiz gets flamed a lot

    TouchWiz gets flamed

    TouchWiz gets flamed a lot for its looks, but what
     if Samsung enabled themes? Sony has them,
     CyanogenMod has them, many Android
    customizations do - they offer the ability to quickly
     change the look of the device and often goes
    beyond just changing the wallpaper and icons.

    A new theme option in TouchWiz A Themes setting
    screen is visible in photos of a Galaxy S5 running a
     leaked Android 5.0 Lollipop version. It's not clear
     how extensive the customizations via the Themes
     will be or which devices will get the new functionality
     - presumably the current and last year's Galaxy S and
     Galaxy Note, the Galaxy Alphas too.

    Another change is that the S Finder button has
    been moved to the upper left corner and the Quick
     Connect button is gone. This will save some space in the notification area.

    Amazon to offer free video-streaming service

    Amazon to offer free video-streaming service

    That whooshing sound that Netflix is hearing today,
     is the sound of its customers preparing to head for
     the exits. According to a report published on Friday,
     early next year Amazon will launch a free streaming
     video service, supported by ads. The plan calls for
    Amazon to spin the service off from Prime, its $99
    a year premium membership club that offers access
     to its Instant Video service.

    One theory is that Amazon wants a larger audience
     that it might be able to up-sell to the $99 Prime
     membership. And in the worse-case scenario,
     Amazon increases its share of the streaming video market
    Amazon denies planning free video streaming service By Chris
     Welch; ... the Journal claims Amazon may offer free music video
     streams to its online shoppers.

    The Kings have plenty reason to celebrate

    The Kings have plenty reason to celebrate

    The Kings have plenty reason to celebrate their
     last season in Arco Arena. They have celebrated
     the first of six Legends Nights honoring former
     players that made an impact on the team. Last night,
     Sacramento welcomed back TNT Analyst Chris
     Webber and former point guard Mike Bibby.
     Together they reminisced about their time in a
    Kings uniform where they played in front of a sellout
    crowd every night despite not winning a NBA Championship.

    But no worries because the new and improved
     team put on a show tonight against a Chicago Bulls
     team without both starters, Derrick Rose and Pau Gasol.
    Sacramento handed the Bulls their first loss on the road
    this season snapping a six-game winning streak on the road.
     The Kings 103-88 win improved them to 7-5 their best
     start since the 2006-07 season. In a rare nationally televised game, Sacramento did not disappoint.

    "I don't care if we're on TNT or the Home Shopping Network," said head coach Michael Malone. "We needed to get back to playing Kings basketball, which is defending, sharing the ball, and valuing the ball. We did a great job of that tonight."

    Sacramento outscored Chicago 22-7 in the final eight minutes. DeMarcus Cousins had 22 points and 14 rebounds despite having five fouls. Rudy Gay added 20 points and Darren Collison finished with 17 points and a season-high 12 assists. The Kings went on a 11-1 run in the third when Joaquin Noah threw a tantrum toward the bench after being called for a foul after battling for a rebound along with Cousins.

    "I think that was a big part of the swing, and you try to manage that as best as you can," head coach Tom Thibodeau said regarding foul trouble. "So, we're going to have to correct that."

    "I think frustration is part of the game," said Noah. "You just got to be able to control your emotions the best way possible. I'm an emotional player but I want to win the game so I just have to be smarter, learn from my mistakes, and keep it moving."

    The legends of the future are making a name for themselves early with sharing the ball. Credit Collison for recording his second straight double-double and getting the offense involved early. He had 23 assists and only one turnover in his past two games. Collision also recorded six rebounds, one steal and one block.



    At a minimum, users should see a thumbnail
    of the product. This does not have to be elaborate.
     To avoid forcing users to squint, make sure that
     the image is at least 150 pixels wide.

