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easy SEO techniques

There are 5 key points
1)  Strong Anchor Text Distribution Is A Must
2)  Utilize Authorship Markup
3)  Backlink Variation is Uber important.
4)  Social Signals Are Vital
5)  On-Site Optimization + Content Content Content

Re-iterate that the SEO game really hasn’t changed all that much
 at its core, but it has changed in exactly how you implement the
 core principals. You will find that having an SEO plan in place before
 going all crazy and getting random backlinks from all over the place will be a lot
 more effective and save you a ton of time and heart-ache.

Seo worked really well for a long time! However, Google appears to have finally
caught on and has begun taking into account when websites have an abnormal number
of identical anchor texts pointing to a site. Or in terms we are talking about, sites with
very little text distribution in the links pointing to them.

So how can we effectively rank websites for specific keywords now if we can’t make all
of our anchor text keywords the same? The first thing is we can use the idea of Latent
Semantic Indexing  when choosing anchor text.

Backlink Variation is Uber Important – Earlier we talked about Anchor Text Distribution.
Backlink variation is a very similar concept so I won’t spend a ton of time talking about it.
The idea of backlink variation is that you want to get backlinks from a wide variety of
sources. Not just different websites, but different types of websites. Sure, you can get
100s of backlinks from 100s of different article directories, but they are all still coming
from one type of source… article directories.

Social Signals Are Vital – Social signals have been a pretty important thing in Google’s
eyes for a little while now, but they are only becoming more and more important. While
the importance of massive irrelevant backlinks has gone down, the importance of social
signals has gone up.

On-site optimization has gotten
more and more important recently and content has been and always will be important.
You might say that content is the life blood of the internet.

It is very important that your linking structure makes sense and that you do not have
any broken links on your site. Basically the best linking structure would resemble
somewhat of a pyramid where your home page is the very top of the pyramid.
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Linux Port Scanning

Listing your open ports and firewall configuration with netstat and
 iptables is a good start for staying on top of unwanted traffic, but
you may want to go a step further with Nmap Network Mapper, a program that
 scans all of the ports on a machine or network of machines, looking for
potential vulnerabilities. Nmap gives you a view from the outside and eliminates
 guessing which ports are open. Most intruders use Nmap, and you can
get it at

 Warning  If someone else controls the network that you want to Nmap or
run Nmap from, ask that person if it's all right that you do so. Network
administrators watch for port scans and delight in stomping on any machine
 that runs a scan.

Just run nmap host to run a generic scan on a host. Here's an example scan:

Starting nmap 3.30 at 2003-08-04 16:25 PDT
Interesting ports on host (
The 1636 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed
Port       State       Service
9/tcp      open        discard
13/tcp     open        daytime
22/tcp     open        ssh
37/tcp     open        time
111/tcp    open        sunrpc
113/tcp    open        auth
6000/tcp   open        X11

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address 1 host up scanned in 0.594 seconds

The host in this example probably doesn't have any kind of firewall running,
 because it has quite a few open ports.

Nmap can do much more — have a look at its manual page and the considerable online resources.

 Security Resources
Here are three good security sites: Offers training, services, a free weekly newsletter
 of the top current vulnerabilities, sample security policies, and more. A place to look for the most severe problems. This is the place to go for Nmap and pointers
 to all sorts of network exploit testing tools. It's much more open and
 specific about exploits than many other sites.

Website Domain fundamental

Electronic mail Email is a big topic. Chapters 5 and 6 talked a little about the SMTP port 25 used for mail transfer, and they briefly mentioned Postfix and qmail, the two most viable mail transfer agents (MTAs) available now. There's more behind the MTA: for example, if you want to run an IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol server, you probably want the Cyrus package.

Domain Name Service-DNS  setting up a DNS server is trickier. The most common DNS server is BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain, but a newer DNS server named djbdns is also gaining popularity.

Web servers In the Unix world, Web server usually means Apache, the most popular Web server in the world. However, many scripting languages and other tools have embedded Web server features that can aid debugging, status monitoring, and other tasks not directly related to serving Web pages to the general public.

Virtual private networks -VPNs A VPN allows you to connect several widely dispersed machines in a virtual network  for instance, a single subnet. Administrators typically create a VPN in conjunction with the IPSec protocol so that they  can disperse sensitive data that might otherwise be behind a network firewall through an encrypted network channel across a possibly insecure link.

The screen program Did you ever want to take your shell session wherever you go? You can do it with the screen program, a terminal multiplexer that supports multiple shells, disconnection, reconnection, scrollback, cut and paste, and more. This utility is a perennial favorite among seasoned Unix wizards. If you want some of the same functionality with a windowing system, check out VNC Virtual Network Computing.

DB files and DBM files When using many larger servers, you will encounter binary DB and DBM files.
 These files are very small databases that store blocks of data keyed by small strings, usually as
 some kind of hash table. For whatever reason, there are an absurd number of different DB/DBM file formats DB, GDBM, NDBM, and SDBM, to name a few. Most packages that use DBM-style files come with their own manipulation utilities for example, the postalias command that comes with Postfix, but scripting languages such as Perl include powerful interfaces that you can use if you need to do something beyond the ordinary with these database files.

Relational databases You can run the powerful MySQL and PostgreSQL database servers on Linux.
There are several commercial servers as well, but this book intentionally avoids talk of commercial software products.

RCS and CVS The Revision Control System RCS is a way to track file revisions. Originally meant for software development, many systems administrators use RCS to control important system files so that they have a record of who made each change and in theory, so that they can back out of harmful changes, though this rarely comes up in practice. The Concurrent Versions System CVS is a network-extensible revision control system that can handle several versions of the same package at once.

Pluggable Authentication Modules-PAM If you don't like the system of passwords in /etc/passwd, you can replace it  with a PAM module that supports some other scheme.

Network Information Service - NIS: NIS is a terrifying combination of RPC and DBM files, used by many systems to provide networked information such as passwd and group. It is an old system that isn't particularly robust, secure,  or pleasant, but it is supported by most Unix platforms.

Kerberos This is a powerful network authentication system.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol -LDAP: LDAP serves a bunch of data entries to network clients as NIS does, except that where NIS allows only a single key per data entry, LDAP supports a hierarchy of keys for entries. LDAP is very extensible; OpenLDAP is a popular open source LDAP server.

Network File System NFS This is the traditional method of sharing files across a network on a Unix cluster.
NFS is a somewhat clunky system that is still in use because most Unix systems support it. Plus, the alternatives  such as AFS Andrew File System, DFS Distributed File System, and 9P are too expensive, difficult to configure, and not terribly well understood.

Secure Sockets Layer-SSL: Many network servers now offer SSL support to authenticate and encrypt individual TCP connections with the same technology used for secure Web sessions. If you want to set up a server that supports SSL, be prepared to learn all about public keys, private keys, certificates, signing, and more.
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Php Form Example

Since you'll need a place for the user to enter a search query, let's begin by building a form to handle the user's input. Every form must have these basic components:

The submission type defined with the method keyword

One or more input elements defined with the input tag

The destination to go to when submitted defined with the action keyword

A simple form with a text input field called search and a submit button.

  <title>Test a Form</title>
  <form action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>"
          Search: <input type="text" name="search" />
       <input type="submit" value="Add" />

Strictly speaking, forms are defined purely by HTML, but we're using some
PHP code on line 6 to reference the super global PHP_SELF. This provides a
 shortcut to the name of the current PHP file that handles the submission
 of the form data.