    Providing a larger image when the thumbnail is
     clicked is almost always a good idea. This
    higher-resolution version should appear in a
     new browser window, not because this
    constitutes better usability which it really doesn’t,
     but because people expect and accept this
    functionality that has been perpetuated by
    thousands of websites. This window can be
    loaded several different ways:

    1.The simplest method involves adding the targetattribute to the anchor tag, such as
    <a href="/images/tractor-engine_large.jpg" title="View a higher resolution
    photo" target="_blank"><img src="/images/tractor-engine_thumbnail.jpg
    alt="tractor engine" /></a>. This technique avoids JavaScript, which might be

    disabled; the disadvantage is that the targetattribute is deprecated in XHTML 1.0
    and beyond, and if included, will prevent the page’s markup from passing the W3C

    2.To open a new window while keeping the page valid, many developers use
    JavaScript. A basic version would look like this: <a href="/images/tractor-engine_
    large.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;"><img
    src="/images/tractor-engine_thumbnail.jpg" alt="tractor engine" /></a>.

    3.The previous JavaScript examples only load the images in a new window, but the
    language also has the power to dictate the design of the browser window, such as
    the width and height, whether the navigation items are visible, and whether the
    window is resizable. Building off the previous example, a simple version might look
    like  <a href="/images/tractor-engine_large.jpg" onclick="window.open
    (this.href, 'popupwindow', 'width=300,height=400,scrollbars,resizable');
    return false;" ><img src="/images/tractor-engine_thumbnail.jpg
    alt="tractor engine" /></a>.

    4.There are also many external scripts that handle this functionality as well. Roger
    Johansson, author of the web design site 456 Berea Street, wrote a simple script
    that loads any link with a rel="external"attribute in a new window, relegating the
    behavior to an external file.
    Lightbox, another good option covered later, is a
    piece of JavaScript that loads images into a <div>that overlaps the main page. Both
    ofthese prevent the JavaScript from being embedded in the HTML, so the page size
    is kept small and the HTML remains semantically strong.
    Generally, opening links in new windows is regarded as bad usability and accessibility practice, but in this case, users expect a thumbnail to open a new window with a larger image.
    The one and only concrete rule about this entire discussion is to nevermake a thumbnail
    link to an image that is not bigger. If a higher-resolution version with increased detail is
    unavailable, do not link the thumbnail.

    How to make a website with traffic

    How to make a website with traffic

    1. Keep it Simple - Make sure the design is simple,
    clear and pleasing to the eyes. Don't overcrowd
    2. Multiple Pages - If possible, divide the website into
    several pages and access them through separate
    items links on a menu or navigation bar.Free website templates download
    3. Be consistent - Have same menu or some extensionof
     it on all pages so that viewers know where they are at
     all times. Home is a must on every page.
    Visitors should be able to easily look
    around your website.

    If visitors are frustrated andcan't find what they are
     looking for, they are likely to leave quickly and
     never come back or recommend yourwebsite to
     others.The menu can be located at
    the top, left or right side of the page.

    4. Keep Content Fresh - Static content is dead content;
    Write new articles, update old ones.
    New orupdated content is a great way to keep visitors coming back. Search engines also rank websites with
    fresh content higher. Keeping an active blog is a great way to keep your website new and fresh.
    5. Use Descriptive File Names - Use descriptive keywords as names for the files (e.g., pictures, videos)
    on your site. This will help your site appear more with search engines - especially through Google
    Image Search.
    6. Create Links - Getting links to your website from other websites will help generate more traffic and
    improve your placement in search engines. Find other websites on your same topic and put a link to
    them on your site -- maybe in a new "Favorite Links" page. Then ask those websites to link back to you
    by signing their guestbook.
    7. Tag your Site - Adding tags can increase the number of times your website shows up in search
    results. To pick the right keywords, try putting yourself in the shoes of your visitors and think what
    they would search for if they wanted to find your site.
    8. JavaScript - If you are using JavaScript code, it can certainly help you spice up your web site.
    However, there are many scripts that your visitors may find irritating. Try to avoid scripts such as
    mouse trailers, mouseover sounds, mouseover pop up windows and mouseover redirects.
    9. Help Visitors Contact You - Make it simple for visitors to reach you if they want. Include a
    guestbook or blog where they can post questions. Add a "contact us" form where they can submit
    questions to you via email.

    Huawei Ascend Mate 2-jump from Jelly Bean straight

    The Huawei Ascend Mate 2 has been sold by
     Huawei in theUS in unlocked form since June.
     A while ago, the Chinesecompany announced
     that the phablet would not be updated to future
     Android versions, which created a backlash in the
    online community.

     Now it seems that Huawei took the negative feedback it received
     into account, and has changed its mind, making it official that the
     Ascend Mate 2 will get to taste Lollipop.
    However, if you own
     one of these, there's still a very long wait ahead.

    The Chinese company has given us the vaguest of time frames
     - it expects to have the Lollipop update ready "in the first half of next year".
    That could mean June 30. Interestingly, the Ascend Mate 2
    currently runs Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, and Huawei has no plans
     to update it to Android 4.4 KitKat in the meantime.

    Job opening RailTel Corporation of India Limited

    Job opening RailTel Corporation of India Limited

    RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, a Mini Ratna PSU of the Ministry of Railways, invites applications for the following posts on direct recruitment basis:

    • Stenographer Gr.I  : 08 posts (UR-5, OBC-2, SC-1, ST-1), Pay Scale: Rs. 9120 - 3% - 21500, Age : 21-28 years

    Application Fee :  Rs. 300/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PwD) through bank draft drawn in favour of RailTel Corporation of India Limited payable at New Delhi. Applicant should write his name and vacancy notice number on the back side of demand draft.

    How to Apply : The application in the prescribed format, complete in all respects, along with self attested photograph, appropriate demand draft and self - attested photocopies of the relevant documents should be sent by ordinary post to Sr. Manager (P&A), RailTel Corporation of India, Building no. 143, Sector-44, Gurgaon - 122003 (Haryana) so as to reach on or before 15/12/2014 18:00 hrs..

    View Details:http://railtelindia.com/images/stories/PA%20ADVT%20WEBSITE%20FINAL%20-1-.pdf

    Job at National Mineral Development Corporation Limited

    Job at National Mineral Development Corporation Limited

    NMDC is setting up an Integrated Steel Plant at Nagarnar near
     Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh State. NMDC is now looking for suitable
     persons for the following posts to be deployed in its plants and units

    • Executive Director (Finance) : 01 post
    • Executive Director (Material Management) : 01 post
    • General Manager (Finance) : 01 post 
    • General Manager (Commercial) : 01 post 
    • General Manager (CSR) : 01 post 
    • General Manager (Corporate Planning) : 01 post 

    How to Apply : Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with copies of certificates to Deputy General Manager (Personnel) - (R&P), NMDC Ltd., 10-3-311/A, Khanij Bhavan, Castle Hills, Masab Tank, Hyderabad - 500028 on or before 18/12/2014

    View Details : http://www.nmdc.co.in/Careers/Default.aspx

    get traffic to your landing pages

    get traffic to your landing pages

    getting traffic online is very easy to do. The most important part
     about being successful online is getting your website noticed.
    You should be spending most of your days promoting your site over
    anything else in order to make money off of it.

    I was once clueless about how to even create traffic online let alone
     even knowing what traffic meant.
    Well, it has been about a year since I have been inthis online
     marketing business and has reallybecome my second nature.
    Here I would like to share with you the simplest ways in which you can drive traffic to your site
    immediately. Just remember the more things that youdo on the list below the better results you will
    have with the traffic to your website. Hopefully after you are done reading threw this article you can
    get busy on the promotion of your website.
    Here are the few best ways to get traffic to your landing pages:
    - Forum Participation
    Article Marketing
    Social Bookmarking
    Press Releases
    Classified Ads
    Viral Marketing
    All of these forms of traffic combined can explode your sites traffic
     within days. When choosing theproper sites in which you want to
    work with to create your traffic, make sure you choose the ones that
    are highly ranked within Google.
    That way you can easily get first page results for your website.
    I am afirm believer of article marketing myself. You don't necessarily have
     to use that form of traffic if you don’t want to but it will help
     you out in thelong run for creating many back links to your site.

    Just always remember that consistency is always to best attitude to have when you have your own
    business online. You have to stay devoted and on task when you are promoting your sites. Promotion is
    the most important part about making money online. You can have the nicest website in the world but
    it will never see the time of day if you never get the word out there that you are in business.
    If you feel like you don̢۪t really have a startingpoint or you̢۪re not to sure on how to do the
    above traffic generation techniques or if you wouldlike a guide on how to master in Internet Marketing
    feel free to check out more of my articles. Good luck to you with starting to drive traffic to your

    set to hire an outside SEO vendor

    Writers and editors are the wordsmiths who
    craft the all-important text that your siteaudience, and the
     search engines, will see. Since SEO is so focused on text,
    you aregoing to need some writers in your corner.
     Writers and editors can help with these important
    SEO tasks: keyword brainstorming, writing or rewriting
     content  with keywords and linkability in mind, writing or
    reviewing ad content,and establishing a process for SEO review of new content.

    Writers are a natural choice as SEO coconspirators.
    Unfortunately, SEO is oftenperceived among writers as
     something that will force them to alter, or maybe even degrade,
     their creative content. If you’ve ever seen a page
     of text that was written primarily for the benefit of search engines.

    How can you
    know exactly what Your SEO Plan will cost and what it will accomplish until you have
    spent some time researching those very questions? Executives aren’t big fans of laying
    out cash for an unknown outcome. So we recommend that you start the process by
    seeking approval for an initial, investigatory month. That’s roughly 20 hours of labor
    at 1 hour per day, and it’s all laid out for you in the next chapter. You’ll spend your
    Prep Month figuring out what kind of performance your SEO campaign can expect
    and be able to come back to the executives with a much more complete plan on hand.

    Your initial request will be introductory. Prepare it with the following information on hand:
    • A general introduction to SEO: what it is and how it is being used in the marketing
    mix by many companies today. For starters, try the “Why SEO?” numbers
    from the introduction to this book.
    • Your Goals Worksheet from Chapter 1.
    • Some telling screen shots showing your competition outranking you, your brand
    looking awful onscreen, or any other SEO faux pas you can find.
    • A detailed timeline for the Prep Month

    Be prepared for plenty of questions from around the table: How much will this
    really cost us? How long do we have to do it? Do we have the right staff in-house?
    SEO is such a cost-effective marketing technique that it should be an easy sell.
    But change is never easy. Does budgeting your SEO campaign mean that Ellen will
    have to take Tim’s Yellow Pages budget away? Will an hour a day of SEO mean
     someone is an hour late for dinner each night? No matter how persuasive your numbers and
    worksheets are, your plan will need to address the realities of day-to-day operations.

    As SEO team leader, you may have to step slightly outside of your comfort zone in order to be as
    effective as you can be.You will have to keep yourself organized, which entails documenting
    results, questions, and communications as you go. And like any team leader, you will sometimes
    need to repeat yourself politely until you get that requested task completed or that important
    concept understood. If it helps to take some of the pressure off, you as SEO project leader can
    comfortably adopt a friendly, easy-going approach. Since SEO isn’t normally a deadline-driven

    SEO- build some web pages

    Now you have some new keyword niches to target, you are ready to build
    some web pages.
    Here are some guidelines to consider when creating new pages:
    • Each target keyword niche needs its own page. Each page is then
    optimized for its keyword niche.
    • Don’t target the same keyword on different pages.
    Your pages need to be organized into groups (called categories).
    That organization is your site structure.
    Your site’s navigationis the menus and links that users and search
    engines use to move from one page to another on your site.
    Crucially, those links allow link power to be distributed around your site
    from the pages that receive the most inbound links

    SEOs always groan and roll their eyes when they hear that SEO has not
    been considered until after a site’s content has been planned.
    You should use your keyword research to plan your site’s structure and
    its content.

    • Content pages that might contain articles, blog posts, products, videos,
    and pictures.
    Below is a diagram showing that structure for a simplified site with just
    three categories and three pages in each category.

    For new sites, each of
    your target markets is
    a category (we say it is
    mapped to a category)
    with a category page.
    Chosen target keyword
    niches within each target
    market will be mapped to
    • Content pages, or
    • Further category
    pages (effectively subcategories)
    This means that a content
    page or category page
    will be optimized for each
    target keyword niche.
    Which type of page (content or category) will depend on a keyword
    niche’s size, its importance to your site and the level of resources you
    have to develop new pages.
    To illustrate this we will keep things simple using a home page and a
    small number of category and content pages.

    How to make Web filenames

    How to make Web filenames

    When you tell a Windows program and hosting to save
    your file as a text document, it saves just the
    actual text characters that you see onscreen, without any formatting commands.
    The Windows program also assigns the suffix
    .txtto the file, unless you tell it otherwise and web database .

    The filename’s suffix, which is usually
    hidden from you by Windows, helps
    Windows figure out what kinds of programs
    the file “belongs” to. When you name your
    file with the suffix .htm, it overrides the
    .txtsuffix that Windows would otherwise
    assign to a file that’s saved as text.

    When your file ends in .htm, Windows recognizes it as an HTML file. This extension
    allows you to easily open the file from a Web
    browser program such as Internet Explorer.
    By doing this, you can preview your file as
    you work on it — and, more importantly,
    other people can open your file as a Web
    page when you put it on a Web server.
    You may also see some Web pages with filenames ending in .html; this suffix works
    on most Web servers. However, you should
    not end the filenames of your Web pages
    with .html.

    Not putting spaces in your Web filenames
    and using only lowercase letters in the filenames is also important. Why? Because
    your Web page may be published on a UNIX
    server, or on a server that runs an old version
    of Windows. Different servers have different
    filename rules. Only a filename with a main
    part of eight characters or less, with .htm
    as its suffix, and with no uppercase characters, spaces, or other special characters is
    sure to stay intact and accessible when you
    publish your Web page onto a Web server.

    You should also keep your folder names all lowercase, for the same reasons. If your folder name
    changes when you transfer your Web page to a
    server for publication, links to the Web pages
    and graphics files in the folder can be broken.
    Nothing is more frustrating — or embarrassing,
    especially if you’re creating a Web page for a
    company or other organization — than having
    your hyperlinks break when you move your Web
    site from your own machine to a Web server.

    How Other Sites Are Linking to Yours

    search engines need human help in their Eternal Quest for that
    perfect ranking algorithm. They look for links to your website, not only to follow
    those links and find your site, but also to determine more information about your site.
    Does someone else link to your website using the words Click Here to Find Very Fancy
    Foxhounds? That’s giving the search engine a clue that your website just might have
    something to do with foxhounds. And the search engine may go even further, looking
    at other words surrounding the link for more clues. If the linking page also contains
    the words fleas, fur, and Finding a Breeder, it’s reinforcing the notion that your website
    will be a good destination for that foxhound-seeking searcher.

    While your ranks are the easiest aspect of SEO to grasp, don’t let them be the only thing
    you care about. We don’t mean to be dismissive of people who really, truly live and die
    by their Google rank. We know that there are industries that are so cutthroat and
    specialized that this is the only thing that matters.

    Competitor ActivityMany times, SEO success is achieved not by brilliant optimization,
    but rather as a result of the laziness of a site’s competitors. If yours is the only site in your
    niche giving SEO any effort, you’re going to come out on top. But you never know when
    the other guys are going to get their act together and start a successful SEO campaign.

    All of the rank-busters we just listed underscore the need to fill out your SEO campaign
    to tide you over with targeted traffic should your high ranks desert you.
    As the investment bankers will tell you: Diversify, diversify, diversify.
    These aspects of the SEO campaign that  will help you weather ranking fluctuations.

    The search engines are aware of the many sneaky ways that site owners try to achieve
    undeserved ranks in SEO lingo, these underhanded activities are called spamming. If
    they discover that your site is spamming, even if you’re not doing it on purpose, your
    site may be penalized: Your rank may be downgraded, or your page

    iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus units

    iPhones sold are the smaller iPhone 6

    it's been selling a lot of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus units,
     Apple doesn't like to break down the numbers by model.
    So effectively we have no way of telling how many of those millions
     of units moved are iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus.

     Not an official way, at least, because now Consumer Intelligence
     Research Partners has produced a report which attempts to estimate
     just that - what percentage of iPhones sold are the smaller iPhone 6,
    and the bigger 6 Plus. And it turns out that, at least in the US, the 4.7
     handset is winning in terms of sales. For the first 30 days of availability
     of the two new devices, the iPhone 6 accounted for 68% of all iPhone sales,
      while the iPhone 6 Plus had to make do with a share of just 23 to 24%.

     Together, the new iPhones made up around 91% of all iPhone sales
     in that month, with the additional 9% represented by the older iPhone 5S
     and iPhone 5C.
    Last year, those two - which were then the new kids on
    the block - represented 84% of total iPhone sales after their first month of
    availability. So it looks like people are more interested in the iPhone 6
    models than they were in the 5S and 5C in 2013, which makes sense
     considering how they're both bigger than all of their predecessors.

    quickly seo for your pages-website

    On-page SEO includes

    Heading Tags
    Bold headings, which are called H1, H2, and H3 tags, appear directly
     above paragraphs on a web page to describe what the paragraph is
    about. These tags are important to both search engines and website visitors
    for exactly the same reason. People hardly ever read every word of a
     web page. So when your pages have heading tags, visitors are able to
     quickly scan your pages and easily tell what they are about.

    Anchor Text Links
    These are links within your content based on a single key phrase that links
     directly to another page on your site that is also about that specific
    keyword or phrase.

    Alt Tags
    An alt tag is the text you see when you mouse-over a photo or graphic
    on a website. Alt tags are best when they contain a key phrase that
     describes in words what the picture is about.

    Google Analytics
    We generate and send Google Analytics reports to you by email that
     tell you exactly what keywords your visitors searched for and even
     which search engine they used to find your site.

    Html Sitemap
    We generate and add two sitemaps to your website. The first, called
    an html sitemap, appears as a web page on your site. The html sitemap
     is helpful to both visitors and search engines when navigating through your

    XML Sitemap
    The second is called an xml sitemap and it is a file that lists URLs for a site
     along with additional metadata about each URL when it was last updated,
     how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to
    other URLs in the site so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.

    Website Redesign
    Directory One will redesign and rebuild your current website to include
    proper html coding, cross browser compatibility, CSS architecture,
     search engine friendly navigation and image optimization.

    CSS Architecture
    The way your site looks, for example font styles, colors and sizes will
     be separated from your content. By creating what are called
    include files; CSS enables much greater efficiency should website
     changes be required in the future. In other words, when we change
     something once, it will automatically change everywhere.

    Site Structure
    The file names that appear in the address field of your web browser
    will contain your primary key phrase for that page separated by dashes.

    Keyword Research
    This process is based on your input and will be combined with Directory One’s
    proprietary keyword research tools, which will identify the best possible key
    phrases for optimizing your website.

    Metatags include a title tag that contains the primary key phrase, which best
    describes what the page is about, and is what you want to rank for. The title
    tag appears in the blue strip at the top of your browser, so both your visitors
    and the search engines are able to see it.

    The next important Metatag is called the description, an eight to ten word
    sentence or phrase that describes what the page is about.
    The third Metatag is the keyword tag that contains up to six key phrases in
    order of priority which best describes what the page is about. These key
    phrases are also the business terms you want to rank for.
    Directory one will create unique metatags that contain the best possible key .

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    This SEO optimization process is often viewed as a struggle to rank well for just a few keywords, instead of a struggle to satisfy the needs of those entering the query That is not really the goal - you should satisfy the user by being an expert and giving them valuable competent information. Designed for do-it-yourself novice users or anyone with a need to learn SEO optimization with little or no HTML experience, this tutorial discuss how to optimize your Web pages without utilizing spamming techniques. Not only is it a copyright violation, but it will result in duplicate content and will cause SEO optimization difficulties. Advanced topic: How to Solve Web Server Technical Issues To help with your SEO optimization projects, it is critical that technical barriers to ranking be removed.